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Thailand's Yingluck faces trial and political ruin

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It's just a witch hunt for being on the wrong side. Like Stanley Weiss said in his recent article: "When 190 of 200 legislators in the military-stacked assembly later voted to impeach Yingluck for "dereliction of duty" over the rice subsidy -- which the analyst David Merkel dryly notes is "akin to impeaching a U.S. president over an ethanol subsidy, pork barrel spending, or a dairy program" -- Yingluck rightly declared, "Democracy has died in Thailand today, along with the rule of law."

Thailand is a police state so this kind of thing happens.


It's just a witch hunt for being on the wrong side. Like Stanley Weiss said in his recent article: "When 190 of 200 legislators in the military-stacked assembly later voted to impeach Yingluck for "dereliction of duty" over the rice subsidy -- which the analyst David Merkel dryly notes is "akin to impeaching a U.S. president over an ethanol subsidy, pork barrel spending, or a dairy program" -- Yingluck rightly declared, "Democracy has died in Thailand today, along with the rule of law."

Thailand is a police state so this kind of thing happens.


A dark grim Police state


Political Ruin ?

Does she really want a political career ?

in the medium to long term it could be the political making of her.

Imprisonment, if it comes to that, is unlikely, in her case to be an unduly onerous experience. It will ensure that when the junta hands over power/ is forced from power she is in a prime position to come back.

A ban from politics, isued under a military junta is unlikely to survive in an environment where Pheu Thai or whatever succeeds them is in power, with popular support.

Do you really think she ever wanted or still wants to be a career politician?

More likely, should the clan ever manage to get back in control, she'll be put in another position her brother deems necessary. Might be PM or DM or FM or whatever. Simply filling the key positions with trusted puppets, lackeys, cronies and most importantly family members who will do as told - without and conscience or ethics. The usual Thaksin hierarchy. She's never shown any interest or capability to do any real work.

Pheu Thai tried granting all the clan and their owner complete amnesty before. Maybe they are arrogant enough to try again.

I don't know whether she has ambitions for continuing her political career.

I do suspect that there may be more about her, both in ambition, ability and determination than many here think. That's all. I may be wrong. Time will tell.


Yingluck is not accused of corruption but of failing to prevent alleged graft within the programme, which cost billions of dollars and galvanised the protests that eventually felled her elected government leading to last May's coup.


So now for the first time in history, they are actually going to hold "someone" accountable....

Such a terrible thing that is done, it must be a foreigner done it...... No Thai would do such a terrible thing........

Im no fan of the shopping crazed woman that acted as a PM on her brothers behalf.... BUT this is too stupid even for Thailand...

Criminal Negligence cheesy.gifcheesy.gif this in a country where you cant trust anybody (even family) as far as you can throw them....cheesy.gif


TIT wai2.gif

The truth is she is going to take the fall for her brother, she had no business getting herself into the position in the first place, she should have remained a happy shopper salon tripper shoe collector.

Maybe her brother will do the right thing and return and face the music


Yingluck is not accused of corruption but of failing to prevent alleged graft within the programme, which cost billions of dollars and galvanised the protests that eventually felled her elected government leading to last May's coup.


So now for the first time in history, they are actually going to hold "someone" accountable....

Such a terrible thing that is done, it must be a foreigner done it...... No Thai would do such a terrible thing........

Im no fan of the shopping crazed woman that acted as a PM on her brothers behalf.... BUT this is too stupid even for Thailand...

Criminal Negligence cheesy.gifcheesy.gif this in a country where you cant trust anybody (even family) as far as you can throw them....cheesy.gif


TIT wai2.gif

The truth is she is going to take the fall for her brother, she had no business getting herself into the position in the first place, she should have remained a happy shopper salon tripper shoe collector.

Maybe her brother will do the right thing and return and face the music

It's all so simple for the Thaksin haters.............

Bit like EU immigration policy, the rules of VAT and who got Diana.

Why do a vociferous few on here, have such vehement hatred for Thaksin and the Thai electorate ??

Sincere question.


That would have to be the biggest load of bias garbage that AFP have ever produced.

For a start only18 % of poor farmers qualified for the scheme.

The scheme has left rice farmers deeper in debt than they have ever been.

The protests were not about the rice pledging scheme they were over the amnesty bill and the rampant corruption within the PT Govt.

From there on it gets worse and worse.

The corrupt and those negligent in the their duty to the country and people they pledge to serve must be shown that they are accountable to the law of the land.

