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Ever been to prison? Pattaya police station cells?


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Spent the night in banglamung jail cell with a naked russian who had made weapons with wire and the policeman saw it and didnt give a shit. The policeman kept asking for my passport which was at home and he was generally being a my wife paid a bribe the next day and i was off to court and had to pay another bribe to get my passport back. All for drink driving .54 thank u. I still see the same police man who threatned to deport me and he seems a little embarassed when he looks at me.

BS!!! You paid bail and a fine for drive drunken!!! Easy to say it was a bribe!!! What the Police do in your home coutry if you drive there drunken???

If they had deported you it where a good thing. This they should do with every idiot who drive drunken and risk the live of other People!!!

Please look at my post above. 0.054% is NOTHING. It's like one large Chang and a bit drunken very quickly. And then you come along and scream deportation. And if this happened in my country (Germany) the police would re-test after 20 minutes and then the 0.004% would be gone. If not, there was only a fine and a licence suspension for 1 month if under 0.08%. How stupid is it to put people in jail for having one and a half beers huh.png

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Whilst trying to find the toilet at the Pattaya police station I went upstairs and saw the "monkey house " this is what the cops call it. It was not very pleasant and I would never want to end up in there

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Anyone who drinks or has drunk in thailand and drives Car /Motor bike.

Has driven home at some point in time DUI.

Bunch of Hypocrites. bah.gif

Wrong. If there is even the remote possibility that I might have a drink while I'm out, I take a motorcy taxi from my home to the venue. For 100 - 200 baht, it's well worth it to me to not have to worry about it. If I'm on my bike and someone wants to go have drinks, I either decline or I take the bike home and come back on a taxi.

It's not worth the risk of death or imprisonment. Ever.

Ok, if you say so. coffee1.gif

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DUI is for sure something you have take into account these days... I know at 2 people with 20 k fines and another bar owner who ended up in jail/ court.

I was stopped in Soi Nernplubwan on the scooter in Jan .... was well p###ed as i had spent most of the day drinking.... was taken to small police station and basically I emptied my wallet to get of going to jail ... about 8k i think..

TBH, i don't you are putting anyone in danger but yourself when u drive a scooter.... bit like walking home really... but getting tanked up and driving around in a Fortuna is well out of order in my book...

then theres the other outlook.. good percentage of moto-taxis are pissed-up late at night as well ..

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DUI is for sure something you have take into account these days... I know at 2 people with 20 k fines and another bar owner who ended up in jail/ court.

I was stopped in Soi Nernplubwan on the scooter in Jan .... was well p###ed as i had spent most of the day drinking.... was taken to small police station and basically I emptied my wallet to get of going to jail ... about 8k i think..

TBH, i don't you are putting anyone in danger but yourself when u drive a scooter.... bit like walking home really... but getting tanked up and driving around in a Fortuna is well out of order in my book...

then theres the other outlook.. good percentage of moto-taxis are pissed-up late at night as well ..

Sorry mate, even on a scooter and pissed you can kill people the same as a fortuner, their is no excuse to drive pissed periodperiod.

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Driving a scooter at say 20/30km is hardly going to kill anyone....opposed to plowing into someone with a truck at 60km..

OK what about pulling out and you make a truck swerve to avoid you and he plows into someone, you are driving drunk and should not be on the road, lock the bike up and get a taxi you know it makes sense.
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I got pulled for a reading of 134 (is that 0.0134% or 0.134%? - well over double the limit anyhow) after two small cans over a period of 1 hour 20 mins, though I slugged the last half of a can minutes before getting pulled, as I wanted to drop the bike off before it got too dark, knowing that I would be out at night for beer - I don't use the bike when drinking other than this one example where I did have a small amount in the late afternoon - with food as well. I asked for another reading as I was sure it was incorrect. They said no to that, and that the first reading is what stands. If I'd thought to request a blood test, or if I hadn't slugged the last half can, or waited 20 minutes before travelling, I'm sure as can be that I'd be tested negative ( I was taught to think in terms of 1 unit per hour and no more than 2 units - one pint being 2 units). Anyhow, it was behind bars for me, no bribes, just detention and court fine the next day.

I said I didn't want to stay there, and they said I had no choice. I said I don't want to stay ... okay well pay 10K bail and you can go home. Bail paid they let me ride the bike home on condition that I returned for court next day, which I did. Although it was an unpleasant experience, the police treated me okay as much as you could expect them to treat someone behind bars. I walk everywhere these days and have stopped going anywhere at all that is not within walking distance, as I just don't want to experience that again, so I guess their system worked on me in Attitude Adjustment, though I still to this day feel wrongly done by. 10K bail was returned btw, along with passport and driving license.

