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Chinese Tourist Rudeness - the legend continues


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Chinese rudeness

In an Asoke store me, the Thai guy behind me and server starting laughing, we were so shocked by snotty obnoxiousness of two stuck up Chinese girls who ordered the clerk around as if she were their servant.

Had to physically stand in front Chinanam attempting to push to front of line at escalator at Don Muan.

Physically blocked Chinese woman pushing to the front of immigration queue at the airport.

In hotels and restaurants Chinese shout across the room without the slightest respect for others - it is as if they treat other people with total disregard. They have no respect for local culture or others present.

Chinese elevator etiquette

A) Wait until elevator stops

B) Wait until passengers attempt to disembark

C) Pile in, en masse, so that people cannot get off. Talk loudly and obnoxiously. Extra points for those Chinese who stand in front of door thus blocking it.

When visiting Angkor Watt the Chinese tour guide breaks the beauty and peace of this tranquil paradise, with battery operated loud speaker. Instructions shouted not spoken. Any consideration for others or respect for historic temple atmosphere seems to be strictly forbidden.

Chinese seem to treat Thailand is a place to abuse and use. Treat the locals like shit, be as rude and obnoxious as possible.

Is this just part of their culture, their attitude to Thais or something else?

Edited by t8769
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Standing in a nice, orderly queue at Lotus, 2 Chinese women walked straight up and put their basket on the till counter....trouble is, the staff served them first, didn't tell them them others were waiting! I just put my basket on the floor by the till and walked out, can't be bothered with that sh*t.

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Chinese seem to treat Thailand is a place to abuse and use. Treat the locals like shit, be as rude and obnoxious as possible.

And yet, and yet, TAT and the General proudly proclaim six million of them are on their way, oblivious to the fact their Thai countrymen despise them.

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Well you would have to understand if its the way they do things in China ( I haven't been) and know if it was "normal" for them.............with a population of billions it probably is "everyman for himself" ( or woman)

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On a positive note about the Chinese, Thankfully they don't hire cars and drive ???

The roads of Thailand are dangerous enough as it is, without them weaving in and out and stopping when they feel like it...

Not sure Id notice any differencelaugh.png

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Chinese seem to treat Thailand is a place to abuse and use. Treat the locals like shit, be as rude and obnoxious as possible.

And yet, and yet, TAT and the General proudly proclaim six million of them are on their way, oblivious to the fact their Thai countrymen despise them.

Who do the Thais look up to?

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Within living memory, people in China who "waited their turn" starved to death, along with their families.

It's going to take generations for that memory to fade.

On the flipside, you should hear what they say about our habits when we visit China.

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Well you would have to understand if its the way they do things in China ( I haven't been) and know if it was "normal" for them.............with a population of billions it probably is "everyman for himself" ( or woman)

I've been, and probably others on here as well....

It's not too bad over there(China) that i encountered....BUT corruption and crime are rampant, if you go to the wrong place.....

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I don't suppose you can generalise with all those millions involved.

In the UK, amongst many countries, the Chinese restaurant has become an institution and synonymous with extreme politeness and helpfulness from the waiting staff etc. to the point of servility.

Perhaps it is a different cultural awareness of the old adage "Know your place?" ie When in the driving seat as a tourist with money to spend it is considered normal to act in a dominant manner to the point of rudeness. When the role are reversed, servitude and politeness are the accepted order.

I once ran an international agency business (medical) with a long-standing Chinese (Hong Kong) fried with whom I originally trained. The only real complaint (custom) that I resented (slightly) was that when he came to visit me in England the whole caboodle was expected to be financed by me. His pockets were stitched up in restaurants, pubs and public transport and the such .... he came over as the consumate scrounger. However, on the two occasions I visited him the reverse was true and he wouldn't let me spend a penny.

As has been pointed out in previous posts, a vastly different set of cultural attitudes.

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You are right OP, only people from your ethnic background and nationality should be allowed to travel abroad.

Every country that has had economic growth and its citizens can afford to travel abroad have always had an adjustment period. I remember 15 years ago when Russians started travelling in droves and read the same kind of comments. Americans still get grief, Europeans smell bad, Americans are too loud and pushy, Germans are... French are...

Just relax and stop judging billions of people by the few encounters you see. For every single negative thing I see a Chinese tourist do, I see 100 more just enjoying the country and being polite.

