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Thailand plans to double buffalo population within next 5 years


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-quote: "The same trend also happens with the number of breeders which fell by half from 371,086 in 2014 to 185,702 this year."quote end- Now, I wonder which methodology the ministry will apply to increase the number of breeders. Artificial insemination as well? Breeders pledging scheme?

This is someone I know. He got sick of being fined for not wearing his helmet on a motorcycle . . .

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I, for one, would like to own a water buffalo. It is on my bucket list. I do not want to look after the critter. I can hire someone for that. I just want to say I owned a water buffalo. Doesn't take much to make me happy.

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I don't get it.

"This happens because nearly all of rice farmers replace buffalo labour with pushcarts and tractors as they lack land for growing food plants for the animals during the planting season."

Even if they double the number of buffalos, will farmers use them? Is it economically feasible to continue using them, or are poor farmers expected to simply bear the cost of saving these animals?

What happened in Europe and America when tractors were invented ? the shire horses and other magnificent breeds were virtually wiped out. In 2015 what purpose do these smelly buffaloes actually serve ? Even their meat is poor quality.

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At least the roads will be safer once again if the farmers let the buffaloes take them home at the end of a days work instead of driving home in a 30 yo pickup after a session of imbibing laokao.

Well obviously you teach the otherwise unemployed buffalo to drive the pickup!

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Beware, it means that the number of sick buffaloes will double in the next five years too crazy.gif

The buffalo population could be extinct, and there would still be sick buffaloes needing financial support. clap2.gif

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I, for one, would like to own a water buffalo. It is on my bucket list. I do not want to look after the critter. I can hire someone for that. I just want to say I owned a water buffalo. Doesn't take much to make me happy.

I will sell you my buffalo. Just send me the money and I will give you a receipt. I will continue to look after it - you can pay me a monthly fee. No need for you to visit, I will send regular photos.



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This is a fine idea. Poor farmers have to share these amazing animals, delaying planting and causing all sorts of problems. All kidding aside, this is going to help farmers a lot more than giving 1m baht to each village like ol' Dubai Jack did.

The latest Thai farm efficiency plan, One Farm One Buffalo. Hmmm, may have to do a recount on that.

In Europe the plough horse was surpassed by the tractor . Is the future of Thai agriculture to plough by buffalo ?. OK back to the 1950 s Dont get it myself. Thainess ?

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While I would not like to see these beasts become extinct, little chance of that anyway.

What I read into this is the romantic vision of the Hi So's to keep Issan as some quaint museum of the past.

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there was a thread about this some time back.....can anyone find the address?

If you are interested, peruse these.


That earlier save the buffalo scheme worked out at a budget of 81,500 Baht per buffalo if my arithmetic is correct.

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Despite all the inevitable buffalo jokes in a thread such as this, how many members here have actually kept or presently own buffaloes? I have and I can tell you it,s not all that easy. I sold mine off years ago. Why you may ask. For starters you just can't let them roam around at will, allow that and you will have a steady stream of irate villagers banging on your door demanding compensation for your buffalo having eaten their rice, vegetables, sugar cane or whatever.

There once was a time when after the rice crop had been harvested and before the next planting you could turn your buffaloes loose into the paddies where they could graze all day unattended. That's no longer the case, much of the paddy has been turned over to the production of sugar cane which is a year round crop. Nothing nutritional for a buffalo grows under rubber trees. These days the beasts have to be attended all the time being moved from plot to plot where there is grazing.

When I first came to the village there were proably well over a hundred buffalo here, today I doubt there are more than a dozen. They are no longer used for ploughing having been replaced by the Kobota iron buffalo, and in the past year I have only seen one buffalo cart.

Quite frankly I doubt that there will be much success with this scheme, in this area at least.

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Sperm artificial inseminations will be done with 20,000 male buffaloes.

I surely hope someone informs them it is a FEMALE Buffalo that is atrificially inseminated.

Are there Ladyboy buffaloes?

You my friend are one sick puppy!!!!!

Love it ;-)

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