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May 22 coup pre-planned or provoked by the situation?


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I actually believe this is the last coup in Thailand. They knew beforehand the PR and economic risk, and went about it as carefully as they could. But it is still a disaster and so overwhelmingly unpopular that to attempt another would be impossible.

Kind of like how another crappy Bush Presidency couldn't happen.

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I actually believe this is the last coup in Thailand. They knew beforehand the PR and economic risk, and went about it as carefully as they could. But it is still a disaster and so overwhelmingly unpopular that to attempt another would be impossible.

Kind of like how another crappy Bush Presidency couldn't happen.

This one wasn't a coup, remember, so it doesn't count...

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I have to believe Suthep -- he and the General planned it months before it happened (oddly, putting the date for the plan even before the stupid amnesty bill midnight fiasco that many say caused the coup).

It never gets weird enough for me.

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Chaturon blamed the military for refusing to help the caretaker government solve the political crisis. "They chose to wait until the situation got out of hand and used that as an excuse to stage the coup," he said.

Hmm. Could it be his party was responsible because they didn't solve the political crisis during their term in office? They were given plenty of time, but did nothing. Typical PTP statement. Blame others.

The politician said the root cause of the country's problems had not been solved by the post-coup Prayut government. Also, the rules in new draft constitution were undemocratic, which could lead to increased discontent and more conflict.

The root cause of the country's problems is political. This needs to be solved by the 2 major political parties. Not by the army. Easy for PTP to make the first gesture. Not spew more hated via "Peace" TV.

The army is doing the best they can given the current situation. Which is not good.

How much do you get paid to write stuff like this. Not only are your comments wrong, its debased of any truth. A elected government was forced into an election, an election that they again won, but the third force in this country then denied 20 million people their votes. After 2 hours of mediating the army turned to a coup. May I remind you that reconciliation in this country cant be achieved in 2 hours, it will take years. Until people like you stop hating the people on the other side of the political spectrum there can be no reconciliation and thus no future for this country. Stop blaming the other people and start changing the country by changing yourself.

Wow. The first comment is pretty spot on. The protests were started by the ruling party trying to give Thaksin amnesty. They created the crisis, didn't solve it. Blame needs to be properly placed. P.S. I'm very anti-coup. But I'm also anti-violence. Which was happening to innocent protesters including children. 100% unacceptable, but allowed (and perhaps supported) by the police.

I can guarantee the army didn't just turn this into a coup in 2 hours. Lots more going on behind the scenes than we'll ever know! Unfortunately.

I dislike both political parties. But one was in power a majority of the time over the past decade ore more. Plenty of time for them to solve a political crisis, rather than just blame others. Right?


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It was the amnesty bill it was the amnesty bill it was the amnesty bill Dr Weng said so and the right honorable Pol Capt Chalerm said so too before that bill the protests were minimal so stuff about pre planned overthrows dating back to 2011 are just hot air.

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Noooooo...no plan!

It was just one morning, a certain general woke up, stretched a bit, had a coffee and then ...suddenly...it hit him!

"Heureka...let's have a coup and all the problems of my beloved country-men/women will be gone!"

So he did it!

There was no plan, no people in the background, no orchestrated moves by anyone, slightly higher up in the hirarchy than the average Somchai Watchingporn...it was all in a days work!

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Plan 1: overthrow governement by (increasingly less) massive protests: failed (well, at least they succeded in preventing elections to occur)

Plan 2: pseudo-compromise proposed by Abhisit (unelected government and reform before elections :): failed

Plan 3: Legal coup coordinated with some senators: failed

Plan 4: ;)

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Am I the only one who has a brain with a memory?

I remember clearly Suthep bragged at a lavish party after the coup about how he and Prayuth had planned the coup two years in advance. The protests only had one purpose and that was to make it impossible for the Yingluck government to function making a perfect excuse for a coup to come and " save" the country.

It was absolutely premeditated power struggle between the taksin bbacked red shirts and the army backed yellows. Surhep contantly begged Prayuth to make a coup this is all in the Bangkok Post!

To premeditate a coup in the previous charter was a crime punishable by death ( I read that somewhere but cannot connfirm)and that is one reason to tear up the charter ammong many others. Prayuth was furious wuth Suthep after the bragging incident and Suthep was sent away to be monk to to keep his mmouth shut.

I also remember Obama said before he was elected the first time that we should not allow genocide to keep us from leaving Iraq but no one remembers that hnow the point being that the press has a vvery short term memory.

Edited by devaram
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Am I the only one who has a brain with a memory?

