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Victim blaming: She was dressed as a slut so she had it coming.

Common sense: You shouldn't walk alone and drunk in the middle of the night in a remote area in a third-world country because it is dangerous.

Victim blaming.

A 19 year on holiday had no right to be out in a tourist area in the early hours.

Rapist accountability.

What were they thinking when a group of them picked up a young guest in their country,held her down and brutally violated her.

They knew well the laws they were breaking ,and had no right to be there at that time.

The blame needs to be placed squarely on the shoulders of the person that broke the law.

You could probably do with an attitude adjustment in this area

No one said anything about taking away anyone's rights, and no one is saying that we shouldn't blame the perpetrators. Stop trying to pigeonhole me into your convenient box.

We are saying that it's a bad idea to go out alone and drunk in the early hours in a foreign place and you should know the risks. Why is this so difficult to understand?

Hopefully this advice will help someone in the future, maybe even one of your loved ones.

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Why do you hope they catch the rapist and throw away the key? You know that is not going to happen here as you stated. Is that not your Judaeo-Christian upbringing speaking? Are you not looking down on Thailand's judicial and value systems?


I do hope he was looking down on thailands judicial and value system! there have been many rapes of gullible european women/girls who come over here alone and think like fools! I have never seen in the thai news any thai's convicted of raping foreign women, the stories continually dissapear! name one just one! and get off your high horse and look at life as it is in thailand!

You all sitting there typing arguments. Rapes happen everywhere. not just in Thailand and not just to tourists. All rapists should be castrated because if they do it once they will more than likely do it again if given the chance.

The fact that this happened in Thailand is irrelevant. This girl was lucky to escape with just a rape happening. She could have been killed and no one would have been the wiser.

It really surprises me that the BIB are actually doing something about it though. I know of rapes of foreigners in Thailand that were reported and nothing ever happened. Swept under the carpet by the BIB. Although the BIB mentioned their meeting and a plan to set up better security would not stop this from happening again it is at least something preventative. They really need to step up their judicial system to punish criminals like this to the maximum.

Let us hope they catch these guys and punish them to the max. Not just a slap on the wrist and a fine but some real prison time so they can get raped there and see how it feels. My sympathies for the girl who will now be scarred for life. What a shame for Thailand.


Victim blaming: She was dressed as a slut so she had it coming.

Common sense: You shouldn't walk alone and drunk in the middle of the night in a remote area in a third-world country because it is dangerous.

Another old fart comment, 19yrs old, and travelling the world. She did not deserve this, and frankly your comment says a lot about your character.

So, Sir, (I assume you are probably male), if you had a 19 year old daughter and she said she was going to any third world country (or Thailand) for a holiday, and you knew she did like to party up a bit and liked to celebrate with a few drinks, what advice would you give her?

#1. Do what you like! Wander around alone in strange streets in strange towns etc, dressed as you feel in the mood to dress, possibly even drunk or looking otherwise alone & vulnerable, if you like. Enjoy yourself & behave with the assurance that you are always among friends and no one will ever harm you. If some unlikely, unfortunate event might ever befall you, be confident. Getting raped is never your fault! Someone else bad always is completely to blame even, if he may never be found to make accountable!

Or alternatively, #2. You will be a long way from home may unknowingly be among people who may not have your best interests at heart. Always think and act defensively while you enjoy yourself. Do not wander around late at night alone. If you have to go outside or to the toilet, only go with a couple of known old friends for security comfort. Do not dress to look available or act vulnerable (to a predator) in public, in any way. You are not in your own home town & country where it still might not be safe to do this. Always be aware that other people might get drunk, lose their self control and do something like rob, assault or rape you. It will be cold comfort the next day if you realize you did not take other peoples' possible bad or drunk behavior into account. Being alone, drunk & vulnerable are the things you must at all time avoid (particularly as it becomes later in the evening) to not risk falling victim to someone else s drunk, drugged or predatory behavior.


You must be quoting somebody else mate, I never said that.

"Regardless of what time it was or what she was wearing these bastards need putting down."

Stay with me, man.


I spotting more and more teenager out at night in not safe countries,

Brits I think leading this !

How many times they have to read such stories to get clever ??

you even can't do this in USA in the night and darkness !!


