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Clinton received sensitive info on private email account

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People who constantly throw out words like clown car and berate Republicans and Conservatives -- do not have a clue about the American voter uprising coming in November 2016. The leftists that steer the Democrat ship these days will run aground even after spending mountains of effort trying to stir up black votes for 2016 by fabricating phony racism .. Never mind the crazed rhetoric of the lib Left ... The American voter uprising will see new faces who will not be shouted down by the rabid politically correct liberals-leftists-progressives - what ever they are calling themselves these days.

It is not enough to wish to keep the heady days of Obama... heady for his worshipers. Obama was an anomaly coming out of nowhere with lies that the gullible half of the voters believe. The other half of are not gullible and are deeply motivated to rid the country of all he stands for... and that will be the Democrat standard bearer... Just watch ... 2010, 2014 and 2016. We will have a strong hard nosed Presidential candidate - not the old geezer fuzzy brain McCain nor namby pamby Romney... but rather someone with guts. The Conservative voter segments are highly motivated and will pour out to the polls to shut down the progressive train wreck...

Cruz and Walker - smart and hard nosed campaigners will excite the Republican voters to a degree not seen in several Presidential Elections. Hillary Clinton will bring Republican voters - of all flavors - out of the woodwork as Hillary in the eyes of Republicans is the absolute epitome of lies, treachery, and dishonesty that the Democrats could ever nominate.

Go ahead - laugh - use your silly name calling - make snide comments -- We'll see who has the last laugh.

"American voter uprising"?

Most of the neutral voters will see a party hell bent on lining the pockets of their paymasters and bringing in crackpot legislation against anyone who isn't white, straight and christian.

The fear factor enough should be enough to make most people vote against any two of the clowns in the car so far.

There is a reason the approval rating for Congress is in the toilet.


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As I said, the emails are a no-starter as are the rest of the non-scandals. They will continue to be a pain in her ass though. There hasn't been a real Republican since Dwight Eisenhower, who btw was to the left of the present day Dems. As long as the teabagging base controls the Repubs, there will never be any thing but the clown car. Peter Schweizer, just a right wing proven liar. His "book" has been so shot full of holes it looks like a sieve. Sanders is the only hope and the only other declared Dem, but he will never raise enough money because he won't be beholding to big money crooks and they probably consider him their enemy. Sanders isn't a "Manchurian President" for the Wall Street Criminals, banksters and big corporations like Obama. You are right about slow off the blocks, but she has the money. Her refusal to take a stand on TPP is telling and many are paying attention to that including Sanders and Warren. There is no "liberal" press, never has been (another right wing fantasy-lie) and with only 6 corporations owning main (lame) stream media there never will be. There are a few remaining honest reporters that dare to tell the truth these days but often face harrasment and prison threats from the Obama regime.

No liberal press? Have you lived in a dungeon all your life? Read 'Bias.' This story has 'legs,' as the mass (liberal) media likes to say. And , to those that denigrate Fox news, why do you watch? Because there is another side to the story?


I don't watch faux (not the) news. I watched every now and then back in the states for a laugh and to know the enemy. Faux (not the) news is not another side to the story, it is a hateful, racist, woman hating, Obama hating, lying propaganda source for the right wing. I do have a bit of a university education. I've been in jail for speaking truth to the power during the Nixon regime, freed by the then Supreme Court. Does that count as a dungeon? There is NO liberal media, never has been. A right wing lie, there are some honest news reporting sites on the internet and it certainly doesn't come from the likes of Breitbart etc. I really hope that is not a Texas University "hook 'em horns" in your avatar, surely it isn't for Carabao, not if you know their populist music. Like all the rest of the non-scandals, the emails contain no smoking gun.



If the first rule of scandal management is to completely purge the damaging information and cauterize the wound, Hillary Clinton is failing badly. We learned today that Clinton’s family foundation hid $26 million in foreign and corporate contributions as “revenue” on the grounds that the presumptive Democratic nominee or her husband or daughter gave speeches in exchange for the gifts. The donors include a Chinese energy consortium, a Nigerian newspaper and Citibank. And later today we will get the first wave of her emails from a secret server.
(Emphasis mine)
The national press is just warming up.

Washington Examiner? What difference does it make? rolleyes.gif

What percentage of potential swing voters do you really think are even paying attention to these trivialities?

