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Baht continues downward trend

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The Thai banks charge 180 baht for any withdraw in the ATMs. When they started this practice they said this is normal everywhere. In South-Korea they did the same, but after 2 months the Koreans admitted that this is not the normal. They reversed it. Now is the cost of using an Korean ATM normal. The Thais do not want to be normal, they are so money hungry. This is a consideration many Europeans think about when they choose their holiday destination.

How much they spend for other expenses in irrelevant. It is really an obnoxious policy that tourists must pay 180 baht each time they visit an ATM for the privilege of spending money in Thailand.

I have been a tourist in many, many countries over the years and I don't think I ever used my UK cards in a foreign ATM.

As to deciding where to go based on whether there were ATM charges..........cheesy.gif I agree wholeheartedly with Naam - get real coffee1.gif

Are there actually any other countries where there are ATM charges?

in Germany you pay through your nose if not using the ATMs of your own German bank. and even your own bank charges € 2.50 per "draw".

i am presently in Singapore and i have paid ATM fees in Macau, Hong Kong, India, Viet Nam, UK and Switzerland (just to name a few countries).

When choosing a card to use in Singapore you need to be wary of ATM withdrawal fees


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Why wouldn't a bank be entitled to charge a fee from someone who wants to use its very expensive ATM which has to be serviced

including replenishing the cash?

When I go to Paris, on the Champs Elysees there is this window which dispenses McDonald's hamburgers and they actually

charge for them. coffee1.gif

Spoken like a real banker. When I sign up for a credit card, I already pay a annual fee for the use of it worldwide, plus charges are embedded in the xchange rate and another 1 -2 %fee for every transaction I do.

I'm sure in the agreement with the banks is mentioned that no additional charges can be levied, same as that the merchant is not allowed to charge the customer 4% for every purchase paid by a CC, but as always in Thailand laws and agreements are for the others and are only honored if it benefits them.

when you use a credit card for cash you are also paying an "advance fee" who's annualised interest is highway robbery. no bank anywhere on this planet does cost free financing up to 6 weeks. some banks waive that advance fee if you keep a positive balance on your CC account.

Beware of credit card cash advances!


Edited by Naam
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Why wouldn't a bank be entitled to charge a fee from someone who wants to use its very expensive ATM which has to be serviced

including replenishing the cash?

When I go to Paris, on the Champs Elysees there is this window which dispenses McDonald's hamburgers and they actually

charge for them. coffee1.gif

Spoken like a real banker. When I sign up for a credit card, I already pay a annual fee for the use of it worldwide, plus charges are embedded in the xchange rate and another 1 -2 %fee for every transaction I do.

I'm sure in the agreement with the banks is mentioned that no additional charges can be levied, same as that the merchant is not allowed to charge the customer 4% for every purchase paid by a CC, but as always in Thailand laws and agreements are for the others and are only honored if it benefits them.

not only in Thailand but virtually all over most merchants are adding the fees to the price they have to pay to the CC issuer. exceptions are airlines, top hotels and restaurants.

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9 out of 10 bankers recommend high fees. The 1 banker who didn't recommend high fees was shot by the other 9.

question: "what if 9 out of 10 bankers would be found chained at the bottom of an ocean?"

answer: "a good start!"

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the world currency valuation process is corrupt ...

how else can you explain that an arse-wipe (AKA Greenback) currency can hold value when there is no asset value.

the Yanks intend to devalue their currency to reduce their debts (about $20 trillion), so, much to their dismay, the Chinese (who hold large quantities of that debt) likewise devalued and or or capped their currency

with that kind of insider knowledge i assume you are a billionaire, right? especially the fact that the Chinese "devalued" their currency which gained 25% vs. the US-Dollar during the last ten years.


Namm, you are a boof-head ... just because the US$ fell in 'value' by the 'gain' of the Yuen does Not translate into an appreciation ... the Chinese have lowered their currency value ... not just to stop the Yanks from devaluing their debt; it improves their ability to sell their stuff compared to the lower priced Yank Crap ... we laugh at how the Yanks make out the Chinese steal intellectual knowledge etc, as we know the Yanks are creme de la creme of corporate theft in every field

if i had more time i would post some boof-head facts for little men who obviously have not the slightest idea against how many major currencies the chinese currency appreciated during the last several years.

but my dogs have invaded my space and demand my attention and a tug-of-war with an old bath towel. so bear with me, perhaps tomorrow i feel like wasting some time teaching you a few lessons. of course it would be the proverbial "pearls before..."


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I think the baht is a bit stronger today ? Will it continue this week ? Need to buy dollar soon.

I don't think that the Thai Central Bank will be too keen on the baht reversing the trend all the way back to what it was around April 20 (against the HKD, which is more or less the same as USD).