I remember clearly Suthep bragged at a lavish party after the coup about how he and Prayuth had planned the coup two years in advance. The protests only had one purpose and that was to make it impossible for the Yingluck government to function making a perfect excuse for a coup to come and " save" the country.

It was absolutely premeditated power struggle between the taksin bbacked red shirts and the army backed yellows. Surhep contantly begged Prayuth to make a coup this is all in the Bangkok Post!

To premeditate a coup in the previous charter was a crime punishable by death ( I read that somewhere but cannot connfirm)and that is one reason to tear up the charter ammong many others. Prayuth was furious wuth Suthep after the bragging incident and Suthep was sent away to be monk to to keep his mmouth shut.

I also remember Obama said before he was elected the first time that we should not allow genocide to keep us from leaving Iraq but no one remembers that hnow the point being that the press has a vvery short term memory.

And you believe every word out of a politicians mouth? Very possible Suthep lied about this. Only a few people will ever know the truth.

The protests were started when the ruling government tried to ram a bill through giving amnesty to Thaksin.


The protests were first triggered by a proposed blanket amnesty bill that would have pardoned several politicians from various charges since 2004, including Thaksin, Suthep Thaugsuban and Abhisit Vejjajiva. Opposition from across the political spectrum, including the pro-government Red Shirt movement, caused the bill to be rejected unanimously by the Senate of Thailand.[27] Anti-government protests continued however, with demonstrators occupying government offices, blocking major road intersections and holding mass rallies in Bangkok to call for the resignation of Yingluck Shinawatra, the sister of Thaksin, and her Pheu Thai government. On 8 December 2013, all 153 opposition Democrat Party MPs resigned and Yingluck dissolved the House of Representatives, calling a snap general election for 2 February
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Am I the only one who has a brain with a memory?

I remember clearly Suthep bragged at a lavish party after the coup about how he and Prayuth had planned the coup two years in advance. The protests only had one purpose and that was to make it impossible for the Yingluck government to function making a perfect excuse for a coup to come and " save" the country.

It was absolutely premeditated power struggle between the taksin bbacked red shirts and the army backed yellows. Surhep contantly begged Prayuth to make a coup this is all in the Bangkok Post!

To premeditate a coup in the previous charter was a crime punishable by death ( I read that somewhere but cannot connfirm)and that is one reason to tear up the charter ammong many others. Prayuth was furious wuth Suthep after the bragging incident and Suthep was sent away to be monk to to keep his mmouth shut.

I also remember Obama said before he was elected the first time that we should not allow genocide to keep us from leaving Iraq but no one remembers that hnow the point being that the press has a vvery short term memory.

And you believe every word out of a politicians mouth? Very possible Suthep lied about this. Only a few people will ever know the truth.

The protests were started when the ruling government tried to ram a bill through giving amnesty to Thaksin.


The protests were first triggered by a proposed blanket amnesty bill that would have pardoned several politicians from various charges since 2004, including Thaksin, Suthep Thaugsuban and Abhisit Vejjajiva. Opposition from across the political spectrum, including the pro-government Red Shirt movement, caused the bill to be rejected unanimously by the Senate of Thailand.[27] Anti-government protests continued however, with demonstrators occupying government offices, blocking major road intersections and holding mass rallies in Bangkok to call for the resignation of Yingluck Shinawatra, the sister of Thaksin, and her Pheu Thai government. On 8 December 2013, all 153 opposition Democrat Party MPs resigned and Yingluck dissolved the House of Representatives, calling a snap general election for 2 February

If he was lying do you not think at the time Prayuth would have given him a serious rebuke? Obviously he could not as Suthep probably has plenty of proof.

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I have no doubt the military had plans to combat the reds, after all almost every speech by the red leaders contained the words 'coup and civil war' and here was the threat of dividing the country, what was it " The republic of Laana".

This is bourn out by the speed which the military jumped on the red generals and their Khon Kaen model and rounded up weapons cutting off the head of the snake. They knew very well what the reds were up to and were not going to allow the whole of the country to resemble the south with regular bombs and shootings.

But planning a coup, no way, that's just part of the big excuse of PT and the shin publicity machine to divert from their own blame in their demise.

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I have no doubt the military had plans to combat the reds, after all almost every speech by the red leaders contained the words 'coup and civil war' and here was the threat of dividing the country, what was it " The republic of Laana".

This is bourn out by the speed which the military jumped on the red generals and their Khon Kaen model and rounded up weapons cutting off the head of the snake. They knew very well what the reds were up to and were not going to allow the whole of the country to resemble the south with regular bombs and shootings.

But planning a coup, no way, that's just part of the big excuse of PT and the shin publicity machine to divert from their own blame in their demise.

