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District Officials confirm ban on the sale and use of Shisha in Pattaya

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i hope all arabs countries banned all thai beer like chang, beer singh, M 150, calabao, and all those funny beverage full of cafeine and sugar and staff that the population take everyday here without any controll and it is totally bad for the health.

who smoke shisha? honestly

to me it is an incomprehensible decision to prohibit that peculiar thing.


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What happened to the previous ban on shisha? The usual utter nonsense from either the media or the authorities or both.

From August 18, 2014 Coconuts:

He added the sale and import of shisha is strictly prohibited in Thailand, and authorities are allowed to confiscate any flavored tobacco and smoking equipment sold publicly. If the goods are found at entertainment complexes, the owners will be prosecuted and their businesses could be shut down.

The crackdown was encouraged by Gen. Prayuth, who said he was concerned by shisha smoking among youngsters, according to Matichon.


Tobacco companies don't like competition for their 'killer' drug. "If you don't buy it from us, we'll make sure our (well paid) friends in the government make it illegal.

What amazing freaking hypocrisy.


We only can hope and pray that it comes true.

Why? People smoking Shissha don't disturb anyone or cause any trouble.

Most likely because it is starting to take a bite out of Big Tobacco's profits. The tobacco monopoly has a lot of pull in Thailand.

As far as I am concerned it is a good move anyway. All the streets of S. Pattaya are line with Arabs sitting around smoking this crap, and many

young Thais are starting to get addicted to it.

I have also found that they are smoking it inside many Go-Go Bars now as well. Stinks up the whole place & makes it almost impossible to breath. I, as a customer can just walk out, but I feel sorry for all the staff that have to breathe that crap for 8 or 9 hours a day, in an enclosed building.

Come to think of it, maybe they can reduce the number of Arabs sitting around scheming & scamming every day while they are at it.

Best do do something now before it is too late.

Poor Pattaya

Personally would prefer they ban FOX NEWS. A much more destructive force in the world with it's continual war mongering.


What happened to the previous ban on shisha? The usual utter nonsense from either the media or the authorities or both.

From August 18, 2014 Coconuts:

He added the sale and import of shisha is strictly prohibited in Thailand, and authorities are allowed to confiscate any flavored tobacco and smoking equipment sold publicly. If the goods are found at entertainment complexes, the owners will be prosecuted and their businesses could be shut down.

The crackdown was encouraged by Gen. Prayuth, who said he was concerned by shisha smoking among youngsters, according to Matichon.

But smoking cigarettes manufactured in Thailand is just fine.

Again, hypocrisy knows no bounds, especially among the 'privileged' and elite. If the General was true to the intent of his word, he'd crackdown on the highly addictive drug nicotine in all it's forms. But he's only picking on imported shisha which is a flavored tobacco, and then saying it's to protect the youth.

Excuse me. Darn, I keep forgetting. 98% of human beings are totally naive and gullible. Hence, the majority of clones will buy this pablum - hook, line, and sinker. Without a question.


fine taxi drivers like that and all troubles will be solved!!!

oh, i forgot no b---s, Thailand. the land of any thing goes!!

laws mean nothing!! they are only there for entertaining reading!!


Shisha, the fastest way to catch herpes in Thailand.

Where did the girl in the photo have her mouth before and after she had a toot on that bong?


Good. Shisha is disgusting stuff and lung clogging for those within range. I don't care about those who smoke it; they're destined for ill health, up to them.


Shisha, the fastest way to catch herpes in Thailand.

Where did the girl in the photo have her mouth before and after she had a toot on that bong?

You shouldn't make fun of stuff if you don't know the facts.

When you order a sheesha you get a single-use mouth piece which is taken out of the wrapper right in front of you. You can even see it in the pic in the OP, it's the red piece that doesn't get reused.

But some people just always have something to say even if it's just hearsay 1zgarz5.gif


It's been banned in Thailand for years, they cracked down on it in Phuket last year. All they are doing is starting to enforce an already existing law no news here.


Can you guess who is importing the pipes, the Shisha and organizing the sellers and sales territories? Much to my surprise it's quite a lucrative business.


