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Traffic light offence - How would you react?

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Cant You ferangs leave Thais alone.Why not go shout at Amazonian Tribes.. You came here, no one forced You.Perhaps the Nanny State is better for you after all. Lost licence 1 year exceeding 70 MPH money not safety limit 5 times on desert road in USA. I love this place.instant justice.thumbsup.gif

Thats a highly flawed argument when Thai's have exactly the same complaints and stories...

Whether we (Foreigners) are here or not the BiB will still be behaving the same. So, on a Web forum we tell stories, bitch and moan... Its not bashing Thai's, its bashing the Police in Thailand which is also a favourite pastime on Thai forums such as Panthip.

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....do you think this would have happened if you were Thai....

One of the common misconceptions by Foreigners in Thailand is that we are commonly targeted by the BiB... In a car this is not the case....

I can attest to being waved through numerous traffic stops, the BiB simply aren't interested in me. But, when stopped for speeding, red light running or another traffic infringement we are fair game, the same as any other road user Thai or Westerner.

When the BiB are 'trying it on' they won't be target specific, they'll try it on with almost any motorist, perhaps not the expensive cars as the driver is more likely to be 'connected'

On the Thai forums there are examples of Thai drivers being pulled over for running a red light when their dash-cam shows the light was green, one specific example I remember (but I can't find the link) shows a fairly lengthy argument between the Thai driver and the Police officer who attempted obtain a fine (bribe) by pulling the red light trick.

The only contradiction to the general rule that the BiB are not specifically interested in us or target foreigners are the Thonglor Police who've been stopping and searching foreigners on the streets.

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7 years in Thailand been thru countless checkstops and was "fined" one time for no helmet. But never once felt unsafe. Back in the good old US of A and almost feel like never sitting behind the wheel of a vehicle. Live in a small town but the local police make it well known to not cross them. Hate to think how I would feel if i were not Caucasian!

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When dealing with police it doesn't matter if you're right and wrong, what matters is if you make the policeman feel important or not.

Do you really think if you show the video clip of you running the green light that he'll feel important?

Instead just apologise and say you thought it was green, and ask the kind hearted police officer to forgive you.

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A friend never pays even if he is in the wrong. The B.I.B. usually give up trying to get money off him after a few minutes and let him go. The reason being is that while they waste time arguing they are losing easy money from numerous other motorists. Sometimes he even gets to the police station and refuses to pay when usually a senior officer lets him go also as it is a waste of time trying to get blood out of a stone.

I would have refused to pay, web cam or not, as they usually give up unless there are easy pickings.

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He's an (DELETED) He should have demanded the ticket and gone to court. You have a right to trial, and if he had proof, he may have won (assuming an honest judge). Of course, he may have a hard time proving that he did not make his film moments after the ticket.

He may also have been able to take his cam and resolved the matter at the police station.

Many times, when I have refused to pay anything and demanded the ticket, the cop has just told me to move on. Your friend was way to quick in disgorging his cash.

Edited by seedy
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I would and have in the past argued...

One offence - I was stopped because my Tax was out of date... I was sure I was correct... I argued that my Tax expired in 3 months time, I kept arguing, the officer was laughing and arguing back, I was laughing and counter argued... After a few mins of back and forth I got out of my car and checked my Tax sticker in the Window... Whoops!!! I was wrong, my Tax had expired by 3 months !!!! The officer wanted a 400 baht fine... I said no way, he gets 100B or write me a ticket, he wanted 200 baht... I gave him 100 Baht, thanked him for spotting my mistake and drove off... While I was driving off he was still saying 200 baht.. 200 baht !!, but also laughing...

Another offence: I was flagged for speeding - they couldn't tell me what the speed limit is, they also couldn't tell me how fast I was going but insisted that a hidden Speed Camera some KM's back had spotted me speeding. I argued that if they knew I was speeding they could tell me how fast I was going... they couldn't. I got a bit peeved and told them not to waste my time, either charge me for speeding and write me a ticket or let me go. They let me go after telling me to drive safely !...