Bringing Yingluck and those around her to account for the rice pledging scheme is only the first step in this and it must be carried on to show those who would enter politics in the future that they can and will be held accountable for their actions or inactions.

You say this about AFP all the time you're about as predictable as the Sunday junta polls ?

when everything he has stated is proven and true its hard not too, maybe if they printed the truth instead of the red propaganda it woudnt be so bad, would be nice to read what really happened and not what the reds/shins claim happened


Yingluck is not accused of corruption but of failing to prevent alleged graft within the programme, which cost billions of dollars and galvanised the protests that eventually felled her elected government leading to last May's coup.


So now for the first time in history, they are actually going to hold "someone" accountable....

Such a terrible thing that is done, it must be a foreigner done it...... No Thai would do such a terrible thing........

Im no fan of the shopping crazed woman that acted as a PM on her brothers behalf.... BUT this is too stupid even for Thailand...

Criminal Negligence cheesy.gifcheesy.gif this in a country where you cant trust anybody (even family) as far as you can throw them....cheesy.gif


TIT wai2.gif

The truth is she is going to take the fall for her brother, she had no business getting herself into the position in the first place, she should have remained a happy shopper salon tripper shoe collector.

Maybe her brother will do the right thing and return and face the music

It's all so simple for the Thaksin haters.............

Bit like EU immigration policy, the rules of VAT and who got Diana.

Why do a vociferous few on here, have such vehement hatred for Thaksin and the Thai electorate ??

Sincere question.

It could be something to do with the way he governed. The killing of 2400 without trial in his so called drugs war plus the 80 or so who suffocated in southern police trucks.

He stuffed his government with friends and family.

The man and his kin thought Thailand was their piggy bank.


That would have to be the biggest load of bias garbage that AFP have ever produced.

For a start only18 % of poor farmers qualified for the scheme.

The scheme has left rice farmers deeper in debt than they have ever been.

The protests were not about the rice pledging scheme they were over the amnesty bill and the rampant corruption within the PT Govt.

From there on it gets worse and worse.

The corrupt and those negligent in the their duty to the country and people they pledge to serve must be shown that they are accountable to the law of the land.

Bringing Yingluck and those around her to account for the rice pledging scheme is only the first step in this and it must be carried on to show those who would enter politics in the future that they can and will be held accountable for their actions or inactions.

You say this about AFP all the time you're about as predictable as the Sunday junta polls ?

Come on Fatty, he has a point, anyone who has ever read the one-sided rubbish AFP churns out would be forgiven for thinking AFP belonged to Thaksin himself.

The obviously biased poll results are not worth the paper they are written on either.

Giving out these ridiculous opinions and poll results does not change the facts, alter the truth. It just makes some easily fooled people warm and fuzzy for a while.

Very hard to find an impartial view on politics whether you are in Thailand or anywhere else on this fickle planet.

It's all so simple for the Thaksin haters.............

Bit like EU immigration policy, the rules of VAT and who got Diana.

Why do a vociferous few on here, have such vehement hatred for Thaksin and the Thai electorate ??

Sincere question.

Are you really that stupid that you think anyone who hates Thaksin also hates the Thai electorate ?

Sincere question................(sarc)


Yingluck is not accused of corruption but of failing to prevent alleged graft within the programme, which cost billions of dollars and galvanised the protests that eventually felled her elected government leading to last May's coup.


So now for the first time in history, they are actually going to hold "someone" accountable....

Such a terrible thing that is done, it must be a foreigner done it...... No Thai would do such a terrible thing........

Im no fan of the shopping crazed woman that acted as a PM on her brothers behalf.... BUT this is too stupid even for Thailand...

Criminal Negligence cheesy.gifcheesy.gif this in a country where you cant trust anybody (even family) as far as you can throw them....cheesy.gif


TIT wai2.gif

The truth is she is going to take the fall for her brother, she had no business getting herself into the position in the first place, she should have remained a happy shopper salon tripper shoe collector.

Maybe her brother will do the right thing and return and face the music

It's all so simple for the Thaksin haters.............

Bit like EU immigration policy, the rules of VAT and who got Diana.

Why do a vociferous few on here, have such vehement hatred for Thaksin and the Thai electorate ??

Sincere question.

It could be something to do with the way he governed. The killing of 2400 without trial in his so called drugs war plus the 80 or so who suffocated in southern police trucks.

He stuffed his government with friends and family.

The man and his kin thought Thailand was their piggy bank.

