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The problem of Muslim integration


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Did you ever pause to think that some feel the same way about atheists and their continual dialogue on this forum?

Nobody waves it in your face quite like an atheist.

Nope, didn't think of that at all but then again, I believe atheism is as much a "cult/clan/club/fanaticism" as any other religion... So it's covered by the Meme without having to mention it specifically...

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Did you ever pause to think that some feel the same way about atheists and their continual dialogue on this forum?

Nobody waves it in your face quite like an atheist.

Nope, didn't think of that at all but then again, I believe atheism is as much a "cult/clan/club/fanaticism" as any other religion... So it's covered by the Meme without having to mention it specifically...


Atheism just means no belief in a God.

Atheists don't give a crap what others believe and will usually only get vocal when religion is rubbed in their face.

Maybe you are thinking of Anti-theism, which is slightly different.

The wonderful thing about being atheist is that it really takes up so little of one's time and absolutely zero effort.

Edited by KarenBravo
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Did you ever pause to think that some feel the same way about atheists and their continual dialogue on this forum?

Nobody waves it in your face quite like an atheist.

Nope, didn't think of that at all but then again, I believe atheism is as much a "cult/clan/club/fanaticism" as any other religion... So it's covered by the Meme without having to mention it specifically...


Atheism just means no belief in a God.

Atheists don't give a crap what others believe and will usually only get vocal when religion is rubbed in their face.

Maybe you are thinking of Anti-theism, which is slightly different.

The wonderful thing about being atheist is that it really takes up so little of one's time and absolutely zero effort.

Hmmm, I tend to refer to that as being more Agnostic than Atheist, as Atheists can get zealot like over their active believe that there is no God (per chuckd's point) whereas Agnostics accept the view that they can/will never know or simply don't care...

But I think we've strayed WAY off of topic now...

Edit: in my previous post I should have said "I believe atheism #can be# as much a "cult/clan/club/fanaticism" as any other religion as with all "Religions".

Edited by JB300
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The difference between an agnostic, an atheist and an antitheist.

Agnostic - Claims that we can never know if God exists, or not. Basically, a fence-sitter.

Atheist - Does not believe there is a God.

Antitheist - Not only do they believe that there is no God, but, believes that all religions are intrinsically bad and that mankind would be better off without religion. A good example would be the late, great Christopher Hitchens.

If we can't get our definitions correct, we shouldn't use the words.

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The difference between an agnostic, an atheist and an antitheist.

Agnostic - Claims that we can never know if God exists, or not. Basically, a fence-sitter.

Atheist - Does not believe there is a God.

Antitheist - Not only do they believe that there is no God, but, believes that all religions are intrinsically bad and that mankind would be better off without religion. A good example would be the late, great Christopher Hitchens.

If we can't get our definitions correct, we shouldn't use the words.

Agree... But "Atheism just means no belief in a God" is not the same as actively believing that God doesn't exist, that's why I said it #felt# more Agnostic than Atheist to me (i.e you wouldn't call somebody who just never thought about whether God existed of not an Atheist).

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Now you're splitting hairs.

May I suggest you consult a dictionary.

I'm honestly not trying to split hairs, I just said that the absence of belief is not the same as actively disbelieving...

Edit: Have done a quick Google & you are absolutely correct, I should not have used the term "Agnostic" but should have used the term "Negative Atheist" to describe somebody who has no belief, vs a "Positive Atheist" who actively believes God does not exist...

I'll admit that I didn't know this nuance existed (hence me using Agnostic to cover people with no belief), you learn something new everyday :)

Edited by JB300
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The difference between an agnostic, an atheist and an antitheist.

Agnostic - Claims that we can never know if God exists, or not. Basically, a fence-sitter.

Atheist - Does not believe there is a God.

Antitheist - Not only do they believe that there is no God, but, believes that all religions are intrinsically bad and that mankind would be better off without religion. A good example would be the late, great Christopher Hitchens.

If we can't get our definitions correct, we shouldn't use the words.

Don't care about the dictionary definition, but my version of agnosticism is one that believes in a higher power ( God, Gaia etc ) but rejects ( organised ) religion as being usurped by men for their own benefit, ie, has faith but not religion.

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Why isn't this conversation being conducted in Thai? Integration and all that....

Maybe it should have been conducted in Japanese, or at least our countries could take a lesson from Japan.


Japan: The Land Without Muslims

Ah yes, that myth.

Well if you believe that, I have a bridge over Sydney harbour that Id like to sell you.