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I've got one for you........Flying back to BKK from Addis Ababa last week, (a lot of Chines in Africa as well now) had two Chines middle age women sat behind me on the plane. I had seen them in the departure lounge...Did I say see them, I meant heard them.....Like a pair of Asian fog-horns, It was funny at first as one had the deepest voice and the other was quite squeaky, but still both very loud. I was not along when I heard them other passengers stopped and started looking for the origin of the noise.

Long story short not only were they loud they sat one aisle and one window seat behind me on the plane.

I was annoyed, it was a night flight and was hopping to get some sleep....Would I get some kip? Well I had to laugh at what happened. Well as I'm sure most recall that they dim the lights when taking off, or landing in the dark and they dim the cabin lights on night flights after the meal..........These two fog horns were going for it since they got on the plane.......I didn't believe it at first but as we were about to take off, the lights were slowing dimming........and as the lights got dimmer the two wind bags volume got less and less, still talking but going down in volume, until the lights where out and they were quite! I did hear someone laugh as it was that obvious......... Unfortunately the lights came back up once in the air.....and yes, they started talking immediately the light started to come back on.....and got louder as it got brighter........I kid you not.....And yes when they went down again after the meal......again they stayed quite the entire flight till they came back on again before landing.......

I'm sorry to judge an entire country on these two women, but I now view Chines as 'Asia budgerigars'........ So the Chines getting a little loud? Just turn the lights down or slip a dark sack over there heads.......They'll drop strait off.

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Within living memory, people in China who "waited their turn" starved to death, along with their families.

It's going to take generations for that memory to fade.

On the flipside, you should hear what they say about our habits when we visit China.

I agreed on this. The habit is formed up by the past experience and how people grow up. Anyway, I really think that in the next generation, there will be some change (in a good way) because better living, globalization, etc.

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I've got one for you........Flying back to BKK from Addis Ababa last week, (a lot of Chines in Africa as well now) had two Chines middle age women sat behind me on the plane. I had seen them in the departure lounge...Did I say see them, I meant heard them.....Like a pair of Asian fog-horns, It was funny at first as one had the deepest voice and the other was quite squeaky, but still both very loud. I was not along when I heard them other passengers stopped and started looking for the origin of the noise.

Long story short not only were they loud they sat one aisle and one window seat behind me on the plane.

I was annoyed, it was a night flight and was hopping to get some sleep....Would I get some kip? Well I had to laugh at what happened. Well as I'm sure most recall that they dim the lights when taking off, or landing in the dark and they dim the cabin lights on night flights after the meal..........These two fog horns were going for it since they got on the plane.......I didn't believe it at first but as we were about to take off, the lights were slowing dimming........and as the lights got dimmer the two wind bags volume got less and less, still talking but going down in volume, until the lights where out and they were quite! I did hear someone laugh as it was that obvious......... Unfortunately the lights came back up once in the air.....and yes, they started talking immediately the light started to come back on.....and got louder as it got brighter........I kid you not.....And yes when they went down again after the meal......again they stayed quite the entire flight till they came back on again before landing.......

I'm sorry to judge an entire country on these two women, but I now view Chines as 'Asia budgerigars'........ So the Chines getting a little loud? Just turn the lights down or slip a dark sack over there heads.......They'll drop strait off.

I think many people these days are just loud and havent a clue, currently in the Uk had two people come to collect things Id sold off ebay, both were shouting at me like I was half way down the road.

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On a positive note about the Chinese, Thankfully they don't hire cars and drive ???

The roads of Thailand are dangerous enough as it is, without them weaving in and out and stopping when they feel like it...

Some of them drive their own cars down to Chiang Mai.

Edited by mesquite
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On a positive note about the Chinese, Thankfully they don't hire cars and drive ???

The roads of Thailand are dangerous enough as it is, without them weaving in and out and stopping when they feel like it...

Some of them drive their own cars down to Chiang Mai.

Er, many/loads of them drive their cars down to Chiang Mai - two days ago we saw yet another parade of more than twenty SUV's with blue plates, all being hearded into Green Hills golf course.

You/we were warned a long time ago.

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As much as I dislike their behavior, I get a chuckle out of the whole thing. Before the hordes of Chinese showed up, the only people I'd seen cut in line were the Thais.

Thailand is getting the "quality tourists" it deserves.

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Er, many/loads of them drive their cars down to Chiang Mai - two days ago we saw yet another parade of more than twenty SUV's with blue plates, all being hearded into Green Hills golf course.

You/we were warned a long time ago.

On a low budget, zero dollar tour to the golf course, huh?