It is a mystery why foreigners have yielded to the Thaksin hating cult.I understand why privileged Thais loathe him and I partly understand why the mainly Sino Thai middle class take the same view.Be clear this is not the same as strong disapproval which is the stance of many sensible people towards Thaksin.I am talking of the foaming at mouth type of hatred.

The examples you give are fatuous and it is slightly surprising that even now the drugs war and and atrocities on the South are given as reasons for the Establishment turning against Thaksin.Still against stupidity the gods themselves struggle in vain.

The hatred of Thaksin is because he shifted the levers of power away from the old elite of feudalists, army and old style Chinese tycoons.What we are seeing now is a rearguard action but the long term outcome is beyond doubt.

None of this means Thaksin was an admirable man.If he hadn't explored the situation, another clever politician would have done so.The biggest stupidity of the cultists is that they confuse the symptom (Thaksin) with the cause - the selfishness, greed and authoritarianism of the dying establishment class.


It's just a witch hunt for being on the wrong side. Like Stanley Weiss said in his recent article: "When 190 of 200 legislators in the military-stacked assembly later voted to impeach Yingluck for "dereliction of duty" over the rice subsidy -- which the analyst David Merkel dryly notes is "akin to impeaching a U.S. president over an ethanol subsidy, pork barrel spending, or a dairy program" -- Yingluck rightly declared, "Democracy has died in Thailand today, along with the rule of law."

Thailand is a police state so this kind of thing happens.


A dark grim Police state

Absolutely! Imagine a politician, an elected Prime Minister being asked to show responsibility and accountability for a 'self-financing' scheme that only lost 700 billion Baht. Don't they realise she didn't really mean it when she stated in parliament to be in charge ?


Some people here may Harbor hatreds and accuse her of being an evil decietful person , and feel the judicial process ahead will be balanced and Just.

Others will see a bias and difficult process where the verdict is pre- ordained to be Guilty.

Either way it's likely the outcome for her will not be nice.

YS came to Australia and was very warmly received and respected.

Australia bans all the current Thai government from setting foot in this country.

America had its leader meet here in Bangkok for a state dinner and she seemed thrilled to host Obama.

She isn't perceived unfavourably in the international community.

Depmestically , she is adored and her inner workings not in question.

With that said it would be foolish for the Miliatry with such a smelly political dead fish around its neck , in the form of both article 44 , The charter , and human rights abuses diminishing its reputation .

Sanctions , would cripple the military and their ability to govern.

She has indeed friends in high places , they ought to remember that.

A master stroke on her part could be to simply walk into the America Embassy and seek their help.

What would a military government do?

Entering the grounds of a United States Embassy isn't exactly a smart move.

The reality is the Americans recognise the judicial in Thailand to be questionable given recent rulings and the article 44 position.

It would certainly make for the Chinese to advice going in and getting her.

While the Americans would make it an issue if they did.

Certainly , it's unlikely Obama would hand her over .

Getting her out would be a case of US operations .

That would be backed by the entire free world .

They made an error either way.

If she turns up goes through a long process until she is eventually jailed .

The fuse will be ignited and the grim times ahead start without pretence.

And whose side do you think Washington will be on?

This quiet and peace is about to end beginning with this trial .

Grow up - this is the real world. Adored domestically by all those paid to do so perhaps. How many turned up to those "war drum" meetings that were supposed to show the huge support for her?

You really think the world sees her as a good PM. 5555. Obama hasn't really cared diddly squat. Sure calls for returns to democracy, along with the EU and hypocritical Aussies (Wasn't their FM here this month? Did she pay a call on the disgraced former female PM?). Her brother's PR machine do try hard though.

Yet, not one, I repeat not one, government has actually supported by name Yingluck, PTP or her criminal brother and called for their return, Not even his mates in Cambodia and Zimbabwe. Why do you think that is?


That would have to be the biggest load of bias garbage that AFP have ever produced.

For a start only18 % of poor farmers qualified for the scheme.

The scheme has left rice farmers deeper in debt than they have ever been.

The protests were not about the rice pledging scheme they were over the amnesty bill and the rampant corruption within the PT Govt.

From there on it gets worse and worse.

The corrupt and those negligent in the their duty to the country and people they pledge to serve must be shown that they are accountable to the law of the land.

Bringing Yingluck and those around her to account for the rice pledging scheme is only the first step in this and it must be carried on to show those who would enter politics in the future that they can and will be held accountable for their actions or inactions.

You say this about AFP all the time you're about as predictable as the Sunday junta polls ?