Was it the reds who rebelled against the legally established government, prevented government from functioning, blocked elections, etc....? No one heard from the reds before Suthep and his allies started trying to overthrow a legally established government and the perspective of a coup became more and more likely to occur.

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Am I the only one who has a brain with a memory?

I remember clearly Suthep bragged at a lavish party after the coup about how he and Prayuth had planned the coup two years in advance. The protests only had one purpose and that was to make it impossible for the Yingluck government to function making a perfect excuse for a coup to come and " save" the country.

It was absolutely premeditated power struggle between the taksin bbacked red shirts and the army backed yellows. Surhep contantly begged Prayuth to make a coup this is all in the Bangkok Post!

To premeditate a coup in the previous charter was a crime punishable by death ( I read that somewhere but cannot connfirm)and that is one reason to tear up the charter ammong many others. Prayuth was furious wuth Suthep after the bragging incident and Suthep was sent away to be monk to to keep his mmouth shut.

I also remember Obama said before he was elected the first time that we should not allow genocide to keep us from leaving Iraq but no one remembers that hnow the point being that the press has a vvery short term memory.

And you believe every word out of a politicians mouth? Very possible Suthep lied about this. Only a few people will ever know the truth.

The protests were started when the ruling government tried to ram a bill through giving amnesty to Thaksin.


The protests were first triggered by a proposed blanket amnesty bill that would have pardoned several politicians from various charges since 2004, including Thaksin, Suthep Thaugsuban and Abhisit Vejjajiva. Opposition from across the political spectrum, including the pro-government Red Shirt movement, caused the bill to be rejected unanimously by the Senate of Thailand.[27] Anti-government protests continued however, with demonstrators occupying government offices, blocking major road intersections and holding mass rallies in Bangkok to call for the resignation of Yingluck Shinawatra, the sister of Thaksin, and her Pheu Thai government. On 8 December 2013, all 153 opposition Democrat Party MPs resigned and Yingluck dissolved the House of Representatives, calling a snap general election for 2 February

If he was lying do you not think at the time Prayuth would have given him a serious rebuke? Obviously he could not as Suthep probably has plenty of proof.

I thought Prayuth did that?????

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In my opinion the amart/dems/military/judiciary/Issara started planning this coup on the first day that PTP attained power. I think anyone who says otherwise is either ignorant of the way things work here, or is a rabid yellow and will tolerate anything as long as a Thaksin party isn't in the driving seat. In fact I reckon it was decided there was no way of attaining power through the ballot box ever again unless the Thaksin dynasty was destroyed. I think that was their aim then and from what I've seen since, it is still their aim. This is my opinion, I could be wrong.

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Several members of this forum have suggested that the coup was a result of actions by the Sinawatra government, such as the aborted "amnesty bill". A quick reading of the news at the time shows that it may have been the spark, but was hardly the sustainable cause.

As reported at the time:

Nov 1, 2013 (BBC) - Thailand's lower house of parliament has passed a political amnesty bill that critics say could allow the return of former PM Thaksin Shinawatra.The amnesty applies to offences committed during the political turmoil after Mr Thaksin was ousted in a coup.

The lower house passed the controversial bill in the early hours of Friday. It now goes to the Senate.

Nov 5, 2013 (The Guardian) - Yingluck's speech prompted Pheu Thai to announce it would back down if the Senate rejects the legislation. "What we want is, clearly, peace for the people. If we thought we were creating reconciliation but instead were making the conflict spiral, we are willing to respect the senate's decision," Pheu Thai secretary-general Phumtham Wechayachai said.

Nov. 7, 2013 (Phuket Gazette): Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra went on TV today to issue an urgent plea to all groups of demonstrators to stop their protests, saying that the government had aborted the amnesty effort. Ms Yingluck said that the House of Representatives had voted this afternoon to remove all the pending amnesty and reconciliation bills from the House agenda. "All sides have made clear their intention to halt the amnesty process," she said.

