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Phuket beach clubs 'to be closed by end of rainy season'


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Phuket beach clubs 'to be closed by end of rainy season'
Nattha Thepbamrung

Some business along Surin Beach, like this one, have closed. But 34 are hanging on.

PHUKET: -- Cherng Talay Tambon Administration Organisation (OrBorTor) Chief Executive Ma’ann Samran has told The Phuket News he expects to demolish all illegal buildings on Surin Beach by the end of this low season.

Businesses occupying local authority buildings will also buckle under the pressure of law enforcement and comply with eviction orders, he said.

Behind his statement is growing pressure from the Royal Thai Navy (RTN), which has threatened to have Mr Ma’ann charged with criminal dereliction of duty, if he does not work on the demolition of the Zazada Beach Club and the expulsion of “illegal” business operators in the area.

“I have heard that they [the businesses along Surin Beach] are weary of the unpredictability caused by getting summonses and eviction notices, and that they will move out soon,” Mr Ma’ann said on Wednesday (May 27).

“I expect to demolish everything [illegal] by the end of the low season (November). Everything has to be cleaned up.

“However, we will consult with the governor and see if he recommends that we keep the buildings [belonging to the local authorities] but manage them directly. The buildings alone can remain. The business operators must move out.

“There are three types of buildings in the area. There were around eight buildings built by the OrBorJor [Provincial Administration Organisation] in 2005, after the Asian Tsunami. Some others were built by the OrBorTor later, for local people to make a living.

“Two or three buildings at the end of the beach [where Zazada is located] were built by a local person who got a ‘quota’ to build, but voluntarily invested his own money in the construction.

“My goal is to demolish them all together at the same time. I have written to the OrBorJor to have a conference about this because when we do it we should do it together, on the same day,” he said.

Thirty nine business operators along Surin Beach received eviction notices in March, telling them they must move out by April 18.

Five bowed to the order but 34 appealed to the OrBorTor. Their appeals were turned down.

The appeals then went to the provincial committee, Mr Ma’ann said, where all were again turned down apart from one place that is still under investigation.

However, he noted, despite the denial of appeals, all 34 are still occupying the buildings and still doing business.

“We are considering prosecuting the businesses that remain because they did not move out after receiving their eviction notices.

“However, we are consulting on this with the district chief and the governor. We have to be careful because there have been cases in Phuket in which local authorities enforced the law and were then sued by the businesses.”

As for Zazada Beach Club, the prime target of the RTN, Mr Ma’ann said he cannot comply with the Navy’s wishes right now.

“We have removed the additional part of many beachfront buildings a long time ago [such as Diamond Beach Club and the beach-side parts of Catch and Bimi] but the RTN is asking us to remove Zazada Beach club on the grounds that it was not built by the OrBorTor or OrBorJor.

“We cannot do it because otherwise there will be a lot of questions about why [Zazada has to be demolished but] others remain.”

Lt Sompop Khamkana of RTN Area 3 told The Phuket News that Zazada is the top priority for Mr Ma’ann but all parts of the remaining restaurants, clubs and other businesses that were added on to the original buildings must be removed and the businesses must move out.

If there is no progress, Lt Sompop warned, the OrBorTor Director will face charges under Section 157 of the Thai Penal Code.

This states, in official translation, “Whoever, being an official, wrongfully exercises or does not exercise any of his functions to the injury of any person, or dishonestly exercises or omits to exercise any of his functions, shall be punished with imprisonment of one to ten years or fined two thousand to twenty thousand Baht, or both.”

“We will send a warning letter to Mr Ma’ann to urge him to do his job. If there is no progress, especially on Zazada, he will face charges,” said Lt Sompop.

“When we removed all the illegal structures and additional parts of restaurants and beach clubs [in June last year], he told us that [Zazada] was an OrBorTor building. That is why it is still there.

“He said the beach club was initially a building in the OrBorTor building quota but it is outside the zone where the OrBorTor or OrBorJor buildings are supposed to be.

“We are not going to tell him how to do his job but we will tell him to do what he is supposed to do.

“Only the initial buildings built by OrBorTor [and OrBorJor] may remain in the area, with no businesses [occupying them] while all the additions to the buildings must be removed.”

Mr Pradab from Pradab Seafood Restaurant (where Diamond Beach Club use to be) who also president of the Surin Beach Local Restaurant Club, said he and his fellows will never move from the buildings unless other people occupting municipal land around the island also agree to move.

