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Thai govt revokes Thaksin's passports, citing 'damaging' interview

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Well That just proves and solidifies his statement that Thailand has a corrupt unethical and broken judicial system. And now will punish him for stating the facts. To bad for Thailand the whole world already knows this. So if im a huge foreign investor and I feel the judicial system is a fraud. I would take my business to China or some other cheap labor country. No benift to using Thailand from a business stand point. And big business tends to listen to Business men of his Caliber.

Your Quote,

"Thailand has a corrupt unethical and broken judicial system." yes, the system Thaksin helped to put in place and used unlimitedly while in power......

By the way, Big business loves corrupt country's. as for there almost unlimited funds provide them with the means of bending politics and justice into there favour.....

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I thought he had his passport taken off him years ago and travelled around on a Serbian passport or something like that?

They were all revoked in 2009... But his sister gave them back when she became PM... coffee1.gif

Where is his sister now?


Irrespective of personal views on Taksin and his murderous history.

I find it quite disturbing that in terms of evidence indicating that he has done something wrong in this instance all we are presented with is an explanation of "reports of tarnished the countries image and threat to national security". A vaguer, more obtuse set of statements could not be harder to find. Yet many take these statements as proof that a crime has been committed and he is guilty. So much for due process?

So can we all now nod in agreement that we would accept that someones opinion is all that is required to allocate guilt. If the PM/Army/Police / Foreign Ministry think you did it. That thought is now fact and you are guilty.

If you agree with that, then apply the same principle to your life here in Thailand. The police think you have tarnished Thailand image as you posted something which they don't like on TVF, (the fact it was in the issan farming forum and was about growing chilies is irrelevant) - "Get the <deleted> out of Thailand is their response", and everyone on TVF types "yeah we never liked him anyway. He deserves it!". Who decides guilt and how was that conclusion reached. Personal dislike? And that is a sound basis for a country to be run on?

This is an absolute farce.

Thaksin just doesn't know when to keep his mouth shut.

This time they have it on film not an opinion. the law is clear and he knows it well. for the last 15 years he has been trying to take the kings power away from him. He get's a big chance to help Thailand unite and in typical Thaksin fashion lets it go by. In the mean time adding to the. controversy

Yes indeed he is an absolute farce. Lucky for him he has stolen enough money to keep people on promoting him with false information.

As I said earlier it is surprising they didn't take it earlier. the man is a disgrace to humanity. He seeks out the weak minded people and the corrupt one's that he can buy for his support.

So you agree with the process used to assume his guilt on this matter then?

The issue I have here is not Taksin.

It's the fact that ' alleged threats to national security' (and that is a highly questionable charge in itself in all honesty - they have chosen that charge very specifically, as no good to honest patriotic Thai would ever stand side by side or support a person who is a threat to the national security of Thailand) are are not given due process even though nothing has been proven and everyone whoops it up and says its a good thing.

I (as a high ranking and important member of government) alleged that all farangs are threats to national security as they don't understand Thainess, are not Thai and all the bad things that happen in Thailand are because of foreigners meddling in Thai affairs. (sound familiar?) So lets punish them and invalidate all visas. Sound reasonable?


ABOUT TIME! LONG overdue. This fugitive was allowed to escape prosecution in 2008 to go to the Olympics in China, on the promise he would return. Of course he never returned. Everyone knew he never intended to return. The article wrongly states that he has been living in exile, when actually he has been living in self-imposed exile. He has always been free to return, but refuses to do so. The man is a white collar criminal who robbed Thailand blind.


This was posted yesterday on page 5 of this topic, please read it again:

A post bringing HM the King into the discussion has been removed:

1) You will not express disrespect of the King of Thailand or any one member of the Thai royal family, whether living or deceased, nor to criticize the monarchy as an institution.
By law, the Thai Royal Family are above politics. Speculation, comments and discussion of either a political or personal nature are not allowed when discussing HM The King or the Royal family.*
Discussion of the Lese Majeste law or Lese Majeste cases is permitted on the forum, providing no comment or speculation is made referencing the royal family.
To breach these rules may result in immediate ban.
Linking to external sites which break these rules will be treated as if you yourself posted them.
Please use discretion in your references to the government. Phrases which can be considered as anti-coup will be removed. Referring to Thailand or the government as a dictatorship, military dictatorship or other such terms will be removed.

Continue to disregard the above and more suspensions will be issued.


