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Boom box car infestation on Jomtien Beach Rd.

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The last few years have seen a proliferation of these nasty machines. Its getting to the point that every night you will hear one or two of these. They show up at all hours of the evening from 6 PM to 6 AM with the same

mindless cretins blowing that obnoxious, loud bass that rattles your walls and windows. Even at lower volume or far distance, the incessant thumping

of bass is enough to drive one to distraction. For those of us living near the beach, it has become the soundtrack to our lives. Calling the police may bring a response or maybe not. Even if they come and drive off the offender, a new miscreant will show up later that night, park his car, open all his doors and resume the

onslaught. The whole stretch of Beach Rd. from Dongtan Police Box to Chayapruek Police Box is one big party zone for the locals to come at all hours and show off their ridiculous noise machines. One would think that the term "police science" might come in handy. You know, where people actually do some work behind the scenes analyzing data, etc. to see where the problem areas in town are and what are the crimes most often reported. Here's a radical concept...Patrol!! Will we ever see the day where they might introduce practices that have proven successful in Western countries? I guess they first have to make it a fineable offense to get the police interested. As with the helmet law, nothing succeeds here like money in their pocket. I'd like to see a 2,000 baht fine in place to spur on the police.

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some years ago in chiang mai one came by and a youg guy sat next to me, said you speak some thai what did he say, i said he said join your local noise abatement society.


many years this problem has occured

there was a number 1337 i think to call

but in reality there should be patrols 24 7

I think however that the police telling these drunk drugged kids to cool it will result in a gun fight and so nothing is done.

at the moment Jomtien sidewalk and trees are being torn down

theres a plan for making it more friendly - whatever that means

its not just the cars, the other day I saw buses with 50 plus speakers on the outside of the buses - approx 20 buses with a police car escort so they could go through red lights

Amazing Thailand.






I have had as many as 6 of them at once within earshot of my condo, ..... all blasting out different music, ... but hey!! they are Thai and we are not! They can do whatever they want,.... most of them will get aggressive if you say anything to them!

It also bothers me when Thais leave their doors open, (as I do get the benefit of the breeze) but I do not yell and scream and argue. It sounds like they are in my room with me, but if I complain, I'm the bad guy and told if I do not like it, close my door, ..or go back my own country! Nice to be welcome isn't it?

Same is true of smoking. Signs everywhere saying smoking is illegal, ... but they do it with their doors open, ...so my room gets to smell like an ashtray, ...and I do not smoke and I have Emphysema, ..... welcome to Thailand! Bring your money, spend it here then go away!


Troll post removed

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf


A particularly pointless noise that does nothing to improve Thailand's image.

I occasionally hear these things going along Thappraya Road (thank God they never stop) and I have huge sympathy for those who live near where they park. Even walking along the beach there is unpleasant.


We had exactly the same post a few weeks back.

I will say exactly the same.

1. If you wish to live in total peace and quiet- move to Nakhon Nowhere and really nowhere to avoid dogs, parties, temples , funerals, weddings etc or some fabulous village in Europe.

2. We do NOT live in the West- there is no point whatsoever applying any Western values in regards to noise etc.

3 . Don't whinge- were you not young once and tearing up the neighbourhood occasionally ?

4. Why does it matter? Bop along and smile when you drive past- just love the effort some guys have put into their pick ups

5. We live in a sea side tourist resort- it's lively and fun.

6. Don't get old before you time and spend your life complaining .


The main problem I had with both Pattaya and Jomtien was the Noise Pollution. It seems to follow you day or night no matter where you go or live. I don't really mind loud music, but when it blares all night long and you can't even sit on your balcony and enjoy the view with a good glass of Wine, it was time for me to move. For the 5th, or was it the 6th time.

I chose a quiet village. I would sooner put up with the odd wedding party on some weekend then listen to that crap every night.

I Love it Here!


I am waiting !

At such a point, usually the Farang "Thainess-Brigade" rides in, repeating the Mantra: "If you don't like it here=go home." (All in hibernation?) Usually the slightest criticism concerning "Thainess" brings them out of the woodwork to repeat the Mantra for the 1000endst of times. Of course, not having any counter-arguments, the Mantra will have to suffice.

Remarkably enough, Farangs, having lived here for 10 years or more, seem to be free of the "Thainess-Virus". It therefore must be a Newcomers-Desease,that time will cure eventually.



I am fortunate to live in a village near Khemarat (lower issan) if you prefer. A couple of our local lads have spent a virtual fortune fitting these amplifiers and Bass speakers to some of their decrepit old Pick-ups. One today parked close by and I feared my window glass might crack. Thumping in my chest was worrying me. I checked out the said vehicle and counted that it was fitted with THIRTY EIGHT outside speakers but did not have the nerve to check additional inside the cabin. In my opinion the owner/driver looked as if he only had one pair of underpants and I will bet they had holes in them. His money, not mine also his enjoyment , not mine. But one wonders about the brain power and common sense.


