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Rohingya are illegal migrants, not refugees: Thai Army Chief

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Some of the attitudes on here are disgusting. Boats full of human beings are drifting out at sea desperate and hungry and some of the attitude is "so what, they are Muslims they deserve it" you do know it is the Rohingya that are victims of brutal prejudice in Burma right? Think before you Start spitting your ignorant, racist bile. And Yes I would take them into the uk where despite similar attitudes multi-culturism works.

I find the attitude of the bleeding heart liberals disgusting. If these scumbags turned up at the Thai border and claimed to be 'refugees' they would soon be told to clear off, so they wallow about in boats hoping people will have 'compassion' for them, believe their lies about persecution and look after them and their many offspring. The boats should be given food an water and towed back out to sea. These people were not forced onto the boats, are not escaping a war and will only cause a headache in a Buddhist country just like they did where they come from.They have no right to enter Thailand legally so they are playing the asylum card like so many others, luckily the Thais are not as stupid as the west so far. Multi multiculturalism has not work in the UK it has been a divisive disaster, ask the 1500 children raped and tortured in Rotheram what they think about the socialist multi cultural dream

Here come the labels. Believing in human compassion makes you a bleeding heart liberal

Go figure.

Have you ever considered that it is because of the lottery of birth that you are allowed to sit here and freely spout your racist bile? These people on the boats weren't so fortunate as you. And you can't sit there and ajudge every single one of them to be a terrorist or a pedophile. People are victims of their environment and you can very much make a case for colonial powers leaving Burma in the state it was in. Look at India and Pakistan, Israel and places in Africa and south America for the same results.

Hell look at what is gonna on in the middle east right now. Constant wars and interference from so called civilized nations so that they can grab land and oil. And if multimedia culturism is such as a failure that many of you racists on here claim it is, then the UK would be in a state of civil war and there would be mass fighting in the streets? Is that happening? No. A few incidents? Yes but no society will ever be perfect. What about the many hard working people of all backgrounds that have assimilated into British society and own businesses, become politicians etc and take care Of their family? I know many people like this personally and would say that these people FAR out number the nefarious minority.

I see many of you using Muslim grooming gangs as an example of a failire of multi culturism. It's sick and depraved and I hope these gangs get severely punished. But hang on a second? Haven't we recently had a massive scandal into the UK after the death of Jimmy Savile where many high up (and fully native) members of the British establishment were molesting children in hospitals en masse and got away with It for many many years? Why aren't you condeming them? Just easier to blame brown people right?

Call me a bleeding heart liberal all you want. At least I'm not a decrepit, ignorant, bitter old racist who is devoid of compassion.

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Many men, women and children may die while trying to escape persecution. Thailand and other nations in se Asia should be ashamed of themselves.

Why? would you look after the space invaders when they turn up on your doorstep? Wake up ,if you let them in now you lose the country forever ,,they will take over,,just a matter of time,,

Paranoia rules


Where dose it all ends? you have those tens of thousands who migrated or tried to migrate to Australia

over the last 10 years, you have the hundred of thousands north African who swarm over Italy

and countries near by, and now this Rohinga problems that are really the responsibilities of the

Burmese government,

if the world will leave the gates open, all of Africa and many third world countries will want to migrate

to a rich, first world countries.. where dose it stop or end???

Xenophobia rules!

It has nothing to do with Xenophobia -- rubbish... it has to do with dealing with massive numbers of illegal aliens - who want economic improvement and the country collapsing cost that brings... And there is nothing Xenophobic about the desire to legitimately preserve and protect the long term traditions, customs, heritage and culture of a country - people have a right to do that ... China and Russia do it ... Saudi Arabia does it... But the Western Countries cannot do it ?... balderdash...


As callous as it seems, it would appear that all countries are in favor of giving them food, water & medicine and sufficient fuel so they can return to where they came from, be that Myanmar or Bangladesh. It was mentioned on the news that some Myanmar migrants were telling UNHCR officials they were Rohingya refugees so they would qualify for aid assistance.

