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Premier League stars' racist orgy shame caught on camera during Thailand end of season tour

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Same trush people as those red necks ignorants who spend their time here in tv insulting people who offer them a place in this country.

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It's Thailand, you can do what you want here. Want to make a depraved sex video and hurl racial slurs.....can. Want to solicit children for sex.....can. Want to buy drugs.....can. Doesn't mean that it's right or legal. But, there is money to be make in sex and drugs, so we know it will be overlooked. I love how he government overlooks all of this crap, then will act surprised when it all comes out on social media.

Your attitudes and the amount of likes received for your comments, now typifies the majority of opinions running on a daily basis in these forums. Rarely does anyone receive likes for being complimentary and portraying Thailand in a good light. It is no wonder the Thais fear letting us gain any footholds here.

Have the heard the old saying; money speaks all languages? Most illicit activities are available anywhere in the world for those who have the money; Thailand is not exclusive in that department.

Unlike as regarded in the western perspective, the sex industry in Thailand is not prevalent, it`s only there for those who seek it out, the same as in many other countries. It is possible to live in Thailand for decades and never see a bar or sex establishments by simply avoiding certain areas. They could have made a similar video anywhere in the world, just happens that in this case, it`s Thailand.

These so-called premier league stars abused their advantage of having money and fame and in turn have discredited their football club, Britain and Thailand. Totally unprofessional and complete madness considering what these young idiots have at stake here. I sincerely hope this costs them millions and puts an end to what would have been a prosperous career.


"Interestingly, the article doesn't say the women are prostitutes, but listening to the way they speak, I'm pretty sure they are."

Talking dirty is not a characteristic of prostitutes only. Many so called high class women know how to get down and dirty vocally and physically once in the bedroom.

For all we know, these may not have been the obliging dusky Isaan farm girls, so much loved by farangs, but rather some well trained high class Chinese-Thai women with, of course, the obligatory Masters degree in advanced eroticism.

All sarcasm aside, this is a rather sordid tale to emerge in wake of Leicester city's amazing comeback in the EPL.

Shame on the male participants.

Sorry, I should have clarified. I didn't mean the words used, I meant the way they spoke Thai and their accents.


My god. Seeing this makes me Proud To Be An American!



This isn't about nationality, it's about overpaid, overprivileged young sportsmen with an overinflated sense of entitlement.

...but if you're from 'Old Money', have a seat in parliament, and engage in anything from paedophilia to BDSM or whatever other type of perversion your money and position can purchase along with the money and power to keep it quiet, it's all OK. Right? If it doesn't see the light of day - all is fine. Obviously these young men's brains have not yet fully formed, otherwise they would have kept the video to themselves. But then again, some sacrificial lambs are needed for the alter of true depravity to take the focus off the real practitioners within the halls of power. I'm pretty sure any of the club owners could engage in exactly this type of behaviour but it would never get out. With the big money, you can afford damage control. Neuvo riche: young, dumb, entitled, and too much money. But they make great targets.

Also, my conservative guess is that those who are the most 'shocked' are probably the most inclined to engage in exactly this type of behaviour. Hypocrisy knows no bounds.

What a load of old cobblers, next all the footballers will be sons of conservative mps who are engaged in pedohilia


It's Thailand, you can do what you want here. Want to make a depraved sex video and hurl racial slurs.....can. Want to solicit children for sex.....can. Want to buy drugs.....can. Doesn't mean that it's right or legal. But, there is money to be make in sex and drugs, so we know it will be overlooked. I love how he government overlooks all of this crap, then will act surprised when it all comes out on social media.

Racism is endemic in UK and very little is done about it. It's a part of their culture and has been ever since the days of exploitation & colonialism. For some bizarre reason they're taught that they are superior to everyone else. Seems ridiculous, but delusions often are.

It's a "societal problem:"

Racism is rife in English football with over 350 incidents from the Premier League to grassroots since 2012, investigation reveals

  • An investigation has revealed a widespread racism problem in England
  • Information from 24 police forces - only around half of the number in the country - reported over 350 incidents since 2012
  • Chelsea supporters have been involved in the highest number of incidents
  • Charity Show Racism The Red Card said racism is a societal problem


Brits are taught to be superior, you couldn't make up some of the crap you read on here.

The sad thing is you believe it.


You don't get that sort of behaviour from the lads down the local footy club in Australia........it would be a whole lot worse! cheesy.gif

Sorry BSJ, but trying to defend their actions by dragging another nationality, in this case Australia, into it is not going to work.

The op is about three English lads, nothing to do with Australia.


Idiots. The person to blame is of course their Manager. He should be sacked.

Sorry I am no fan of the manager but do you really think he should have these players locked up 24/7 ?

I'm sure he would have told them what they can and cannot do They choose to ignore him so why would that be his fault ?

Someone also mentioned the manager should have not allowed them to go out with their phone. Well I doubt these 20-30 grand a week footballers wouldn't have been able to afford a 1000 baht knock off at the market.