Hillary Clinton news more like a rap sheet
By Michael GoodwinMay 19, 2015 | 10:40pm
"More than 17 months before Election Day, Clinton scandals are piling up faster than robberies during a police strike. There is a media feeding frenzy over her shady dealings and the sheer volume of unsavory revelations is approaching a critical mass. The pace of disclosures probably can’t continue, but already she’s looking less and less inevitable.
Yesterday brought a new batch of bombshells. The Washington Post reported that, in addition to $5 million she earned from her latest book, Clinton earned $11.7 million by delivering 51 speeches since January 2014. The paper reported that she was paid an astonishing $625,000 for two speeches — in one day!
Stack those facts up against her recent remark that the only answer to income inequality is to “topple” the 1 percent of wealthy Americans, and it’s obvious that she’s long past the point of simple hypocrisy."

Here's a thought, try debating policies and not using made up attacks on individuals.

Attack policies with rational argument.

Why not? Honestly, why not?

I guess the answer is that Americans generally favor democratic policies if polled about specific ideas.


Hillary is a phony comedian. She supported the Iraq war but now blames it on anyone else, she opposed gay rights until she realized that would hurt her, she talks about closing tax loopholes for the rich while she puts countless millions of dollars in the family foundation, she preaches income equality while she makes herself one of the .001 percenters, she'll take huge foreign donations while Secretary of State and then give favors to the foreigners - what's this about selling uranium to Russia?

And someone keeps using the term "clown car" without realizing that the Clintons have stolen it and are using it for daily transportation.

Apologize for Hillary all you want but she is rotten to the core.


Here's a thought, try debating policies and not using made up attacks on individuals.

Attack policies with rational argument.

Why not? Honestly, why not?

I guess the answer is that Americans generally favor democratic policies if polled about specific ideas.

Americans favor "democratic" policies, just not Democrat policies. The Democrats lost the last election by a wide margin.


Here's a thought, try debating policies and not using made up attacks on individuals.

Attack policies with rational argument.

Why not? Honestly, why not?

I guess the answer is that Americans generally favor democratic policies if polled about specific ideas.

Americans favor "democratic" policies, just not Democrat policies. The Democrats lost the last election by a wide margin.

Gerrymandering, propoganda and the politics of hate work! That's what I take from the midterm elections.
I gave up most hope after the second election of George Bush.
A Hillary Clinton Match-Up With Marco Rubio Is a Scary Thought for Democrats


WASHINGTON — They use words like “historic” and “charismatic,” phrases like “great potential” and “million-dollar smile.” They notice audience members moved to tears by an American-dream-come-true success story. When they look at the cold, hard political math, they get uneasy.

As her supporters recall, Barack Obama beat Mrs. Clinton for the nomination in the 2008 elections after drawing similar contrasts himself.

Ms. Doyle, the first Hispanic woman to manage a presidential campaign, added that Mr. Rubio could allow Republicans to regain a “reasonable percentage” of the Hispanic vote. In 2012, just 27 percent of Hispanics voted for the Republican candidate, Mitt Romney.


While I agree basically with the points about Hillary being a hypocrite when it comes to money and her vote for the Iraq war cost her with the Democratic base as it should and hopefully will continue, none of the actions she has taken have proven to be illegal. Wrong, yes. Hillary is no liberal except on social issues, a neocon/neoliberal bought by Wall Street criminals, banksters, international finance and corporations. The now un-Supreme Court, ruled by the bought and paid for federalist "gang of 5", ruled that it is ok to buy an election. Wrong, you better believe it, immoral, you better believe it, illegal, not now. It is Democratic policy that American's favor. Unfortunately the Democrat Party has moved further and further to the right as have the Republicans. While many are convinced by non-scandals like the emails, billionaire (Koch-John Birch society traitor-brothers)financing of hate and fear campaign to vote against their own interests America is not conservative, and certainly not right wing. The plutocrats wishing to rule are and they are right wing not conservative. Yes, gerrymandering, voter suppression, campaigns of fear and hate, do work, the Republicans know that without them they will never rule. A Gallup Poll for you.



People who constantly throw out words like clown car and berate Republicans and Conservatives -- do not have a clue about the American voter uprising coming in November 2016. The leftists that steer the Democrat ship these days will run aground even after spending mountains of effort trying to stir up black votes for 2016 by fabricating phony racism .. Never mind the crazed rhetoric of the lib Left ... The American voter uprising will see new faces who will not be shouted down by the rabid politically correct liberals-leftists-progressives - what ever they are calling themselves these days.

