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I am totally blank about the above. Need to build a swimming pool of 10x20m.

1) What is the standard depth?

2) What type of system is suitable with least maintenance?

3) How much is the cost?

4) Any recommended company around Bangkok area?



Try these people. They did all the filtration system on my pool (salt water) and I think they do an excellent job. The only person I've ever dealt with there is Tommy, he speaks perfect english.

I've had good service from them.

POOL-TECH CO., LTD.(Thailand HQ)
790 Pracha-Uthid Road, Samsennok,
Huay Kwang, Bangkok 10310

Tel : 0-2274-3484-6, 0-2274-4638, 0-2274-4160
Fax : 0-2274-3486 # 106 / 0-2691-3566
e-mail : [email protected]


As a rough guide, budget around 20K Baht/sqm - so in this case at 200sqm, around 4M Baht.

At this size, your options are either concrete, or vinyl liner. Both have their pros and cons. if the pool will see high traffic / commercial use, you will probably only want to consider concrete.

Depth varies - what is the audience? people who can't swim / too drunk to swim? People training for the olympic diving team? something in between?


That is a big pool if it were an average depth of 1.4m that would be 280 cubic metres plus 10% if you were to have a balance tank. At that size you need a specialist contractor not just any old pool builder.

Your first port of call would be a good civil engineer. to get all the calcs done for you, concrete, reinforcing etc, type of cement etc.


He,he,;I I was 68 years old when I build my own pool all by myself, 4 years ago.25x3x1.5 meter,all concreat and some iron.Digged a hole with traktor and spade,made walls and bottom,put a roof over it all by iron and net.Still works fine with some clorin now and then,change water every 3-4 months.Use it every day.Cost about 80ooo-100000 Baht.It was a very good workout,especially mixing the concreat....


is your pool above ground or inground ?

water circulation is of the utmost importance for a pool to operate correctly

theres many clowns around who think they know , but really dont

get sombody who knows

personally i prefer a salt system and if in the budget an automatic dosing system as well

that along with an automatic pool cleaning robot and your pool maintanance is just about as low as you will get



samuibruno: If your question is for me: It is inground ("digged a hole...."). For watercirculation: I have a pump,don`t remember the name,but the long body sort,at one end of the pool.It stays inside a small "room" with waterintake at the top.Lead the water through PVC to the other end,where it sprouts out. To be honest,this pool is not of the touristtype,so to speak;wouldn`t win any competision in beaty,but it serves it`s purpose,which is giving me a place to cool down and exercise by swimming. The net I mentioned,is all around the sides as well,so it is free from various animals,leafs and so on. It has one more thing,that can`t be bought;my satisfaction of having build it myself,without any special knowledge of this kind of work!


Still works fine with some clorin now and then,change water every 3-4 months.

if you're emptying the water every few months, it's probably more of a pond than a pool :P


is your pool above ground or inground ?

water circulation is of the utmost importance for a pool to operate correctly

theres many clowns around who think they know , but really dont

get sombody who knows

personally i prefer a salt system and if in the budget an automatic dosing system as well

that along with an automatic pool cleaning robot and your pool maintanance is just about as low as you will get


That size pool will need a decent filtration and circulation system with correctly sized pipework.. Is it for home use you and your family or commercial use i.e. hotel guest house?


Really appreciate ALL for those replies.

Sappers rest: It is for student apartments of about 500 rooms.


So it is basically going to get hammered especially in the hot season, Especially during peak times after class evenings etc.So careful consideration will have to be given to the pool circulation system,, with regards to distribution, and pool turn over time.

What you want is something like a typical school pool I can tell you from previous experience and having trained many people looking after these facilities, a total of at least 3 man hours per day will be required.I am not sure that you would be able to run it as a salt pool you would need a very large unit, however a phone call to a company in Australia called Compu Pool would put you right, on that If say you are looking at 300 cubic meters, with a turn over time of 2.5 hours the flow rate would be 120 cubic meters per hour 5 hours would be 60 and so on.I would recommend for your pool 2.5 hour turn over,all depends on your daily bathing load as well.The flow rate is a very important figure as it will determine your pipe/filter sizes disinfection etc.6-7 square meters of filter area would suffice for that type of pool do not get pushed into high rate filtration, it may be cheaper but you will regret it.Of course a deck level pool with balance tank would be best.

Be careful with automatic pool hoovers there is a well known brand, they are big trouble for the end user I used to sell them in the UK but after one year they started to be problamatic.

Auto controllers are good but again choose well do not get a chlorine controller that works on redox potential (HRR) Cheap but not user friendly also not that good with cynuric acid ( chlorine stabiliser max 30ppm)


He,he,;I I was 68 years old when I build my own pool all by myself, 4 years ago.25x3x1.5 meter,all concreat and some iron.Digged a hole with traktor and spade,made walls and bottom,put a roof over it all by iron and net.Still works fine with some clorin now and then,change water every 3-4 months.Use it every day.Cost about 80ooo-100000 Baht.It was a very good workout,especially mixing the concreat....

Like your style Bosse.With a bit a planning anything can be done,cheap.4million one poster said,4 times the price of a decent house.