There are 2 clearly discernible groups on ThaiVisa....The vehemently ant-Thaksin camp who seem to regard politics in the same way as one might support a football team.........and the other camp, those who understand, or at least try to understand Thai politics and history.

One has to say that the lack of thought by the anti-Thaksin camp is blatantly apparent when one becomes aware of their main tenet; that anyone who disagrees with their mouth-frothingly simplistic points of view must be pro-Thaksin....a premise that unfortunately compels them to fall flat on their face at the first fence of any meaningful discussion

Yeah right.

I have never made that assertion. The same as claiming all those anti-Thaksin are right wing extremist junta fans, as if that somehow legitimizes their defense of the Shins.

Good job we have totally objective, highly educated political scientists who've studied Thai politics and can rationalize and contextualize the complexities like your self of course.

Some posters on here just love saying " I'm not a Thaksin supporter but.............." They usually give themselves away by claiming only they really understand things, attacking Shin opponents at any chance, and of course trying to dismiss anyone who is remotely anti-Thakisn or won't ignore the inconvenient truths.

Your taxonomy is wrong. You missed Shin supporters group, they do come and go, and those who like yourself try and pretend some superior knowledge.

I just love this response - the way Baerboxer just steps right up to the plate and sticks to stereotype - you couldn't hope for a better response!


So you agree with the process used to assume his guilt on this matter then?

The issue I have here is not Taksin.

It's the fact that ' alleged threats to national security' (and that is a highly questionable charge in itself in all honesty - they have chosen that charge very specifically, as no good to honest patriotic Thai would ever stand side by side or support a person who is a threat to the national security of Thailand) are are not given due process even though nothing has been proven and everyone whoops it up and says its a good thing.

I (as a high ranking and important member of government) alleged that all farangs are threats to national security as they don't understand Thainess, are not Thai and all the bad things that happen in Thailand are because of foreigners meddling in Thai affairs. (sound familiar?) So lets punish them and invalidate all visas. Sound reasonable?

Actually it sounds like BS, and any government official who decided to interfere with a valuable source of income would get smacked down if not killed by some tourism businessman.

You are trying to paint Thaksin's treatment as unfair. Removal of his passports should have happened long since, and until charges are actually laid, there is nothing to bitch about except a bit of bad-mouthing and possible exaggerated claims. And as the mongrel was quite willing to hand out unfair treatment to others, my sympathy meter hasn't flickered yet.

Do you see ANYTHING that I wrote that even suggested the things he did were legal? If you have read any of my 4k plus postings, you'll find plenty where I've slammed him, called him a liar and cheat and thief numerous times. I don't like the guy, I never have, but that still does not justify pressing bull s**t LM charges against him, and if you saw the interview he gave, that's exactly what the junta is doing. The guy needs to be brought back and stand trial for all the REAL things he has done, and I'd love to see it. But filing B.S. charges of L.M. against him, just because they can't think of anything else, is a load of horse manure.

..........."But filing B.S. charges of L.M. against him, just because they can't think of anything else, is a load of horse manure."..........

Perhaps they are trying to piss him off, as he as been doing to them for a while now. Anyway, the LM charge is just one more charge on a long list of charges which really mean nothing unless the Thai authorities get their hands on him.


There are 2 clearly discernible groups on ThaiVisa....The vehemently ant-Thaksin camp who seem to regard politics in the same way as one might support a football team.........and the other camp, those who understand, or at least try to understand Thai politics and history.

One has to say that the lack of thought by the anti-Thaksin camp is blatantly apparent when one becomes aware of their main tenet; that anyone who disagrees with their mouth-frothingly simplistic points of view must be pro-Thaksin....a premise that unfortunately compels them to fall flat on their face at the first fence of any meaningful discussion

Yeah right.

I have never made that assertion. The same as claiming all those anti-Thaksin are right wing extremist junta fans, as if that somehow legitimizes their defense of the Shins.

Good job we have totally objective, highly educated political scientists who've studied Thai politics and can rationalize and contextualize the complexities like your self of course.

Some posters on here just love saying " I'm not a Thaksin supporter but.............." They usually give themselves away by claiming only they really understand things, attacking Shin opponents at any chance, and of course trying to dismiss anyone who is remotely anti-Thakisn or won't ignore the inconvenient truths.

Your taxonomy is wrong. You missed Shin supporters group, they do come and go, and those who like yourself try and pretend some superior knowledge.

I just love this response - the way Baerboxer just steps right up to the plate and sticks to stereotype - you couldn't hope for a better response!

