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My new TGF (age 40) seems quite healthy except I've noticed she has some patches of slightly darker pigmentation of her skin near her eyes and top of her cheeks. I know that some birth control pills can cause these patches.

She wears makeup which hides it, so it wasn't that noticeable at first.

She does not drink or smoke and she holds a high ranking government job.

But (maybe by coincidence) she telephoned some guy while she was driving today and half an hour later we stopped by the roadside and the car behind us flashed the headlights. My TGF opened the window and this rough looking Thai guy greeted her and myself.

She handed him a 1000 baht note and he motioned to indicate a bit more so she gave him another 200 baht and we drove home.

I didn't notice any packages being exchanged but it was already dark so I could have missed it.

I asked her what that was about, since I don't speak Thai.

She said he was a relative and she was paying him for some "service" which was unclear to me.

I wondered if she was paying a dealer to get her some illegal drugs?

What alarmed me was that today I noticed the whites of her eyes had suddenly become quite yellow.

I questioned her about it but she was dismissive.

I've read that this can be a sign of serious liver disease and there are large number of possible causes.

Due to the high incidence of drug or alcohol consumption in Thailand I thought other members may have seen similar cases.

Or worse that it may be associated with some serious infectious disease such as HIV and prescribed medications.

In my experience Thai women seem to keep a lot of secrets, which annoys me greatly.

Getting to the truth seems impossible, even in trivial matters.

No amount of questioning from different angles reveals the truth and I usually end up getting the silent treatment instead.

In this case I feel urged to get to the truth anyway just in case preventative treatment is required or that I might be taking on a big problem by staying with her.

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Yellowing of the eyes - jaundice- does indeed indicate liver issues. Several of our Thai friends and associates drink way too much and several over the years have died from it. Hope you have luck with your situation in the future.


Yellow sclera = jaundice = liver disease. Quite likely hepatitis. I hope you have been immunized for Hep A and B as can be sexuslly transmitted, i.e. you are at risk. The incubation is long so you won't notice it for months.

People with Hep B are also at higher risk of HIV as same behavioral risk factors.

I suggest you immediately get an HIV test and Hepatitis panel for yourself, if Hep panel negative for antigens and you haven't had the vaccine get it. And stop sleeping with this woman, or at minimum be religous in use of condoms.


Jaundice could be Hepatitis B. I was just diagnosed with Hep C type 3, no jaundice, scan showed fatty liver. Common in many parts of the world not Thailand as such. How did I get it, from a woman? the doctor told me it is communicable. Waiting for final blood results and treatment if any.

Went for a routine blood test/HIV test etc. to see if everything down there was ok...

What a shock!!! How long have I had it??


Jaundice could be Hepatitis B. I was just diagnosed with Hep C type 3, no jaundice, scan showed fatty liver. Common in many parts of the world not Thailand as such. How did I get it, from a woman? the doctor told me it is communicable. Waiting for final blood results and treatment if any.

Went for a routine blood test/HIV test etc. to see if everything down there was ok...

What a shock!!! How long have I had it??

It can be cured and there is a new medicine, which is extreme expensive but there are copies or they are on the way for third world countries....India is usually one of the first country.

I think with a cure. if overweight an diet additionally you should be able to get the liver 100% perfect again.

(Any docs here please correct me if I am wrong).

Just the problem is getting the medicine....


I have had hepatitis A and apart from mildly yellow eyes the major sign was very dark almost black urine. If its not too indelicate suggest that you check with your partner in this regard. If she has hep A she will most likely have a loss of appetite and feel completely exhausted. She should rest and above all no alcohol at all, as her liver function will be impaired and wont process alcohol. As another poster has advised don't have sex with her as the disease can be sexually transmitted. There is no cure for hepatitis A but I am now immune and of course have hep B inoculations. Hep A fairly common and usually contracted through eating food prepared by those who have poor health habits. Eating cooked food can help.


High ranking government job lady getting paid advice in the dark on the side of the road from a rough looking Thai guy doesn't add up.

Yellow eyes means a health problem.

Move on and get another one, there's plenty of fish in the sea!


Its shocking to me that so many people are so negative about your GF.

I'd suggest that you get her to a reliable doctor for a proper diagnosis and take it from there.