And...Before the hate mail arrives: I was not drunk, I was taking responsible action to drop the bike off and actively avoid a scenario of being a risk to others. I'm no fan of irresponsible people in shermann tanks with beer either.

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I know a guy who paid his way out about 2 years ago. It was pretty pricey, 25,000 baht when it was over, I think. I know another guy who had to go through the court system, but they were very lenient on him, and it essentially got chucked out with no record (they basically processed him for driving without a license, thus skipping the drunk driving charge). Both are good friends, this is not a second-hand rumour.

That was pre-junta, though.

Er, I don't drink, so this isn't any statement on drunk driving or how the laws should be applied. Just offering info to the OP.

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Spent the night in banglamung jail cell with a naked russian who had made weapons with wire and the policeman saw it and didnt give a shit. The policeman kept asking for my passport which was at home and he was generally being a . my wife paid a bribe the next day and i was off to court and had to pay another bribe to get my passport back. All for drink driving .54 thank u. I still see the same police man who threatned to deport me and he seems a little embarassed when he looks at me.

For drink driving you should have been Jailed for 18 Months then deported with a no come back policy for at least 20 years.


That sound a little bit harsh or strong... His alcohol level was not that high.

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The cops could make a fortune if they waited outside any of the dozens of bars scattered around the Darkside and stopped farangs after they get in or on their vehicles to drive away. There must be literally hundreds of drunks driving over the limit every day.

I'm not sure why it hasn't occurred to them. Maybe because it's a different police jurisdiction to Pattaya city, and the cops out here are not quite so venal?

Unlikely, from what I've seen of them.

"There must be literally hundreds of drunks driving over the limit every day."

Maybe you meant tens of thousand? smile.png

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Yes I have spent a day in soi 9 cells when that Aussie cretin Michael Reston and that Danish looking Mr Burns from the Simpsons and his cronies tried to blackmail me out of some land....

Was an experience I can tell you, I had my phone on me all the time which was nice of them and have to say the other inmates all Thai were ok with me, left me alone thumbsup.gif

They wasn't successful in the blackmail whistling.gif

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Driving a scooter at say 20/30km is hardly going to kill anyone....opposed to plowing into someone with a truck at 60km..

You have been drinking all day and you think its fine to drive a scooter home ? You are in no shape to make quick decisions on the road if something should happen , either you will end up in the statistics of road accidents in Thailand or you will cause someone else to hurt badly because of your stupid behavior.

There is something called a taxi , if you can afford drinking all day, I am sure you can afford to pay someone for a ride home.

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Spent 4 nights there a few years back, having paid my bill in a bar I was leaving the bar when the mamasan screamed I hadn't paid and had me stopped by some motorbike boys on the street. Having only had 3 beers I was sober and tried to explain quietly I had paid and even tipped the cashier. She went nut and said she would call the police, at the time I knew no better and asked her to do so. They arrived and off she goes like a banshee, screaming and wailing and hurling insults. I explained to the very polite officers I had paid and even tipped the cashier. They asked the cashier who sheepishly stared at her feet and obviously fearful of her jobsaid she didn't remember. The police said pay up or we take you to the monkey house, as the Soi 9 nick is commonly known. Again, stupidly I refused the police shrugged there shoulders popped me on the back of the truck and off we went. There followed anther screaming an wailing session in front of a very polite police captain at the station who asked me to pay, Again stupid pride got in the way and I refused, he asked if I was sure and having affirmed my decision said if I refused again I would be locked up. I refused and was indeed locked up.

The farang cell held around 15 men. it was of of open construction with bars, concrete floor no beds or mattresses, the toilet area was a small walled off section with a 3 foot surrounding wall, Hole in the floor as a toilet and the big urn of water for washing. Food was provided twice a day, a very small plastic ziplock bag of rice and a similar one of some type of thai curry, and two small bottles of water a day. You could if you had cash pay the guards to bring you in a burger at a huge premium :D. The holding cells for the thai men and thai bar girls were next to it, most of the girls were in for gambling and were good fun the guys were a dangerous lot, quite a few fights broke out and a few druggies had some screaming fits going cold turkey which were usual stopped by them being beaten unconscious.

After two days of high and mighty self righteousness and indignation I had had enough, and when the bar girls were released in the morning I paid one to take a message to my mate to come and get me out. A few hours later he appeared with a huge grin on his face and told me that I could n't be released for 2 more days as I had to be signed out by the same guy who locked me up and he was off for the weekend.

Finally the captain comes back from his weekend break and around noon I am brought before him.Guy spoke excellent English and actually graduated from Sheffield Uni, he asked me was I willng to pay and apologise to the mamasan, that stuck in the craw a bit but he said it was necessary for her to save face.

