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Plans to ruin Jomtien Beach?


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Was there any erosion like that further down the beach where they have not yet cut the old trees down? I bet not

I have not been down there, but note that they started cutting down the trees a very long time ago. Back in the mid-80s, the entire beach was thick with old-growth trees, in some places 3-5 rows thick. In the early 2000s, they started cutting them down. Now, most are already gone! This new project simply finished off what was left (hopefully they will leave what remains of the old-growth tree forest as they cut a path of destruction south). People do not remember this, but the heavily eroded beach area (now, no beach) on the southern end of Jomtien Beach used to be a fairly wide beach area, and it had trees on it. I remember people riding horses along that area many years ago. But they cut down the trees and erosion started and now there is no beach left! Duh, doh! The more trees they cut down, the more erosion will take place. We are already seeing the beach in Pattaya slowly going away and the same will happen in Jomtien. The City should start planting salt-tolerant shade trees (NOT PALM TREES) all along the beach areas in both Pattaya and Jomtien. That might forestall the inevitable loss of an asset they cannot afford to lose.

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Was there any erosion like that further down the beach where they have not yet cut the old trees down? I bet not

Virtually no erosion at all north from the police station to way past the waterpark. Why? Because the area still has many old-growth trees that are holding the soil in place (but the City is trying very hard to cut those trees down as well). The area from about soi 4 to soi 7 is a disaster (an area virtually devoid of old growth trees). There is periodic damage going south, but the beach really starts to thin out in that direction. Why? Because they cut down most of the old-growth trees long ago. It is interesting to me to see beach-chair vendors in both Pattaya and Jomtien putting sand bags along the rim of the pathway, stacking them up vertically to create a water barrier. What do they know that the engineers of both of these FUBAR projects do not seem to be able to comprehend? The new pathway in Jomtien seems to be for palm trees and not people. Seriously, take a close look at it. There is a path (the new one) for palm trees and another one (the old one) for people. What total idiots! They could have created one nice walking path w/ lots of shade trees and places to sit and enlarged the beach area at the same time.

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Was there any erosion like that further down the beach where they have not yet cut the old trees down? I bet not

Virtually no erosion at all north from the police station to way past the waterpark. Why? Because the area still has many old-growth trees that are holding the soil in place (but the City is trying very hard to cut those trees down as well). The area from about soi 4 to soi 7 is a disaster (an area virtually devoid of old growth trees). There is periodic damage going south, but the beach really starts to thin out in that direction. Why? Because they cut down most of the old-growth trees long ago. It is interesting to me to see beach-chair vendors in both Pattaya and Jomtien putting sand bags along the rim of the pathway, stacking them up vertically to create a water barrier. What do they know that the engineers of both of these FUBAR projects do not seem to be able to comprehend? The new pathway in Jomtien seems to be for palm trees and not people. Seriously, take a close look at it. There is a path (the new one) for palm trees and another one (the old one) for people. What total idiots! They could have created one nice walking path w/ lots of shade trees and places to sit and enlarged the beach area at the same time.

Yes your right I went down yesterday and had a look, Jomtien never used to get erosion like that, path way destroyed in some places, and to think we are just beginning the rainy season

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Amazing, I just saw some photos on another website of major damage to the new Jomtien walkway including collapses seawall. Just about across from Soi 4,5

And just like the Pattaya disaster there is no rebar in seawall.