My Thai ex had similar dark patches. She called them "panda eyes." Not sure what caused them. I researched them a bit at the time, and my conclusion, at that time, was that they might have to do with the use of skin whitening agents. Not sure. Yellow eyes, and sketchy cash transfers are a bit of a worry. Good luck. Like others here have said, seems like the yellowing eyes might be a good reason to suggest to her a check up. You care about her, etc.


Its shocking to me that so many people are so negative about your GF.

I'd suggest that you get her to a reliable doctor for a proper diagnosis and take it from there.

Not sure its so surprising people are negative. People in forums are like slot machines, you will get out relative to what you put in. You put in enough information to paint your girlfriend very suggestively, and perhaps negatively.

IMO, that is far more surprising than the response you have gotten so far. The real story is why you permit such a relationship to exist as an enigma you cant penetrate. She may have a problem or not, but the greater curiosity is how you

can race online with such negative suggestions before tracking down facts and confrontations on your own. After all, the real question is less about her life than your own.


I always take new gfs to a hospital for tests on anything I couldn't live with.

It isn't expensive and indicates which ones aren't keepers.

HIV, TB and Hepatitis would be a no.

Thalassemia is not a problem as it's genetic, not communicable.

Herpes is unavoidable.


as others have said, sounds like hep. or a liver disease.

Go get a blood test. Stop having sex with her immediately. If you cannot stop, at least wear a condom every single time.

Don't take any chances. Personally, I would leave her.I don't stay with people that keep secrets or outright lie.

By high ranking do you mean she is a military general or do you mean a secretary at a local town office?


Apart from Cheryl most replies are total BS, Jaundice from some liver problem for sure but not necessarily Hepatitis. Simple check at any Hospital will diagnose. No comments about the exchange of money - - - No details. Good luck do not condemn her with no concrete evidence. She may turn out to be the best thing in your life!


Can`t help you with the rough looking Thai guy. Secrets? In my experience, Thai women only tell you what they want you to know, or what they think is enough information to keep you happy. Yellow eyes, get both of you checked out at a good hospital. 10 years ago my wife`s eyes turned yellow, she then had yellow blotches on her skin, 6 months later she died from liver cancer. I must admit that she drank quite a lot of brandy on a daily basis, but the yellowing could be a sign of something serious.


Apart from Cheryl most replies are total BS, Jaundice from some liver problem for sure but not necessarily Hepatitis. Simple check at any Hospital will diagnose. No comments about the exchange of money - - - No details. Good luck do not condemn her with no concrete evidence. She may turn out to be the best thing in your life!

Not going any further with this post. too many " get rid and find a new one ". Lots of negativity and I would guess he posted here for help. But do let us know the out come with what you decide. Nice last sentence PEAP.


i suppose you could hire a private detective, I had a TGF that had thalessemia, apparently not uncommon in TLland


Why bother? There are loads of women in Thailand. Unless he has found his true love he should just dump her and find someone who is not so mysterious and secretive. If it was my gf I would be worried. Handing money over to some rough looking thai man late at night would make me worry simply because of the circumstances. If she has a medical condition you have the right to know. If she is being secretive about it then you should move on. Your health could be at risk as well. Seems your relationship is not as good as you would think if your gf is already keeping secrets and giving you the silent treatment. Move on! find yourself a woman who is open and doesn't hand over money to men late at night. If you don't then one day that money she is giving might be coming from your pocket.


Apart from Cheryl most replies are total BS, Jaundice from some liver problem for sure but not necessarily Hepatitis. Simple check at any Hospital will diagnose. No comments about the exchange of money - - - No details. Good luck do not condemn her with no concrete evidence. She may turn out to be the best thing in your life!

Other than the fact that she will not discuss these issues with him you mean?

He is now at a point where he believes she has a communicable disease and as far as we know making no effort to protect him from it. The truth from her would help.


While others have focused on the health issues,I would also be very concerned regarding her being a Liar and rather deviousness regarding keeping secrets from you. From my own experience, I had a couple of Thai G/F's who I knew were liers, stuck with them for only a very short time then moveing on. I became very paronoid regarding these liars, that I promised myself I would never become involve with one permanently, so when I met my Thai wife,for the first year I would set trick questions to her, with the intention of catching her out, she never did, and to this day she had never lied,and before any smart arsh suggest that I've been fooled,you don't know me. By the way those previouse G/F's moved on and married other Farangs,who still don't know anything about their true history,one of whome I know for sure is still playing him.

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