What would I have done if I was the OP ?: I would have argued, showed the Camera and refused to pay - Sometimes in situations such as this principle is paramount.

Some guys do get a little flustered when dealing with the BiB over here, I don't know why, they are just people.

Agree with all you say excepting the last bit....you don't know why people get flustered when dealing with the police?....they are just people...sure...a slight difference though....these ones have the power to lock you up.

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Maybe a flawed argument in BKK Richard,even in C,M. but Thais are happy to pay a bribe, and so am i. No Court ,No penalty points. Plus i find out of town Cops are rather fair, if you keep your trap SHUT and dont wave those stupid cameras at them,,, biggrin.png .

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When I worked on the East car at Chichester back in the late seventies.. We stopped a car which was being driven erratically and somewhat hesitantly on the A27. It had gone round a roundabout a couple of times and speed varied as well.

In those days we overtook hit the light bar with the stop sign and flagged people to pull over.

They pulled over and I picked up my document board and got out to go and speak to the driver.... I was amazed to find an elderly couple standing outside their vehicle with their hands on the roof.

Woah.... We don't do that here.... Please get back in the car while I talk with you.... Turned out they were a lovely American couple from some shitkicking redneck state who had hired a car at Gatwick Airport and were a bit lost.

We took them back to the station for a cup of tea and a set of maps to help them on their trip.

That's a pretty good joke.

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Twice in the last week I have been pulled for allegedly changing lanes to go to the toll booths at rama 2 near ban khae (coming from hua hin) first time I was asked for 2000 thb. Paid 300 after various threats second time I was extra cautious to make sure I went to the booth nearest my lane. Bingo, pulled again. I argued and after a couple of minutes got away with it. Anyway being pulled here is a new one to me. Be vigilant peeps

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7 years in Thailand been thru countless checkstops and was "fined" one time for no helmet. But never once felt unsafe. Back in the good old US of A and almost feel like never sitting behind the wheel of a vehicle. Live in a small town but the local police make it well known to not cross them. Hate to think how I would feel if i were not Caucasian!

You should have felt "unsafe" not wearing a helmet. Whatever the "fine" was it was not enough.

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Maybe a flawed argument in BKK Richard,even in C,M. but Thais are happy to pay a bribe, and so am i. No Court ,No penalty points. Plus i find out of town Cops are rather fair, if you keep your trap SHUT and dont wave those stupid cameras at them,,, biggrin.png .

Yep, fair enough...

I was stopped in between Khon Kaen and Chumpae for being in the outside lane. Of course I was, I'd just over taken a lorry !!!, the BiB accepted the explanation / argument (Polite). I was then asked if I liked Liverpool, I asked the BiB if he liked Liverpool, he did... I counted that Liverpool were no good, Manchester utd are a better team (I support neither) but enjoyed the playful windup... the BiB laughed and waved me along.

It does depend on the attitude. Usually the BiB area always polite, there is no reason to be impolite to them even if they are trying it on. It's just a game, they are just people. Contrary to what someone else has said, they can't and won't lock you up for driving a car. Some guys are way too paranoid.

I haven't been stopped in the past 3 years, since I've had dash-cams in the car. However, if pulled up for a fictitious traffic infringement I wouldn't hesitate just to point at the cam and ask if they'd like to check footage. The BiB know very well when they are playing the game but sometimes they may make genuine mistakes.

I certainly wouldn't be too quick to handover payment for nothing. However, in the past when I have made a mistake I've had no issue just paying an 'on the spot' fine instead of handing in my licence and having to collect it the next day.

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Twice in the last week I have been pulled for allegedly changing lanes to go to the toll booths at rama 2 near ban khae (coming from hua hin) first time I was asked for 2000 thb. Paid 300 after various threats second time I was extra cautious to make sure I went to the booth nearest my lane. Bingo, pulled again. I argued and after a couple of minutes got away with it. Anyway being pulled here is a new one to me. Be vigilant peeps

Thanks for the heads up... that should save a handful of people who've read this thread from facing issues.