And I believe that is all you are interested in, the response you can get out of other posters. There is a term for that ...................whistling.gif


Does he not have one (or two) from a banana republic???

By the way this does not make him stateless, it just means that the privileges that his passport bestow upon him will not be honoured, and many countries will be notified of that, I am sure if he wishes to return to Thailand he will be sent Emergency Travel Documents.

I'm guessing one of the banana republics was Thailand .

Once you get outside Thailand, the anti-Thaksin venom dissipates to near zero. There are likely many countries who would view Thaksin as a victim of the corrupt political system in Thailand and would allow him entry.

Excuse me... but TS was the heart and soul of corruption. He was the PM you know, you might call him a victim of his own political and economic corruption. Poor little billionaire baby. My heart weeps.

Political corruption in Thailand neither began nor ended with Thaksin

He and his little sister are the epitome of corruption in Thailand. The Shins have a problem, don't they? He can't enter and she can't leave.


Edward Snowden is a TRAITOR wanted by Interpol, who stirred-up a great deal of trouble in order to divert the worlds press from Russia's de-facto invasion of Ukraine.[/size]

Funnily enough Interpol have not arrested Mr. T, because they know that the charges against him are trumped-up, politically motivated and a disgrace to Thailands legal system; as with those against his sister.[/size]

It is inconceivable Mr. T actually committed less-majesty, what he did to upset them was to remind people of the above, thus putting the spotlight back on Thailands internal corruption within the Judiciary.[/size]

How you Junta apologists must be squirming now they are tazering innocent students making a minor peaceful protest.[/size]

And yes, Thailand did request Intepol to arrest Mr. T and were rightly told to <deleted> off.[/size]

So according to you all of the 16 serious corruption cases against Taksin are trumped and up politically motivated. Including of course, when he gave a large government loan to Burma provided that they buy his own telecommunication equipment. yours is one of the most stupid posts I have ever seen on this forum

I really like the one where he ordered a state bank to approve a loan just under a billion baht to a company which promptly went tits up. Even a die-hard Thaksinist would question why some of those funds passed through his son's bank a/c.
Thaksin is a convicted criminal on the hide !!

That is the fact !

and on court for many many other wrong doings , not to say criminak activities,

corruption, stealing money from poorla tax payers,

selling telefon corp. without any penny tax to pay !

All this is enough !

And will your country allow a criminal fugitiv on hide to talk about your GVT ??

Would your country this allow ??

Would a criminal of your country with any sense do something similar ??

It's a good point, would any country allow it?

Well if its the case that Mr T is a wicked criminal, why is it that every country in the world except Thailand is happy to have him live with them. Think about it?


False charges against anyone, for any reason, IS a bad thing. That's not justice. It is, however, abuse of power, and a flat out lie.

But you act as if that's perfectly fine, as long as it's against Thaksin.

Come on Just1Voice, are you trying to tell me you could look someone in the eye and say that everything Thaksin did was within the law and legal ?

His rap sheet is longer than Al Capone's.

He deserves everything he gets, what goes around comes around.

Take away the false charges you claim and he still has done enough to warrant a long stretch in the "crowbar motel".

Do you see ANYTHING that I wrote that even suggested the things he did were legal? If you have read any of my 4k plus postings, you'll find plenty where I've slammed him, called him a liar and cheat and thief numerous times. I don't like the guy, I never have, but that still does not justify pressing bull s**t LM charges against him, and if you saw the interview he gave, that's exactly what the junta is doing. The guy needs to be brought back and stand trial for all the REAL things he has done, and I'd love to see it. But filing B.S. charges of L.M. against him, just because they can't think of anything else, is a load of horse manure.

Another of the 'I don't like Thaksin but.....' BSers.

It is not in any way false to accuse him of LM or take away his illegally gained passports. He accused the junta of following orders of the Privy Council - without any effort to provide evidence - in carrying out the coup. The charges have not been laid (yet) and it is a grey area whether it falls under the LM law.

Instead of jumping to conclusions, why not wait to see if the, for now accusation, does become legally in force.

BTW I agree with you about false charges and one of the many defects in the LM law (apart from being inheritantly wrong) is that any Thai can file a LM charge and the police are obliged to act upon it.

it's not gray - the privy council isn't covered by Art 112.

thaksin already has 4 LM charges against him... this is just icing on the cake. ... or it's just 'cause the general is pissed off... whistling.gif


There are 2 clearly discernible groups on ThaiVisa....The vehemently ant-Thaksin camp who seem to regard politics in the same way as one might support a football team.........and the other camp, those who understand, or at least try to understand Thai politics and history.