It is not enough to wish to keep the heady days of Obama... heady for his worshipers. Obama was an anomaly coming out of nowhere with lies that the gullible half of the voters believe. The other half of are not gullible and are deeply motivated to rid the country of all he stands for... and that will be the Democrat standard bearer... Just watch ... 2010, 2014 and 2016. We will have a strong hard nosed Presidential candidate - not the old geezer fuzzy brain McCain nor namby pamby Romney... but rather someone with guts. The Conservative voter segments are highly motivated and will pour out to the polls to shut down the progressive train wreck...

Cruz and Walker - smart and hard nosed campaigners will excite the Republican voters to a degree not seen in several Presidential Elections. Hillary Clinton will bring Republican voters - of all flavors - out of the woodwork as Hillary in the eyes of Republicans is the absolute epitome of lies, treachery, and dishonesty that the Democrats could ever nominate.

Go ahead - laugh - use your silly name calling - make snide comments -- We'll see who has the last laugh.

You guys cheesy.gif are killing me cheesy.gif. You're absolutely bonkers, delusional. How can I possibly debate these points you keep throwing out?

The democrats are afraid of little Marco? Cruz and Walker are smart and hard nosed campaigners? Hillary's rap sheet? Secret Hillary secret emails? If only Republicans went more right wing instead of those liberals McCain and Romney? Guys with guts? Conservative voters will pour out to to the polls to support one of these guys with guts? Conservatives are going to pour out to the polls to support guys like Cruz or Walker?

Let me just pull it back to earth for a moment and point out, if by some miracle, Cruz or Walker did manage to grab the nomination, don't you think the rest of electorate would pour out to the polls to stop one of these dangerously flawed guys from becoming President? Hillary or no Hillary?

On a side note, Jeb shot himself in the foot last night denying man has anything to do with global warming with the old, "I'm not a scientist line." It's all going further and further out into the twilight zone, a year and a half from the election. Just wait till we get to the debates debacle.

Whew...you guys are exhausting. gigglem.gif


Well said Pinot. The radical Republican party is the party of oppression, fear, loathing and above all more money and power for the people who robbed us. With that said, and my apologies, I'll go off topic briefly and off TVS for some time. Time for me to take a break. It is Memorial Day official, I will drink a beer or 3 to all that can't drink with me including my brothers on my wall as we stand in front of The Wall. 2 of us left, Agent Orange killed the other 2. RIP my brothers and sisters from all nations, may the day come when the chickenhawks no longer are able to send people off to die in ill begotten, illegal, immoral wars and may those same chickenhawks be damned to suffer for all eternity.

"To save your world you asked this man to die; Would this man, could he see you now, ask why?" W.H. Auden "Epitaph for an Unknown Soldier"


Just wait till we get to the debates debacle.

Debacle is right. How does a bale of hay debate, anyway? Can you just see that sour Hillary "debating" someone who actually has a personality? On national TV? Campaigning and debating is about attracting people.

Right now she's hiding in her closet and not campaigning because every time she gets near the press they hammer her about her scandals. I've been posting some of it and it's from the MSM. Eventually she'd have to come out if she actually wanted to run for POTUS.


Ahem, and where in the clown car is there anybody with any kind of real intelligence or personality? MSM, you mean LSM? All owned by 6 corporations beholding to making money, don't care one bit about the news. Look hate her all you want, do it for the real reasons. Emails etc. aren't it. The American voter, those that can still vote after voter suppresion etc., is not the brightest bulb in the socket, hence the teabaggers in what passes for a Congress, but vote for one of the clown car, never happen.


Ahem, and where in the clown car is there anybody with any kind of real intelligence or personality? MSM, you mean LSM? All owned by 6 corporations beholding to making money, don't care one bit about the news. Look hate her all you want, do it for the real reasons. Emails etc. aren't it. The American voter, those that can still vote after voter suppresion etc., is not the brightest bulb in the socket, hence the teabaggers in what passes for a Congress, but vote for one of the clown car, never happen.

Hillary was Secretary of State for four years.

Name one thing she accomplished in foreign affairs. What did she actually do during that four years?

We'll wait for your response.


Just wait till we get to the debates debacle.

Debacle is right. How does a bale of hay debate, anyway? Can you just see that sour Hillary "debating" someone who actually has a personality? On national TV? Campaigning and debating is about attracting people.

