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Yingluck misses date with NACC, claims 'urgent business'


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Yingluck misses date with NACC, claims 'urgent business'

The Nation

BANGKOK: -- THE National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) has extended until June 30 the date by which former prime minister Yingluck Shinawatra must to appear before it.

She is due to hear the charges against her for improperly granting monetary compensation to those killed and injured during political protests between 2005 and 2010 without having any bill to endorse it.

NACC member and spokesperson Vicha Mahakhun said Yingluck sent her representative, Chaliew Dusadee, to submit the request on her behalf yesterday claiming she was occupied with urgent business. The request made no mention as to when Yingluck would be ready but the NACC eventually fixed the date for June 30 and will send a letter by mail to inform her.

Vicha said if Yingluck fails to show up to hear the charges, the anti-graft body will take legal steps against her. Yingluck will have 15 days to defend herself after hearing the charges against her, said Vicha, adding that the focus would be on whether the payments were legally made and in accordance with the letter of the law.

Chaliew said he was merely a messenger and he refused to elaborate on Yingluck's urgent business. He quickly left the NACC, covering his face from photographers.

The whole Cabinet of the Yingluck administration is also being charged by the NACC.

Vicha said the matter should be over soon as all sides wanted it to be resolved.

Another person who made a request for postponement was former PM's Office Minister Worawat Ua-apinyakul, who has just returned from an overseas trip and claimed he was not ready to defend himself. Worawat requested 10 more days. He said the accusation was unusual because the money used to compensate those affected by the political protests came from the central government budget and many previous administrations had used the same means to alleviate those affected by natural calamities.

The former minister also defended the amount - Bt7 million - paid to the families of each person killed as not being too high as human life is priceless.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/politics/Yingluck-misses-date-with-NACC-claims-urgent-busin-30262000.html

-- The Nation 2015-06-10

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Payment for Thaksin's footsoldiers, nothing more nothing less. Instead of Dr.T using state money for his dead terrorists, if he used his own stash of hidden gadzillions, nobody would be batting an eyelid. Typical Thaksin, his own meanness causing him yet more trouble.

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Vicha said if Yingluck fails to show up to hear the charges, the anti-graft body will take legal steps against her. Yingluck will have 15 days to defend herself after hearing the charges against her, said Vicha, adding that the focus would be on whether the payments were legally made and in accordance with the letter of the law.

Vicha - Mr. "We all know elections are evil" - you know that your case is just politically motivated against the defendants and vindictive with regard to the victims...

I can't wait to see how your karma sorts this out....

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Some things never change. Still packed up in her box next to Barbie heay.

The only unemployed person with urgent business and with her as an example people wonder why the Red Bull Ferrari driver that killed the policeman was "sick" in Singapore and unable to travel.

When the ex PM sets the example people tend to follow suit.

She was useless when she was PM and she is still useless now.

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many previous administrations had used the same means to alleviate those affected by natural calamities.

Apples and oranges.

Natural Calamity:

Any natural occurance that has a disastrous effect on the area in which it occurs. E.g. Earthquakes, Hurricanes, Avalanches.

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Her fungi needs tending???

Yep. Those mushrooms aren't going to pick themselves. LoL

I thought Ms Yingluck was leading the pastoral live (similar to Suthep becoming a monk) so what could be so urgent that she risks aggravating those who will sit in judgment on her?

Does anyone know if the families of General Romklao and the soldiers killed at Kok Wua intersection by men in black (well documented on YouTube) got compensated? Did the family of the lady who was killed at the BTS Station by a M-79 grenade launched from the Red Shirt encampment at Lumpini Park receive compensation? Or was it just Red Shirt Thaksin supporters's families who were compensated?

former PM's Office Minister Worawat Ua-apinyakul, who has just returned from an overseas trip and claimed he was not ready to defend himself. Worawat requested 10 more days. He said the accusation was unusual because the money used to compensate those affected by the political protests came from the central government budget and many previous administrations had used the same means to alleviate those affected by natural calamities

That was hardly a natural calamity as it was fomented and funded by the fugitive, felon, ex PM Thaksin AKA "The Paymaster".

The former minister also defended the amount - Bt7 million - paid to the families of each person killed as not being too high as human life is priceless.

Obviously NOT priceless since they managed to put a price of 7 million Baht on each death.

Anyone notice how the headline put 'urgent business' in quotation marks as though even they don't believe her.


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Vicha said if Yingluck fails to show up to hear the charges, the anti-graft body will take legal steps against her. Yingluck will have 15 days to defend herself after hearing the charges against her, said Vicha, adding that the focus would be on whether the payments were legally made and in accordance with the letter of the law.

Vicha - Mr. "We all know elections are evil" - you know that your case is just politically motivated against the defendants and vindictive with regard to the victims...