And now the Phillipines has announced the same will apply should any boats arrive in it's waters.

It is the correct thing to do as letting them in would send the message that any arrivals by boat will be taken care of. This would have 100,s of thousands turn up in days. This is simply not the solution.

As shown by Thailand and other countries ... assist and help them in a humanitarian way with food, water & all the essentials.

Next step would be to go after the smugglers and kill them. This will stop further boats coming and also assist those in need now.

Are you still a human being or are you a brainwashed completely dumbed down clown ???

Steven100 as I said yesterday you cannot return them to Myanmar if they have effectively been evicted from their own country.

They really need to be returned and repatriated into Bangladesh


The problem the World over is over population in all these poor countries. These people have little or no education, no skills other than cooking or washing cloths. So all these people want to go to countries where the welfare is good and the free stuff is paid for by the working people in those counties. Africans go to Europe and bring nothing of value, Hispanics from every country south of the USA come up through Mexico and into the US for all the free stuff, they bring little or no skills other than how to multiply.

The EU created a crazy mess of worker from other countries coming to the countries that pay good. I was working an aircraft in Shannon Aerospace and a lot of them came from other countries a lot spoke little English. It is a big mess and the countries with a little money are helping countries that will not or can not help themselves, mainly Greece, Spain and to some extent Italy. But the free loaders keep coming by the boat load from Muslim Countries and then want to change Europe into the same mess they left.

Have you education, skills? lucky you!

Are you on welfare of any kind?

Are you in another country?

Have you looked for a better life?

Have you brought anything of value?

Do you like free stuff?

Have you multiplied?

If you live in Thailand, do you speak Thai?

If you live in Thailand do you work and pay tax?

Are you a freeloader?


They are illegal immigrants unless they apply for asylum for reasons of persecution. That is the way it works everywhere .... The UK ... the EU ... the USA ... everywhere.

Though I sympathize with their plight, I understand the reluctance of a non Muslim country to bring in Muslim immigrants. The behavior of Muslim minorities in the Philippines, Bali, Europe, the USA, the UK, Australia (need I go on?) lean towards violence and extremism inside the host country.

The social contract we make if we are an expat or immigrant is to abide by the laws of the land and respect the social and cultural norms of the host country. Not all Muslims, but fundamentalist Muslims believe Islam and Sharia supersede the laws and social norms of the country they choose to live in. Furthermore, this is encouraged and funded by Islamist in other Islamic countries.

Always always when there is a humanitarian crisis politics or race or religion or some excuse is wheeled out why victims should not be helped immediately and it always is pass the buck because it is someone else's responsibility. Damn it these people need rescue food water and medical aid NOW !!! the details can be worked out later

They need to stay on the boats and be helped as much as possible and towed back to where they came from ... Once they are ashore in Thailand - they are a permanent problem. Thailand is not going to import more Muslims ... do you they Thai Buddhist are suicidal ?


As callous as it seems, it would appear that all countries are in favor of giving them food, water & medicine and sufficient fuel so they can return to where they came from, be that Myanmar or Bangladesh. It was mentioned on the news that some Myanmar migrants were telling UNHCR officials they were Rohingya refugees so they would qualify for aid assistance.

And now the Phillipines has announced the same will apply should any boats arrive in it's waters.

It is the correct thing to do as letting them in would send the message that any arrivals by boat will be taken care of. This would have 100,s of thousands turn up in days. This is simply not the solution.

As shown by Thailand and other countries ... assist and help them in a humanitarian way with food, water & all the essentials.

Next step would be to go after the smugglers and kill them. This will stop further boats coming and also assist those in need now.

Are you still a human being or are you a brainwashed completely dumbed down clown ???

