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New Bt2000 fine for spitting, blowing nose and littering in public places


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Don't blow your nose in public (in itself, ridiculous), but you can throw your garbage anywhere. Wonder if this will be enforced in only certain 'productive' areas. Nice one Thailand. I don't know how you are fooling but there's gonna be a lot of unhappy fined Chinese tourists!

Edited by DavisH
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Farting will be next.....gigglem.gif"

You do realize that farting is culturally acceptable, right?

Burping is considered rude, but not farting.

The article should use the correct terminology. It is called a "snot rocket" Not blowing your nose.

In the city these rules make sense. Spitting and releasing any bodily fluid on a sidewalk is gross. But if I am walking near a sewer drain and have something nasty in my mouth of course I would spit in the drain.

What happens if someone pukes from drinking too much, or a little baby vomits will parent's be held liable?

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I think the blowing nose means covering one nostril and bleing the snot out the other, which is pretty gross but who wants to walk around with a handkerchief full of snot sitting in their pocket in this climate?

since a few years there are some made of paper available. You use them once only and put them into the trash bin.

Of course extra rubbish in compare to the fabric handkerchief which can be washed. But I predict in the long the paper one will take over. Greetings from the 1930s....

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Farting will be next.....gigglem.gif"

You do realize that farting is culturally acceptable, right?

Burping is considered rude, but not farting.

The article should use the correct terminology. It is called a "snot rocket" Not blowing your nose.

In the city these rules make sense. Spitting and releasing any bodily fluid on a sidewalk is gross. But if I am walking near a sewer drain and have something nasty in my mouth of course I would spit in the drain.

What happens if someone pukes from drinking too much, or a little baby vomits will parent's be held liable?

Isn't burping in China and Japan a sign that the food is good?

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I think the blowing nose means covering one nostril and bleing the snot out the other, which is pretty gross but who wants to walk around with a handkerchief full of snot sitting in their pocket in this climate?

Well, it IS is pretty gross - but a 2000Baht fine? I can not imagine any thai national pay that amount...what would be next? Farting? Burping? Slurping your hot soup?

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Has been enforced between Soi 4 and Soi 16 in Bangkok for at least 10 years.

Enforced on foreigners, while locals were allowed to urinate and do whatever else wink.png

Its funny in Chiang Mai all the litter scattered everywhere with nary a BIB in sight. You need boots on the street to enforce this otherwise just another show piece article. Again there are more serious problems to tackle than this. This is just window dressing.

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Farting will be next.....gigglem.gif

I always do a perimeter check before expelling gas which at 77 I get a lot of. My g/f constantly complains about the smell but I tell her it a natural reflex and when it smells its a sign your healthy (Hers do not smell but are loud. Mine are strung out sneakers putt putt putt). Its like when you gotta go you gotta go. It will be Depends time soooon I guess.

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We all know that Bangkok is spotless same as Singapore and the Bangkok police are going to make sure that it stays that way spotless and not a cigarette but to be found any ware or a sweet wrapper, and snottery beak can just stay at home as well coughs and sneezes spread diseases.

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How about the zillions of cars and motorbikes spewing out black soot? Walk around Bangkok in flip-flops for a couple of hours and the soles of your feet will be black. Be time they restricted traffic around town? How about a congestion charge or encourage hybrids?

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Here is one to add to the list....farting! Seems like I'm walking behind some big old fat Russian and he cuts one and just keeps moving on.....not a care in the world.....good thing I'm tall otherwise is the hair blow dry day for me....lol....?

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Good. This is a good way to raise extra revenue while making the place look cleaner. Hopefully a few million Chinese-originated baht per year for spitting, and several million Thai-originated baht for littering.

I wish this was a central government initiative to affect the whole country.

The revenue derived from the farang litterers can continue going into the pockets of ..........

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How about urinating fed up with Thais jumping out there vehicles because they want a leak, or the Thai woman dragging there shoes or Thais sitting on the side of the street looking into a mirror and squeezing there blackheads. Any other ideas !!!

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I have never seen any Thai blow their nose or spit in public areas???? Except for the occasional driver opening their door at the red traffic light and let out a little spit on the road. I am confident the Police will diligently pursue all offenders in the same diligent way that they catch other serious crimes such as jaywalking, walking in the middle of the street, riding your motorcycle on the walkway, riding in opposite direction etc...

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Spitting in the street disgusting, but if I need to blow my nose what do I do?

Blow it in a tissue place it in a bin and risk a fine, or just let the mucus roll down my face?

Yep , they are really addressing the problems of this country aren't they

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Don't blow your nose in public (in itself, ridiculous), but you can throw your garbage anywhere. Wonder if this will be enforced in only certain 'productive' areas. Nice one Thailand. I don't know how you are fooling but there's gonna be a lot of unhappy fined Chinese tourists!

"Littering" is included.

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