I can't wait to see how your karma sorts this out....

are you now speaking for everyone ? did someone elect you lol

One thing I am 100% sure of is - you don't and never will utter a single word spoken on my behalf

and yes Karma has a way - the one single thing we can agree on thumbsup.gif

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This attack on previous Govt. policy and personages by the anti-democrats, along with retroactive impeachment nonsense, seems to garner some support from those originating in countries with solid Democracy traditions.......continues to baffle me.

It totally ignores the Democratic principle of submitting all these so-called sins generated by the previous Parliamentary opposition to the electorate...Turf the bums if all of this has substance.

Taking Opposition mantra's as gospel, and suggesting they are truths that ought to be adopted by the country is ridiculous. They are not sufficient to demonize an elected Govt. to the point of deposing them by means other than an election. This is anti-democratic rhetoric to the extreme.

Can you imagine taking Canadian, Australian, UK, etc. Parliamentary opposition stuff as being the final arbiter of any elected Govt's legitimacy.

But for some, they think it is OK for Thailand...A double standard if I ever saw one. They espouse the Thai electoral minority Opposition stuff as legitimizing non-electoral measures.

It gets back to my point, that the color differentiation of the political divide in Thailand is not valid anymore....Now it is simply anti-Democrat vs. Democracy.......All political commentary can be slotted into one of those two catagories.


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so why did the NACC not pursue theses cases until now

Maybe another reason why reforms are needed so badly, this agency was obviously obstructed from doing their job

Well PT did cut the NACC budget in their attempt to combat corruption.

Whether that helped or obstructed would be up to you to decide.

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If the NACC was not told what her "urgent business" then why wasn't a warrant for her arrest made and served. If I'm not mistaken they made a press release previously that she would not be allowed extensions without valid legitimate excuses verifiable by them. Yet here they were not told her business that keeps her from an important hearing? I'm confused! Do all Thai just accept this "urgent business" as a good excuse? Can I use it the next time I am late to show up at immigration?

Duh! I was late for my 90 day report due to urgent business!

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This attack on previous Govt. policy and personages by the anti-democrats, along with retroactive impeachment nonsense, seems to garner some support from those originating in countries with solid Democracy traditions.......continues to baffle me.

It totally ignores the Democratic principle of submitting all these so-called sins generated by the previous Parliamentary opposition to the electorate...Turf the bums if all of this has substance.

Taking Opposition mantra's as gospel, and suggesting they are truths that ought to be adopted by the country at large is being sufficient to demonize an elected Govt. to the point of deposing them by means other than an election, is anti-democratic mantra's at the extreme.

Can you imagine taking Canadian, Australian, UK, etc. Parliamentary opposition stuff as being the final arbiter of any elected Govt's legitimacy.

But for some, they think it is OK for Thailand...A double standard if I ever saw one. They espouse the Thai minority Opposition stuff as legitimizing non-electoral measures.

It gets back to my point, that the color differentiation of the political divide in Thailand is not valid anymore....Now it is simply anti-Democrat vs. Democracy.......All political commentary can be slotted into one of those two catagories.


Before you start equating the last "democratic government" here to western democracies, ask yourself in how many of those MPs are allowed to accept regular and substantial payments to vote to the order of a fugitive criminal, how many allow the same criminal access to cabinet meetings and to dictate policy, and how many will propose legislation with blatant conflicts of interest without a single recusal.

Then you might consider what the check and balance regulatory bodies in those western democracies would do should such a situation develop. If your answer is wait for the next election, you are deluding yourself, or worse.

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so why did the NACC not pursue theses cases until now

Maybe another reason why reforms are needed so badly, this agency was obviously obstructed from doing their job

Well PT did cut the NACC budget in their attempt to combat corruption.

Whether that helped or obstructed would be up to you to decide.

"Well PT did cut the NACC budget in their attempt to combat corruption"

I don't recall if this is true, but it would certainly have reduced corruption against "Democratic, majority rule".

All these Agencies unhinged from the electorate and beholden to heaven knows who, are a blight on representative Democratic rule.

This being the work of one side of the Political divide is evident, when comparing it to mature Democracies...Can you imagine the furor in England, Canada, Australia etc., if unelected bodies can supersede electoral mandates.

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Before you start equating the last "democratic government" here to western democracies, ask yourself in how many of those MPs are

allowed to accept regular and substantial payments to vote to the order of a fugitive criminal,

how many allow the same criminal access to cabinet meetings and to dictate policy, and how many will propose legislation with

blatant conflicts of interest without a single recusal.

Then you might consider what the check and balance regulatory bodies in those western democracies would do should such a situation develop. If your answer is wait for the next election, you are deluding yourself, or worse.