One has to say that the lack of thought by the anti-Thaksin camp is blatantly apparent when one becomes aware of their main tenet; that anyone who disagrees with their mouth-frothingly simplistic points of view must be pro-Thaksin....a premise that unfortunately compels them to fall flat on their face at the first fence of any meaningful discussion

Yeah right.

I have never made that assertion. The same as claiming all those anti-Thaksin are right wing extremist junta fans, as if that somehow legitimizes their defense of the Shins.

Good job we have totally objective, highly educated political scientists who've studied Thai politics and can rationalize and contextualize the complexities like your self of course.

Some posters on here just love saying " I'm not a Thaksin supporter but.............." They usually give themselves away by claiming only they really understand things, attacking Shin opponents at any chance, and of course trying to dismiss anyone who is remotely anti-Thakisn or won't ignore the inconvenient truths.

Your taxonomy is wrong. You missed Shin supporters group, they do come and go, and those who like yourself try and pretend some superior knowledge.

I just love this response - the way Baerboxer just steps right up to the plate and sticks to stereotype - you couldn't hope for a better response!

you know, there is so much nonsense posted against Thaksin and his sister and the PTP and, and, and, ... that just setting the record straight with these bozos seems like enough to get one labeled a "shin-supporter"....

and lord forbid you support democracy - then you'll get the additional label of brainwashed red-shirt supporter (or worse...)



I can only afford one passport, and I did not know that the very rich needed more than one.

I do know that I could not afford to be a man without a country, but again that is one thing the very

rich seems to be able to do with no problems. Yes Money does indeed make the world go around!

Mr. quandow, I do agree that Thaksin will not be returning to Thailand while the

present PM is in power. I guess he will have to keep spending his own money now, like the rest of us



So you agree with the process used to assume his guilt on this matter then?

The issue I have here is not Taksin.

It's the fact that ' alleged threats to national security' (and that is a highly questionable charge in itself in all honesty - they have chosen that charge very specifically, as no good to honest patriotic Thai would ever stand side by side or support a person who is a threat to the national security of Thailand) are are not given due process even though nothing has been proven and everyone whoops it up and says its a good thing.

I (as a high ranking and important member of government) alleged that all farangs are threats to national security as they don't understand Thainess, are not Thai and all the bad things that happen in Thailand are because of foreigners meddling in Thai affairs. (sound familiar?) So lets punish them and invalidate all visas. Sound reasonable?

Actually it sounds like BS, and any government official who decided to interfere with a valuable source of income would get smacked down if not killed by some tourism businessman.

You are trying to paint Thaksin's treatment as unfair. Removal of his passports should have happened long since, and until charges are actually laid, there is nothing to bitch about except a bit of bad-mouthing and possible exaggerated claims. And as the mongrel was quite willing to hand out unfair treatment to others, my sympathy meter hasn't flickered yet.

So his unfair treatment of other, justifies this utter farce.

As Ghandi once said "An eye for an eye will make the whole world blind".

It's a good point, would any country allow it?

Well if its the case that Mr T is a wicked criminal, why is it that every country in the world except Thailand is happy to have him live with them. Think about it?

Some of the less-discerning (PC for corrupt) countries are willing to sell him an expensive passport, whether he is allowed to reside there is another matter. Some are happy enough to grant him a tourist visa, and some have made it quite clear not to apply if refusal offends.

Thailand OTOH is quite willing to let him come, and happy to give him free room and rations at "His Majestys Pleasure''.

It's a good point, would any country allow it?

Well if its the case that Mr T is a wicked criminal, why is it that every country in the world except Thailand is happy to have him live with them. Think about it?

Your post would have merit, if the world only consisted of Uganda, Zimbabwe, Montenegro and Nicaragua. Luckily, it doesn't.


I think the time is near when he will be coming home and his red army will be waiting and there is very little the official army will be able to do.

That was the chant in 2010. And that was supposed to be Yingluck's job. Turned out well didn't it?


So you agree with the process used to assume his guilt on this matter then?

The issue I have here is not Taksin.

It's the fact that ' alleged threats to national security' (and that is a highly questionable charge in itself in all honesty - they have chosen that charge very specifically, as no good to honest patriotic Thai would ever stand side by side or support a person who is a threat to the national security of Thailand) are are not given due process even though nothing has been proven and everyone whoops it up and says its a good thing.