Why do you have to attack some one personally just because they have different views/opinions to you? You should be able to argue their views in a civilized debate not just stoop to schoolboy insults.


when people run away somewhere else there is always a major reason, nobody leaves everything just like this.

now up to the country where they try to get, to help or not.

europe is saturated from foreign imigration, and we know very well about that problem, but we still help most of them.

perhaps thais on the top, has good budhist should be more helpfull with some who are not so budhist.

on the earth the humans are the only one who destroy their own races one way or another, perhaps it is the right thing for the équilibrisme of the humanity....i dont know...but i feel ashame for those who can...... but dont do!



The Key to the whole situation is first fixing the problems in Burma and Bangladesh.

Although a very difficult task, without a doubt, there has to be some serious efforts to address the problems occurring in those 2 countries and relieve the people in Burma and Bangladesh from their harsh existence and poverty. ...or, they will keep on leaving and attempting to migrate to the other nearby countries in the region.

First things first and work out the priorities....besides what is needed to be done immediately as we see developing to a limited extent.



They are illegal immigrants unless they apply for asylum for reasons of persecution. That is the way it works everywhere .... The UK ... the EU ... the USA ... everywhere.

Though I sympathize with their plight, I understand the reluctance of a non Muslim country to bring in Muslim immigrants. The behavior of Muslim minorities in the Philippines, Bali, Europe, the USA, the UK, Australia (need I go on?) lean towards violence and extremism inside the host country.

The social contract we make if we are an expat or immigrant is to abide by the laws of the land and respect the social and cultural norms of the host country. Not all Muslims, but fundamentalist Muslims believe Islam and Sharia supersede the laws and social norms of the country they choose to live in. Furthermore, this is encouraged and funded by Islamist in other Islamic countries.

Always always when there is a humanitarian crisis politics or race or religion or some excuse is wheeled out why victims should not be helped immediately and it always is pass the buck because it is someone else's responsibility. Damn it these people need rescue food water and medical aid NOW !!! the details can be worked out later

They need to stay on the boats and be helped as much as possible and towed back to where they came from ... Once they are ashore in Thailand - they are a permanent problem. Thailand is not going to import more Muslims ... do you they Thai Buddhist are suicidal ?

Yeah I can just imagine the lord Buddha saying it now "show love and compassion to every person, animal and plant. Show love and love will be shown back to you.... apart from those dirty Rohingya though they can get stuffed"

I despair for some of you on here. I really do.


The problem the World over is over population in all these poor countries. These people have little or no education, no skills other than cooking or washing cloths. So all these people want to go to countries where the welfare is good and the free stuff is paid for by the working people in those counties. Africans go to Europe and bring nothing of value, Hispanics from every country south of the USA come up through Mexico and into the US for all the free stuff, they bring little or no skills other than how to multiply.

The EU created a crazy mess of worker from other countries coming to the countries that pay good. I was working an aircraft in Shannon Aerospace and a lot of them came from other countries a lot spoke little English. It is a big mess and the countries with a little money are helping countries that will not or can not help themselves, mainly Greece, Spain and to some extent Italy. But the free loaders keep coming by the boat load from Muslim Countries and then want to change Europe into the same mess they left.

Have you education, skills? lucky you!

Are you on welfare of any kind?

Are you in another country?

Have you looked for a better life?

Have you brought anything of value?

Do you like free stuff?

Have you multiplied?

If you live in Thailand, do you speak Thai?

If you live in Thailand do you work and pay tax?

Are you a freeloader?

Expats in Thailand are self supporting - the major test... and Expats meet the requirements that the Thai Government demands of them and Expats are not a burden to Thailand. if Expats become a burden and cannot pay their way and do not meet immigration rule requirements ... at some point they have to leave Thailand. Illegal aliens 'refeugees would be a burden to Thailand instantly.


Many men, women and children may die while trying to escape persecution. Thailand and other nations in se Asia should be ashamed of themselves.

then why dont they go to a muslim islamic country ( malaysia ) and not a buddist country, all you liberalist fools are aware that wherever muslims go they spread only hatred and try to impliment their laws and ways on other cultures , when they have the majority we will all be done. these people started the trouble in burma and created the trouble for themselves , good on the burmese bhuddist people for not tolerating it ( wish we were same in europe ) .