Edited by morrobay
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Cutting down the natural trees that not only provide shade but have a huge root system to help prevent erosion makes me question the qualifications of Suntorn Somporamai, director of the construction who works for Pattaya Engineering department. We all learn in school how important large natural trees are important in preventing erosion. The canopy (the leaves of the many branches of a tree) act as slowing down the large rain drops that could be pouring down on the ground. Next the large, spreading root system acts as holding back the soil or sand. Even Nong Nooch Land and Garden Design (which is good friends of city-hall) should have the expertise of knowing how precious these old trees are along the beach (or are they only concerned with the profits they make selling the imported Palm Trees to the city?????? sad.png

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yes, its pretty obvious now that the trees were the only thing stopping the runoff undermining the wall, could be an interesting month

except that is a brand new wall and pathway that was not there before.

i agree the construction standards are poor but the whole area has been reworked and that is not damage to existing infrastructure

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Amazing Thailand! After the first big rain the "step design" failed miserably (large white bags were exposed), not to mention the fact that nobody even knows what the steps are for. It is obvious to any person with a brain that the design is seriously flawed. But, guess what? The engineer behind the project is doing the exact same thing at the area that was once a sitting area in the shade near the "sandpit"........now demolished. Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result! Can Thais learn from mistakes and adjust their decision-making accordingly? No need to answer. Maybe admitting that they made a mistake is part of the idiotic "saving face" excuse for not doing something right. Seriously, the most expensive part of the project has to be those stupid steps to nowhere that they are building. What are they for? You can't sit on them. They do not prevent erosion. You do not need them to get to the beach. They are a huge waste of money! And now two of them are being built in places where we could once sit in the shade. On another note, a large tree did not make it through the last storm. What did the City do about it? Replant it? No, they did nothing except turn it into sawdust. Even now, they see no value in the old-growth trees. And, to make matters worse, they cut down more old-growth trees. I saw the workers after it was over, sitting beneath the shade of one of the trees they did not cut, eating food off of the stumps (Thai tables) that were left. There is no awareness of green economic development in Thailand. They simply do not understand that the natural systems of the planet underpin our ability to live here. The beach is eroding away. Thais will probably blame the erosion on the trees.

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There is no awareness of green economic development in Thailand. They simply do not understand that the natural systems of the planet underpin our ability to live here. The beach is eroding away. Thais will probably blame the erosion on the trees.

There has been and WAS a pretty good respect for the trees on both beaches until the year 2013 when Pattaya beach road was

remade.The old Pattaya promenade was brilliantly constructed to protect the beach,respect the trees,and provide

seating for every one... Sure they let it run down from lack of maintenance but the basic design worked very


Its very very clear who ever had been generally in charge of the beach/promenade designs until 2013

was let go..

The new design teams main priorities seems to be to eliminate as much shade and seating as possible..

Even if cutting down the trees means huge beach erosion.Even if after a flood there are huge gaping

craters left on the promenade,it does not matter..

As long as they are sticking to their 2 main goals,Eliminating shade and Eliminating seating (except for a few token benches) nothing else

really seems to matters to them.....

​Vast and devastating beach erosion--------------------------Does not matter

Continued promenade devastation after every flood------Does not matter

Thai and Farangs both using the shade from the trees---Does not matter

Thai and Farang both using the seating every day--------Does not matter

Any ones opinion of what they are doing Thai or Farang-Does not matter

​If any of this mattered to them they would be correcting their mistakes instead of doing more of the same....

Edited by fforest1
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The new solar light poles are being installed. Looking good so far.



"Looking good so far." You have to be joking! It is the worst design I have ever seen. They have destroyed the natural beauty of the beachfront. The entire project is FUBAR (and so is the similar anti-nature design in Pattaya). Both of these projects represent crimes against present and future generations.

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Hope they do a better job than they did with Pattaya Beach Road. Bad lighting, bad trash handling, bad pedestrian control, bad landscaping, bad retaining walls, no seating, etc. The one thing that should have been the top priority, improving the sidewalks on the shop side, was not addressed at all. What a lost opportunity to eliminate parking from Festival Mall to Walking Street and create grand sidewalks on both sides of the road--with the shop side maybe having a sun/rain awning with festive lighting in the evening. Would be so pleasant to walk from Festival Mall down to Royal Garden, walking in and out of shops, and then on to Walking Street--people watching and enjoying the ocean views. Instead it is so unpleasant walking single file and sometimes having to walk out in the traffic. Just no imagination whatsoever at work here.