What are the greens fees there?

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On a positive note about the Chinese, Thankfully they don't hire cars and drive ???

The roads of Thailand are dangerous enough as it is, without them weaving in and out and stopping when they feel like it...

They come by their own cars already drive on the wrong site - dangerous - sometimes I wonder how they made it when I see them in the north of Thailand

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Well you would have to understand if its the way they do things in China ( I haven't been) and know if it was "normal" for them.............with a population of billions it probably is "everyman for himself" ( or woman)

You are probably rite. About a year ago the Chinese put out a pamphlet on how Chines tourists should act in foreign countries. I thought that the Thai Government had printed up a bunch of tip sheets on how to respect Thai customs and way's. Not that the Chinese would read them.

On the other hand I have met some nice ones who spoke good English and were polite. They are definitely in the minority.wai.gif

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I asked my Khun Yai why Chinese people are so loudmouthed. She said something along the lines of:

The Chinese people used to live in a very communistic country. Whispering or talking to each other quietly meant you had something to hide from the state and you could be immediately arrested and interrogated. Wishing to avoid this unpleasantness, the Chinese, over 3-4 generations have learned to speak very loud when talking to each other so that everybody in the vicinity knows exactly what they're talking about. Hence there are no Chinese whispers.

True story or is my Khun Yai getting senile?

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I'm living in a large hotel in the States for a few months. Chinese tourists make up the majority of the guests, arriving daily on tour busses the size of the Space Shuttle, and descending on the front desk clerks like hyenas on two freshly downed, but still breathing, gazelles.

They group, oblivious to external stimuli, in the middle of any and every passage or doorway, chattering or taking photos of anything from the bus, to the lobby, to the desk clerks pulling out their own hair.

It's a better watch than anything on television.

On the other hand, when I want to pass through their clans, I smile and say excuse me, and they all become alert and smile and make little bows and graciously stand aside. Most speak English enough to say, sorry, good morning. Some speak it well.

That last paragraph is where I note a significant difference between Chinese behavior in the States, versus when they visit Thailand.

I gather there is a wee bit of animosity between Thais and Chinese.

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I've had Vietnamese women come and slap their purchases down in front of mine at the checkout counter in Big C. I just say, "What do you think you're doing" in Vietnamese, pick up their stuff and slap it down behind mine. They've never argued. The Vietnamese also talk to each other as if they were at different ends of a rice field which is probably where they are when they're not on a cheap package tour to Thailand. I think that the packaged trip only costs them a couple hundred dollars.

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They may of course stop breeding. They slaughtered many Female babies because they only wanted SONS under their One Kid Law.

Now there is a severe shortage of Female Chinese Breeding Stock. Perhaps they'll have to follow Ireland and go for Same-sex Marriage and then try surrogacy.... or maybe they'll just fade away?

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On a positive note about the Chinese, Thankfully they don't hire cars and drive ???

The roads of Thailand are dangerous enough as it is, without them weaving in and out and stopping when they feel like it...

Well, you should visit Chiangmai during Chinese New Year and Songkran. A lot of Chinese drive into Thailand with their cars. Easily spotted with blue Chinese registration plate and left hand drive.

Stay clear when you spot them, they may stop in the middle of the road to take a photo. No kidding !

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Had a Chinese geezer blatantly shove in front of me and half a line of people at BKK a while ago..in the immigration line, outgoing.

I am quite mild mannered and polite but it made my blood boil instantly, of course being British where queing etiquette is ingrained is us since pre-history and must never be abused.

I leaned over to whisper quietly in his ear ( but not too quietly ) that he'd fetter <deleted> off or I would kick is c**** in.

Don't know if he spoke english but he scurried away to another line and I got applauded by a group of Americans behind me.

Thought afterwards it wasn't the best place to potentially start an argument, but hell, some things are sacred , queue on.

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do any of you guys ever stand up for yourself and speak back to them?

chinese group leader continues to yell right in front of me, and i proceed to talk to her in a calm yet angry manner.

220lbs of muscle shut her up.

i find the chinese all over the world no matter which country I'm in the rudest people in the world. Period

oh and when the chinese man turned off my air-conditioning on the airplane, that was fun! he got a mouth full from me, and scared look.

and how about the chinese person that sneezed not covering their mouth in my direction. Told them off as well

i'll continue to do this. I'm a calm and polite person at nature, but step into my court and i'll play ball .

Great topic, another reason to get away from chiang mai.

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