A clear example of what I referenced.....characterizing electoral Opposition rhetoric as gospel.

Waiting for the next election is not delusional....It is trust in a Democratic, electoral approach...as messy as that might be. Alternatives are worse.

Erdogan in Turkey found that out.....The wisdom of the electorate was good to see. Considering the Thai electorate any less is unfair to Thailand and its people.

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This attack on previous Govt. policy and personages by the anti-democrats, along with retroactive impeachment nonsense, seems to garner some support from those originating in countries with solid Democracy traditions.......continues to baffle me.

It totally ignores the Democratic principle of submitting all these so-called sins generated by the previous Parliamentary opposition to the electorate...Turf the bums if all of this has substance.

Taking Opposition mantra's as gospel, and suggesting they are truths that ought to be adopted by the country at large is being sufficient to demonize an elected Govt. to the point of deposing them by means other than an election, is anti-democratic mantra's at the extreme.

Can you imagine taking Canadian, Australian, UK, etc. Parliamentary opposition stuff as being the final arbiter of any elected Govt's legitimacy.

But for some, they think it is OK for Thailand...A double standard if I ever saw one. They espouse the Thai minority Opposition stuff as legitimizing non-electoral measures.

It gets back to my point, that the color differentiation of the political divide in Thailand is not valid anymore....Now it is simply anti-Democrat vs. Democracy.......All political commentary can be slotted into one of those two catagories.


Before you start equating the last "democratic government" here to western democracies, ask yourself in how many of those MPs are allowed to accept regular and substantial payments to vote to the order of a fugitive criminal, how many allow the same criminal access to cabinet meetings and to dictate policy, and how many will propose legislation with blatant conflicts of interest without a single recusal.

Then you might consider what the check and balance regulatory bodies in those western democracies would do should such a situation develop. If your answer is wait for the next election, you are deluding yourself, or worse.

Just to note--newbie lashing out----coincidence ?? a replacement ?? just take all the newbies over the last year, the biggest % are anti army--pro Shin

of course entitled to an opinion, but strange about the old Shin guard leaving TVF----and this new lot homing in.

Stands out a mile posters most are well aware of these tactics to try to disrupt difficult Thailand times. The Thai people now are more aware, so you few can carry on the good work in opposition.

I look at facebook her photos of late are Mushrooms----otop shops----buying from local markets----all dressed up to the nines makeovers the lot-----but too busy to attend ha ha ha

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I don't dismiss them.

So-called well documented irregularities. The Opposition will have every opportunity to convince the electorate.

The electorate will dismiss if they are invalid, or turf the bums if they are valid.

Comes down to faith in a Democratic system, without prejudice to the electoral majority.

Not complicated.

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so why did the NACC not pursue theses cases until now

Maybe another reason why reforms are needed so badly, this agency was obviously obstructed from doing their job

Well PT did cut the NACC budget in their attempt to combat corruption.

Whether that helped or obstructed would be up to you to decide.

"Well PT did cut the NACC budget in their attempt to combat corruption"

I don't recall if this is true, but it would certainly have reduced corruption against "Democratic, majority rule".

All these Agencies unhinged from the electorate and beholden to heaven knows who, are a blight on representative Democratic rule.

This being the work of one side of the Political divide is evident, when comparing it to mature Democracies...Can you imagine the furor in England, Canada, Australia etc., if unelected bodies can supersede electoral mandates.

Fact! PT did reduce the NACC budget. Fact!

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I accept that this is fact, if it is...No problem...Doesn't invalidate my post at all....My point is that agencies with the power to depose Govts. and Prime Ministers with no accountability to the electorate is undemocratic...Who are they accountable to is my concern.

I am not surprised that an elected Govt. will seek to reduce such powers, on behalf of the electorate.....Perhaps it was part of their election platform, and they are obliged to carry out such actions when elected on such a platform.

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Some things never change. Still packed up in her box next to Barbie heay.

The only unemployed person with urgent business and with her as an example people wonder why the Red Bull Ferrari driver that killed the policeman was "sick" in Singapore and unable to travel.

When the ex PM sets the example people tend to follow suit.

She was useless when she was PM and she is still useless now.

The Red Bull Heirs little missed encounter with the law, on a pretty clear cut criminal matter, took place sometime before NACC started proceedings against Yingluck, he can hardly be said to be following her example now can he?

The Red Bull Heirs case involves a simple criminal matter. He is, in one of your favourite phrases a "fugitive from justice".This case is brought by a man in a political position who is an avowed enemy of Yingluck, her government, the party she represents and the process by which it came to power. That rather makes it political. That also rather suggests that the verdict is a foregone conclusion. By not attending she has rather spoiled their show trial. That I suggest is really why they, and I suspect you, are upset.

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