Islamophobia rules

Liberal fool?


I see the term "boat people" popping up around the world frequently now. I can understand the Thai statement in the OP.

"Boat people" now seems the fashionable way to avoid the wait, cost and hassle of applying for a visa. Iv always found it rather strange that illegals often have a specific destination in mind. Surely someone seeking asylum or refugee status would be very content with anywhere except home, and the persecution they were suffering. Not so ... Look at all the camps set up in France, people from far away countries seeking an illegal route into the UK via the channel tunnel or similar. Why aren't they happy with France? They are already there and well away from the persecution that they claim.

I personally feel that on this occasion and on this subject; Australia is dealing with the situation correctly. Other countries should learn from the wisdom of the Aussie actions.

Maybe they like the UK better because they are not in a refugee camp?

Don't worry France is a nicer country, they'll return as long as it's not to a refugee camp

We know how well Australians have treated their own indigenous people in the past, they were sport and were shot like dogs. The same White Australian policy continued in it's treatment of boat people housed on Nauru Island in isolation not much different in spirit to the Jews who were ghettoized in Poland in WW2. The result? Suicides self harm illness mental affliction and no prospects.

It is not as simple for people to apply for visa's as for you and me with some semblance of education, money and years to sit for processing while poverty grinds away at your family. If you were in their shoes you would do the same for the sake of your family


The Army Chief,Gen. Udomdet Sitabutr, is correct; the boat people are illegal immigrants. Whilst it is disturbing to see to see people suffering, it is at their own behest & responses by countries, such as Thailand, providing basic requirements to enable the people to return from where they come is the correct action. Whilst it's harsh, it may be the only way to stop the illegal trafficking & have people apply thru the proper channels for refugee status.

Plus, countries such as Myanmar & Bangladesh need to take responsibility for the unfair treatment of these minority groups, not simply "wash their hands" of responsibility....UN needs to show some "balls" & apply pressure on these countries + US if it wants to meddle once more!!

How can these people return to Myanmar when the government there has washed it's hands of them?


Some of the attitudes on here are disgusting. Boats full of human beings are drifting out at sea desperate and hungry and some of the attitude is "so what, they are Muslims they deserve it" you do know it is the Rohingya that are victims of brutal prejudice in Burma right? Think before you Start spitting your ignorant, racist bile. And Yes I would take them into the uk where despite similar attitudes multi-culturism works.

I find the attitude of the bleeding heart liberals disgusting. If these scumbags turned up at the Thai border and claimed to be 'refugees' they would soon be told to clear off, so they wallow about in boats hoping people will have 'compassion' for them, believe their lies about persecution and look after them and their many offspring. The boats should be given food an water and towed back out to sea. These people were not forced onto the boats, are not escaping a war and will only cause a headache in a Buddhist country just like they did where they come from.They have no right to enter Thailand legally so they are playing the asylum card like so many others, luckily the Thais are not as stupid as the west so far. Multi multiculturalism has not work in the UK it has been a divisive disaster, ask the 1500 children raped and tortured in Rotheram what they think about the socialist multi cultural dream

Ignorance abounds!

Yesterday on CNN was boatloads of men women and children packed like sardines, 40% of the children between the ages of 1 and 5, many sick some like skeletons from malnutrition.

The background according to CNN is they have been forced out of their villages, their houses burned, the Myanmar govt. denies them recognition of any sort including citizenship medical aid and food. This has now turned into a genocide aided and abetted by the joint governments of Thailand Malaysia and Indonesia denying them landings of any sort, so you cannot return them to where they have come from when they have effectively been evicted from their own country.The Myanmar govt. will not even discuss the problem if anyone even mentions the name Rohingya. CNN tried to re find these boats but could not.