Of course I do not blame the victim, but seriously, why do teenage tourists think getting drunk in a 3rd world country and wandering around like it's Disney World. Most Thai people have little and nothing to lose, they are not governed by the same controls found in the Nanny states. Tourist need to relaize that coming here and getting drunk and stoned and taking chances is not a good idea. I hope the catch the rapist and throw away the key, but of course, they will likely get 3 yrs, and then only if they are over 18.

You just did blame the victim.

Why do holiday makers think they can wear a bikini in when on holiday.

Why did the man have his money in his pocket when he was drinking.

Why did the girl smile and chat with the taxi driver.

It is your attitude that continues to give excuses to violent behaviour.

She is on holiday. She went out for drinks. She walked back to her hotel. She chatted to some friendly motorcycle guys. As you chat with friendly girls.

Maybe they offered her a ride back to the hotel.

She did nothing wrong.

This government needs to step up punishment of offences against foreigners.especially crimes of rape and violence. Nobody cares about a bag snatch or a scam here and there for a few hundred baht. The violence against foreigners in this country is the worst in the entire world.

Sad to report but Tourism and Sports Minister Kobkarn Wattanavrangkul has told the world that Thailand is safe for tourists! whistling.gif

Huh? She must be deluded, deaf, wearing blinkers and is incapable of recognising the truth even if it were to hit her in the face coffee1.gif

I wonder if the 30 Ambassadors believed her, because very few others would.

I wish the girl a speedy recovery and even if she did not exercise due caution she still does not deserve the horrendous crime committed on her.


"She is said to have walked alone to a shop at around 1.30am on Tuesday, when a motorcyle gang abducted her and rode off."

Sorry but this is not advisable to do in Thailand when you're alone and a girl, especially after midnight . But the tourists coming here do not realize how dangerous it can be.


The point is that statements such as, "It doesn't matter what the victim was doing, the criminal is at fault," while true, doesn't really help anyone avoid being victims in the future.

If criminals are targeted as a matter of priority and then jailed for long sentences, this reduces the number of future victims. Strict policing and harsh sentencing also teaches young kids that they will lose basically everything if they turn to crime when they grow up, this also reduces the number of future victims.

You are right about victims in the sense that of course it matters what they are doing, but then we should remember that young people from the UK are arriving in a very hot climate and are jetlagged, they are dazed by their new exotic surroundings in many ways even before they enjoy a few beers. Most of them are probably more careful at home, but it is very disorienting for young people arriving out here for the first time, certainly the first week or so. I think we should give them some leeway in terms of expecting them to be totally on their guard when they are basically in this dazed arrival condition. This is where strict regulation by the authorities should come in, to make sure the areas are safe enough for tired and culture-shocked young travellers who have enjoyed some beers, to be able to seek a taxi home safely.

Thanks for your reply, it's good to have a reasonable disagreement/discussion for once.

Everything you say is true and you make many fair points. Certainly we should have appropriate policing and sentencing for criminals and make sure the youth know the consequences for committing a crime. It's also understandable that people would let down their guard while in an exotic locale and governments would be wise to take your suggestions on protecting tourists.

My great fear is that when people cry "victim blaming" when people are trying to give advice on how to avoid being a victim, they're going down a dangerous path. Rather than learning the lessons from a crime and teaching people how to avoid being a similar victim, people instead cry out, "Crime just shouldn't happen, it doesn't matter what the victim was doing!" Anyone trying to give reasonable advice on safety and avoidance is shamed and ridiculed and told they need an "attitude adjustment".

Yes, it's understandable that young people will be less careful than seasoned travelers, especially among friends and with some alcohol/drugs, but this also means that we should double down on how much we should educate them on taking reasonable precautions. We can't control the criminals in other countries, but we can control (to some extent) how careful our sons/daughters are.


Lets get some perspective here. This is a horrible, unfortunate event, but Thailand is not the world capital of rape.

Statistically, it doesn't even make the top 20. The UK, the US, Germany, Sweden, Norway and Australia all have higher levels of rape per population.

I am sure your statistics will provide comfort to the poor victim in this case!!

Would be interesting to know, how many of the rapes, in the countries you mention, are committed by people not originating from those countries.