If you are in the prostitution game you are open to be ridiculed, especially if you are getting paid to do silly things, that's the price you pay for the job you do, it does not make it right, and I think they are arse holes, but it is what it is, wont be the first wont be the last, that's Thailand for you, and as far as racism goes, well I believe that racism only applies in mostly in the black majority, I never hear or see any whites being upset by names and protesting, and in and out of court, racism is a card thet is played too many times, as the lesse majestic card is played in the same manner, my opinion, not others,


Sorry for my Ignorance but what is "Minging" ??????

In this context, it means they have a face like a bulldog chewing a wasp.

The French billionaire Gerard Mulliez creator of the different hypermarket chains reveals that for a proper functioning of society must be involved Power, Knowledge and Wealth.

Perhaps in football players anything is missing ...facepalm.gif

By the way racism is not confined to Britaniques footballers. In Italy for example it's worse.


If you are in the prostitution game you are open to be ridiculed, especially if you are getting paid to do silly things, that's the price you pay for the job you do, it does not make it right, and I think they are arse holes, but it is what it is, wont be the first wont be the last, that's Thailand for you, and as far as racism goes, well I believe that racism only applies in mostly in the black majority, I never hear or see any whites being upset by names and protesting, and in and out of court, racism is a card thet is played too many times, as the lesse majestic card is played in the same manner, my opinion, not others,

Ah so here's one now - " racism is a card thet is played too many times," - and so now the prostitutes are having blame apportioned on them too?


I don't think anyone cares about the sex (except the UK tabloid press), it's the casual racism towards Asians that's shameful.

It's not 'racism towards Asians', it's racism towards Asian, specifically Thai, <deleted> who frankly, are undeserving of 'respect'. And that goes for the many farang here who exploit their poverty/greed. So get down off of your high and mighty horse and drink your milk.

Racism is racism. Try shouting it out at an Asian footballer at a game in the UK and see how you get on.

I doubt Thais either need or desire your respect!


Once again, shameful behaviour from so called professional footballers. No ifs or buts they should be sacked and sent home. Thats if the club has any integrity, which I doubt.


Totally appalling the need and use of racist insulting remarks. Sorry but IMHO for what it is worth, I find so many way excessively overpaid and often immature footballers are moronic in the extreme and why I gave up watching most football years ago. NO I did not say all footballers but far too many of them you can clearly see if you open your eyes. Like many other sports too where they are immorally overpaid by a factor of over 100 in most cases whilst so many of us work for comparative peanuts !!!

Sure no problems with orgies of willing participants having harmless good fun, as I am a pervert too just like most the rest of you here

So no problem with orgies involving whores then but the mention of slit eyes is 'appalling' I think you would have to go a long way to find a Thai who thought the same, most would laugh.

Bit like being called farang everywhere in Thailand you mean ?

I was expecting something much worse tbh, if this is it people need to get a life or go be outraged at something more important like human trafficking, god knows Thailand has enough of it.........a few lads with a few whores, little brains between them and a phone.... what do people expect, the height of manners or modesty ?


To any of you who have said bad things about the Thai women involved then consider this:-

Do you think they enjoy having to belittle themselves to foreigners by doing what they do? Do you think if they had any other choice that they would still do this?

They are very very good at making the men they are with feel special but deep down they feel sick having to degrade themselves, some literally are sick after they leave "handsome mans" hotel room.

They do this to feed their children and their families, they are from very poor backgrounds with little or no education....

How do I know this? I have spoken to and am friends with many Thai people and have gained their trust and they tell me this....it took me a long time to get their trust, they do these things only for money and never for pleasure...

So the next time any of you thoughtless &lt;deleted&gt; slag these women off then just think how they must really feel......


Having a bit of depraved or semi-depraved "other" with a couple of bar girls is one thing. Heavens knows, it is not rare is it?Pretty much the "done thing" on a football tour of any stripe in the LOS. And if it was all between consenting adults etc etc etc......who cares? However, videoing it while you slag the girls off in a deprecating manner for participating in your "fun" is a real show of ones' LACK OF CLASS! And showing the vid around your mates where it can come back and end up biting you....... Well, is there really a term for that at all? I will try my best for you! They are a bunch of brainless, low life misogynist plonkers and they deserve all they get!


To any of you who have said bad things about the Thai women involved then consider this:-

Do you think they enjoy having to belittle themselves to foreigners by doing what they do? Do you think if they had any other choice that they would still do this?

They are very very good at making the men they are with feel special but deep down they feel sick having to degrade themselves, some literally are sick after they leave "handsome mans" hotel room.

They do this to feed their children and their families, they are from very poor backgrounds with little or no education....

How do I know this? I have spoken to and am friends with many Thai people and have gained their trust and they tell me this....it took me a long time to get their trust, they do these things only for money and never for pleasure...

So the next time any of you thoughtless <deleted> slag these women off then just think how they must really feel......

Footballers have had sex with groupies, hangers-on and prostitutes in hotels the world over. (RIP George Best!) I don't think the girls need any sympathy!

These idiots were stupid enough to film their antics and their racist language. Football is now a strictly "Kick Racism Out of Football" sport and footballers need to be (forgive me) whiter than white.