I ageed and he sat with me and we chatted while they picked her up. He said would you like me to call your friend to bring the money. I said ,no need it's in my pocket. He laughed and said OK. She turns up I paid her and grovelled a bit, she flaunts out. I turned to the captain and said , how much do I need to pay for my release. He said nothing you are free to leave as you are innocent.

I said if you believe I am innocent why did I spend 4 days in the monkey house. He said , in court you would have been found guilty as it would be your word against hers and she would no doubt have found witnesses. I asked why he thought I was innocent, he said only a pig headed principle Englishmen would got to jail over 180 baht. I saw the captain on the street may times after that and he would also smile and wave.

May that be a lesson to you all.

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The inmates in my case, where I was the only foreigner, were all pretty friendly, offered me food and water, chatty etc. They all seemed quite relaxed and I thought they all knew each other already as if it was a common occurrence, and I was the only one there crapping myself, counting the tiles on the floor, how many beams were holding the ceiling, how many blades on the ceiling fan, what the scope of the CCTV cameras might be...

There were only a dozen of us in there. The court cell next day however, I'd say there were about 70 people in an 8x4 metre room. Standing room only, shoulder to shoulder and trying not to step on anyone's toes, mosquitoes, dehydrated, hot. I could see the womens detention area down the corridor in the same sized room, but there were only maybe 15 people in there and they could all get a bench seat.

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Spent the night in banglamung jail cell ... All for drink driving .54 thank u. I still see the same police man who threatned to deport me and he seems a little embarassed when he looks at me.

For drink driving you should have been Jailed for 18 Months then deported with a no come back policy for at least 20 years.


Yes and likewise I propose 2 years followed by deportation for speeding, 1 year for jay walking, illegal turns? 1 to 3, that should curb that dangerous activity. No helmet, maybe 6 months and deportation after all if you can't be a model citizen you should go back to your own country. There's more of course but you get the idea.

And deportation for under age sex......by that I mean sex with anyone more than ten years younger than yourself..or anyone older than their in-laws......that will sort a lot of people out!!!

I wait for the onslaught.biggrin.png

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Anyone who drinks or has drunk in thailand and drives Car /Motor bike.

Has driven home at some point in time DUI.

Bunch of Hypocrites. bah.gif

Wrong. If there is even the remote possibility that I might have a drink while I'm out, I take a motorcy taxi from my home to the venue. For 100 - 200 baht, it's well worth it to me to not have to worry about it. If I'm on my bike and someone wants to go have drinks, I either decline or I take the bike home and come back on a taxi.

It's not worth the risk of death or imprisonment. Ever.

You risk your life on a drunk yabaa ridden motorbike taxi driver!!!

Or so the myths on TV would have us believe

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The cops could make a fortune if they waited outside any of the dozens of bars scattered around the Darkside and stopped farangs after they get in or on their vehicles to drive away. There must be literally hundreds of drunks driving over the limit every day.

I'm not sure why it hasn't occurred to them. Maybe because it's a different police jurisdiction to Pattaya city, and the cops out here are not quite so venal?

Unlikely, from what I've seen of them.

The cops could already make fortunes by just catching motorcycle drivers without helmets, driver licence or insurance...red light jumpers,....wrong side of the road drivers,...overtaking in blind curves....

And that already would make the roads a little bit safer....!!!

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8) You will not post disruptive or inflammatory messages, vulgarities, obscenities or profanities.

Rimmer, we should all know the rules. Your 'job' as a moderator is difficult enough, so wwhy don't you just send offenders on a holiday? 1st breach = 1 week, 2nd = 1 month, 3rd = permanent, and no warnings.

That sounds fair to me.

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DUI still accepts donations if offered correctly and discritly . 20000-25000.

Not sure what OP wants to know, but in Soi 9, no food or drink is provided , it's not an air conditioned room, over crowded.

Any food or drink is what visitors bring.

Usually visitors would bring a pack of water and food , otherwise person may not have a pleasant time as the rest are thirsty and hungry.

Donation to desk is 100 baht, lunch money .

With good lawyer, "bail" can be paid and charge is lost in paper work.

Is it better to pay than to be locked up ? Of course it is, especially when donations are pretty small in comparison to legal fees and all the rest .

Thought they gave you water, thats a bit rough with out that, think i will give it a miss.

How much is the room with Air con ? smile.png

Well with that offence, I think with enough money you could get a room with air-conditioning. A Couple of bottles of Johnnie Walker's! Rooms Service! A King Sized Bed! And 3 Bar Girls with 2 Police Men standing outside your door for your security.