I say it because it is true. Look up the word sometime.

Instead of attacking me why don't you address the OP and if you believe I am wrong tell us where and show some proof.

It is a mystery why foreigners have yielded to the Thaksin hating cult.I understand why privileged Thais loathe him and I partly understand why the mainly Sino Thai middle class take the same view.Be clear this is not the same as strong disapproval which is the stance of many sensible people towards Thaksin.I am talking of the foaming at mouth type of hatred.

The examples you give are fatuous and it is slightly surprising that even now the drugs war and and atrocities on the South are given as reasons for the Establishment turning against Thaksin.Still against stupidity the gods themselves struggle in vain.

The hatred of Thaksin is because he shifted the levers of power away from the old elite of feudalists, army and old style Chinese tycoons.What we are seeing now is a rearguard action but the long term outcome is beyond doubt.

None of this means Thaksin was an admirable man.If he hadn't explored the situation, another clever politician would have done so.The biggest stupidity of the cultists is that they confuse the symptom (Thaksin) with the cause - the selfishness, greed and authoritarianism of the dying establishment class.

In your last paragraph I think you meant "exploited" instead of "explored" the situation? In which case I totally agree with you comments.

Where we may differ is I would have added that in shifting the levers of power away from the old hierarchy and alliances withing that hierarchy he wanted to keep them in his family and close circle and use them for his and their benefit. He is as selfish, greedy and authoritarian as the dying establishment class he seeks to replace.

Thaksin is indeed a symptom and not the cause. Thailand may one day be lucky enough to get a political leader who genuinely want the social changes for the benefit of all the people and not try to corrupt everything for their own benefit.

There are those who post in blind support of Thaksin and his family based clan. They deny all the lies, unsavory acts, law breaking and cheating. It is those that provoke a response from other posters, tired of reading the same old lies.

The old hierarchy needs to change, and will do everything they can to slow that down. But, Thaksin simply exploited that for his own benefit and would do so again given the chance. Neither are fit to lead the Thai people.


That would have to be the biggest load of bias garbage that AFP have ever produced.

For a start only18 % of poor farmers qualified for the scheme.

The scheme has left rice farmers deeper in debt than they have ever been.

The protests were not about the rice pledging scheme they were over the amnesty bill and the rampant corruption within the PT Govt.

From there on it gets worse and worse.

The corrupt and those negligent in the their duty to the country and people they pledge to serve must be shown that they are accountable to the law of the land.

Bringing Yingluck and those around her to account for the rice pledging scheme is only the first step in this and it must be carried on to show those who would enter politics in the future that they can and will be held accountable for their actions or inactions.

The crazies have started foaming at the mouth because unaccountably a fair minded report sets out the facts.

The great insulter is back.

Please tell me where I am wrong.

For a start ; were the protests over the rice scheme ?

Next ; do you believe that there should not be a message sent to future politicians that they should do their job honestly ?


It's just a witch hunt for being on the wrong side. Like Stanley Weiss said in his recent article: "When 190 of 200 legislators in the military-stacked assembly later voted to impeach Yingluck for "dereliction of duty" over the rice subsidy -- which the analyst David Merkel dryly notes is "akin to impeaching a U.S. president over an ethanol subsidy, pork barrel spending, or a dairy program" -- Yingluck rightly declared, "Democracy has died in Thailand today, along with the rule of law."

Thailand is a police state so this kind of thing happens.

Perhaps someone should explain the difference between a subsidy and a self financing scheme to them; and maybe suggest they read what the World Bank,IMF and Moody's commented about it.

If you really know anybody who has been unfortunate to live in a real police state, like those often perversely entitled "democratic people's republics, where concentration camps (gulags), disappearances and extra judicial executions are common then you'd appreciate the absurdity of you last sentence.


Yingluck is not accused of corruption but of failing to prevent alleged graft within the programme, which cost billions of dollars and galvanised the protests that eventually felled her elected government leading to last May's coup.


So now for the first time in history, they are actually going to hold "someone" accountable....

Such a terrible thing that is done, it must be a foreigner done it...... No Thai would do such a terrible thing........

Im no fan of the shopping crazed woman that acted as a PM on her brothers behalf.... BUT this is too stupid even for Thailand...

Criminal Negligence cheesy.gifcheesy.gif this in a country where you cant trust anybody (even family) as far as you can throw them....cheesy.gif


TIT wai2.gif

The truth is she is going to take the fall for her brother, she had no business getting herself into the position in the first place, she should have remained a happy shopper salon tripper shoe collector.

