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Turmoil in Thailand delayed crackdown on trafficking gangs: police


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Turmoil in Thailand delayed crackdown on trafficking gangs: police
By Amy Sawitta Lefevre

BANGKOK (Reuters) - Years of political violence in the Thai capital has strained police resources, delaying investigations into human trafficking in the south of the country and allowing the illicit trade to flourish, a top police official said on Thursday.

Southeast Asia is battling a migrant crisis that has seen hundreds of "boat people", mostly Rohingya Muslims from Myanmar and Bangladeshi migrants, pushed back out to sea by Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia.

Migrants have long made their way from the Bay of Bengal to Thailand, but a crackdown on traffickers this year by the Thai government has disrupted the route, leaving many migrants aboard rickety boats with nowhere to go.

Full story: http://ca.reuters.com/article/topNews/idCAKBN0O60OO20150521

-- Reuters 2015-05-21

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"Years of political violence in the Thai capital has strained police resources, delaying investigations into human trafficking in the south of the country and allowing the illicit trade to flourish, a top police official said on Thursday."

Yeah, right, that's why nothing was done.

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"Years of political violence in the Thai capital has strained police resources, delaying investigations into human trafficking in the south of the country and allowing the illicit trade to flourish, a top police official said on Thursday."

Yeah, right, that's why nothing was done.

Exactly, he forgot to mention

- fighting corruption

- enforcement of any traffic rules

- ...

Feel free to complete the list. It could become a very long list.

But let's see it in a positive way. What he actually stated, is, that from now on all these failures can be effectively tackled.

Edited by Andreas2
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The only thing that delayed the crackdown on trafficking gangs was the absence of international threats of sanctions. Without this it would still be business as usual.

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That's funny because I have seen a lot of political violence here in Thailand over the years but I have never seen the police do anything about it.

Maybe a better excuse would be that meteors keep crashing into their kitchens and they have been busy cleaning that up?

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Fact of the matter the Thai's playing footsie with China is reason the crack down came cause you pissed off The US now are going to pay the price. When the bottom falls out on the baht and all this ill got gain from corruption comes home to roost. Then all these HiSo's get what they so deserve. Tat going to put spin on this too?

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Let's be honest here ... You have piss poor police training where most are subjected to the game of corruption even before graduating as they PAY for their graduation certificate. The only thing the RTP are good at is extortion, corruption, murder, covering for their friends, framing others, stealing jewels from Saudi Royalty, drug trafficking, human trafficking and the list goes on.

Essential the RTP is nothing more than a criminal organization run by even bigger criminals.

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BANGKOK (Reuters) - Years of political violence in the Thai capital has strained police resources, delaying investigations into human trafficking in the south of the country and allowing the illicit trade to flourish, a top police official said on Thursday.

Buffalo excrement. Years of Mai Pen Rai, corrupt politicians and corrupt cops is the problem.

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Let's see.... Suthep was major force behind all the turmoil. Isn't he from the South.... so..... unexpected motivation.... trouble in BKK and tea money in South. (Nah, he's not smart enough for that).

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That explains why they've never cracked the Blue Diamond case then - theft, substitute fakes returned and subsequent murders of Saudi nationals.

Too busy with so much turmoil over the years.

All those unsolved murders and disappearances - yep, all down to the turmoil.

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Let's see.... Suthep was major force behind all the turmoil. Isn't he from the South.... so..... unexpected motivation.... trouble in BKK and tea money in South. (Nah, he's not smart enough for that).

The #1 force behind the turmoil here is the Shin family. Who cares where they are from, because it doesn't matter. But the current structure of the police force is Thaksin's design. Corrupt to the core.

Edited by lovetotravel
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So it's just a coincidence Thailand started finally doing something about this trafficking problem when they saw they were not going to be upgraded on the US's list for human trafficking?

Yeah, that's it...just a coincidence...

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I am just baffled!

Do they really expect anyone to believe this bullenscheisse?

This is an insult to human intelligence, this is the most p!$$poor act of saving face ever!

I really don't know if to laugh or just to explode with rage!


UN- farting- BELIEVABLE!

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Let's see.... Suthep was major force behind all the turmoil. Isn't he from the South.... so..... unexpected motivation.... trouble in BKK and tea money in South. (Nah, he's not smart enough for that).

The #1 force behind the turmoil here is the Shin family. Who cares where they are from, because it doesn't matter. But the current structure of the police force is Thaksin's design. Corrupt to the core.

Lovetotravel, You are the perfect citizen. They should give you a passport.

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Let's see.... Suthep was major force behind all the turmoil. Isn't he from the South.... so..... unexpected motivation.... trouble in BKK and tea money in South. (Nah, he's not smart enough for that).

The #1 force behind the turmoil here is the Shin family. Who cares where they are from, because it doesn't matter. But the current structure of the police force is Thaksin's design. Corrupt to the core.

Yes. If Thailand could just return to the corruption-free glory days before the Shins nothing bad would ever have happened. The Shins even had control of the army and navy and sent them to human trafficking school.


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Wouldn't it have been pure bliss if the people in charge would say just for once, "Sorry, people - we messed up, our bad!" ? Think this is not just a Thai problem, but a political one worldwide. Always nice to blame circumstances or others on own shortcomings, easy, peasey, lemon squeezie :)

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Wouldn't it have been pure bliss if the people in charge would say just for once, "Sorry, people - we messed up, our bad!" ? Think this is not just a Thai problem, but a political one worldwide. Always nice to blame circumstances or others on own shortcomings, easy, peasey, lemon squeezie smile.png

You are more likely to hear, "No Thai would do such a thing."

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