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How can I keep mosquitos off my dog?

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I brought my dog from my home country and the mosquitos have always gone for him, but 3 days ago I moved into a new house near some rubber tree fields and the mosquitos are out of control. I just went to check on my dog and there was a cloud of at least 1,000 mosquitos around him (probably closer to 2 or 3 thousand, but it was dark and hard to see). His nose was COMPLETELY full with mosquitos. I used my electric swatter for about 20 minutes and the ground was covered in dead mosquitos, but they just kept coming in swarms.

My dog is old now and has become incontinent. He can't control when he pees, so the fur on his belly is always wet with urine. I think maybe this attracts them?

I could put a fan outside to make it harder for the mosquitos to fly around him, but since his fur is always wet it would make him cold.

If I use mosquito coils I think the smoke would bother him and he'd go away from it (he wouldn't understand the correlation between no mosquitos and the smoke he's smelling). Maybe I need to keep him on a leash at night and put mosquito coils around him?

If I spray him with mosquito spray he'd just lick it off.

So, does anybody have any ideas? I feel really bad for the old guy. This is the worst amount of mosquitos I've had to deal with in Thailand, and I've lived in some pretty remote places.

Thank you for any advice.

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Maybe build him a large kennel with a wooden frame covered in mosquito netting.

I wanted to avoid caging him since when he's caged he just whines constantly, but maybe that is the only option. It could even be pretty simple, basically a metal frame to keep him from coming out the sides (he can't jump) and a few poles to hold up the net. Then I could take it apart easily in the morning. That sounds like a pretty good option actually. Thanks man!

Edited by gavin310
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Find, or make yourself, a spray based on citronella. It's harmless for the dog and will do a pretty good job in keeping the mosquitos away. Also double check around the house for puddles of standing water and make sure there's not place for them to reproduce.

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If I use mosquito coils I think the smoke would bother him

I definitely wouldn't do this; it might irritate its eyes and airway.

Can't see a problem with using a fan. Hard to see how it would feel cold. On the contrary if the pet come from a colder climate, a fan on moderate settings might make it feel more comfortable, regardless of the incontinence problem.

Edited by Morakot
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Maybe build him a large kennel with a wooden frame covered in mosquito netting.

I wanted to avoid caging him since when he's caged he just whines constantly, but maybe that is the only option. It could even be pretty simple, basically a metal frame to keep him from coming out the sides (he can't jump) and a few poles to hold up the net. Then I could take it apart easily in the morning. That sounds like a pretty good option actually. Thanks man!

I used the word cage, sounds bad; the expensive ones are ideal, my dog is free all day to run around our garden, at night she readily and happily goes into her state of the art kennel. The underneath has a removable tray, so she can pee to her heart's content and easy to clean in the morning. The (cages) are mosquito proof , have the same mesh as our windows, the net then is unnecessary.

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least 1,000 mosquitos around him (probably closer to 2 or 3 thousand

As one poster already said, I think you need to reduce the source of problem, not only for your pet's sake.

Unless you live in a swamp, it's usual to have so many mosquito around at night.

Edited by Morakot
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least 1,000 mosquitos around him (probably closer to 2 or 3 thousand

As one poster already said, I think you need to reduce the source of problem, not only for your pet's sake.

Unless you live in a swamp, it's usual to have so many mosquito around at night.

I have a nice large yard for my dog and there is no standing water at my house, but there are neighbors all around me. I'm at the edge of a residential area, so there's no way I can keep all my neighbors from having standing water.

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Unless you live in a swamp, it's usual to have so many mosquito around at night.

I have a nice large yard for my dog and there is no standing water at my house, but there are neighbors all around me. I'm at the edge of a residential area, so there's no way I can keep all my neighbors from having standing water.

I see. This type of ignorance is a serious problem in Thailand. Dengue fever has steadily been rising, I'm sorry to say.

Hope you get something sorted for your dog.

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Sell him to me. I am the chief mosquito attraction round here. While they are on him, they are not on me. My idea of heaven would be killing hundreds of mosquitoes with an electric swatter. Alternatively you could rent him out.

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agree with citronella oil. I prefer to use lavender oil though. invest in a good brand. you can use it to repel insects and soothe skin problems including itching. OR, make a very simple, cheap yet effective repellent. all you need is: LEMONGRASS. Plant lemongrass in your garden to keep mozzies away. pick some leaves, crush them and they make effective repellent.