“There are plenty of [people on] NorSorLor [municipal] land around Phuket. If we move, they should be moving too.

“We intend to take our case to the administrative court in Nakorn Sri Thammarat, citing the OrBorTor Director [Ma’ann].

“The OrBorTor initially allowed us to move in here. If you say the contract expired long time ago, why didn’t they kick us out right after that?”

But, he added, “If the OrBorTor can provide us with another place to do business we will move out.”

The owner of a high-end restaurant on the strip, speaking to The Phuket News on condition of anonymity, said, “We’ve heard nothing about this. We won’t be moving out during the low season. Now don’t call us again.”

Source: http://www.thephuketnews.com/phuket-beach-clubs-to-be-closed-by-end-of-rainy-season-52521.php

-- Phuket News 2015-05-29

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Thirty nine business operators along Surin Beach received eviction notices in March, telling them they must move out by April 18, is now the end of the low season (November). Aaaah - money talks and officials walk away.

Not this time. The navy ir pressuring the officials, they (the officials) really have to move them (the businesses) out.

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Well if the Navy was serious, they would evict them sooner rather than later seeing as the deadline has long passed. While the Navy is here, why not crackdown on all the cockroaches that have crawled out since the original crackdown last year.........................

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Why isn't this OrBorTor in the monkey house? He's the absolute worst. He allowed all this encroachment to happen in the first place, getting ridiculously wealthy in the process. It's very discouraging that this POS is still running the place.

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Well if the Navy was serious, they would evict them sooner rather than later seeing as the deadline has long passed. While the Navy is here, why not crackdown on all the cockroaches that have crawled out since the original crackdown last year.........................

Talking about human beings as "cockroaches" shows the highly evolved civilised world we live in today.

The poster needs to be on a very low level of sophistication and being completely dehumanised

to make such a statement.

Even though these people might have done something that is now thought to be illegal

[it probably happened with the agreement of the local authorities so could be expected to be

at least tolerated] they are still human beings and as such should be treated accordingly.

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Why isn't this OrBorTor in the monkey house? He's the absolute worst. He allowed all this encroachment to happen in the first place, getting ridiculously wealthy in the process. It's very discouraging that this POS is still running the place.

It's because of his wealth and connections, he is and always will be a free man.

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Well if the Navy was serious, they would evict them sooner rather than later seeing as the deadline has long passed. While the Navy is here, why not crackdown on all the cockroaches that have crawled out since the original crackdown last year.........................

Talking about human beings as "cockroaches" shows the highly evolved civilised world we live in today.

The poster needs to be on a very low level of sophistication and being completely dehumanised

to make such a statement.

Even though these people might have done something that is now thought to be illegal

[it probably happened with the agreement of the local authorities so could be expected to be

at least tolerated] they are still human beings and as such should be treated accordingly.

Calling them Cockroaches is insulting to Cockroaches, they new exactly what they were doing. The statements you direct at poster Steelpulse, are far more applicable to the people you are defending.

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Cant wait to visit these abandoned beaches in Thailand must be great to be finally without : Deck loungers chairs,umbrellas, food, drinks,and beach clubs...I so glad that the most important things on Thai beaches are allowed to stay for ever : jet skies shitting Horses and flies.

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'We have to be careful because there have been cases in Phuket in which local authorities enforced the law and were then sued by the businesses.' One of those only in Thailand things, suing people who enforce the law. Wonderful cheesy.gif You couldn't make it up!

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Why isn't this OrBorTor in the monkey house? He's the absolute worst. He allowed all this encroachment to happen in the first place, getting ridiculously wealthy in the process. It's very discouraging that this POS is still running the place.

It's because of his wealth and connections, he is and always will be a free man.

It was a rhetorical question. coffee1.gif

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Why isn't this OrBorTor in the monkey house? He's the absolute worst. He allowed all this encroachment to happen in the first place, getting ridiculously wealthy in the process. It's very discouraging that this POS is still running the place.

he's not in the monkey house !!

didn't you read the penalty if he not listen to the navy ?

1 to 10 year imprisoment - or 2.000,- to 20.000,- thb ;

so what penalty they will give him ?? 2.000,- thb !!! A JOKE !!!!

3rd world !!!