What happened to the previous ban on shisha? The usual utter nonsense from either the media or the authorities or both.

From August 18, 2014 Coconuts:

He added the sale and import of shisha is strictly prohibited in Thailand, and authorities are allowed to confiscate any flavored tobacco and smoking equipment sold publicly. If the goods are found at entertainment complexes, the owners will be prosecuted and their businesses could be shut down.

The crackdown was encouraged by Gen. Prayuth, who said he was concerned by shisha smoking among youngsters, according to Matichon.

But smoking cigarettes manufactured in Thailand is just fine.

Again, hypocrisy knows no bounds, especially among the 'privileged' and elite. If the General was true to the intent of his word, he'd crackdown on the highly addictive drug nicotine in all it's forms. But he's only picking on imported shisha which is a flavored tobacco, and then saying it's to protect the youth.

Excuse me. Darn, I keep forgetting. 98% of human beings are totally naive and gullible. Hence, the majority of clones will buy this pablum - hook, line, and sinker. Without a question.

Two wrongs don't make a right apart from the 2% who are professional nit-pickers waving their bogus freedom flags.


Perhaps as with smoking generally, it could be allowed more specifically in designated areas?. Those who smoke never ever believe that those around them could possibly suffer!


We only can hope and pray that it comes true.

Why? People smoking Shissha don't disturb anyone or cause any trouble.

I tend to agree, never had it bother me unlike cigarette smoking.

Just another ignored reg I expect.


'scuse my ignorance but what is shisha , is it related to shisha kabab or a little weed that grows in my garden ?


  • Hookahs/ Shishas are water pipes that are used to smoke specially made tobacco that comes in different flavors, such as apple, mint, cherry, chocolate, coconut, licorice, cappuccino, and watermelon.1,2
  • Although many users think it is less harmful, hookah smoking has many of the same health risks as cigarette smoking.1,2
  • Hookah is also called narghile, argileh, shisha, hubble-bubble, andgoza.1,2
  • Hookahs vary in size, shape, and style.2
  • A typical modern hookah has a head (with holes in the bottom), a metal body, a water bowl, and a flexible hose with a mouthpiece.3,4
  • Hookah smoking is typically done in groups, with the same mouthpiece passed from person to person.

Tobacco companies don't like competition for their 'killer' drug. "If you don't buy it from us, we'll make sure our (well paid) friends in the government make it illegal.

What amazing freaking hypocrisy.

What amazing stupidity

What do you think they smoke in shishas - hint starts with t

Where do you think shisha tobacco comes from ?

From tobacco companies and then flavours are added


about time, of course they are trying to look after the tourism in pattaya driven by entertainment venues, there is nothing sexy about a girl puffing on a hookah, look at the pic above it has zero appeal.


Tobacco companies don't like competition for their 'killer' drug. "If you don't buy it from us, we'll make sure our (well paid) friends in the government make it illegal.

What amazing freaking hypocrisy.

What amazing stupidity

What do you think they smoke in shishas - hint starts with t

Where do you think shisha tobacco comes from ?

From tobacco companies and then flavours are added

most shisha does not come from regulated tobacco companies that pay tax in Thailand, most is being illegally imported from middle east.


Why? Because it stinks like hell, it's bad for passive smokers health and it's not legal to smoke in bars. Reason enough?

Not mention during the average shisha smoking session research has shown that in this time you can inhale the same amount of smoke as from more than 100 cigarettes.


If they were truly concerned about health, they would ban going in waters of Pattaya and Jomtien Bays. Those are much surer ways of having to go to hospital than puffing on anything here.


believe it when I see it or rather don't see it

Ibar stopped selling for days now. All staff also gone.

Ibar is one of the busiest bars in Pattaya , were making huge money selling shisha

Anything that keeps the Arabs away can't be bad,is that racist?he'll yes so sue me

Really, it is a racist policy. It should be obvious to anybody.

You can argue that the ban effects all races, but it doesn't really and we all know it.

I for one am heartbroken not


Off topic post removed

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf

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