Right now she's hiding in her closet and not campaigning because every time she gets near the press they hammer her about her scandals. I've been posting some of it and it's from the MSM. Eventually she'd have to come out if she actually wanted to run for POTUS.

She hasn't got to do a thing, other than go around actually meeting people, which is what Bill did.

She can sit and wait and see whoever wins the clown car competition.

She isn't actually campaigning against anyone yet; have you even heard a peep from Bernie?

All of this pitiful attempt at character assassination from the teabaggers is falling on deaf ears. The only ones who are swallowing it aren't the ones she needs to win over anyway.

The campaign proper will only start when it's Hillary vs Head Clown.


I don't watch faux (not the) news. I watched every now and then back in the states for a laugh and to know the enemy. Faux (not the) news is not another side to the story, it is a hateful, racist, woman hating, Obama hating, lying propaganda source for the right wing. I do have a bit of a university education. I've been in jail for speaking truth to the power during the Nixon regime, freed by the then Supreme Court. Does that count as a dungeon? There is NO liberal media, never has been. A right wing lie, there are some honest news reporting sites on the internet and it certainly doesn't come from the likes of Breitbart etc. I really hope that is not a Texas University "hook 'em horns" in your avatar, surely it isn't for Carabao, not if you know their populist music. Like all the rest of the non-scandals, the emails contain no smoking gun.

No liberal media, yet there is conservative media. What a hypocrite!

And, that's my gf as my avatar you jackwagon.


Bernie is trying, the so-called main stream media is doing it's best to avoid him. Unlike the clown car group, he doesn't denigrate people, he wants to debate policy and that includes Hillary. Chicog, you are right, Bernie will never be able to raise the money to truly compete, he will win hands down in a debate, but it won't matter. Emails, whatever won't matter, the clown car will run off the right wing cliff. What matters is not so much as what she did, but what she didn't do to damage the US. No smoking gun there either. The head clown will still be the head clown and when he is exposed as the emperor with no clothes, ie. no policy, no brains, etc. it will be all over but the crying for the true believers on the fringe right. Again, unless something happens and Bernie gets in we will be voting for the lessor of two evils.

Nothing hypocritical about no liberal media, just the truth. Some people can't handle the truth, that is why they watch faux (not the) news, read Breitbart etc. I still hope that isn't a Texas University "Hook 'em Horns", Austin was an island of sanity in a sea of insanity (Texas) when I lived there, or a Carabao sign. Carabao are very, very populist you know.


Bernie is trying, the so-called main stream media is doing it's best to avoid him. Unlike the clown car group, he doesn't denigrate people, he wants to debate policy and that includes Hillary. Chicog, you are right, Bernie will never be able to raise the money to truly compete, he will win hands down in a debate, but it won't matter. Emails, whatever won't matter, the clown car will run off the right wing cliff. What matters is not so much as what she did, but what she didn't do to damage the US. No smoking gun there either. The head clown will still be the head clown and when he is exposed as the emperor with no clothes, ie. no policy, no brains, etc. it will be all over but the crying for the true believers on the fringe right. Again, unless something happens and Bernie gets in we will be voting for the lessor of two evils. Nothing hypocritical about no liberal media, just the truth. Some people can't handle the truth, that is why they watch faux (not the) news, read Breitbart etc. I still hope that isn't a Texas University "Hook 'em Horns", Austin was an island of sanity in a sea of insanity (Texas) when I lived there, or a Carabao sign. Carabao are very, very populist you know.

" What matters is not so much as what she did, but what she didn't do to damage the US. No smoking gun there either."

Your self proclaimed requirement for her service as Secretary of State, and possibly her term as US Senator, is if she didn't do anything particularly stupid she is eligible for the Presidency.

She would seem to be the perfect candidate for somebody that thinks like you.


Ahem, and where in the clown car is there anybody with any kind of real intelligence or personality? MSM, you mean LSM? All owned by 6 corporations beholding to making money, don't care one bit about the news. Look hate her all you want, do it for the real reasons. Emails etc. aren't it. The American voter, those that can still vote after voter suppresion etc., is not the brightest bulb in the socket, hence the teabaggers in what passes for a Congress, but vote for one of the clown car, never happen.

Hillary was Secretary of State for four years.

Name one thing she accomplished in foreign affairs. What did she actually do during that four years?

We'll wait for your response.

Well she sent a few emails apparently. Probably important stuff but they're classified you see.