He,he,;I I was 68 years old when I build my own pool all by myself, 4 years ago.25x3x1.5 meter,all concreat and some iron.Digged a hole with traktor and spade,made walls and bottom,put a roof over it all by iron and net.Still works fine with some clorin now and then,change water every 3-4 months.Use it every day.Cost about 80ooo-100000 Baht.It was a very good workout,especially mixing the concreat....

Like your style Bosse.With a bit a planning anything can be done,cheap.4million one poster said,4 times the price of a decent house.

Yeah, but he has a pond, not a pool. Nothing really wrong with that, if that's what you want ;) .. I'm going to guess the OP is looking for something with correct sanitation so that he doesn't need to replace 300,000 Litres of water and put his pool out of service for a couple of weeks every few months ;)


He,he,;I I was 68 years old when I build my own pool all by myself, 4 years ago.25x3x1.5 meter,all concreat and some iron.Digged a hole with traktor and spade,made walls and bottom,put a roof over it all by iron and net.Still works fine with some clorin now and then,change water every 3-4 months.Use it every day.Cost about 80ooo-100000 Baht.It was a very good workout,especially mixing the concreat....

Like your style Bosse.With a bit a planning anything can be done,cheap.4million one poster said,4 times the price of a decent house.

Yeah, but he has a pond, not a pool. Nothing really wrong with that, if that's what you want wink.png .. I'm going to guess the OP is looking for something with correct sanitation so that he doesn't need to replace 300,000 Litres of water and put his pool out of service for a couple of weeks every few months wink.png

I know of many pools where they don't have to drain to replace the water. They just have to leave open the tab a little 24/7 to keep the water level.


He,he,;I I was 68 years old when I build my own pool all by myself, 4 years ago.25x3x1.5 meter,all concreat and some iron.Digged a hole with traktor and spade,made walls and bottom,put a roof over it all by iron and net.Still works fine with some clorin now and then,change water every 3-4 months.Use it every day.Cost about 80ooo-100000 Baht.It was a very good workout,especially mixing the concreat....

Like your style Bosse.With a bit a planning anything can be done,cheap.4million one poster said,4 times the price of a decent house.

Yeah, but he has a pond, not a pool. Nothing really wrong with that, if that's what you want wink.png .. I'm going to guess the OP is looking for something with correct sanitation so that he doesn't need to replace 300,000 Litres of water and put his pool out of service for a couple of weeks every few months wink.png

I know of many pools where they don't have to drain to replace the water. They just have to leave open the tab a little 24/7 to keep the water level.

Well if you have a clean water supply that can pump water in as fast as what your main pump can pump it out with the filter on 'waste', it's no so much of a problem.. except you then will need to spends a few days, and a few thousand Baht, balancing the chemistry all over again wink.png

I do have to wonder where you'd be able to dump 300,000L of nasty water though :P


Well,it might be correct to call it a "pond",but that is nothing I reflect on when swimming in it...Admittedly,it would not have the style to live up to expectations in OP`s case.Must add,though,that it takes me just a couple of days to empty,clean and refill the pool,eh..,sorry,pond.


He,he,;I I was 68 years old when I build my own pool all by myself, 4 years ago.25x3x1.5 meter,all concreat and some iron.Digged a hole with traktor and spade,made walls and bottom,put a roof over it all by iron and net.Still works fine with some clorin now and then,change water every 3-4 months.Use it every day.Cost about 80ooo-100000 Baht.It was a very good workout,especially mixing the concreat....

Like your style Bosse.With a bit a planning anything can be done,cheap.4million one poster said,4 times the price of a decent house.

i suspect we differ greatly in our definition of "Decent" houses.


I became curious from IMHO`s statement that my pool is not a pool but a pond,so I consulted Cambridge Dictionaries.Answer: "A swimmingpool is an artificial area of water for swimming". Other dictionaries have answers along the same line.Most mention concreat.So,if I can belive these dictionaries,I actually have a swimminpool!!! Although,pond would be good enough for me;I`m no snobb..


I became curious from IMHO`s statement that my pool is not a pool but a pond,so I consulted Cambridge Dictionaries.Answer: "A swimmingpool is an artificial area of water for swimming". Other dictionaries have answers along the same line.Most mention concreat.So,if I can belive these dictionaries,I actually have a swimminpool!!! Although,pond would be good enough for me;I`m no snobb..

Don't get me wrong - if your' happy with it, that's all that matters :) I do have to say that I'm a little concerned for your own health if the water gets so bad you need to drain and refill it that often though - you should never need to empty a pool with properly designed and maintained sanitation systems - except for maintenance of the pool surface itself (fixing grout, replacing tiles, replacing liners etc).

The OP here is talking about a commercial pool that has people from 500 rooms that will be using it though - if anyone thinks he can make that standard of pool, in the size he wants, for less than 4M Baht, they don't understand the requirements involved ;)


The natural swimming pool is starting to become a popular concept in Europe,

and starting to take off in the US. Google natural swimming pools. If only you and your immediate family are using it I would think it would be ok especially if you are looking at reed bed filtration.Not to sure how it would work in a hot humid climate though.

A definite no for a hotel or other public facility . Could be a market out there for someone?


To build a decent commercial sized pool would cost around 4-5 million at a reasonable guestimate .A fully speced plant room to european standards would be around 1M,of course you could get it done cheaper ,but if I were bidding for a budget that's what I would go for.

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