BTW: There is nothing wrong with changing lanes in queuing traffic if the lane markers are broken (white line between lanes are dashed). But you can't cross the unbroken white line (solid white line between lanes).

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Twice in the last week I have been pulled for allegedly changing lanes to go to the toll booths at rama 2 near ban khae (coming from hua hin) first time I was asked for 2000 thb. Paid 300 after various threats second time I was extra cautious to make sure I went to the booth nearest my lane. Bingo, pulled again. I argued and after a couple of minutes got away with it. Anyway being pulled here is a new one to me. Be vigilant peeps

Thanks for the heads up... that should save a handful of people who've read this thread from facing issues.

BTW: There is nothing wrong with changing lanes in queuing traffic if the lane markers are broken (white line between lanes are dashed). But you can't cross the unbroken white line (solid white line between lanes).

Some of the lanes have no lines

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Twice in the last week I have been pulled for allegedly changing lanes to go to the toll booths at rama 2 near ban khae (coming from hua hin) first time I was asked for 2000 thb. Paid 300 after various threats second time I was extra cautious to make sure I went to the booth nearest my lane. Bingo, pulled again. I argued and after a couple of minutes got away with it. Anyway being pulled here is a new one to me. Be vigilant peeps

Thanks for the heads up... that should save a handful of people who've read this thread from facing issues.

BTW: There is nothing wrong with changing lanes in queuing traffic if the lane markers are broken (white line between lanes are dashed). But you can't cross the unbroken white line (solid white line between lanes).

Some of the lanes have no lines

Oh... It seems that the BiB have been making up their own infringements !!... I imagine that arguing with them against imaginary laws becomes quite difficult !!!

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I have driven hundreds of thousand of km around Thailand and the only place I ever seem to get stopped by the police is Bangkok.

Sometimes I have been stopped for speeding and I'm just not sure if I was speeding or not, in such circumstances I pay up.

On at least 4 occasions I have been stopped for speeding when I am 100% sure I was not speeding, on these occasions i stand my ground in a firm but polite manner and simply refuse to pay and make it clear that the officer is mistaken and I was not speeding. On every one of those occasions after a while they have just waved me on.

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What would I have done if I was the OP ?: I would have argued, showed the Camera and refused to pay - Sometimes in situations such as this principle is paramount.

Some guys do get a little flustered when dealing with the BiB over here, I don't know why, they are just people.

I find the Thai traffic police much easier to deal with than

1 The British police (overly officious)

2 The American Police (quite frankly frightening)

3 The Israeli police (who point a machine gun at your face)

I feel (rightly or wrongly) that the British police will always find some offence to book me with, and the American police may well shoot and kill me if any disagreement were to occur. The Israeli police let me go, after discussion, but their behavior (and gun positioning) while speaking to me, makes me poop my pants.

As RS says the Thai police act like normal human beings and I have no problems interacting with them.

Yes, when I was a great deal younger I found the police in Chicago sometimes stopped me for dubious reasons. Pretty sure they targeted younger people. On the other side of that, I have an Irish surname and worked for the city government, which (back then at least) usually got me off with a warning.

One time I stopped on an expressway because some police were beating a Black driver. He had committed the horrendous crime of having a smoking exhaust. I wanted to protest what they were doing. At least they stopped hitting him. Although I was parked off the road the only thing they could think to do to me was issue me a moving violation. When I went to court there were about 50 cops sitting there and they all sat up when my case came up,

I explained what happened, the prosecutor started whining and the judge told him to be quiet because I was going to be guilty anyway. Really. I paid the fine. I kept the ticket I was issued as a souvenir. It was stained with blood from the guy they were beating.

The police in Thailand are pussy cats compared to some places I've lived. A certain country in southern Africa was the worst.

In the UAE it was cameras. When you went to renew your car registration they just announced you were being fined for speeding sometime in the past year based on a photo. I suppose you could take issue with it, but never worth the bother even if you had never been where the alleged violation took place.