I have no facts, but my gut feeling is that many are committed by "visitors" !!


"She is said to have walked alone to a shop at around 1.30am on Tuesday, when a motorcyle gang abducted her and rode off."

Sorry but this is not advisable to do in Thailand when you're alone and a girl, especially after midnight . But the tourists coming here do not realize how dangerous it can be.

Anyone should be able to walk anywhere at any time without being sexually assaulted!!


Another hideous crime and more apparent incredulity that such crimes happen in Thailand. Why?

Because they happen everywhere in the world, every single day. Including whatever "superior" country you come from.

My question would be "why all the hand-wringing over a foreigner's rape when probably a dozen Thai women were also raped on the same day"?


British,teenager,drunk, early morning walk alone = stupid

Comments like that = stupid

I bet she wont do it again,some just have to learn the hard way.

Soalbundy ... Play this .. every person who reads your horse crap feel this way ...


Of course I do not blame the victim, but seriously, why do teenage tourists think getting drunk in a 3rd world country and wandering around like it's Disney World. Most Thai people have little and nothing to lose, they are not governed by the same controls found in the Nanny states. Tourist need to relaize that coming here and getting drunk and stoned and taking chances is not a good idea. I hope the catch the rapist and throw away the key, but of course, they will likely get 3 yrs, and then only if they are over 18.

You just did blame the victim.

Why do holiday makers think they can wear a bikini in when on holiday.

Why did the man have his money in his pocket when he was drinking.

Why did the girl smile and chat with the taxi driver.

It is your attitude that continues to give excuses to violent behaviour.

She is on holiday. She went out for drinks. She walked back to her hotel. She chatted to some friendly motorcycle guys. As you chat with friendly girls.

Maybe they offered her a ride back to the hotel.

She did nothing wrong.

This government needs to step up punishment of offences against foreigners.especially crimes of rape and violence. Nobody cares about a bag snatch or a scam here and there for a few hundred baht. The violence against foreigners in this country is the worst in the entire world.

I'm not sure if your more niaive than the victim of the rape. Of course it's not her fault but we live in a society where you have to think about your safety all the time, this isn't a Thailand problem it's a human problem that happens all over the world. It's not a good idea to go out and get drunk and then walk home on your own, wherever you are in the world.....that's not me being cautious it's a fact.


Think of the victim and help her-do not bicker-but there is so much violence in 'The Land Of Smiles'-countries like Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia + Bali and Lombok do not have the same crime rate

Watch out TAT


Where does it say the biker gang was Thai...?

Also, this even happens in the nanny states, bikers all over the world make a point of raping, its a male chauvinistic culture that endorses abuse and objectification of women... this happens often even in the most highly "nannied" states... bikers are just scum with a delusional sense of entitlement and a perverted perspective on life, values, fellow human beings and society !

Having reported the crime proves well for the young lass... don't let these pathetic thugs have the better of her... !

I can see where you got the first part of your name. I have been a biker all my life--I've ridden since I was 10, I am 70 now. I have never raped a woman and I know no other biker who has; therefore, I doubt the credibility of your statement, " . . . bikers all over the world make a point of raping . . ."

You might as well replace the word "biker" with father, husband, grandfather, brother, son, priest, policemen, mayor, etc., ad infinitum; it would be just as truthful.

The difference is YOU had an education.

These turds don't.


Of course I do not blame the victim, but seriously, why do teenage tourists think getting drunk in a 3rd world country and wandering around like it's Disney World. Most Thai people have little and nothing to lose, they are not governed by the same controls found in the Nanny states. Tourist need to relaize that coming here and getting drunk and stoned and taking chances is not a good idea. I hope the catch the rapist and throw away the key, but of course, they will likely get 3 yrs, and then only if they are over 18.

I am sure there are parts in London or other big cities in UK where you shouldn't wander around complete drunk in the middle of the night....


"She is said to have walked alone to a shop at around 1.30am on Tuesday, when a motorcyle gang abducted her and rode off."

Sorry but this is not advisable to do in Thailand when you're alone and a girl, especially after midnight . But the tourists coming here do not realize how dangerous it can be.

Anyone should be able to walk anywhere at any time without being sexually assaulted!!

Yep, and we should all have magical fairy godmothers who grant us our wishes as well.