I am waiting !

At such a point, usually the Farang "Thainess-Brigade" rides in, repeating the Mantra: "If you don't like it here=go home." (All in hibernation?) Usually the slightest criticism concerning "Thainess" brings them out of the woodwork to repeat the Mantra for the 1000endst of times. Of course, not having any counter-arguments, the Mantra will have to suffice.

Remarkably enough, Farangs, having lived here for 10 years or more, seem to be free of the "Thainess-Virus". It therefore must be a Newcomers-Desease,that time will cure eventually.


i got here 20 years ago at the age of 25. lived here non-stop except for visits home of 2 weeks or so.

i personally think it is insane to put down roots in a what is essentially thailand's brothel state and complain about the noise.

boom cars bother you? try south beach in miami.

curmudgeons the lot of you.


I'm amazed so many of these young guys can afford a vehicle in the first place on their modest salaries but when I see all these unnecessary modifications extending even to green or pink lights under the vehicle I am convinced the day will come in the not-too-distant future they will wish they had been a bit more frugal with their moneyermm.gif


a couple of ideas for you, and maybe myself, as i also live beach front and have to deal with this from time to time...

1 - u know the 400 baht laser pens that are really annoying, that someone will try to sell you if you sitin a beer bar for 20 min.. i give them 10 -15 sec blast and then give them a sideways motion with the laser as if to say move on down the beach to wherever LALes lives and go bug him lol

2 - i believe it is pantip.com,, that is a very big social media site, get a thai, unless you can read and write thai, to nicely word a complaint with a up close video, demonstrating how really loud it is,, and just hope it goes viral.. if it does go viral guarantee police patrols all night

3 - phoning 1337 does work sometimes... dont go to dongtan police box,,, if you want to go to say something,, the police station by the library, is the proper place to go,, they are like the morals police or something

4 - last resort and you have time on your hands,, get a petition together and present it to city hall, preferably with someone filming you, ,,, we had problems with the hotel bar next door playing overly loud music till 2 am ... after the petition the volume is lower and turns off at 12


I have had as many as 6 of them at once within earshot of my condo, ..... all blasting out different music, ... but hey!! they are Thai and we are not! They can do whatever they want,.... most of them will get aggressive if you say anything to them!

It also bothers me when Thais leave their doors open, (as I do get the benefit of the breeze) but I do not yell and scream and argue. It sounds like they are in my room with me, but if I complain, I'm the bad guy and told if I do not like it, close my door, ..or go back my own country! Nice to be welcome isn't it?

Same is true of smoking. Signs everywhere saying smoking is illegal, ... but they do it with their doors open, ...so my room gets to smell like an ashtray, ...and I do not smoke and I have Emphysema, ..... welcome to Thailand! Bring your money, spend it here then go away!

but they do it with their doors open, ...so my room gets to smell like an ashtray, ...and I do not smoke and I have Emphysema!

Yep...I feel your pain...had a lovely ME couple down the hall that kept their door open so the smoke did not suffocate them...I did not dare leave my door open least I have a breathing and coughing spell...I use to try to hold my breath when going to the elevator...my clothes smelled of smoke for awhile after being in the condo hall for a short period of time...totally against condo rules...yet NO ONE would enforce the rule...sold condo (many issues) and rented a nice home...much happier...


an upgrade in living quarters makes a hell of a difference.

i honestly cant understand why you feel the issue is theirs to remedy.

you are not entitled here unless you come up with the cash to live somewhere where you have a higher class of neighbor and the rules are enforced.


We had exactly the same post a few weeks back.

I will say exactly the same.

1. If you wish to live in total peace and quiet- move to Nakhon Nowhere and really nowhere to avoid dogs, parties, temples , funerals, weddings etc or some fabulous village in Europe.

2. We do NOT live in the West- there is no point whatsoever applying any Western values in regards to noise etc.

3 . Don't whinge- were you not young once and tearing up the neighbourhood occasionally ?

4. Why does it matter? Bop along and smile when you drive past- just love the effort some guys have put into their pick ups

5. We live in a sea side tourist resort- it's lively and fun.

6. Don't get old before you time and spend your life complaining .

you can find nice quiet places in Nepal, up the mointains above 3.000 met !