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No what is a joke is posters on here who keep referring to Thailand as a 3rd world country ad nauseum. Thailand is a developing nation not a 3rd world country. 3rd world is an archaic term that really should have gone out of usage at the end of the cold war. Even if it was in common usage it refers to whether or not you were allied to the NATO or the Communist bloc and had nothing to do with the condition or otherwise of a country. Ridiculous outdated typically TV sentiment

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Well if the Navy was serious, they would evict them sooner rather than later seeing as the deadline has long passed. While the Navy is here, why not crackdown on all the cockroaches that have crawled out since the original crackdown last year.........................

Talking about human beings as "cockroaches" shows the highly evolved civilised world we live in today.

The poster needs to be on a very low level of sophistication and being completely dehumanised

to make such a statement.

Even though these people might have done something that is now thought to be illegal

[it probably happened with the agreement of the local authorities so could be expected to be

at least tolerated] they are still human beings and as such should be treated accordingly.

You're funny jr, obviously you don't live here and see the day to day habits of these louts. I'm not referring to the beach clubs , I'm referring to the nasty surly "mafia" taxis, tuk tuks, touts, jet ski, para sail people and every one else that thinks they are above the law and blatantly flaunt such attitudes.

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No what is a joke is posters on here who keep referring to Thailand as a 3rd world country ad nauseum. Thailand is a developing nation not a 3rd world country. 3rd world is an archaic term that really should have gone out of usage at the end of the cold war. Even if it was in common usage it refers to whether or not you were allied to the NATO or the Communist bloc and had nothing to do with the condition or otherwise of a country. Ridiculous outdated typically TV sentiment

But with the cold war returning I think we can also start using the term 3rd world again then?

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Cant wait to visit these abandoned beaches in Thailand must be great to be finally without : Deck loungers chairs,umbrellas, food, drinks,and beach clubs...I so glad that the most important things on Thai beaches are allowed to stay for ever : jet skies shitting Horses and flies.

jet skies shitting Horses and flies.,..and a pile of plastic rubbish...

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Bunch of French guys just finished up their Surin Pool Club, right around where the old Stereolab was. I wonder if they are going to get nuked, they invested some dough only to get the carpet pulled out from under them if so......TIT !

They could and should have known the carpet could be pulled from under them.

Not a smart time to invest lots of dough, unless you're a big time gambler.

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Thirty nine business operators along Surin Beach received eviction notices in March, telling them they must move out by April 18, is now the end of the low season (November). Aaaah - money talks and officials walk away.

Not this time. The navy ir pressuring the officials, they (the officials) really have to move them (the businesses) out.

Where I heard something similar before?

Wait I recall, it was when the 101 illegal buildings had to be removed from Walking street Pattaya 20 years ago, and about every 5 years thereafter again.

Only then it didn't concern the navy, but it is clear from the events in the past 367 days that nothing but the benefiter has changed.

Edited by Anthony5
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Well if the Navy was serious, they would evict them sooner rather than later seeing as the deadline has long passed. While the Navy is here, why not crackdown on all the cockroaches that have crawled out since the original crackdown last year.........................

Talking about human beings as "cockroaches" shows the highly evolved civilised world we live in today.

The poster needs to be on a very low level of sophistication and being completely dehumanised

to make such a statement.

Even though these people might have done something that is now thought to be illegal

[it probably happened with the agreement of the local authorities so could be expected to be

at least tolerated] they are still human beings and as such should be treated accordingly.

Your compassion is misplaced. These were calculated and planned illegal activities. I believe substantial payoffs/bribes were involved. The criminal activity forced up the cost of living for everyone and denied honest people an honest living. Use of the term cockroach was overly kind.

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So if the businesses refuse to go , Ma-ann gets sent to gaol?

Theres a great incentive to stay put if I ever saw one!

Not really. The busiensses can do as they please. The obligation on the Or-Bor director is to remove their structures. He has failed to do so.

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Thirty nine business operators along Surin Beach received eviction notices in March, telling them they must move out by April 18, is now the end of the low season (November). Aaaah - money talks and officials walk away.

Not this time. The navy ir pressuring the officials, they (the officials) really have to move them (the businesses) out.

Where I heard something similar before?

Wait I recall, it was when the 101 illegal buildings had to be removed from Walking street Pattaya 20 years ago, and about every 5 years thereafter again.

Only then it didn't concern the navy, but it is clear from the events in the past 367 days that nothing but the benefiter has changed.

You may have noticed a change in Thailand one year ago.
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