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Best meal deals in town where they feed you well with quality under 300 baht?


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So is the food at PM cafe better than Joy Enjoy?

I have been to Lindas several times but never visited Joys , maybe should try it one day.

Btw I prefer PM over Lindas , bigger portions and better selection of dishes.

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Best meal deals in town where they feed you well with quality under 300 baht?

Dear Op,

I'm just wondering how you could learn such a relatively good English, when you still need people to feed you?

I hope your parents send you to bed before 9 pm. gigglem.gif

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So is the food at PM cafe better than Joy Enjoy?

I have been to Lindas several times but never visited Joys , maybe should try it one day.

Btw I prefer PM over Lindas , bigger portions and better selection of dishes.

I prefer Joy N Joy over Lindas, so this should be interesting.

But partly because it's clear you're paying more for the fancier facility and location at Lindas.

Based on the pictures the fish cakes at Joy N Joy seem better at PM but the bacaloa dish looks better (and cheaper) at Joy N Joy.

Edited by Jingthing
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Best meal deals in town where they feed you well with quality under 300 baht?

Dear Op,

I'm just wondering how you could learn such a relatively good English, when you still need people to feed you?

I hope your parents send you to bed before 9 pm. gigglem.gif

Grammar Nazis burn in hell!

Just kidding. rolleyes.gif

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Sad to see so many posters seem to think they will try and be clever on this thread which would be more interesting but for them.

Cabbages and condoms. This is by far the best restaurant in Pattaya for me. I know the name of it is not appealing and for that reason I did not try it until I was taken there by friends. There is a short and interesting walk from the entrance to the beach side restaurant. I was going to describe it more but here's 1 picture from their website. The food is mostly Thai and cooked a little bit different than usual. It got a WOW from me for the food and the bill.


attachicon.gifcabbages and condoms.jpg

One of my favourite local haunts, perfect place for a family dinner or a date. Beautiful views and a fairly varied menu. The food costs are reasonable but the ++ puts me off a little. The Chaing Mai Chicken (Khao Soi Kauy) excuse my spelling is fantastic. Like a curried noodle soup with chicken and crispy noodles on top.

Went yesterday for the first time in years and tried the Khao Soi Gai which I had never had before an it certainly hit the WOW spot for me.

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Here is a great tip -- you can buy excellent cabbage KIMCHI by the kilo (200 baht) to go from the Korean restaurant a bit north of Big C, same side, a bit south of the food street market thing they've got there. It's much better than the Thailand made kimchi you can buy in supermarkets here. Kimchi goes with almost everything (if you like it)! I have seen imported from Korea kimchi at Villa ... but way more expensive, why spend that when there is good local stuff for sale?

You're talking about Big C North Pattaya I assume?

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Here is a great tip -- you can buy excellent cabbage KIMCHI by the kilo (200 baht) to go from the Korean restaurant a bit north of Big C, same side, a bit south of the food street market thing they've got there. It's much better than the Thailand made kimchi you can buy in supermarkets here. Kimchi goes with almost everything (if you like it)! I have seen imported from Korea kimchi at Villa ... but way more expensive, why spend that when there is good local stuff for sale?

You're talking about Big C North Pattaya I assume?


2nd road mall one.

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  • 2 weeks later...

KWAN is a nice garden restaurant, pratamnak, soi 5, gaeng massaman, for around 100.- there are lots of good restaurants in this area , going down to the sea. near adriatic hotel is a korean restaurant, with a wonderful creamy gaeng gari gai, 120,- (chicken, potatoes, onions in a spicy coconutcream, one of my favorite food)
THANAPORN, soi 4, pratamnak, (near asia hotel) big menu, most under 200.
CABBAGES AND CONDOMS ,pratamnak soi 4, opposite asia hotel, a wonderful jungle-location on the beach, gaeng massaman ,around 200,-
CENTRAL festival, (soi 9,beach road) in the basement, they have hundreds of dishes, all styles, all prices, with foto and showcase, ideal for beginners.(aircon, big singha 80.-)
SAILOR, pattaya beach road, soi 8, great fish-fillet with potatosalat, 120. (food there is good and cheap, because they make money mainly with drinks, hundreds of returning costumers each day.)
the nightmarket near pattayapark (pratamnak, soi 6) is also a wonderful place to eat open air. fish- and chicken-steaks, with salat, potatoes, and all kinds of dressings, for just 70 baht, big portions! (big chang also 70)

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Another vote here for Suggestions on the darkside. I had the set lunch there the other day and it was bordering on a wow after the first 2 courses, but the profiteroles for desert pushed it way over the edge... and all for 250 baht... excellent value, excellent taste, nice environment.