I have no regrets for any of my earlier postings in their support and feel pretty aggrieved by the ignorance of some TV members who posted so many inhumane and nasty comments like they should become fish food, or they are on boats because they know there are benefits available in other countries and have designer jeans etc to attempt to lump together and blacken any refugee group as all the same.There certainly is a difference between these people and visa queue jumpers.


Many men, women and children may die while trying to escape persecution. Thailand and other nations in se Asia should be ashamed of themselves.

I don't know why they should ashamed. If you look in history than will find that these are the people those fled from Bangladesh during Bangladesh liberation war to neighbouring countries. At that time they were about few thousands and were refugees but than they increased population drastically to hundreds of thousand. Now the time they call them self as Myanmar people and wants all rights as local which has created conflicts between local and these refugees.

In fact these people must to return to their home land Bangladesh instead to create riots and crime in Myanmar.

Now as Myanmar refused to give them citizenship they are coming to South east countries as refugees. If these countries will allow them to come , than after 10-20 years they will do same as they are doing now in Myanmar.

So these countries must to think about their own citizens future and send back these illegal migrants.

Back to where?


Finally, a chance for the "We have the solution for everything holier than thou mighty Farang!!" ... to walk the walk!

May I kindly inquire why I am not seeing a single suggestion that they are picked up and transported to ... your country of origin?

Oh my, it must be such a luxury to be far outside the range of the tiny boats out on that wide ocean.

It must be so easy to just "call and raise" .. when no one will ever ask to see YOUR cards.

Funny though, get one of you in a pub, and ask about the immigrants in your countries, and you wanna "Nuke em' all"

I do not endorse what is happening. i am not in favor of women and children suffering this way. I do not know the solution.

Oh, wait .. I DO know the solution.

Send the American, British and Australian navies to find, rescue and send these people to the USA, UK and Oz.

What's that? Not a good idea?

Do you possibly think, for even a fraction of a second, that a British Naval vessel, Merchantman, HM Coastguard or RNLI boat would refuse succor to people in distress at sea ???

You know nothing if you think that.

What are they supposed to do, determine a religion first ???

Sorry, no rescue for Muslims, Jews or Catholics, atheists only??

bangkokequity, quite a misnomer, unless something to do with boiler rooms.

And, per usual, you have entirely missed the point.

This is not a question of handing out biscuits and water for people found lost at sea.

It is 2015, not 1520. Every world leader knows about this new crop of boat people, and no one is raising a finger.

That is my point.

So, pray tell, where are these good Christians in their world class fast boats, picking up these poor people and taking them back to the UK?

That sir, is the point.

The point of my rather pointed posting, was a jab at all the holier than thou TV psoters who constantly look down their ruby red noses at the Thai people.

Bring on the stupid insults, but given the chance, not one person here has said. "The English (USA, Australian .. etc) navy needs to pick these people up and take them back to their safe and dry shores."

So spare me your convenient changing of the point is question (Refugees verses a mishap at sea.) Spare me your purposeful blind eye that the whole world is watching,. and sitting on their pink manicured hands.

But mostly, take your condescending attitude and stuff it. You really are not the sharpest knife in the drawer, that is for certain.

Thai Visa, a collection of half drunk cackling hens if there ever was one.


They are illegal immigrants unless they apply for asylum for reasons of persecution. That is the way it works everywhere .... The UK ... the EU ... the USA ... everywhere.

Though I sympathize with their plight, I understand the reluctance of a non Muslim country to bring in Muslim immigrants. The behavior of Muslim minorities in the Philippines, Bali, Europe, the USA, the UK, Australia (need I go on?) lean towards violence and extremism inside the host country.

The social contract we make if we are an expat or immigrant is to abide by the laws of the land and respect the social and cultural norms of the host country. Not all Muslims, but fundamentalist Muslims believe Islam and Sharia supersede the laws and social norms of the country they choose to live in. Furthermore, this is encouraged and funded by Islamist in other Islamic countries.

one of the most sensible posts I've seen on the subject so far ( and mine ) .... totally agree .....

