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Video: Have shakedowns on foreigners by Bangkok cops resumed?

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Well its obvious that the thonglor police unit is ready for AEC especially with their great english skills..

Isnt harrasing foreigners an national sport in Thailand ?>

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These two foreigners are two morons in my book. Do you know what happens if you stay speaking Japanese to two cops in NYC who have stopped you to see your papers? They will tell you: speak English you ass&$;:/! These two are lucky the officers were too mild and polite!

Since when non-english speakers have to speak english when they are stopped by us cops? Just curious...

Or maybe english became the only language on this planet...



These two foreigners are two morons in my book. Do you know what happens if you stay speaking Japanese to two cops in NYC who have stopped you to see your papers? They will tell you: speak English you ass&$;:/! These two are lucky the officers were too mild and polite!

Since when non-english speakers have to speak english when they are stopped by us cops? Just curious...

Or maybe english became the only language on this planet...


Or, maybe, people who travel should speak, fluently, all the official languages spoken in the countries they visit...

Interesting idea :-)


The American was a bit loud (aren't they al) but I think he did the right thing filming it , if these cops are corrupted and was looking for easy victims . But we don't know that . The location was in suk 22 or 23 so we know that they operate in this area. If it was me I would have been a bit more discreet , but I would have done the same thing recording from my smart phone or just record the sound.


I always challenge these retarded and I always win ...

That's until you don't.

Don't underestimate the cops as they can turn as and when they so wish. You sound a little too overconfident on the back of your run of good luck.

Pride comes before a fall, literally. Followed by crack over the nut with the baton just so you're reminded of your place in LOS.

It's a jungle out there.

What is our place in LOS?

Just in case I have to know it and remain in it, or keep it.?

Permitting myself to be shaken down and abused by corrupt 'officials'?

The American perhaps forgets he is not at home, where police have to have just cause....BUT.

This appears to be an incident where police have stopped a western person yet do not have the ability to communicate with him.

That is wrong.


I always challenge these retarded and I always win ...

That's until you don't.

Don't underestimate the cops as they can turn as and when they so wish. You sound a little too overconfident on the back of your run of good luck.

Pride comes before a fall, literally. Followed by crack over the nut with the baton just so you're reminded of your place in LOS.

It's a jungle out there.

What is our place in LOS?

Just in case I have to know it and remain in it, or keep it.?

Permitting myself to be shaken down and abused by corrupt 'officials'?

The American perhaps forgets he is not at home, where police have to have just cause....BUT.

This appears to be an incident where police have stopped a western person yet do not have the ability to communicate with him.

That is wrong.

I don't think this is a case of an American forgetting he is not at home since he has lived on the area for over 25 years.

Seen on its own, without knowing anything about the ppl involved, it does have all the appearances of a brash American tourist wearing a ridiculous hat on his way to Soi Cowboy with a mate however, when you know it was taken by a very experienced foreign correspondent based in BKK with many years of experience living in the region and it happened while he was with son close to where they lived it takes on a slightly different context.


If you put your hands up like that to an English copper and balled in his face, you'd have a night stick in the ribs and your arm up you back before you could say Gobby Tosser


" I am from united states of america" SO WHAT??? Your portrait yourself as an arrogant typ of foreigner...

I personally dislike that type of behavior actually!! He must have thought that coming from USA does matter!! Who the F,ck cares???


I was waiting for him to ask "Did you see the classic film The Ugly American?"


Another yank thinking he has a right to special treatment everywhere he sets foot. You're in a foreign country abide by local laws, and acting like a dik is optional but wont get you very far. Lucky he didn't get an attitude adjustment right there in soi 23. Hope they took his details and went back to his hotel to roll his cell.


These two foreigners are two morons in my book. Do you know what happens if you stay speaking Japanese to two cops in NYC who have stopped you to see your papers? They will tell you: speak English you ass&$;:/! These two are lucky the officers were too mild and polite!

For your info, English just happens to be the Language that is most recognized as the language that would be most understood in most civilized part of the world (except in Britain where they speak something nobody understands). The AEC actually has as an agenda that all participants should communicate in English, that is why the Thai government has this agenda to improve Engrish teaching in schools (and as usual nothing has happened but at least there was the mandatory announcement on the crack down on not teaching Engrish good enough in schools).

Now you come as a tourist to a country that has been a tourist destination for English speaking people for about 30 years or more, you walk down the street and come across two police officers who have just rudimentary understanding of any other Language but Thai????

What does that tell ya about the dumb <deleted> that control Thailand....????

Good post. A neighbour of mine is a retired Thai university professor who spends two mornings every weekend employed by some outfit called 'Brain Power' to teach English. He sometimes asks me for advice on grammar structure, but I can barely understand his spoken English. He complains that the government won't employ native speakers, but is as xenophobic/nationalistic as they come. I'd explained that this mindset was perhaps a contributory factor ..

As to why those who control Thailand prefer the English language not to be learned, a nice dental receptionist told me 'I love my 'papa' but I think he is wrong when he says we must not learn English'.