If you think that was a "self proclaimed requirement", I've still got that bridge from LA to Bangkok to sell you. I've stated time and time again, Hillary will never be my choice of a candidate, not even for dog catcher in a one dog town. A neocon/neoliberal that is owned by Wall Street criminals, banksters, corporations, and the 1%. On the other hand, the lessor of 2 evils (again) against anybody the Repubs will put up. I wish there was something in the emails that would derail her candidacy but there isn't. If you are going to hate her, doing for real reasons. There are plenty, emails, Bengasi etc. aren't them.


You lowered your own standards. I had nothing to do with your comment that even if she accomplished nothing, she at least didn't do anything to harm the US.

From her own e-mail trove, the following was what her top aide Jake Sullivan claimed:


"leadership on Libya.”
“HRC has been a critical voice on Libya in administration deliberations, at NATO, and in contact group meetings — as well as the public face of the U.S. effort in Libya,” Sullivan wrote. “She was instrumental in securing the authorization, building the coalition, and tightening the noose around Qadhafi and his regime.”
How has that little project of hers failed to harm the US (and the rest of the world's) security interests?
ISIS is running amok in Syria, Iraq and Libya and will very likely soon be calling on our European cousins from the Libyan launchpad.
It would appear you are willing to vote for the devil him/herself as long as they are running on a Democratic ticket.

How in the world do you come to the conclusion I lowered my standards. The standards can't get any lower than those in the right wing with their hat in the ring. Are you bidding for that bridge I have? Can you not read what I say about Hillary. Oh, I almost forgot, when the right wing can't win an argument, attack the person, old tactic. Where did that one come from, was it Herr Goebbels, hmmm, isn't he Karl Roves favorite person? The daily caller, oh give me a break. That right wing rag wouldn't/couldn't publish the truth in a million years. http://crooksandliars.com/2015/05/released-clinton-emails-reveal-nothing-new . Like I said, which apparently you didn't read either, Hillary will be the lessor of 2 evils. One thing is true, while I may not vote for a Democrat, I'll never vote for Republican. The radical Republican party is the party of oppression, fear, loathing and above all more money and power for the people who robbed us. It would appear you are a bit delusional, IS is going to invade European countries? Ahem, where did they get the navy and air force from? Reading that dailycaller and watching faux (not the) news still are you now. Like all the rest of the non-scandals the Repubs have wasted tax dollars on, the emails are a non-starter.


Uh, as I have said on this forum more times than I care to count, I am not a Fox News advocate. I don't receive them nor do I selectively check them out on the internet. that old canard won't work with me. I'm tied in with CNN International and BBC, neither of which is a bastion of conservatism.

Just for a little more on the record and then I am through with you.

I never said ISIS was going to "invade" Europe or anywhere else. I said they were very likely going to "visit" Europe, perhaps even pushing off from the shores of Tripoli.

Your observation about no navy or air force is spot on, though very limited in scope. ISIS has taken control of half of Iraq and Syria combined without a navy or air force so my thinking is they could probably do a bit of damage to an ill-prepared Europe with 200-300 volunteer suicide bombers and shooters. You do remember what happened when only three of them visited Paris? Paralyzed the entire nation for several days. It was all over the news.

Oh, thanks very much for the bridge for sale offer. Unhappily for you, I didn't just arrive on a banana boat so I am not interested. Don't give up though. I'm sure there will be a Democrat somewhere you can sell it to.



The Americanthinker, another right wing online rag often used by people like Limbaugh. Yea, certainly something to really believe, NOT. I really do hope that the Dems are waking up to Hillary though. She has REAL baggage especially with the progressive movement. Frankly much of today's Democratic Party is just as owned as the Repubs. The right wing will continue to try to make something out of the emails or what every conspiracy theory they dream up, only the teabaggers will believe. I can't understand why the teabaggers don't jump on her for her bankster, Wall Street criminal connections. Oh, could it be that the astro turf teabaggers are owned by the Koch (John Birch Society traitor) bros. Neither BBC nor CNN are anywhere near what some delusional people like to describe as liberal. When was IS in Paris now? If you are referring to the Charlie Hebdo terrorists it was AQAP that claimed responsibility, not IS. France's government, like the US after 9/11, over reacted with draconian laws. Well, I actually figured that you just fell off the pumpkin truck. Cost of that bridge to you just went up, most Dems have rational brains and don't believe in things like oh say a bridge to nowhere or seeing Russia from the back yard.

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