A contender for best burger in town which IMO delivers a wow based on the flavour alone, is at the Mediterranean Garden Resort, also on the darkside. The burgers are made from Angus beef (apparently) with various toppings available including blue cheese, which is a bit of a rarity, and served with fries, salsa and coleslaw. 295 baht if i remember right. Worth every baht...

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I have never found anything of wow factor for 300 baht in Pattaya.

I don't think it is possible.

The Thai place down in Big C North Pattaya next to Fuji is pretty good and for 300 you can get a couple of nice dishes.

The best value and best food for your money is probably one of the Hilton lunch buffets but that is 500 baht I think. For an extra 200 baht you get a whole lot more than anywhere else and you get the nice surroundings and view.

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I have never found anything of wow factor for 300 baht in Pattaya.

I don't think it is possible.

The Thai place down in Big C North Pattaya next to Fuji is pretty good and for 300 you can get a couple of nice dishes.

The best value and best food for your money is probably one of the Hilton lunch buffets but that is 500 baht I think. For an extra 200 baht you get a whole lot more than anywhere else and you get the nice surroundings and view.

It might not be possible for you. It is possible for me. Last night went back to the Korean place mentioned ... 220 baht. Banchan better than ever and somewhat different every time.

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TAEK LAEW DEE ( i think thats what you call it ) foodland , pattaya klang. best value for food i have had in pattaya ( ever ) very good hygiene and service.

IRISH ROVERS only good for breakfast , i can never finish it ( ever ) 99 baht. 2 eggs,bacon,2 sausage,2 toast,beans,potatoe,tomatoe,tea,orange.

KISS FOOD . only good now for salads, deep fried pork salad and tuna salads for 85 baht.

i used to go to robins nest soi dianna , jollies ,soi buakao and the seaside soi chaiyapoon but all their prices have really increased maybe by a third so i never go there now. i can eat better food for less back home in my country than pay their prices.

when long term and not in holiday mode i eat only at roadside noodle stands , my favourite is bottom of soi buahkao outside 7-11 kao mann gai . 30 baht.

Like irovers??? that breakfast is 129 baht now, but still good allegedly

Edited by Bernard Flint
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If you don't have anything seriously meeting the criteria ... you really don't have to bother to post.

There is no fast food / junk food place that could possibly fit in this thread.

If nothing else, it would be cool if more westerners check out the Korean place I have detailed here. They don't really expect business from westerners but believe me they are very welcoming.

What do you mean junk food? Our son thinks McDonald's is haute cuisine,and subway is like dinning at the Hilton 555 Edited by i claudius
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If you don't have anything seriously meeting the criteria ... you really don't have to bother to post.

There is no fast food / junk food place that could possibly fit in this thread.

If nothing else, it would be cool if more westerners check out the Korean place I have detailed here. They don't really expect business from westerners but believe me they are very welcoming.

What do you mean junk food? Our son thinks McDonald's is haute cuisine,and subway is like dinning at the Hilton 555

If so, I blame the parents.

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If the OP has thread guidelines, no buffets, that is fine with me. I go to Cherrys specifically on the non buffet nights and you can order off the menu and they still have a small salad bar, if you wish. You can eat for around 300 and is a good value but should be excluded from this list because it has no Wow factor.

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Some bickering posts have been removed, just for clarification, here is the first four lines of the first post:



Not so much interested in short term PROMOTIONS

Yes if you want to mention such places up to 400 baht, go for it, I am truly easy.