Seriously, how did you get through life without being constantly ripped off and fooled?

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The difference between an agnostic, an atheist and an antitheist.

Agnostic - Claims that we can never know if God exists, or not. Basically, a fence-sitter.

Atheist - Does not believe there is a God.

Antitheist - Not only do they believe that there is no God, but, believes that all religions are intrinsically bad and that mankind would be better off without religion. A good example would be the late, great Christopher Hitchens.

If we can't get our definitions correct, we shouldn't use the words.

Don't care about the dictionary definition, but my version of agnosticism is one that believes in a higher power ( God, Gaia etc ) but rejects ( organised ) religion as being usurped by men for their own benefit, ie, has faith but not religion.

You should care about "the dictionary" as that is where you find the meaning of words. It bizarre to have the view "i make up whatever meaning i like for words" as you so nicely pointed out with your own meaning of agnosticism.

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The difference between an agnostic, an atheist and an antitheist.

Agnostic - Claims that we can never know if God exists, or not. Basically, a fence-sitter.

Atheist - Does not believe there is a God.

Antitheist - Not only do they believe that there is no God, but, believes that all religions are intrinsically bad and that mankind would be better off without religion. A good example would be the late, great Christopher Hitchens.

If we can't get our definitions correct, we shouldn't use the words.

Don't care about the dictionary definition, but my version of agnosticism is one that believes in a higher power ( God, Gaia etc ) but rejects ( organised ) religion as being usurped by men for their own benefit, ie, has faith but not religion.

No, you are not agnostic.

You are either a theist, or a deist.

P.S. Asheron is correct. You can't just go making up your own definition of words, otherwise black could mean white, war could mean peace etc.

The reason words have exact meanings is so that humans that speak the same language can communicate unambiguously.

Edited by KarenBravo
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Why isn't this conversation being conducted in Thai? Integration and all that....

Maybe it should have been conducted in Japanese, or at least our countries could take a lesson from Japan.


Japan: The Land Without Muslims

Ah yes, that myth.

Well if you believe that, I have a bridge over Sydney harbour that Id like to sell you.

Seriously, how did you get through life without being constantly ripped off and fooled?

Yeah sure a myth, however I would say they don't do too bad with about 7000 Native muslims on a population of 126.000.000.



The most serious work on this question has been done by Japanese scholars such as Hiroshi Kojima of the National Institute of Population and Social Security Research and Keiko Sakurai of Waseda University. Their estimates suggest a Muslim population of around 70,000, of which perhaps 90% are resident foreigners and about 10% native Japanese.

Edited by Anthony5
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Why isn't this conversation being conducted in Thai? Integration and all that....

Because those involved are only allowed here 1 year at a time before applying again, and have to report to authorities every 90 days of that 1 year extension of stay?

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Why isn't this conversation being conducted in Thai? Integration and all that....

Maybe it should have been conducted in Japanese, or at least our countries could take a lesson from Japan.


Japan: The Land Without Muslims

Ah yes, that myth.

Well if you believe that, I have a bridge over Sydney harbour that Id like to sell you.

Seriously, how did you get through life without being constantly ripped off and fooled?

Yeah sure a myth, however I would say they don't do too bad with about 7000 Native muslims on a population of 126.000.000.



The most serious work on this question has been done by Japanese scholars such as Hiroshi Kojima of the National Institute of Population and Social Security Research and Keiko Sakurai of Waseda University. Their estimates suggest a Muslim population of around 70,000, of which perhaps 90% are resident foreigners and about 10% native Japanese.

Keep contradicting yourself. From the same source:

"Neither foreign residents nor ethnic Japanese are ever asked about their religion by official government agencies".

The government simply doesn't care.

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I moved to live in my old home town over 37 years ago ,it had a large Muslim Enclave then ,they prayed in local homes ,they did not really integrate ,not like the Jamaicans or the Hindu people there ,along with the other immegrants from Europe ,but they kept to themselves with little trouble ,then the Mosque was built ,then it all really changed ,women all covered up men dressed as if they were in Pakistan or Bangladesh , there were complaints about adverts on billboards with women in ,complaints about not having a segregated school for boys and girls ,,the old peoples meeting place where they were became muslim only ,on and on ,now they openly preach hatred in the town centre ,nothing is done ,its not PC ,the police are terrified of being Racist (one was a friend of mine ,he was the one who said that) its not the town i went to live in any more ,quite a few young ones have gone off to join Isis and there have been police terror raids to houses there . Integrate ? you must be joking ,its now a foreign country.

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