I prefer 4 - 5.000, met, no beer, no TV , NO NO mobile !!!!!!!!


we get them here as we live one street back from the lake, there was a gathering organized by the owner of the shop that fitted all the cars with the speakers etc and was given the green light by the local head man that lives no where near us, Music went to 3 am, we had to yell at each other to hear what we were saying, Grand mum was on her death bed and was in agony from the bass rattling her bones but they refused to turn it down, I was in a heavy rock band in my younger years and enjoy loud music but these idiots do not know how to use the bass/treble to get a decent tone, they go full bass and it is sh*t, if they had half a brain and knew what the music should sound like it might help but they dont and they dont care about the sh*t they are causing, babies screaming, old people in agony. all the house windows rattling that hard they sound like they will shatter and people not able to do anything other than sit there. There is a limit, unfortunately in Thailand these idiots have never been taught to consider others. Just the other week we had a worker at the lake starting at 5am and turning the music up as loud as he could till I confronted him, luckily he turned it down, they are morons, age has nothing to do with it, its called consideration for those that live there, I am sure these idiots would be screaming if we did it outside their houses at these times..


we get them here as we live one street back from the lake, there was a gathering organized by the owner of the shop that fitted all the cars with the speakers etc and was given the green light by the local head man that lives no where near us, Music went to 3 am, we had to yell at each other to hear what we were saying, Grand mum was on her death bed and was in agony from the bass rattling her bones but they refused to turn it down, I was in a heavy rock band in my younger years and enjoy loud music but these idiots do not know how to use the bass/treble to get a decent tone, they go full bass and it is sh*t, if they had half a brain and knew what the music should sound like it might help but they dont and they dont care about the sh*t they are causing, babies screaming, old people in agony. all the house windows rattling that hard they sound like they will shatter and people not able to do anything other than sit there. There is a limit, unfortunately in Thailand these idiots have never been taught to consider others. Just the other week we had a worker at the lake starting at 5am and turning the music up as loud as he could till I confronted him, luckily he turned it down, they are morons, age has nothing to do with it, its called consideration for those that live there, I am sure these idiots would be screaming if we did it outside their houses at these times..

Was this one occasion ?

I think old people writhing in agony is a bit over the top- I presume this was a joke post?


an upgrade in living quarters makes a hell of a difference.

i honestly cant understand why you feel the issue is theirs to remedy.

you are not entitled here unless you come up with the cash to live somewhere where you have a higher class of neighbor and the rules are enforced.

And as I said on the previous thread - live somewhere fabulous. There are many parts of town that are totally quiet- choose very carefully - and have loads of money of course


We had exactly the same post a few weeks back.

I will say exactly the same.

1. If you wish to live in total peace and quiet- move to Nakhon Nowhere and really nowhere to avoid dogs, parties, temples , funerals, weddings etc or some fabulous village in Europe.

2. We do NOT live in the West- there is no point whatsoever applying any Western values in regards to noise etc.

3 . Don't whinge- were you not young once and tearing up the neighbourhood occasionally ?

4. Why does it matter? Bop along and smile when you drive past- just love the effort some guys have put into their pick ups

5. We live in a sea side tourist resort- it's lively and fun.

6. Don't get old before you time and spend your life complaining .

Nonsense post. Has nothing to do with age. Wouldn't mind if you could hear the music but all you get is the boom boom boom. You can't hide from it, low freqs pass through concrete and earplugs whereas the higher freqs are attenuated. It's a mega problem and should be dealt with.


we get them here as we live one street back from the lake, there was a gathering organized by the owner of the shop that fitted all the cars with the speakers etc and was given the green light by the local head man that lives no where near us, Music went to 3 am, we had to yell at each other to hear what we were saying, Grand mum was on her death bed and was in agony from the bass rattling her bones but they refused to turn it down, I was in a heavy rock band in my younger years and enjoy loud music but these idiots do not know how to use the bass/treble to get a decent tone, they go full bass and it is sh*t, if they had half a brain and knew what the music should sound like it might help but they dont and they dont care about the sh*t they are causing, babies screaming, old people in agony. all the house windows rattling that hard they sound like they will shatter and people not able to do anything other than sit there. There is a limit, unfortunately in Thailand these idiots have never been taught to consider others. Just the other week we had a worker at the lake starting at 5am and turning the music up as loud as he could till I confronted him, luckily he turned it down, they are morons, age has nothing to do with it, its called consideration for those that live there, I am sure these idiots would be screaming if we did it outside their houses at these times..

This is the first time I've ever agreed with one of your posts. Well said.


The only good thing I see happening to the owners of these Juke Box nightmares is that they will go stone deaf in less than 4 years.


many years this problem has occured

there was a number 1337 i think to call

but in reality there should be patrols 24 7

I think however that the police telling these drunk drugged kids to cool it will result in a gun fight and so nothing is done.

at the moment Jomtien sidewalk and trees are being torn down

theres a plan for making it more friendly - whatever that means

its not just the cars, the other day I saw buses with 50 plus speakers on the outside of the buses - approx 20 buses with a police car escort so they could go through red lights

Amazing Thailand.

Gee what a great idea let's cut all the trees down so we don't have any shade on our beaches and make it look like a desert. All I can think of is someone must be making a shitload of money paving the place. Not only does Pattaya have the ugliest most non interesting concrete slab architecture I have seen anywhere in the world now it will have one of the ugliest beaches.


I have a terrible problem with this in Bang Saray. So much so that after one year of living in my very beautiful beach house I now have it on the market. I've already bought a nice new house on Palm Hills Golf Course in Hua Hin and it is very peaceful and very very quiet .... esp. at night.

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