Think of the victim and help her-do not bicker-but there is so much violence in 'The Land Of Smiles'-countries like Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia + Bali and Lombok do not have the same crime rate

Watch out TAT

What statistics are you basing this on?


Why do you hope they catch the rapist and throw away the key? You know that is not going to happen here as you stated. Is that not your Judaeo-Christian upbringing speaking? Are you not looking down on Thailand's judicial and value systems?


If he is looking down on tHailand's judicial and value systems then he has a right to do just that. Just as it's your right to make such a stupid comment. Then again, if you appreciate and laud the fact that tourists are fair game for rape with no reprisals, perhaps you need some attitude adjustment. Rape is the worst crime a human can commit against another human, you think it's okay then shame on you.


What's up? I thought the Thai government just declared, to foreign governments, that Thailand is a safe destination for tourists?


This is a very busy well lit street, even at 01.30 it would be easy to think you are safe to walk 300m to the shop.

Please stop assuming this girl is stupid and "will learn her lesson"


There are lots of comments following a theme here. "Why do tourists think it's okay to come to Thailand and get drunk" and "don't they realise Thailand is a dangerous place", "she won't do that again" and "stupid tourists thinking they come to a strange country and drink" etc etc. Rape is THE worst crime for a woman (and a man) to endure. If they're murdered they maybe endure pain before death, then it's nothing. Being raped is painful and vile and then to make it better, the victims have to endure the vile comments from idiots like the ones makingt the comments here. "she deserved, she was drunk" seems to be the attitude of preference and it sickens me. Would you half-wits be saying the same if it was your daughter/grandaughter/wife/sister etc? Methinks not.

Thailand it "sold" to tourists as the land of smiles and they believe it's all rosy, good fun and buckets of crap alcohol. They hear from their mates what an awesome time was had etc and they are on holiday! Through my work I've worked and trained rape victims through my courses "fight like a girl". It isn't pleasant, it isn't jovial and most had not been drinking when they were assaulted (in the worst possible way). So how about showing support and not disdain? It might be a relative of yours next time.


There are lots of comments following a theme here. "Why do tourists think it's okay to come to Thailand and get drunk" and "don't they realise Thailand is a dangerous place", "she won't do that again" and "stupid tourists thinking they come to a strange country and drink" etc etc. Rape is THE worst crime for a woman (and a man) to endure. If they're murdered they maybe endure pain before death, then it's nothing. Being raped is painful and vile and then to make it better, the victims have to endure the vile comments from idiots like the ones makingt the comments here. "she deserved, she was drunk" seems to be the attitude of preference and it sickens me. Would you half-wits be saying the same if it was your daughter/grandaughter/wife/sister etc? Methinks not.

Thailand it "sold" to tourists as the land of smiles and they believe it's all rosy, good fun and buckets of crap alcohol. They hear from their mates what an awesome time was had etc and they are on holiday! Through my work I've worked and trained rape victims through my courses "fight like a girl". It isn't pleasant, it isn't jovial and most had not been drinking when they were assaulted (in the worst possible way). So how about showing support and not disdain? It might be a relative of yours next time.

Excellent post.


I understand men coming to Thailand , but wonder why a young girl on her own would want to do so ?

Because women enjoy holidays, too.

What a strange question.


"She is said to have walked alone to a shop at around 1.30am on Tuesday, when a motorcyle gang abducted her and rode off."

Sorry but this is not advisable to do in Thailand when you're alone and a girl, especially after midnight . But the tourists coming here do not realize how dangerous it can be.

Anyone should be able to walk anywhere at any time without being sexually assaulted!!

Yep, and we should all have magical fairy godmothers who grant us our wishes as well.

Correct, you see, the problem was, she took a bike instead of just riding a Unicorn.

We all wish it was different .. in the meantime .. like many here, I have traveled a fair bit .. and know .. if you want trouble, mix in equal measure

(booze) + (testosterone) + (estrogen) = Trouble

It is amazing to try and say .. this sucks..it happens everywhere and too often .. and hundreds of posts later .. people debate that!

Oh, I remember .. the name of the game is to pretend it ONLY happens in Thailand.

Sorry, time to read some more silly Thai Bashing.

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