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ours is only outside [in the dark] maybe 2hrs.at most but the odour from his sweatting atracts them,so as he lays on a blanket in the same place we bought

2 electric mossy killers[floresant light] and put them near him.

that put paid to the little tw-ts.

bought at macro 530bht.each.

i have to empty them every month or two and yes they do work.

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ours is only outside [in the dark] maybe 2hrs.at most but the odour from his sweatting atracts them,so as he lays on a blanket in the same place we bought

2 electric mossy killers[floresant light] and put them near him.

that put paid to the little tw-ts.

bought at macro 530bht.each.

i have to empty them every month or two and yes they do work.

Dogs sweating facepalm.gif thats a new one on me mb !

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with him having a double coat his skin gives off a doggy odour which atracts the blighters. its a good job there was no mossy's down the pits,thats where i used to do a lot of sweating,oh and not forgetting patts.they could BITE.giggle.gif

Edited by meatboy
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Buy garlic oil capsules (pearls, they are soft and kind of rubbery) at the pharmacy, or wherever, and put a few in his food once each day. It seems to work for people who consume one or two per day, I have been using one daily for a few months now and haven't had a problem yet this year. Not guaranteeing anything, but it would be an easy fix if it works. Apparently mosquitoes are averse to the smell of garlic, or at least allicin. I picked up this idea from someone here whose name escapes me at the moment. Best of luck to you and your dog.

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Citronella oil spray for sure, I use it on my dogs and it works well. They don't really like the smell, but neither does the mozzies. Many pharmacies have it, i just bought a bottle for 90 baht. No way the dogs will lick it, they dont like the smell.

Remember to give your dog heart worm meds regularly, very important. I think the mosquitoes spread it. Most thai dogs can take it, but not other breeds. They may die from it.

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ours is only outside [in the dark] maybe 2hrs.at most but the odour from his sweatting atracts them,so as he lays on a blanket in the same place we bought

2 electric mossy killers[floresant light] and put them near him.

that put paid to the little tw-ts.

bought at macro 530bht.each.

i have to empty them every month or two and yes they do work.

Dogs sweating facepalm.gif thats a new one on me mb !

dogs do sweat through there paws...i know the one about thats why they pant so much because they have no sweat glands....paws is the answer..and nose

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If your dog is incontinent try feeding him a kibble that has cranberries in it. Also add some cranberry juice to his drinking water. Our dog had spay incontinence until I tried this and now shes fine.

If you have the space dont tie him up in a mozzy proof kennel, but build him a decent size mozzy proof pen.

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Had a similar problem with my dog a few years back. The ONLY cure was a cage. I bought one that is made in Thailand by a company called Global Pets,


They have a large selection, size, spec etc. Mine was a double sized one so my dog could stretch his legs, had a fan, lights and was near as damn it mosquito proof. Well worth every penny.

Hope this helps

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Try giving him only apple juice to drink. I met a kind of animal shaman once. and he told me about that.....Anyways.... If it were my dog. I would spray his blanket with mossie spray and burn coils around where he is......also soak a bandana in a strong deet based deterent spray and tie it around his neck.......Sad. Hope he gets better.

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Maybe build him a large kennel with a wooden frame covered in mosquito netting.

I wanted to avoid caging him since when he's caged he just whines constantly, but maybe that is the only option. It could even be pretty simple, basically a metal frame to keep him from coming out the sides (he can't jump) and a few poles to hold up the net. Then I could take it apart easily in the morning. That sounds like a pretty good option actually. Thanks man!

We consider our dogs as part of our family and they have full run of the home, meaning they live inside the building with us.

Real dog lovers don`t keep their dogs outside 24/7. If in your case the dog is incontinent, there are products available at reputable vets, such as washable dog nappies for example.

Dogs have the same vulnerabilities as humans. If kept outdoors, then there are no ways to protect the dog from insect bites, including mosquitoes, fleas, ticks and even wasp stings.

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  • 1 year later...

I had this problem and solved it problem with a 16" electric floor fan.

My lab sleeps at the front door and was covered by mosquitoes. I bought the fan and problem solved as the mosquitoes can no longer get close to her. They can not battle the breeze..

My lab also figured out it is much cooler close to the fan...

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