Your ignorant racism demonstrates your intellectual powers, especially in the light that The Philippines have announced that they will take them for humanitarian reasons...........

Pushing people out to sea in unseaworthy vessels or denying people assistance when they are in distress is a crime with a capital F and it is astonishing that there are people here who try to defend it.

With some of the views expressed here, it's not surprising that violence begets violence.

While I agree with you that it's a crime not to offer these distressed people assistance I don't understand your statement that violence begets violence, as no one has suggested using violence towards these people. That statement is just nonsense.

While the crux of your post is sensible argument you spoil it by starting off insulting people who have a different view/opinion to you by claiming they're intellectually inferior. Why can't you just debate the subject and if they are indeed inferior to you, you could change their view with sensible argument. Schoolboy insults will not change anyone's mind.


Many men, women and children may die while trying to escape persecution. Thailand and other nations in se Asia should be ashamed of themselves.

then why dont they go to a muslim islamic country ( malaysia ) and not a buddist country, all you liberalist fools are aware that wherever muslims go they spread only hatred and try to impliment their laws and ways on other cultures , when they have the majority we will all be done. these people started the trouble in burma and created the trouble for themselves , good on the burmese bhuddist people for not tolerating it ( wish we were same in europe ) .

Islamophobia rules

Only a fool does not fear Islam


Some of the attitudes on here are disgusting. Boats full of human beings are drifting out at sea desperate and hungry and some of the attitude is "so what, they are Muslims they deserve it" you do know it is the Rohingya that are victims of brutal prejudice in Burma right? Think before you Start spitting your ignorant, racist bile. And Yes I would take them into the uk where despite similar attitudes multi-culturism works.

I find the attitude of the bleeding heart liberals disgusting. If these scumbags turned up at the Thai border and claimed to be 'refugees' they would soon be told to clear off, so they wallow about in boats hoping people will have 'compassion' for them, believe their lies about persecution and look after them and their many offspring. The boats should be given food an water and towed back out to sea. These people were not forced onto the boats, are not escaping a war and will only cause a headache in a Buddhist country just like they did where they come from.They have no right to enter Thailand legally so they are playing the asylum card like so many others, luckily the Thais are not as stupid as the west so far. Multi multiculturalism has not work in the UK it has been a divisive disaster, ask the 1500 children raped and tortured in Rotheram what they think about the socialist multi cultural dream

Ignorance abounds!

Yesterday on CNN was boatloads of men women and children packed like sardines, 40% of the children between the ages of 1 and 5, many sick some like skeletons from malnutrition.

The background according to CNN is they have been forced out of their villages, their houses burned, the Myanmar govt. denies them recognition of any sort including citizenship medical aid and food. This has now turned into a genocide aided and abetted by the joint governments of Thailand Malaysia and Indonesia denying them landings of any sort, so you cannot return them to where they have come from when they have effectively been evicted from their own country.The Myanmar govt. will not even discuss the problem if anyone even mentions the name Rohingya. CNN tried to re find these boats but could not.

I have no regrets for any of my earlier postings in their support and feel pretty aggrieved by the ignorance of some TV members who posted so many inhumane and nasty comments like they should become fish food, or they are on boats because they know there are benefits available in other countries and have designer jeans etc to attempt to lump together and blacken any refugee group as all the same.There certainly is a difference between these people and visa queue jumpers.

The BBC reports no such thing.. .rather the so called refugees are paying large sums of money to board and are enticed to do by Traffickers ... Please post some links to videos of the houses being burned .


Mobile Content ,we in Australia dont need anymore bludging welfare seeking illegals in this country ...

Send them back to where they came from , we dont need them bring their bad habits and islamic terror to our shores .

There is already to many of them here now .

What an ambassador for Australia! Another one who doesn't realize you cannot send them back to where they come from when they have been evicted from their own country.

Yes and we know how well Australians have treated their own indigenous people in the past,they were sport and were shot like dogs. I wonder with all your worldly wisdom you could ever reach the level of Tan Le !

