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you could possibly be seen as a troll with a topic like this, what did you hope to achieve anyway?

yes bronco,

fair enough as well,

what sort of a crap question is that ? :D

the OP goes strait to the bottom of the class for this inane piece of basic correspondence. :D


cheer up bronco, :D

she'll be apples mate :o

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exactly the response our mate wanted how many posts so far?

yes ok bronco,

dont just sit there and do bugger all about it. :D

you have the power as a super moderator so how about stepping up to the plate and giving this dude the flick.

you should know this story bronco :

IF A man who has power weaken's and does not use his said power, his reign is surely to be short.

so give it a crack mate. :D

cheers bronco :o

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observing the thread, so far nothing offensive and hasnt broached any rules and being the fair minded mod I am then, so far so good :D

yes of course bronco,

i respect the fact that you must be 100% strait up, as you have an awesome responsibility to the punters. :D

alright then,

i have a brilliant idea which is cosher by all conserned parties. :D

i buy you a nice cup of tea, paid in cash to your good self, and you do the right thing by us punters. :D

your not a silly man bronco,

so i'll leave it at that. :D

cheers mate :o

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Come on Pepi! Stand up for yourself!

I can see that your lurking in here.

excuse me ashacat,

pepi has just called me,

he would like to tell all you naughty punters that he has a headache and his mommy is tucking him into bed.

sleep well pepi.

sweet dreams mate. :o

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My Can-Can has nothing to do with this topic. Oh, and I am still looking for Capt Yo-Yo.

I remember Can-Can, didn't she visit me in the cockpit on the flight to the international airport of Ban Nok?


Capt. YoYo

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