I (as a high ranking and important member of government) alleged that all farangs are threats to national security as they don't understand Thainess, are not Thai and all the bad things that happen in Thailand are because of foreigners meddling in Thai affairs. (sound familiar?) So lets punish them and invalidate all visas. Sound reasonable?

Actually it sounds like BS, and any government official who decided to interfere with a valuable source of income would get smacked down if not killed by some tourism businessman.

You are trying to paint Thaksin's treatment as unfair. Removal of his passports should have happened long since, and until charges are actually laid, there is nothing to bitch about except a bit of bad-mouthing and possible exaggerated claims. And as the mongrel was quite willing to hand out unfair treatment to others, my sympathy meter hasn't flickered yet.

So his unfair treatment of other, justifies this utter farce.

As Ghandi once said "An eye for an eye will make the whole world blind".

What unfair treatment are you referring to? No charges have been laid.

Yes they are making him out to be an A-hole, which is easy because he does it to himself all the time.


Rumor is that Thaksin becomes head of FIFA

Well, he made some important steps towards that when he announced that he was going to buy Liverpool Football Club until the question was asked how was it going to be paid for and then it emerged the money was going to come straight out of state coffers. The idea was suddenly dropped and Thaksin proceeded to then score some spectacular own goals and put himself on a free transfer and was last seen playing reserve in the Dubai Premier League.


Well That just proves and solidifies his statement that Thailand has a corrupt unethical and broken judicial system. And now will punish him for stating the facts. To bad for Thailand the whole world already knows this. So if im a huge foreign investor and I feel the judicial system is a fraud. I would take my business to China or some other cheap labor country. No benift to using Thailand from a business stand point. And big business tends to listen to Business men of his Caliber.

Your Quote,

"Thailand has a corrupt unethical and broken judicial system." yes, the system Thaksin helped to put in place and used unlimitedly while in power......

By the way, Big business loves corrupt country's. as for there almost unlimited funds provide them with the means of bending politics and justice into there favour.....

"yes, the system Thaksin helped to put in place" - what a facile comment to make, you really need to brush up on Thai history.


>>Thaksin has seldom commented on political affairs in public over the past year, but the former PM made waves last week after he told a South Korean news channel that the 2014 coup makers were helped by Thailand's traditional elites.<< Quote

True, but hardly breaking news??

The good news:

With a 112 hanging over his head, Mr T will never return to Thailand!!

And this is probably true about the elites. But, why did it take this long to revoke his passport? Why didnt "Abhisit the softie" do it previously? The reality is, that it is fairly easy to buy legal passports these days if you have enough cash. Perhaps he is too much of a hot potato though. Hopefully. He deserves whatever he gets. To describe him as the most divisive figure in thai politics for a very long time would be an understatement.


so do you agree with what he actually said?

do you think it warrants the reaction from the current regime? they are n't relating it to any other past crimes.


Does it really serve any purpose , I suppose it undermines his authority to speak on Thailand's behalf .The only time he would ever return would be would be if and when a Thaksin friendly Government were in place , so I dare say they would issue him a new one. Its just to unsettle his supporters I suppose and show how the junta can do what they want, Apart from Jailing his sister , not much else they can get at him with

Actually there is a way to have him arrested and brought to justice in Thailand. He only needs to be officially added to Interpol's list of wanted criminals and his exile will be over sooner than later, especially if a substantial reward is offered for information that leads to his arrest and return to Thailand to stand trial.

And how do they do this via Interpol considering the rest of the democratic world supports him.

WRONG. He has lost that support from the rest of the democratic world. If he had their support he'd be in one of those countries for sure. He's not.


>>Thaksin has seldom commented on political affairs in public over the past year, but the former PM made waves last week after he told a South Korean news channel that the 2014 coup makers were helped by Thailand's traditional elites.<< Quote

True, but hardly breaking news??

The good news:

With a 112 hanging over his head, Mr T will never return to Thailand!!

And this is probably true about the elites. But, why did it take this long to revoke his passport? Why didnt "Abhisit the softie" do it previously? The reality is, that it is fairly easy to buy legal passports these days if you have enough cash. Perhaps he is too much of a hot potato though. Hopefully. He deserves whatever he gets. To describe him as the most divisive figure in thai politics for a very long time would be an understatement.

Abhisit and the Democrats DID indeed cancel his passport.