Jomtien Beach Road needs all sidewalks repaired--why not use concrete this time? The pavers don't hold up at all and need constant maintenance--which never happens. Parking needs to be eliminated on the narrow stretch of Beach Road at the southern end--the road is barely wide enough for 2 cars even without being blocked by cars parked. Either that or widen the road. Hopefully the city will do a better job with trash collection--lidded bins are needed on the beach at frequent intervals. Restroom/shower facility would be nice, too. Permanent seating and some public gathering areas with shade, make it welcoming.

When the Beach Rd mutilation was going on, one particular individual constantly told us on TV forum that it was going to be wonderful, but mainly he liked the idea of driving his car faster down Beach Rd.

Now that it's an epic fail, he NEVER comes out to play with us on the forum anymore cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif .

Jomptien, you know it's going to be as bad as Pattaya's walkway disaster. As long as it looks good on the tourist brochures, that's all city hall cares about. Just keep the suckers coming.

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I agree with Thaiibeachlovers. I think the whole Jomtien design has been done just for travel brochures and other travel/tourist publicity. The deserted beaches will look nice and those palm trees are so romantic, aren't they? And, luckily for the publicity people, the potential tourists can't feel the 90 degree heat with no shade in the photos.

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The new solar light poles are being installed. Looking good so far.



"Looking good so far." You have to be joking! It is the worst design I have ever seen. They have destroyed the natural beauty of the beachfront. The entire project is FUBAR (and so is the similar anti-nature design in Pattaya). Both of these projects represent crimes against present and future generations.

bring they shade ??

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Aren't the new poles redundant since they already have the tall high intensity light towers?

Correct and they should dismantle the concentration camp lights and go with the new lights powered by photovoltaic cells. Maybe the City thought it would be a good idea, after the massive tree slaughter, to attempt to come across as supporting green development. Well, I have to say that using the sun to power lights is a good idea, but it will probably take hundreds of years for those new lights to offset the carbon that would have been absorbed by all of the old-growth trees that they cut down. I still think the City should demand that the project developer purchase and plant hundreds of old-growth shade trees (not palm trees) all along the beachfront. If that does not happen, we will see more erosion. And, once again, I have no idea what those "steps" are for other than to waste tax dollars.......you can't sit on them (were they actually intended as places to sit), they are not needed to get to the beach (virtually all of them are adjacent to a place where people can simply take one level step to the beach....steps have never been necessary on Jomtien Beach), and they channel water in a specific place, causing massive erosion. The design is idiotic and w/ all of the palm trees in place, it will pose a danger to people and cost the City more tax dollars because of all of the palm-tree trimming that will have to be done....done using large cranes. FUBAR, FUBAR, FUBAR.

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Am I correct in that like all the major landscaping done in Pattaya this beach project too is designed by the big garden attraction place that keeps winning awards at the Chelsea Flower Show year after year? surely they can't fail that badly

also they're planting the wrong kind of palm, the corner at the start of Jomtien beach road is Dong Tan beach, and there are hardly any Tan palm trees left except these ones


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  • 4 weeks later...

I remember one of the Ministers long time ago, I think he was in the Thaksin Government, said: "Why is it not possible for us Thais to do anything 100%, but only 80 to 90%?" He was so right!

We see it again and again! For farangs it is kind of entertaining, but not for citizens of Pattaya who pay taxes and want to make their living here. It looks like nobody is responsible for following up any work done on the streets!

The Jomtien Sai Song is absolutely not finished! Every time we have heavy rain, we get new big holes! The sidewalks are so dangerous due to holes, mantraps and iron bars. (In many western countries they would be closed, but T.I.T.) Despite this, the new Jomtien Promenade is now built. We have already seen the quality of the work!

Well, anyway, we love the country and, do not forget, we are only visitors here!

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