170px-TanTTLe.jpgTan Le entered Australia as a refugee in 1982 and was named Young Australian of the Year in 1998.

Yeah, right. So I'll see your Tan Le and raise you one Bilal Skaf - the Lebanese multiple rapist, remember him?

I would assume Tan Le was named Young Australian of the year for good reason, although it could also be a PC exercise.

Perhaps you can explain why several ethnic groups in Australia are over-represented in crime statistics, and then why the hell we should continue to accept them under the cloak of refugee status.


They are illegal immigrants unless they apply for asylum for reasons of persecution. That is the way it works everywhere .... The UK ... the EU ... the USA ... everywhere.

Though I sympathize with their plight, I understand the reluctance of a non Muslim country to bring in Muslim immigrants. The behavior of Muslim minorities in the Philippines, Bali, Europe, the USA, the UK, Australia (need I go on?) lean towards violence and extremism inside the host country.

The social contract we make if we are an expat or immigrant is to abide by the laws of the land and respect the social and cultural norms of the host country. Not all Muslims, but fundamentalist Muslims believe Islam and Sharia supersede the laws and social norms of the country they choose to live in. Furthermore, this is encouraged and funded by Islamist in other Islamic countries.

Always always when there is a humanitarian crisis politics or race or religion or some excuse is wheeled out why victims should not be helped immediately and it always is pass the buck because it is someone else's responsibility. Damn it these people need rescue food water and medical aid NOW !!! the details can be worked out later

They need to stay on the boats and be helped as much as possible and towed back to where they came from ... Once they are ashore in Thailand - they are a permanent problem. Thailand is not going to import more Muslims ... do you they Thai Buddhist are suicidal ?

Yeah I can just imagine the lord Buddha saying it now "show love and compassion to every person, animal and plant. Show love and love will be shown back to you.... apart from those dirty Rohingya though they can get stuffed"

I despair for some of you on here. I really do.

You are sending hefty donations aren't you?


As callous as it seems, it would appear that all countries are in favor of giving them food, water & medicine and sufficient fuel so they can return to where they came from, be that Myanmar or Bangladesh. It was mentioned on the news that some Myanmar migrants were telling UNHCR officials they were Rohingya refugees so they would qualify for aid assistance.

And now the Phillipines has announced the same will apply should any boats arrive in it's waters.

It is the correct thing to do as letting them in would send the message that any arrivals by boat will be taken care of. This would have 100,s of thousands turn up in days. This is simply not the solution.

As shown by Thailand and other countries ... assist and help them in a humanitarian way with food, water & all the essentials.

Next step would be to go after the smugglers and kill them. This will stop further boats coming and also assist those in need now.

Are you still a human being or are you a brainwashed completely dumbed down clown ???

Steven100 as I said yesterday you cannot return them to Myanmar if they have effectively been evicted from their own country.

You say this - so it must be true ... so all knowing you are...

They are illegal immigrants unless they apply for asylum for reasons of persecution. That is the way it works everywhere .... The UK ... the EU ... the USA ... everywhere.

Though I sympathize with their plight, I understand the reluctance of a non Muslim country to bring in Muslim immigrants. The behavior of Muslim minorities in the Philippines, Bali, Europe, the USA, the UK, Australia (need I go on?) lean towards violence and extremism inside the host country.

The social contract we make if we are an expat or immigrant is to abide by the laws of the land and respect the social and cultural norms of the host country. Not all Muslims, but fundamentalist Muslims believe Islam and Sharia supersede the laws and social norms of the country they choose to live in. Furthermore, this is encouraged and funded by Islamist in other Islamic countries.

Always always when there is a humanitarian crisis politics or race or religion or some excuse is wheeled out why victims should not be helped immediately and it always is pass the buck because it is someone else's responsibility. Damn it these people need rescue food water and medical aid NOW !!! the details can be worked out later

They need to stay on the boats and be helped as much as possible and towed back to where they came from ... Once they are ashore in Thailand - they are a permanent problem. Thailand is not going to import more Muslims ... do you they Thai Buddhist are suicidal ?