However during the serious floods of 2011the Foreign Ministry (which was closed for safety reasons) was opened and a brand new shiny diplomatic passport was issued to Thaksin Shinawatra by Foreign minister Surapong Tovichakchaikul, who said the new travel document for Mr Thaksin, who spends most of his time in Dubai avoiding a two year jail term for corruption, could be a "New Year's present".

To ensure a safe delivery FM Surapong hand delivered it to Thaksin, the well known criminal fugite in his safe haven in Dubai. He obviously did not trust the the Thai Post Office and EMS to do the job.


K Surapong just happens to be a cousin of Thaksin Shinawatra and of course Thaksin's sister, Yingluck, who was PM at the time.

In the news this week.

Ex-FM Surapong vows to return passports to Thaksin if Pheu Thai is in next government



To Plutojames88, I think you've said your stuff to make us giggle a bit, a send up of the conspiracy theorists ?? smile.png

I'm now going to say, that I reckon that Thaksin IS actually (secretly) backed by the USA. Remember, America has constantly backed whatever leaders in whatever areas, America has constantly 'meddled' in other countries' situations. Let's put it this way, if America (the West) was to not support Thaksin, well, Thaksin really would be a person would no power or influence, he really would be irrelevant.

Nice try to feed the ant-Americanism but doesn't quite work. Thaksin discovered in 2010 that the US was tapping into his (secret) communications with the leaders directing operations with the reds on the streets. He never forgave them for this when the story broke and to suggest that Thaksin is somebody else's puppet is a nonsense. His efforts to get the international community to stand behind him in any substantial way has been a spectacular failure to date and one of the significant reasons for why the red troops have had to be confined to 'barracks', international mutterings about democracy notwithstanding.


"He never forgave them for this" - one thing for sure about Thaksin is that "never forgive" isn't part of his lexicon..he'll forgive anyone that's expedient........take for instance his machinations with certain members of the very higharchy...this is why you can never discount him in the arena of Thai politics.....he's not the smartest politician in the world, but he's leagues ahead of most in Thailand.

It's a good point, would any country allow it?

Well if its the case that Mr T is a wicked criminal, why is it that every country in the world except Thailand is happy to have him live with them. Think about it?

Your post would have merit, if the world only consisted of Uganda, Zimbabwe, Montenegro and Nicaragua. Luckily, it doesn't.

Well, I will go back to the most relevant part of one of my previous posts that has been mysteriously deleted, presumably for being "inflammatory" which is very funny considering some of the content of the previous 350 odd posts.

If he was a criminal wanted for serious fraud charges (like FIFA officials) why would Interpol not be able to arrest him (and it was requested). Answer, because Interpol will not arrest anybody who the charges against are politically motivated.

This is the point. He may or may not be guilty of wrongdoing, but the charges against him were raised by an illegitimate regime; as with the charges against YL.

This is recognised by the outside world (except for those who would defend "Kristallnacht" or "Tiananmen Square" as the actions of a good government who care about the people.

If you really care about democracy, you cant defend people who overthrow a democratically elected government at the point of a gun to impose their own twisted, despotic ideas of a new order of "happiness for the people".Sieg Heil.


Well, I will go back to the most relevant part of one of my previous posts that has been mysteriously deleted, presumably for being "inflammatory" which is very funny considering some of the content of the previous 350 odd posts.

If he was a criminal wanted for serious fraud charges (like FIFA officials) why would Interpol not be able to arrest him (and it was requested). Answer, because Interpol will not arrest anybody who the charges against are politically motivated.

This is the point. He may or may not be guilty of wrongdoing, but the charges against him were raised by an illegitimate regime; as with the charges against YL.

This is recognised by the outside world (except for those who would defend "Kristallnacht" or "Tiananmen Square" as the actions of a good government who care about the people.

If you really care about democracy, you cant defend people who overthrow a democratically elected government at the point of a gun to impose their own twisted, despotic ideas of a new order of "happiness for the people".Sieg Heil.

Thaksin is not wanted for serious fraud charges, rather is he is wanted for serious fraud convictions, the evidence of which has never been challenged. His term of office had expired when the army stepped in in 2006. I guess some of you didn't know that or rather think that we didn't. Your reference to Kristallnacht and Tiananmen Square is bogus. As for the 'outside world', I guess that must be some mystical state because otherwise it is has zero basis. As for Thaksin's passport or rather passports being cancelled, the old red claque here seems to be incandescent at yet another humiliation being heaped upon their hero who in 3-D relief appears as Che Guevara, Gandhi and Father Christmas in some strange ideological mashup.

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