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Spent the night in banglamung jail cell with a naked russian who had made weapons with wire and the policeman saw it and didnt give a shit. The policeman kept asking for my passport which was at home and he was generally being a my wife paid a bribe the next day and i was off to court and had to pay another bribe to get my passport back. All for drink driving .54 thank u. I still see the same police man who threatned to deport me and he seems a little embarassed when he looks at me.

You should be ashame of yourself..........don't you ever consider your vehicule as an weapon when your DUI ????

Wake up blink.png

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He should be ashamed of himself? Did you even read my post? His level is like two glasses of wine. I'm pretty sure even then he still drives better than the average Thai. Heck, there is even studies that show after a little alcohol you drive better than without any, as naturally you'd focus more. But then again, you wouldn't know that with all your generalisations, now would you?

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To enter the holding area I was stripped of my footwear. My wife paid a "tip" to the official and I was allowed to sit in a chair in the corner of the room, not within the cage. I asked to use a toilet.

Years ago, I 'upset' an influential foreigner in Pattaya, (where I was working at the time).

I also was taken to the Pattaya Courthouse holding cells, stripped of my shoes, but allowed to sit on a chair outside the cells because the police recognised me as a volunteer Thai translator at Soi 9 police station!.

There were 2 large holding cells, one for ladyboys and t'other for everyone else. All prisoners wore ankle chains with a heavy ball to carry.

I asked to go to the toilet, but was refused. I asked for water but was refused. I sat in that chair from about 8 am until 4pm, and finally the Court officer let me go home, (I was on bail anyway, so the chair episode seemed to be some sort of punishment for upsetting the foreigner).

I was lucky because I could afford bail. It can't be good if you cannot afford or are denied bail.

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To enter the holding area I was stripped of my footwear. My wife paid a "tip" to the official and I was allowed to sit in a chair in the corner of the room, not within the cage. I asked to use a toilet.

Years ago, I 'upset' an influential foreigner in Pattaya, (where I was working at the time).

I also was taken to the Pattaya Courthouse holding cells, stripped of my shoes, but allowed to sit on a chair outside the cells because the police recognised me as a volunteer Thai translator at Soi 9 police station!.

There were 2 large holding cells, one for ladyboys and t'other for everyone else. All prisoners wore ankle chains with a heavy ball to carry.

I asked to go to the toilet, but was refused. I asked for water but was refused. I sat in that chair from about 8 am until 4pm, and finally the Court officer let me go home, (I was on bail anyway, so the chair episode seemed to be some sort of punishment for upsetting the foreigner).

I was lucky because I could afford bail. It can't be good if you cannot afford or are denied bail.

How much extra do you have to pay to get in the lady boy cell?

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are the cops simple or what, if it was me looking money i would be hiding behind corner at soi dianna / lankee crossroads then pounce.

stupid .

It may look stupid to the unclued farang.

More likely scenario is that they receive extortion money from the pubs/clubs in the area, and thus it isn't good business cracking down on their own customers.

Everyone's a winner, even the farangs drink driving home and calling the Thais stupid for allowing them.


And the police actually own quite a bit of the land on which bars are build so they actually double dip.

They get rent and they extort from the bar owners.

Nice gig, cop in Pattaya

And some farangs think that they are stupid ones for not standing outside the bars they profit from, hassling and fining the customers for chump-change. laugh.png

20k 0r 35 k , hardly chump change.

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I would normally agree with those who feel that Crickets should have been "thrown in the slammer".. But....hey.....did you happen to notice what his blood alcohol reading was...or if you did

do you have any idea what the significance of that is? 0.54mmg! That's a reading in old school language of 54mg. A DUI charge used to require a reading of 80mg or up! And If you take the trouble to check with the following site:

https://www.healthstatus.com/perl/calculator.cg you might be surprised at just how little alcohol is required to result in a reading of 54mg!

Consider: We don't know what Cricket's weight was at the time, nor do we know how many drinks he had over what period of time. But according to their calculations, if we give him a weight of around 190 lbs (86.7kg) and having consumed 4 12 oz bottles over a 2 hour period, they give him estimated blood alcohol concentration of 60mg. Four regular sized bottles of beer over a 2 hour period! That's an average of 1 - 12 oz bottle of regular beer every 30 minutes! Now, let's suppose he had gone out to a buddy's house for a game of cards and consumed those same four beers over a 3 hour period, their calculations put him at 50mg....just 4 mg shy of what he stated he was measured as being. 4 - 12 oz bottles of regular beer consumed at an average rate of 1 bottle every 45 minutes! Personally, I don't see that as being excessive! You may disagree!


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