I agree that the western man was a bit too confrontational; however, he does have the right to inquire why he was being stopped. I wish the Thai policemen could speak English - I would be really interested in their explanation as to why the two were being stopped.

If the two sides were able to communicate - it would be a much more informative exchange.


I thought that the American asked perfectly reasonable questions of the Police. He had been stopped for some reason (may be he had broken the law) and he deserved to know why, so he would not offend again.


The american did the correct thing, nothing wrong with asking why they were being stopped, the police guy would never answer ( we intend to intimidate and shake you down for money)

If the police guys have no command of the english language then one should be asking just what were their intentions?


Post removed in all CAPS.

While we make allowances for members who do not speak English as their first language, we expect everyone to make an effort to post in a manner which allows others to understand their posts. Posts full of intentional misspellings, all caps, no caps, l33tspeak, or similar slang may be deleted in order to preserve a standard of readability. This is a forum, not an SMS or Twitter message.


Why do people think they have the right to 1.) film someone without permission and 2.) question and badger and film the police? The guy deserved to be put face down into the pavement.

I do believe the police chief said not so long ago that it is perfectly fine to film the police if they stop you.

Do you realize how you sound ? what right does the guy have to question the police ? He has every right.

Sadly that dumb cop couldn't handle someone taking a video of him and acted like a cry baby, whilst his mate acting very clever started to film them, Very cunning detective work.

If the police stopped them for a legit reason then why did they then tell them to go home without conducting their enquiries ? Might be because being filmed asking for money looks even worse than being filmed looking like a complete dick.


Why do people think they have the right to 1.) film someone without permission and 2.) question and badger and film the police? The guy deserved to be put face down into the pavement.

Why shouldn't people be allowed to video law enforcement officers who stop them? And if the police stop someone, don't they have the right to question why they're stopped? Not specifically referring to this video (although I can't work out if the guy is dumb or smart for using words like 'request' which someone with a poor grasp of English will have no chance of understanding, which of course renders the whole dialogue pointless- but maybe that was the point).

Have to say I disagree with you. I think people should be allowed to ask the police why they've been stopped. And if they feel they've been stopped without a good reason I think they should be allowed to film the encounter. I guess some people are more in favour of a police state type approach though.

In the near future, I think it will be quite normal for people to walk around and conduct their daily business with some sort of personal camera attached to record encounters -- just like cameras in vehicles. Ideally the recording would go to cloud storage, so it would do no good taking the device from somebody to prevent being exposed as the video is not stored on the device. Maybe if police and other criminals (555) knew everything was being recorded, instances of personal crime and police shakedowns would basically stop.


Another yank thinking he has a right to special treatment everywhere he sets foot. You're in a foreign country abide by local laws, and acting like a dik is optional but wont get you very far. Lucky he didn't get an attitude adjustment right there in soi 23. Hope they took his details and went back to his hotel to roll his cell.

He did abide by the local law. Acting like a dick is asking how much money the cop wants to be allowed to go on his way.

They didn't take his details, didn't you notice the cop telling him to "go home"

And you think that by fronting a bent copper, that copper then has the right to go to someone place of residence and help himself to whatever he fancies.

I expect the copper spoke English, but when asked why have you stopped me and replying "I want your money" doesn't look as good on camera as it does with no camera present.


Ignorant, loud-mouthed septic, maybe he should try being a little more polite next time and he'd probably get an answer to his question. The Thai cops should have put him on the floor, handcuffed him and dragged him off kicking and screaming, to the local police station, as would have happened if he has been that obnoxious in the good old U S of A. The authorities should immediately rescind his press pass, cancel his visa and send him back home. People like him give the rest of us a bad name. Stikboy is spot on in his article.


Ignorant, loud-mouthed septic, maybe he should try being a little more polite next time and he'd probably get an answer to his question. The Thai cops should have put him on the floor, handcuffed him and dragged him off kicking and screaming, to the local police station, as would have happened if he has been that obnoxious in the good old U S of A. The authorities should immediately rescind his press pass, cancel his visa and send him back home. People like him give the rest of us a bad name. Stikboy is spot on in his article.

Well, you can speak for yourself, but you don't speak 'for the rest of us'.

He got stopped by the usual attempted hit n' hope shakedown, he decided to stand up to it, the police backed off and gave up. Could he have been more polite? Sure. But did he his tactic work? Absolutely.

For you questioning authority means a person should be handcuffed, taken to the police station and kicked out the country. That's basically a government's wet dream of a citizen- not just one that won't step out of line but will also call out their fellow citizens if they step out of line themselves.

I'm glad there are people with a bit of backbone who are willing to stand up for themselves. I don't believe foreigners lose all rights when they enter somewhere that isn't their home country. But I'm also vaguely sympathetic to your stance because I know some people tend to lose backbone when confronted by a uniform and they can't really help it- which I guess it the whole point of a uniform anyway- to install authority over those without.


Ignorant, loud-mouthed septic, maybe he should try being a little more polite next time and he'd probably get an answer to his question. The Thai cops should have put him on the floor, handcuffed him and dragged him off kicking and screaming, to the local police station, as would have happened if he has been that obnoxious in the good old U S of A. The authorities should immediately rescind his press pass, cancel his visa and send him back home. People like him give the rest of us a bad name. Stikboy is spot on in his article.