Edited by Suradit69
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Years ago I was driving my Willy s jeep with a friend as passenger on Silom Rd. at night towards Lumpini park, and when we crossed the lights, they jumped on orange / Yellow...as this is a big intersection when we got to the other side a policeman on a motorbike indicated me to pull over...so I did....he came to me and said in Thai that I had jumped the red light. and I had to pay 500 Bth... I played the stupid Farang that can not speak Thai, (I stupidly wanted to impress my friend) and I told the policeman in English that it was orange when I crossed...he said 400,.... I told him the same story again.....he said 300....I told him the story again....he said ...200....it went down to 100,..and I stupidly told him the story again.....and he jumped on he's bike and left.....We drove off laughing to my friend's guest-house around Khao San....

To be honest, I felt bad about it, I should have given him the 100 because he deserved it....and now some 20 Years later I still feel a bit guilty about it....

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Years ago I was driving my Willy s jeep with a friend as passenger on Silom Rd. at night towards Lumpini park, and when we crossed the lights, they jumped on orange / Yellow...as this is a big intersection when we got to the other side a policeman on a motorbike indicated me to pull over...so I did....he came to me and said in Thai that I had jumped the red light. and I had to pay 500 Bth... I played the stupid Farang that can not speak Thai, (I stupidly wanted to impress my friend) and I told the policeman in English that it was orange when I crossed...he said 400,.... I told him the same story again.....he said 300....I told him the story again....he said ...200....it went down to 100,..and I stupidly told him the story again.....and he jumped on he's bike and left.....We drove off laughing to my friend's guest-house around Khao San....

To be honest, I felt bad about it, I should have given him the 100 because he deserved it....and now some 20 Years later I still feel a bit guilty about it....

Why did you think the BiB deserved 100 baht ?....

As I understand it, you should stop on an Amber Traffic light unless safe to do so, thus, with cars following so close behind an accident may caused by slamming on the anchors on a yellow light.

More often than not, in this situation the BiB are just chancing it


Another Thai Driving Anecdote:

I always use my seatbelts and insist my passengers to do.

Some 15 years ago (or so) the seatbelt law was introduced to Thailand with a B2000 penalty for those not wearing seatbelts.

I was driving past the World Trade Centre (Central World), turning right onto Petchaburi road when the BiB flagged me down.

I was with a Work Colleague (South American lady) – the BiB demanded 2000 baht because she wasn’t wearing her seatbelt. However, she was, I’d asked her to put it on as we set off earlier.

This lady became nervous, grabbed her purse and pulled out 2000 baht. She was about to hand it straight to the BiB. I took it out of her hand, told the BiB that she has her seatbelt on, what other charge is he going to try?.... he hesitated so I just drove off.

Perhaps a little silly to drive off, but it was obvious to us both that he was simply chancing his luck.

Edited by richard_smith237
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one time at a right turn at the lights, it turend orange

wife drove on anyway

police tried to stop the car, as they did for many others

the "poor" guy don't know my wife, she almost run over him

she is not warmhearted for this kind of scam

tought they would chase her

but it is just easier for them to wait 90 more seconds and are sure to earn some more scam money

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one time at a right turn at the lights, it turend orange

wife drove on anyway

police tried to stop the car, as they did for many others

the "poor" guy don't know my wife, she almost run over him

she is not warmhearted for this kind of scam

tought they would chase her

but it is just easier for them to wait 90 more seconds and are sure to earn some more scam money

Where is the scam?

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I've mentioned this a couple of times before, but I like to dust it off every now and then. English guy (I knew who he was, but never met) gets stopped while driving home. Everything legit - car ok, no rules broken. Gets a ticket and license taken away. Gets home in a funk and shows wifey the ticket - not wearing a helmet. I have no idea what happened when he went to the cop shop to get his license back.

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He hadn't and he knew it. His Thai wife also confirmed that. What's more he had a dash cam and he was sure that he could prove his case, but he fumbled with the camera because he was nervous and in frustration, gave up and paid the fine

. . I'm sure he's still so nervous and frustrated that he can't post by his own. Is he still fumbling with his camera, or is it his wife now?

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