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the question sounds a bit like, what type of woman do you like, the tastes of everybody are different, some people love beer, others never drink it. a simple noodle soup from a popular street stall often, if not always, tastes much better than in a luxury hotel.(the bone marrow,among other things, cooked for many hours, makes the difference, 5 star hotels dont have the time for this.) some years ago a read a survey, people who only eat at luxury hotels have more ofter diarrhoe, than people ,who eat only at street-stalls,
BTW-what is quality food?- for me, it is meat without antibiotics, fish without mercury, vegetables without pesticides- you will never know, what is quality food,you can see only the cleanliness of the kitchen, and here is thailand very good.
every time, i eat a good durian, or mango, i have a WOW experience. good food has nothing to do with the price, if someone never has a wow-feeling, he is obviously too long in thailand, almost dead already.(at least his taste-buds).

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Definitely agree biting into some good durian is a WOW (for me).

Thanks for mentioning that.

I have gone kind of local though in not overdoing the durian.

It's very special treat.

I don't totally agree with you though about the wow.

If you are getting some good stuff ALL THE TIME, then the wow is going to wear off, sooner or later. Human nature. Doesn't mean you're dead.

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I think it was mentioned in an earlier post by Jingting (if so, thanks for the tip), but let me emphasize the point: wow was my reaction to the burger w/ blue cheese and two sides that I just had at The Hippopotamus at the top of Central Festival Mall. Excellent! And it cost 199 bhat plus a small tax. I have always passed this place up, but no more. Even at the normal price (the 199 baht is a special price), I would happily pay for that meal. They also have many other interesting items on the menu--definitely worth a look if you have never been there. Apparently, it has some "French connection," so one would expect the food to be pretty good.

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the question sounds a bit like, what type of woman do you like, the tastes of everybody are different, some people love beer, others never drink it. a simple noodle soup from a popular street stall often, if not always, tastes much better than in a luxury hotel.(the bone marrow,among other things, cooked for many hours, makes the difference, 5 star hotels dont have the time for this.) some years ago a read a survey, people who only eat at luxury hotels have more ofter diarrhoe, than people ,who eat only at street-stalls,

BTW-what is quality food?- for me, it is meat without antibiotics, fish without mercury, vegetables without pesticides- you will never know, what is quality food,you can see only the cleanliness of the kitchen, and here is thailand very good.

every time, i eat a good durian, or mango, i have a WOW experience. good food has nothing to do with the price, if someone never has a wow-feeling, he is obviously too long in thailand, almost dead already.(at least his taste-buds).

I would agree with 99% of your post apart from the bone marrow. Bone Marrow is now "de rigueur" in most good restaurants and certainly Michelin Starred ones in Europe

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That Austrian place on 2nd road... maybe someone can remember the name ( I forget it now).

You go out the back and choose what you want. They grill / cook it for you. Chops, sausages, steak and so much more. Have set meals too.

Always good prices for really good food.

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I think it was mentioned in an earlier post by Jingting (if so, thanks for the tip), but let me emphasize the point: wow was my reaction to the burger w/ blue cheese and two sides that I just had at The Hippopotamus at the top of Central Festival Mall. Excellent! And it cost 199 bhat plus a small tax. I have always passed this place up, but no more. Even at the normal price (the 199 baht is a special price), I would happily pay for that meal. They also have many other interesting items on the menu--definitely worth a look if you have never been there. Apparently, it has some "French connection," so one would expect the food to be pretty good.

I agree completely, I have yet to be dissappointed at that place and the blue cheese burger is also my favourite.

I hope the promotion will run a bit longer , you can't beat the value 200 + taxes. Or you could pay the same price for a McDonalds meal, up to you :)

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Hi there.

Relating to the WOW Korean food experience I previously detailed in the OP, I have a great addition.

On the menu under the soups is an item written only in Korean at 300 baht.

So asked about it and figured it must be spicy pork ribs stew, dweji galbijjim.

Well it was, and it included the lovely Korean chewy rice cakes that I love.

I asked for it very spicy and believe me, that's the way you want it.


Banchan amazing as usual, always some novel dishes in it.

Wow. Double Wow.

Get your buttsies to that Korean place, you silly billies!


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