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Revoking Thaksin's passports 'will have no effect'


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Revoking Thaksin's passports 'will have no effect'

BANGKOK: -- THE series of sanctions against fugitive former PM Thaksin Shinawatra over the past week were prompted by the remarks he made to South Korean media that were deemed detrimental to national security and the country's reputation.

Predictably, the political temperature in the country rose with critics from all sides speaking up about the issue.

The sanctions began with an announcement being posted on May 26 on the Foreign Ministry's website saying that Thaksin's two Thai passports would be revoked. The reason given was that he had violated the ministry's regulations by making defamatory comments to foreign media. This was followed by moves to strip Thaksin of his police rank.

However, will these measures have any effect on Thaksin?

Most observers believe that revoking the passports would have no impact, as Thaksin can still travel around using other passports, such as the one granted by Montenegro.

Attasit Pankaew, a political science lecturer at Thammasat University, agreed, saying Thaksin can still travel on other passports.

The lecturer also said that he does not believe Thaksin will exploit this development by telling the world that he's being bullied. Instead, he believes that by giving that interview in Seoul, the former PM had gone on the offensive - waiting for the junta to attack. Hence, he can hardly say he's being bullied.

Nipit Intarasombat, an ex-Democrat MP, remarked that Thaksin got what he deserved. But he disagreed when asked if he thought the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO) had taken this stance to please the yellow shirts or to boost its own popularity.

He said this reaction was in no way politically motivated, as any other government would have done the same if comments were made damaging the country's reputation.

Others also believe that NCPO had no hidden agenda and that its popularity had more to do with its ability to tackle the country's economic problems rather than dealing with Thaksin.

Red-shirt leader Weng Tojirakarn, however, said the entire thing about revoking passports and stripping Thaksin of his police rank was childish. However, he said, the red shirts would not take to the streets to protest against these moves, as people were bored of this never-ending political drama. He too pointed out that the government should focus more on solving the country's economic problems so people can still put food on the table instead of wasting time on Thaksin.

Udomdej Rattanasatien, a member of the Pheu Thai Party, also agreed that revoking Thaksin's passports would have little or no effect, though he expressed concern that this may anger the ex-PM's supporters and further obstruct the reconciliation process.

Another red-shirt leader said the NCPO was using this as an example to show the public that it will take any criticism seriously.

"We are at a tolerable point. This [hunt for Thaksin] will not bring any moves [from us]," the red-shirt leader, who asked not to be named, said. Asked whether this would obstruct reconciliation attempts, he said: "The [reconciliation] point was crossed on the day that [ex-PM] Yingluck [shinawatra] was impeached [by the National Legislative Assembly]."

He added that the red shirts had adopted a "wait and see" attitude as they wanted to see if the NCPO can solve all the conflicts and problems in the country.

However, he believes that Thaksin had no intention of stirring trouble with his controversial comments, but was just "unaware" of the consequences.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/politics/Revoking-Thaksins-passports-will-have-no-effect-30261565.html

-- The Nation 2015-06-04

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This is exactly how the spoiled bully Thaksin must be treated. Every time he tries to create divisions in Thai society, smack his bottom, hard and in public. This time was more of a slap, just lost his passports and a huge amount of face. Next time I recommend more asset seizures, that really hurts. Go after Oak for the corruption on BTS advertizing - more asset seizures, compensation for the 700 billion lost in the rice scam - seize more Shin money. Yinglucks black lies under oath - more asset seizures, more loss of face - there are so many excuses the junta can use for Thaksin asset seizures. Every time he speaks his nonsense, up the ante and smack him ever harder. He will soon learn. All the pussy-footing around in the last 5 years and attempts to broker back room deals with the untrustworthy fugitive sociopath only made him appear stronger.

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In a way I feel sorry for thaksin. It is quite obvious he has untreated mental issues that sorely need attention from appropriate medical professionals.

In my heart of hearts I don't think anyone is intentionally this evil that they will divide a nation at any given chance for the simple reason of trying to make himself out as a white knight that will then heal it...

Seek you help you need thaksin. I am sure Montenegro has adequate facilities.

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Yes it will... psychological affect,, no one, not even a billionaire who has has several other passports,

will shrug off the humiliation feelings of losing a passport, and in fact, his citizenship...

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The bottom line is that this scumbag should not have been given these passports which were secured during his sister tenure as PM through that sycophant of a Foreign Minister who truly must be one of the most stupid men in Thai politics. The question of the removal of the grandfathered rank within the RTP is also a non issue. He is a convicted felon with several warrants pending and is therefore by Thai law not entitled to maintain the rank, status and monitory rewards that go with it.

Will it have an impact, Yes it will, he has been severely slapped and shown that he is not bulletproof. He has lost significant face which given his bloated ego and manipulative character may just spur him on too further indiscretions which may well get him in more hot water.

