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Ex-FM Surapong vows to return passports to Thaksin if Pheu Thai is in next govt

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Foreign Affairs officials in multiple responsible developed world countries classify him as the former PM of Thailand who resigned in the face of corruption charges, attempted to re-instate himself, was blocked by a coup, found guilty by a court, and is currently staying out of the country to avoid jail and further serious corruption charges.

You think other leaders don't know this?

Can we please be honest?

The outside world's view of SE Asia is that this is a corrupt, brutal region. More specifically, corruption is considered to be the norm, an endemic blight.

As such, corruption isn't a defining characteristic because they are all considered to be corrupt.

"all considered corrupt"

Well, that's why you wrote before "Foreign Affairs officials in multiple responsible developed world countries classify him as the former PM of Thailand, deposed through an engineered military coup d'état." and "Beauty is n the eye of the beholder. It helps if one has good eyesight."

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In case they need a slogan for their election campaign:

Vote Pheu Thai and every crook can travel

Not every crook....

Every Shinawatra crook......Somchai the farmer will still go into jail for smoking a joint in the evening.

Smoking a joint does not make him a crookgigglem.gif


And you really can't be "deposed" if you had already resigned from the post.. Can you?

Why do some here willfully ignore this small detail?


it is interesting to reread the story of his lawyers caught by camera's while they tried to send some "shoeboxes" full of money to the judges of the Supreme Court.


arent these the same lawyers representing the ptp & yl now?, any other country they would lose the licences to practice for this, here they are rewarded. The ptp and crooked lawyers seem to go hand in hand, wonder when someone is going to have the balls to actually start locking all these cretins up.


'... Surapong ... insisted that the fugitive did nothing wrong and had not done any damage to the government.' So, always supposing he does understand the meaning of the word, Surapong does admit to Thaksin's being a 'fugitive'. That alone should have led a legitimate government to have, at the very least, already revoked Thaksin's diplomatic passport. Of course, he giving the passports back again - to someone whom, by his own admission, is a fugitive - always presupposes Surapong is in a position to actually do so.


The pot is being stirred.....its going to come to a huge head soon.......volleys from both sides being fired......the YL thing may help ro kick it off....yet another impending event sadly for sure will........1860's American style....coming soon to your front door.

TiT, not the... US, sit down, take another beer, relax, NOBODY knowing a thing about what's going to happen, or not, will have the imprudence to let anything that matters been known by the vulgum pecus, and less so by tolerated Farangs like us...


Maybe the Ombudsman will be woken up by this babble, and remember ET never showed his ...(well) face, maybe time to sue him for contempt, at last?


He insisted the fugitive did nothing wrong being a fugitive from the law is not wrong .... and canceling his passport is wrong because he is a fugitive .... oh well just saying...


Foreign Affairs officials in multiple responsible developed world countries classify him as the former PM of Thailand who resigned in the face of corruption charges, attempted to re-instate himself, was blocked by a coup, found guilty by a court, and is currently staying out of the country to avoid jail and further serious corruption charges.

You think other leaders don't know this?

Can we please be honest?

The outside world's view of SE Asia is that this is a corrupt, brutal region. More specifically, corruption is considered to be the norm, an endemic blight.

As such, corruption isn't a defining characteristic because they are all considered to be corrupt.

"all considered corrupt"

Well, that's why you wrote before "Foreign Affairs officials in multiple responsible developed world countries classify him as the former PM of Thailand, deposed through an engineered military coup d'état." and "Beauty is n the eye of the beholder. It helps if one has good eyesight."

What's your point? If they are considered corrupt, the defining characteristics move on to something else don't they?

Need some help? Elected government vs. Military imposed administration. Improved quality of live for the have nots vs Economic problems. Improved general health of a population vs. deteriorating public health, Willingness to co-operate in the respect for international human rights vs. International crisis with boat people.

Do you get it now?


Nothing surprising! The anti-Thaksin faction revokes his passeport and the pro-Thaksin faction wants to return it. Same as usual!


Why isn't this guy in jail? and for a long time?

Because it is in one group's political interests to leave him at large. He is the bogeyman. If incarcerated, the bunglers and plotters lose their raison d'etre.

Also, he becomes a martyr, an imprisoned "hero".


Why isn't this guy in jail? and for a long time?

Because it is in one group's political interests to leave him at large. He is the bogeyman. If incarcerated, the bunglers and plotters lose their raison d'etre.

Also, he becomes a martyr, an imprisoned "hero".

"Why isn't this guy in jail? and for a long time?"

Not sure if he's referring to Thaksin or his lap dog Surapong, or both?


Foreign Affairs officials in multiple responsible developed world countries classify him as the former PM of Thailand who resigned in the face of corruption charges, attempted to re-instate himself, was blocked by a coup, found guilty by a court, and is currently staying out of the country to avoid jail and further serious corruption charges.

You think other leaders don't know this?

Can we please be honest?

The outside world's view of SE Asia is that this is a corrupt, brutal region. More specifically, corruption is considered to be the norm, an endemic blight.

As such, corruption isn't a defining characteristic because they are all considered to be corrupt.

"all considered corrupt"

Well, that's why you wrote before "Foreign Affairs officials in multiple responsible developed world countries classify him as the former PM of Thailand, deposed through an engineered military coup d'état." and "Beauty is n the eye of the beholder. It helps if one has good eyesight."