Also pretty stupid to insult the nationality of your club's owners!


To any of you who have said bad things about the Thai women involved then consider this:-

Do you think they enjoy having to belittle themselves to foreigners by doing what they do? Do you think if they had any other choice that they would still do this?

They are very very good at making the men they are with feel special but deep down they feel sick having to degrade themselves, some literally are sick after they leave "handsome mans" hotel room.

They do this to feed their children and their families, they are from very poor backgrounds with little or no education....

How do I know this? I have spoken to and am friends with many Thai people and have gained their trust and they tell me this....it took me a long time to get their trust, they do these things only for money and never for pleasure...

So the next time any of you thoughtless <deleted> slag these women off then just think how they must really feel......

Why u stating the obvious? Don't u think we know this already.

At the end of the day its their choice, nobody forces them into prostitution. It happens all around the world.

Not just Los.


An absolute one out of ten. I had to laugh at that. But it's fair to say these lads bar none are complete and utter pipes.. I can't wait to hear the grovelling apology and face saving that'll no doubt kick off imminently. Should be a giggle seeing these clowns start to squirm a bit

Any squirming will be with a wink and a nod, not with contrition.

Throwing games is okay but god forbid partying with Thai bar girls. FIFA is no doubt looked up to as a role model for Thais. No wonder big bucks Thais want to own teams, the whole sport, in addition to being a girly game, speaks their familiar language of corruption.


To any of you who have said bad things about the Thai women involved then consider this:-

Do you think they enjoy having to belittle themselves to foreigners by doing what they do? Do you think if they had any other choice that they would still do this?

They are very very good at making the men they are with feel special but deep down they feel sick having to degrade themselves, some literally are sick after they leave "handsome mans" hotel room.

They do this to feed their children and their families, they are from very poor backgrounds with little or no education....

How do I know this? I have spoken to and am friends with many Thai people and have gained their trust and they tell me this....it took me a long time to get their trust, they do these things only for money and never for pleasure...

So the next time any of you thoughtless <deleted> slag these women off then just think how they must really feel......

I agree, there is no reason to not treat these ladies with kindness and compassion, and to behave like gentlemen, even if one is paying for their services. I pay taxi drivers and maids for their services, it doesn't mean I have the right to insult them or look down on them. They are just doing the jobs that were available to them. In the case of sex workers there is the extra dimension of being sold or pressured into the job, by gangs or even relatives.

"There but for the grace of God, go I."

A little manners and understanding costs nothing, and means a lot to the workers in this business.


To any of you who have said bad things about the Thai women involved then consider this:-

Do you think they enjoy having to belittle themselves to foreigners by doing what they do? Do you think if they had any other choice that they would still do this?

They are very very good at making the men they are with feel special but deep down they feel sick having to degrade themselves, some literally are sick after they leave "handsome mans" hotel room.

They do this to feed their children and their families, they are from very poor backgrounds with little or no education....

How do I know this? I have spoken to and am friends with many Thai people and have gained their trust and they tell me this....it took me a long time to get their trust, they do these things only for money and never for pleasure...

So the next time any of you thoughtless <deleted> slag these women off then just think how they must really feel......

Why u stating the obvious? Don't u think we know this already.

At the end of the day its their choice, nobody forces them into prostitution. It happens all around the world.

Not just Los.

The difference is that in LOS it is looked up to, at least certainly not looked down on.


Fortunately no-one in Thailand will actually care. I assume.. considering road safety/air safety/environmental damage/etc etc are irrelevant to most Thais. If it's not insulting Buddha, its not important.

To any of you who have said bad things about the Thai women involved then consider this:-
Do you think they enjoy having to belittle themselves to foreigners by doing what they do? Do you think if they had any other choice that they would still do this?
They are very very good at making the men they are with feel special but deep down they feel sick having to degrade themselves, some literally are sick after they leave "handsome mans" hotel room.
They do this to feed their children and their families, they are from very poor backgrounds with little or no education....
How do I know this? I have spoken to and am friends with many Thai people and have gained their trust and they tell me this....it took me a long time to get their trust, they do these things only for money and never for pleasure...
So the next time any of you thoughtless <deleted> slag these women off then just think how they must really feel......

Why u stating the obvious? Don't u think we know this already.

At the end of the day its their choice, nobody forces them into prostitution. It happens all around the world.

Not just Los.

The difference is that in LOS it is looked up to, at least certainly not looked down on.

Hahaha... ok sure.

Go walk around Bangkok and ask random girls if they are prostitutes... see how many people are pleased by your 'compliment' on their career choice.

Just last week at my university a girl ran out of class CRYING because someone said she was a whore.


Just watched the video. What a bunch of . Immature can't begin to describe them. I am all for having fun, but the racial slurs and bravado are over the top. "Slit eye?" Who still says crap like that? I hope they are punted from their team. And to film ... and then post it? Not exactly Einsteins here. What happens in Bangkok should stay in Bangkok. I see a future working in sports retail for these dick-holes.

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