"Septic" wow! You seem to have a big hate-on for Americans. Well, that's up you. (Ya, I know it's Cockney rhyming slang for an American, but that doesn't excuse it.)

Regardless of which nationality the people are, they are completely within their rights to record this encounter and question why they've been stopped, especially if it's an area where shakedowns are frequent. Your attitude seems to condone all authority figures to do what they wish without question, and that is dangerous attitude. Perhaps you're are or were involved in law enforcement and are trying to convince us that we should all be docile little sheep and never question a cop. Lots of cops do illegal things here and in other countries.

Ya, I didn't like it that the guy announced he was American as if that should give him special status. But let's focus on the situation rather than looking for any excuse to put down Americans. Your post come across as useless rambling when you do that.


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These two foreigners are two morons in my book. Do you know what happens if you stay speaking Japanese to two cops in NYC who have stopped you to see your papers? They will tell you: speak English you ass&$;:/! These two are lucky the officers were too mild and polite!

For your info, English just happens to be the Language that is most recognized as the language that would be most understood in most civilized part of the world (except in Britain where they speak something nobody understands). The AEC actually has as an agenda that all participants should communicate in English, that is why the Thai government has this agenda to improve Engrish teaching in schools (and as usual nothing has happened but at least there was the mandatory announcement on the crack down on not teaching Engrish good enough in schools).

Now you come as a tourist to a country that has been a tourist destination for English speaking people for about 30 years or more, you walk down the street and come across two police officers who have just rudimentary understanding of any other Language but Thai????

What does that tell ya about the dumb <deleted> that control Thailand....????

"except in Britain where they speak something nobody understands"

​That tickled me actual and very true. I have a rather broad London accent but I can understand anyone with any accent from the UK , Scots , Irish (North and south) Welsh , Scousers ,Geordies ,Makums, Brummies , Carrot Crunchers even the Monkey Hangers and they can understand me, But go overseas and talk to People with English as a second language and its a whole different kettle of fish because they've been taught English properly. English with the letter H in it. Some even open their mouth when they speak and don't shorten every word and say Haven't instead of aint.

I see in these peoples faces they generally have no idea what i am prattling on about. Malaysia was the worst because you expect them to understand you and they don't. I've lost count the amount of times I've almost had a Rage Aneurysm when on the phone to Pizza Huts Home delivery receptionists "what is your first name" "Dave" "Dive?" 'yes my first name is Dive".and it get worse as it goes on . I'll learn to speak English properly one day hopefully


Ignorant, loud-mouthed septic, maybe he should try being a little more polite next time and he'd probably get an answer to his question. The Thai cops should have put him on the floor, handcuffed him and dragged him off kicking and screaming, to the local police station, as would have happened if he has been that obnoxious in the good old U S of A. The authorities should immediately rescind his press pass, cancel his visa and send him back home. People like him give the rest of us a bad name. Stikboy is spot on in his article.

Well, you can speak for yourself, but you don't speak 'for the rest of us'.

He got stopped by the usual attempted hit n' hope shakedown, he decided to stand up to it, the police backed off and gave up. Could he have been more polite? Sure. But did he his tactic work? Absolutely.

For you questioning authority means a person should be handcuffed, taken to the police station and kicked out the country. That's basically a government's wet dream of a citizen- not just one that won't step out of line but will also call out their fellow citizens if they step out of line themselves.

I'm glad there are people with a bit of backbone who are willing to stand up for themselves. I don't believe foreigners lose all rights when they enter somewhere that isn't their home country. But I'm also vaguely sympathetic to your stance because I know some people tend to lose backbone when confronted by a uniform and they can't really help it- which I guess it the whole point of a uniform anyway- to install authority over those without.

What about the video makes you think they were attempting a shakedown?

The police in that area occasionally stop pedestrians to check their ID and perform a basic search. It's happened to me before. If you're as calm and polite to them as they are with you, it's over in 30 seconds with smiles all round. Clearly if you're a dick about it like this guy they give up and tell you to go away. I don't see any evidence of a shakedown of any kind.

Some people need to relax and stop thinking that the locals are constantly out to get them somehow.


Ignorant, loud-mouthed septic, maybe he should try being a little more polite next time and he'd probably get an answer to his question. The Thai cops should have put him on the floor, handcuffed him and dragged him off kicking and screaming, to the local police station, as would have happened if he has been that obnoxious in the good old U S of A. The authorities should immediately rescind his press pass, cancel his visa and send him back home. People like him give the rest of us a bad name. Stikboy is spot on in his article.

Do you have any idea why the guy and his son were stopped? as see it the guy was walking with his son and nothing more and has every right to ask the reason,

Its no so long ago that 3 italian tourists were kidnapped by police and held in a short time hotel ( the ransom sum was in the millions) i believe some were from thonglor police station others from lumpini, when they received a call to to warn them italian authorities had been informed and made calls the police did a runner, a search was out for them but later nothing reported,

I dont believe the 2 cops who stopped the amercan guy and his son had any intentions of law enforcement.

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