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Namm, you are a boof-head ... just because the US$ fell in 'value' by the 'gain' of the Yuen does Not translate into an appreciation ... the Chinese have lowered their currency value ... not just to stop the Yanks from devaluing their debt; it improves their ability to sell their stuff compared to the lower priced Yank Crap ... we laugh at how the Yanks make out the Chinese steal intellectual knowledge etc, as we know the Yanks are creme de la creme of corporate theft in every field

if i had more time i would post some boof-head facts for little men who obviously have not the slightest idea against how many major currencies the chinese currency appreciated during the last several years.

but my dogs have invaded my space and demand my attention and a tug-of-war with an old bath towel. so bear with me, perhaps tomorrow i feel like wasting some time teaching you a few lessons. of course it would be the proverbial "pearls before..."


here are the facts for currency troglodytes laugh.png



Pound Sterling

Japanese ¥EN

Canadian Dollar

Singapore Dollar

Malaysian Ringgit

Thai Baht










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9 out of 10 bankers recommend high fees. The 1 banker who didn't recommend high fees was shot by the other 9.

question: "what if 9 out of 10 bankers would be found chained at the bottom of an ocean?"

answer: "a good start!"

Especially this Jamie Dimon / JP Morgan . The only reason he is not in prison : Too big to prosecute.

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when you use a credit card for cash you are also paying an "advance fee" who's annualised interest is highway robbery. no bank anywhere on this planet does cost free financing up to 6 weeks. some banks waive that advance fee if you keep a positive balance on your CC account.

Beware of credit card cash advances!


When a bank gives a cash advance on a credit card it is making an unsecured loan to some bloke it's never even had lunch with. That bloke may be halfway around the world and on the move. What would it take for me to send cash to that guy? The answer is that I wouldn't at all.

The highway robbery is partly to cover the loss potential. That credit card may well be the only friend a guy has with him in Timbuktu who will lend him cash on the spot without hesitation.

I would want the scalp of someone's firstborn to dispense to him money at will anywhere he happened to be. whistling.gif

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when you use a credit card for cash you are also paying an "advance fee" who's annualised interest is highway robbery. no bank anywhere on this planet does cost free financing up to 6 weeks. some banks waive that advance fee if you keep a positive balance on your CC account.

Beware of credit card cash advances!


When a bank gives a cash advance on a credit card it is making an unsecured loan to some bloke it's never even had lunch with. That bloke may be halfway around the world and on the move. What would it take for me to send cash to that guy? The answer is that I wouldn't at all.

The highway robbery is partly to cover the loss potential. That credit card may well be the only friend a guy has with him in Timbuktu who will lend him cash on the spot without hesitation.

I would want the scalp of someone's firstborn to dispense to him money at will anywhere he happened to be. whistling.gif

I suspect you will not be interested in becoming an Abra "teller' then.....

"Here's how Abra works: Say you need $100 in cash. To get it, you would open the app and find a bank teller near you using your phone's GPS. Bank tellers can be regular people, as well as businesses like convenience stores. If it's a person, they've had a background check through Abra. (The system is similar to how Uber vets drivers.)"


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I remember mid last year all the so called top business guys and companies in USA and many other countries forecast that the $US would crash by the year end 2014 and also the stock market HA HA.


Remember about a decade ago the front cover of Newsweek was a guy lighting a cigarette with a dollar bill?

I think the headline was "End of the Dollar?"

$ was that time at 1.896 to the £.

It went up to a high of 2.10 and remains about 20% higher.

Check now:


Edited by cheeryble
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hopefully Greece dose us all proud and crashes the euro, horrible thing that it is would also help i think in brining down property prices across europe which a re astronomical at the momentor is that just the uk

Edited by chris55566
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Sorry my last post should of course read

"It went down to a LOW of 2.10 but is now 20% HIGHER than the first, better figure."

I guess Naam knew what I was trying to say in my semi sleep :-)

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hopefully Greece dose us all proud and crashes the euro, horrible thing that it is would also help i think in brining down property prices across europe which a re astronomical at the momentor is that just the uk

How would a crash in the Euro bring property prices down for those in the Eurozone? Silly me, I thought it would bring prices of Euros down.

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Sorry my last post should of course read

"It went down to a LOW of 2.10 but is now 20% HIGHER than the first, better figure."

I guess Naam knew what I was trying to say in my semi sleep :-)

of course i knew what you meant and "the end of the dollar" i hear since Nixon abolished the Dollar/Gold peg in 1971.

2½ years later i took a job in Saudi Arabia with a USD remuneration and most of my friends were horrified that i did not ask to be paid in "superhard" DEM.

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hopefully Greece dose us all proud and crashes the euro, horrible thing that it is would also help i think in brining down property prices across europe which a re astronomical at the momentor is that just the uk

How would a crash in the Euro bring property prices down for those in the Eurozone? Silly me, I thought it would bring prices of Euros down.

the thoughts of some resident financial prophets are miraculous and secretive and not really meant to be understood by laymen like you or me laugh.png

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because im in the uk and a weak euro creates good buying opportunities for a stronger pound. plus there would be a glut of property in places like Greece when the banks foreclose to collect on the difference increasing supply.

Well good luck on buying assets valued in New Drachmas. That must be a candidate for star contribution of the week, but we are still only in Monday so come on down! Maybe some condolences from those who purchased Thai property with sterling at 43, but hey! that will pale into sheer insignificance with what Greece will wallow into.

Edited by SheungWan
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