Yeah I can just imagine the lord Buddha saying it now "show love and compassion to every person, animal and plant. Show love and love will be shown back to you.... apart from those dirty Rohingya though they can get stuffed"

I despair for some of you on here. I really do.

You are sending hefty donations aren't you?

If I see a collection I'll donate something. Even if it is small it is better than hoping the worst for them like a load of bitter old men on here are.


Where dose it all ends? you have those tens of thousands who migrated or tried to migrate to Australia

over the last 10 years, you have the hundred of thousands north African who swarm over Italy

and countries near by, and now this Rohinga problems that are really the responsibilities of the

Burmese government,

if the world will leave the gates open, all of Africa and many third world countries will want to migrate

to a rich, first world countries.. where dose it stop or end???

Xenophobia rules!

It has nothing to do with Xenophobia -- rubbish... it has to do with dealing with massive numbers of illegal aliens - who want economic improvement and the country collapsing cost that brings... And there is nothing Xenophobic about the desire to legitimately preserve and protect the long term traditions, customs, heritage and culture of a country - people have a right to do that ... China and Russia do it ... Saudi Arabia does it... But the Western Countries cannot do it ?... balderdash...

"if the world will leave the gates open, all of Africa and many third world countries will want to migrate

to a rich, first world countries.. where dose it stop or end???"

Mate, you have alarmist paranoia and insecurity issues. Migration has happened for centuries in case you didn't know.Refugees is something else.


Some of the attitudes on here are disgusting. Boats full of human beings are drifting out at sea desperate and hungry and some of the attitude is "so what, they are Muslims they deserve it" you do know it is the Rohingya that are victims of brutal prejudice in Burma right? Think before you Start spitting your ignorant, racist bile. And Yes I would take them into the uk where despite similar attitudes multi-culturism works.

How about you quit spitting your Liberal - Leftist know it all malarkey on to everyone... I suppose you are sending hefty donations to help these refugees aren't you?


Where dose it all ends? you have those tens of thousands who migrated or tried to migrate to Australia

over the last 10 years, you have the hundred of thousands north African who swarm over Italy

and countries near by, and now this Rohinga problems that are really the responsibilities of the

Burmese government,

if the world will leave the gates open, all of Africa and many third world countries will want to migrate

to a rich, first world countries.. where dose it stop or end???



Many men, women and children may die while trying to escape persecution. Thailand and other nations in se Asia should be ashamed of themselves.

then why dont they go to a muslim islamic country ( malaysia ) and not a buddist country, all you liberalist fools are aware that wherever muslims go they spread only hatred and try to impliment their laws and ways on other cultures , when they have the majority we will all be done. these people started the trouble in burma and created the trouble for themselves , good on the burmese bhuddist people for not tolerating it ( wish we were same in europe ) .

Islamophobia rules

Liberal fool?



As callous as it seems, it would appear that all countries are in favor of giving them food, water & medicine and sufficient fuel so they can return to where they came from, be that Myanmar or Bangladesh. It was mentioned on the news that some Myanmar migrants were telling UNHCR officials they were Rohingya refugees so they would qualify for aid assistance.

And now the Phillipines has announced the same will apply should any boats arrive in it's waters.

It is the correct thing to do as letting them in would send the message that any arrivals by boat will be taken care of. This would have 100,s of thousands turn up in days. This is simply not the solution.

As shown by Thailand and other countries ... assist and help them in a humanitarian way with food, water & all the essentials.

Next step would be to go after the smugglers and kill them. This will stop further boats coming and also assist those in need now.

Are you still a human being or are you a brainwashed completely dumbed down clown ???

Steven100 as I said yesterday you cannot return them to Myanmar if they have effectively been evicted from their own country.

You say this - so it must be true ... so all knowing you are...

Read some news

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