Nov. 12, 2013 (Bloomberg) -- Thailand’s Senate rejected a bill that would have provided an amnesty for political offenses stretching back to the nation’s 2006 coup, easing concern that street protests in Bangkok may escalate into violence.

and yet

Nov 25, 2013 (CNN) - Anti-government protesters in Thailand have stormed the offices of the country's finance ministry, as mass demonstrations raise political tensions to the highest level since the deadly unrest of 2010. Anti-government protest leader Suthep Thaugsuban, a former deputy prime minister under the previous Democrat-led government, led the group of protesters who entered the ministry compound, in the protesters' boldest act since demonstrations broke out three weeks ago. ... Thaugsuban told demonstrators gathered Sunday of plans to march on media outlets and government buildings Monday, calling on civil servants to join the cause. "We will separate into 13 groups to march to 13 locations to express our stance," he said. "Our protest will not stop until Thaksin's regime is wiped out."
So, the attempt at an amnesty was quickly defeated in a constitutional fashion, but the key players in the anti-government movement simply escalated their actions and demands.
Six months later, there was a military coup. Because of the amnesty bill? I think not.
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Ask these guys wink.png

Gens. Prawit Wongsuwan and Anupong Paochinda, and Daopong Ratanasuwan, Prem Tinsulanonda.

Gens. Udomdet, Thirachai Nakwanich, and Walit Rojanapadki.

The coup has been in the making since 2011, of course it was planned, it just needed the "moment" in which was the right time to stage it.

Coups are complex Military Operations, it involves quite a few moving parts, it's not something you can suddenly do on a whim, you need to know which units will stand by you, and which units will distance themselves, after all a coup is against the highest laws of the land.

It's more about the imminent future of the country than it was about the protests, these were the excuse to stage it, timing in coups has to be perfect.

It's no surprise as to whom succeeded Prayuth as Head of the Army either, connections are everything, the dots are there to be joined.

The coup has been in the making since 2011, of course it was planned, it just needed the "moment" in which was the right time to stage it.

probably one of the most obviously true points made on these pages in a while. wink.png

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I actually believe this is the last coup in Thailand. They knew beforehand the PR and economic risk, and went about it as carefully as they could. But it is still a disaster and so overwhelmingly unpopular that to attempt another would be impossible.

Kind of like how another crappy Bush Presidency couldn't happen.

Jeb,,Jeb, are you there Jeb? Have you heard, there's been another coup in Thailand.

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I feel sad that some people just refuse to connect the dots, and yet seem to be able to connect their own dots when they want.

It's odd that so many articles are out there, pretty much saying the same thing, but of course, these guys are liars, I mean what do they know about investigative journalism when TVF have their own resident experts, who oddly have never had their own articles published.

All it takes is a little bit digging, and the dots and the puzzle pieces are there, but alas, some are too set in their own hatred to bother reading them, despite actually living here a long time..

The Ostrich syndrome is strong there ;)

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I feel sad that some people just refuse to connect the dots, and yet seem to be able to connect their own dots when they want.

It's odd that so many articles are out there, pretty much saying the same thing, but of course, these guys are liars, I mean what do they know about investigative journalism when TVF have their own resident experts, who oddly have never had their own articles published.

All it takes is a little bit digging, and the dots and the puzzle pieces are there, but alas, some are too set in their own hatred to bother reading them, despite actually living here a long time..

The Ostrich syndrome is strong there wink.png

... or maybe some dots are "off limits" for public discussions.

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I feel sad that some people just refuse to connect the dots, and yet seem to be able to connect their own dots when they want.

It's odd that so many articles are out there, pretty much saying the same thing, but of course, these guys are liars, I mean what do they know about investigative journalism when TVF have their own resident experts, who oddly have never had their own articles published.

All it takes is a little bit digging, and the dots and the puzzle pieces are there, but alas, some are too set in their own hatred to bother reading them, despite actually living here a long time..

The Ostrich syndrome is strong there wink.png

... or maybe some dots are "off limits" for public discussions.

Wouldn't you have thought that those Farang's who are entrenched here for so long would be able to see this? Have they been here so long (too long) they don't want to see the tree's anymore?

I suppose when you get so used to how things are as opposed to how they should be, you become more as narrow minded as well as blinkered, sort of institutionalised?

There's plenty of dots to connect without treading into shark infested waters ;)

Edited by Fat Haggis
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Military coups not only need logistics planning but also political planning. For example:

What civilians can be trusted to become part of the new, coup installed government?

What businesses will back the coup without crippling national strikes?

What nations will support the security of the coup in case of "resistence?"

What current government officials are willing to serve a military government?

What political solutions worked in previous coups in governing the nation?

What new political solutions are needed in governing the nation?

What military officers are capable and trusted to govern the coup and the Thai people?

The military needs more than a Coup for Dummies Guidebook. But with 11 previous coups the military has a lot of experience!

Paryut says he's not a politician. UNTRUE

He is the ultimate politician - one who holds all political power.

As Frank Zappa once said:

"Politics is the Entertainment Division of the Military"

Prayut is clearly not a politician, he lacks the skills,

but a Military man who likes entertainment. giggle.gif

(Soldier with gambling addiction?)

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