What's your point? If they are considered corrupt, the defining characteristics move on to something else don't they?

Need some help? Elected government vs. Military imposed administration. Improved quality of live for the have nots vs Economic problems. Improved general health of a population vs. deteriorating public health, Willingness to co-operate in the respect for international human rights vs. International crisis with boat people.

Do you get it now?

Mussolini made the trains run on time, Hitler improved the economy, Stalin held on through WWII, even Idi Amin did some good things, all great blokes once you ignore the "defining characteristic", right?.


Foreign Affairs officials in multiple responsible developed world countries classify him as the former PM of Thailand who resigned in the face of corruption charges, attempted to re-instate himself, was blocked by a coup, found guilty by a court, and is currently staying out of the country to avoid jail and further serious corruption charges.

You think other leaders don't know this?

Can we please be honest?

The outside world's view of SE Asia is that this is a corrupt, brutal region. More specifically, corruption is considered to be the norm, an endemic blight.

As such, corruption isn't a defining characteristic because they are all considered to be corrupt.

"all considered corrupt"

Well, that's why you wrote before "Foreign Affairs officials in multiple responsible developed world countries classify him as the former PM of Thailand, deposed through an engineered military coup d'état." and "Beauty is n the eye of the beholder. It helps if one has good eyesight."

What's your point? If they are considered corrupt, the defining characteristics move on to something else don't they?

Need some help? Elected government vs. Military imposed administration. Improved quality of live for the have nots vs Economic problems. Improved general health of a population vs. deteriorating public health, Willingness to co-operate in the respect for international human rights vs. International crisis with boat people.

Do you get it now?

You seem to suggest that the 'corrupt' part may be safely ignored as they're all corrupt. For honest people the buck already stops there and whether they're 'elected', 'military', or 'green people from Mars' doesn't matter. They are corrupt. Do you get it now?


Dear GK,

how quickly we forget the last Thaksin/Yingluck Gvmnt health policy stunt where they wanted to cut the extra allowance for doctors working in rural nowhere areas and replace it with a premium based on the number of patients handled per hour. Improving general health by speed treating the rural population?


Foreign Affairs officials in multiple responsible developed world countries classify him as the former PM of Thailand who resigned in the face of corruption charges, attempted to re-instate himself, was blocked by a coup, found guilty by a court, and is currently staying out of the country to avoid jail and further serious corruption charges.

You think other leaders don't know this?

Can we please be honest?

The outside world's view of SE Asia is that this is a corrupt, brutal region. More specifically, corruption is considered to be the norm, an endemic blight.

As such, corruption isn't a defining characteristic because they are all considered to be corrupt.

"all considered corrupt"

Well, that's why you wrote before "Foreign Affairs officials in multiple responsible developed world countries classify him as the former PM of Thailand, deposed through an engineered military coup d'état." and "Beauty is n the eye of the beholder. It helps if one has good eyesight."

What's your point? If they are considered corrupt, the defining characteristics move on to something else don't they?

Need some help? Elected government vs. Military imposed administration. Improved quality of live for the have nots vs Economic problems. Improved general health of a population vs. deteriorating public health, Willingness to co-operate in the respect for international human rights vs. International crisis with boat people.

Do you get it now?

Quality of life for have nots... Aren't they giving away usage rights to huge areas of land, so that landless farmers have land use rights.

What's the problem with public health?

What international crisis with boat people? They are doing something about it, they are working with countries in the region and they are considering the US REQUEST to use Thai airports and docking facilities!

Ohhh and from an earlier posting. Do you honestly believe that the situation with the air transport department is the military governments fault, when the initial report was 10 years ago and nothing was done.. Did Prayuth have that report stuffed under his mattress or something!


Wonder where this puppet is getting his backing. Thansin will never quit. So sad for Thailand!

Which puppet Geriatric Kid or Surapong?

GK likes to ask - far too often and without justification, as if he were a font of wisdom: "Do you get it now?"

I got it several years ago. He's an unrepentant and unreformed Thaksin apologist.

Do you get it now?


As long as we have "Thaksin is the de facto leader of the Redshirt movement and Pheu Thai Party" it shouldn't surprise that a party run by a criminal fugitive risks dissolution.

You call him a criminal fugitive leader. Foreign Affairs officials in multiple responsible developed world countries classify him as the former PM of Thailand, deposed through an engineered military coup d'état.

The current Thai admin has its 12 very important, big hitter friends (Antigua and Barbuda, Burundi, Central African Republic, Comoros, Dominican Republic, Gabon, Ghana, Kiribati, Hungary, Nauru, Vanuatu, and Cameroon).

When the former PM was in power he was well received in the G-20. He laid the foundation for a free trade agreement with Canada and Australia. Both discussions are on hiatus now that the latter countries have banished Thailand to the political outhouse. The EU has condemned the current Thai admin, but had previously applauded the former PM's progress on moving towards social justice for the poor.

Beauty is n the eye of the beholder. It helps if one has good eyesight.

Hah! Who needs Australia or Canada....we have the CAR , Botswana and Kiribati in our play group


"Surapong vows to return passports to Thaksin if Pheu Thai..."

'Sounds like a clear case of criminal intent... He even identifies his planned co-conspirators!


This is whats wrong with the PTP, laws don't apply to them and they don't need to follow it as long as they are in power. Because what they think is right must be the right thing to do and above the law.

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