Maybe her brother will do the right thing and return and face the music

It's all so simple for the Thaksin haters.............

Bit like EU immigration policy, the rules of VAT and who got Diana.

Why do a vociferous few on here, have such vehement hatred for Thaksin and the Thai electorate ??

Sincere question.

Because he made the bars close early?biggrin.pngbiggrin.pngbiggrin.png


I think the Americans will be supportive of her .

That picture probably does reinforce the view many Americans have concerning Thai females.

No - it doesn't mean they will support her or her brother's corrupt regimes though.


That would have to be the biggest load of bias garbage that AFP have ever produced.

For a start only18 % of poor farmers qualified for the scheme.

The scheme has left rice farmers deeper in debt than they have ever been.

The protests were not about the rice pledging scheme they were over the amnesty bill and the rampant corruption within the PT Govt.

From there on it gets worse and worse.

The corrupt and those negligent in the their duty to the country and people they pledge to serve must be shown that they are accountable to the law of the land.

Bringing Yingluck and those around her to account for the rice pledging scheme is only the first step in this and it must be carried on to show those who would enter politics in the future that they can and will be held accountable for their actions or inactions.

The crazies have started foaming at the mouth because unaccountably a fair minded report sets out the facts.

The great insulter is back.

Please tell me where I am wrong.

For a start ; were the protests over the rice scheme ?

Next ; do you believe that there should not be a message sent to future politicians that they should do their job honestly ?

The best possible message to politicians not doing their job properly is to vote them out of office.


Yep, just give her a "Red Diplomatic" passport same as "Puppeteer"....then, she can swan around the globe same as him!!


If she's convicted then she'll be out on bail prior to her sentencing hearing and by the time that comes around she'll be sunning herself by the poolside in Dubai.


I doubt that she will be phazed at all by her political life being ruined.

Seize the family's assets (the whole family) and distribute them evenly amongst the people they were supposed to help.

Tough Love.

Agee with you but they could go one better and seize all the assets of anyone who has over 100 million sitting in there bank account because I am sure that if they have that much it would of been done through some form of corruption !


Yingluck said on her facebook page "i have not done anything wrong at all".

So all the lying, false promises, inflammatory foreign speeches and zero attendance records for rice meetings were completely kosher then. Alright.

She deserves to be locked up. Any normal person would be. 1 law should be applicable to all after all

1 law for all is quite right. So the illegal coup of last year would be included too right?


I doubt that she will be phazed at all by her political life being ruined.

Seize the family's assets (the whole family) and distribute them evenly amongst the people they were supposed to help.

Tough Love.

Agee with you but they could go one better and seize all the assets of anyone who has over 100 million sitting in there bank account because I am sure that if they have that much it would of been done through some form of corruption !

Do you include the current leader too? The one who has point blank refused to disclose his wealth?


"...But the criminal case could see her jailed for up to a decade, an outcome that could ruin any chance of an imminent political comeback if and when the military eventually hand back power..."

Putting someone in prison because they did a bad job in a political office or even possibly negligent is way over-the-top. More importantly, if they do convict her and actually send her to jail then everyone talking about "reconciliation" has been lying through their teeth. More and more it is apparent this government is run by the Bangkok elite (there are NO neutral parties involved here) and they are doing everything in their power to stamp out the Pheu Thai/UDD parties so the Bangkok elite will win the next election in a landslide.


Yingluck said on her facebook page "i have not done anything wrong at all".

So all the lying, false promises, inflammatory foreign speeches and zero attendance records for rice meetings were completely kosher then. Alright.

She deserves to be locked up. Any normal person would be. 1 law should be applicable to all after all

1 law for all is quite right. So the illegal coup of last year would be included too right?

Not in the case of 'negligence' against Ms. Yingluck unless you want to suggest she planned and provoked all along to try to avoid being held responsible for what she stated to be in charge of ?


Make her the scapegoat, why not. Hack it out on her, all the dysfunctions, corruption and inefficiency Thailand is plagued with. For sure she's not without blame. Perhaps she will have to go to jail or pay a heavy fine. She is, at the end of the day, not better or worse than any other member of the political élite. It's like two African american kids, one pointing the finger to the other: "Hey, you are BLACK!" It would be time to show some sportsman spirit. She will not return to active politics. Doesn't even want to, I am sure, after that experience. I would opt for making her pay back any ill gotten gains if such can be identified, and then leave her alone

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