As an earlier post suggested asset seizure is the way to really get to the heart of this family.

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"Red-shirt leader Weng Tojirakarn, however, said the entire thing about revoking passports and stripping Thaksin of his police rank was childish."

So was them stripping Abhisit of his military "rank" also childish? Or is this more of the Shinawatra "do as I say, not what I do" mantra?

They're all < deleted > children here it seems.

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Yes it will... psychological affect,, no one, not even a billionaire who has has several other passports,

will shrug off the humiliation feelings of losing a passport, and in fact, his citizenship...

+1, but he hasn't lost his "citizenship", he's still Thai (well, mostly).

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The story title reflects my feelings about the whole matter, while most staggered to the blog trough to vomit their pet opinions and vociferous self-righteous pronunciations.

It is a zero sum proposition, and always was. It isn't even symbolic. It was and is...throwing a snit, and a whinge under a mask of due diligence.

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Time to add another malady to the ever expanding collection in The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders

Thaksin Derangement Syndrome (TDS)

TDS is a compulsive-obsessive neurotic disorder centered on a controversial political figure from Thailand named Thaksin Shinawatra. Behaviors are triggered by any mention of Thaksin, or any mention of Thai political conflict that has transpired over the past 30 years. Typical behaviors of individuals with TDS include: rote acceptance and fixation on list of supposed Thaksin transgressions; excessive use of hyperbole and exaggeration; tendency to characterize Thaksin using cartoonish and stereotypical descriptions of evil persons; inability to engage in reasoned discussion of contemporary events and actions without invoking "puppet master", "paymaster" or other similar omnipotent roles for Thaksin. Individuals with TDS are considered non-violent and boring. Non-pharmacological treatment includes gentle kidding. More aggressive logical argumentation may be used to treat persistent cases of TDS, as indicated by brief psychotic episodes, ranting, and extremely repetitive posts in online forums. Prognosis for most treatments is guarded. TDS is considered a long-term affliction.

Edited by phoenixdoglover
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This is exactly how the spoiled bully Thaksin must be treated. Every time he tries to create divisions in Thai society, smack his bottom, hard and in public. This time was more of a slap, just lost his passports and a huge amount of face. Next time I recommend more asset seizures, that really hurts. Go after Oak for the corruption on BTS advertizing - more asset seizures, compensation for the 700 billion lost in the rice scam - seize more Shin money. Yinglucks black lies under oath - more asset seizures, more loss of face - there are so many excuses the junta can use for Thaksin asset seizures. Every time he speaks his nonsense, up the ante and smack him ever harder. He will soon learn. All the pussy-footing around in the last 5 years and attempts to broker back room deals with the untrustworthy fugitive sociopath only made him appear stronger.

No you are wrong....Go for all the assets NOW. There are tons of evidence for corruption, alone the airport is enough.

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Yes it will... psychological affect,, no one, not even a billionaire who has has several other passports,

will shrug off the humiliation feelings of losing a passport, and in fact, his citizenship...

Agree...his supporters can say it has no effect on his travel...and they are right.

But taking away his passports and Police ranks will deeply affect him...although he'll never admit it.

Little by little, squeeze him with LM, keep putting cases on his Sister, punish his Red Shirt lackeys and give him no room to respond, and it will cut deep.

He gives the outward image of bravado and swagger, but I take great pleasure in knowing he is alone and getting older, away from his family, friends and country...missing everything about Thailand every day. I'm sure he has taken a 9-iron to more than just a few of his cars in anger and frustration...

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In a way I feel sorry for thaksin. It is quite obvious he has untreated mental issues that sorely need attention from appropriate medical professionals.

In my heart of hearts I don't think anyone is intentionally this evil that they will divide a nation at any given chance for the simple reason of trying to make himself out as a white knight that will then heal it...

Seek you help you need thaksin. I am sure Montenegro has adequate facilities.

"In a way I feel sorry for thaksin. It is quite obvious he has untreated mental issues that sorely need attention from appropriate medical professionals."

Hmmm pot, kettle, black?

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it will have an effect on him because he thinks he,s untouchable/perfect...anyone going against his wishes/demands ..there is always some repercussions..and in this instance he will open his disgusting mouth and put his foot straight in..he will never come back to thailand a free man never going to happen...everyday is punishment for him..

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In a way I feel sorry for thaksin. It is quite obvious he has untreated mental issues that sorely need attention from appropriate medical professionals.

In my heart of hearts I don't think anyone is intentionally this evil that they will divide a nation at any given chance for the simple reason of trying to make himself out as a white knight that will then heal it...

Seek you help you need thaksin. I am sure Montenegro has adequate facilities.

"In a way I feel sorry for thaksin. It is quite obvious he has untreated mental issues that sorely need attention from appropriate medical professionals."

Hmmm pot, kettle, black?

Are you suggesting Djjamie has untreated mental issues? If so, I can only demur and point out that his posts are generally intelligent and informed, quite unlike your throw away remarks which add nothing to the dialogue.

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Time to add another malady to the ever expanding collection in The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders

Thaksin Derangement Syndrome (TDS)

TDS is a compulsive-obsessive neurotic disorder centered on a controversial political figure from Thailand named Thaksin Shinawatra. Behaviors are triggered by any mention of Thaksin, or any mention of Thai political conflict that has transpired over the past 30 years. Typical behaviors of individuals with TDS include: rote acceptance and fixation on list of supposed Thaksin transgressions; excessive use of hyperbole and exaggeration; tendency to characterize Thaksin using cartoonish and stereotypical descriptions of evil persons; inability to engage in reasoned discussion of contemporary events and actions without invoking "puppet master", "paymaster" or other similar omnipotent roles for Thaksin. Individuals with TDS are considered non-violent and boring. Non-pharmacological treatment includes gentle kidding. More aggressive logical argumentation may be used to treat persistent cases of TDS, as indicated by brief psychotic episodes, ranting, and extremely repetitive posts in online forums. Prognosis for most treatments is guarded. TDS is considered a long-term affliction.

The communist regimes of Eastern Europe, where the chosen ones were more equal than the plebs, used to try the same trick.

Anyone who opposed their corrupt self serving regime which actually exploited those they pretend to serve were classed as mentally ill and carted off to "treatment camps" or gulags.

Don't give the Thaksin lovers ideas - they already support the red shirt democracy schools.

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In a way I feel sorry for thaksin. It is quite obvious he has untreated mental issues that sorely need attention from appropriate medical professionals.

In my heart of hearts I don't think anyone is intentionally this evil that they will divide a nation at any given chance for the simple reason of trying to make himself out as a white knight that will then heal it...

Seek you help you need thaksin. I am sure Montenegro has adequate facilities.

"In a way I feel sorry for thaksin. It is quite obvious he has untreated mental issues that sorely need attention from appropriate medical professionals."

Hmmm pot, kettle, black?

Derbyshire born and Derbyshire bred, strong in the arm and weak in the ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, wink.png

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Yes it will... psychological affect,, no one, not even a billionaire who has has several other passports,

will shrug off the humiliation feelings of losing a passport, and in fact, his citizenship...

Agree...his supporters can say it has no effect on his travel...and they are right.

But taking away his passports and Police ranks will deeply affect him...although he'll never admit it.

Little by little, squeeze him with LM, keep putting cases on his Sister, punish his Red Shirt lackeys and give him no room to respond, and it will cut deep.

He gives the outward image of bravado and swagger, but I take great pleasure in knowing he is alone and getting older, away from his family, friends and country...missing everything about Thailand every day. I'm sure he has taken a 9-iron to more than just a few of his cars in anger and frustration...

You are correct.

Thaksin's power comes through bribery, corruption and intimidation underpinned by an apparent immunity to the law. Sure he's a convicted fugitive. But he's got billions, swans around in his private plane. Openly controlled the puppet PTP regime etc. and ran their government.

Thaksin relies on the fuedal patronage system as much as the elites. He'll throw some crumbs if you are good but cross him and you will be punished. Almost like a protection racket - better to behave and keep him happy and onside.

If people see he and his Chinese family crime clan are no longer immune and untouchables then the fear and control weaken. His mystique of power can and should be broken.

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In a way I feel sorry for thaksin. It is quite obvious he has untreated mental issues that sorely need attention from appropriate medical professionals.

In my heart of hearts I don't think anyone is intentionally this evil that they will divide a nation at any given chance for the simple reason of trying to make himself out as a white knight that will then heal it...

Seek you help you need thaksin. I am sure Montenegro has adequate facilities.

"In a way I feel sorry for thaksin. It is quite obvious he has untreated mental issues that sorely need attention from appropriate medical professionals."

Hmmm pot, kettle, black?

Are you suggesting Djjamie has untreated mental issues? If so, I can only demur and point out that his posts are generally intelligent and informed, quite unlike your throw away remarks which add nothing to the dialogue.

Are you suggesting that djjamie is a medical expert clearly able to diagnose Thaksins medical condition despite never having been in the same room as him during a therapy session?

Ummm okay

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What with his passports taken off him and the possibility of his (dearly loved) rank being removed, then I see he has slipped from No6 on the Thai rich list to No10 this year.

His PT MP's were complaining that they were no longer getting their 'allowance' after the house was dissolved and the corruption within his last proxy govt which would have been forgiven by the amnesty bill now coming to light. He is not having a good time of late.

But he still has his paid red leaders and the few faithful followers on here who leap to his defense so all is not lost.

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