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Security "theater" at Central Beach Mall accomplishes what exactly?


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So now you've got to walk through some kind of machine to enter in the front and back and I think also some screening from the carpark.

Stuff beeps sometimes but it's not like they actually stop you to check it out.

Well ... guess what, just enter via the outside elevator on the beach side and then you don't pass through anything.

This surely can't be a "secret" to any actual bad player ... it would take about 5 minutes of research to realize it.

So what's the point of this kind of security theater when the system is so porous?

A question -- is there radiation in the machines?

I don't really like walking through them often.

No, I am really not against security measures that actually protects people, especially when there are good reasons to expect terrorist attacks.

But this system is clearly not protective ... it's for SHOW.

Would would more serious security at a mall look like?

Well, they would be searching all bags going in and there would be guards with GUNS.

I know, scary and unpleasant.

But at least that would be REAL.

Edited by Jingthing
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It's actually quite comical, when at the beach rd entrance, you can walk in through McDonalds

or the Japanese clothes store bypassing the security entrance easily.

There's also no security check when entering from the car park entrances at all the levels biggrin.png

Like you say it's all just a show and a comical one at that.

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I guess I'm saying I assume some people would say better than nothing ... but I think maybe it's not better than nothing.

It can't possibly prevent someone who seriously wants to do evil and for the rest of us, it's a farce of a bother of walking through those silly machines ... for nothing.

I reckon the point is to make gullible people "feel" they are more safe and that serves a COMMERCIAL purpose.

Of course serious security with armed guards would probably be bad for business as that would be a sign that there is the perception of a high chance of a real threat.

All this also begs an obvious question.

Is there are a REAL threat of terror attacks here, or not?

If no, why bother with the fake show.

If so, why isn't MORE being done?

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I dont think there is any real threat in pattaya.

of real bad stuff. wai2.gif

I certainly hope you're right.

So are we getting radiated walking through those silly machines?

No your not they are metal detectors, which are work on the basis of interaction between copper coils in the unit and any metal on your person creating an eddy current which distortions the magnetic field created by the coils, and thus a change

in the inductive reactance in the circuit

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As with most things in Thailand it's about perceptions. Implementing this half-@ssed security system is perceived as doing something about a possible threat. Now, actually doing something I fear will not happen until after an incident has occurred.

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1) Indeed its an absolute joke/publicity stunt.

I guess its mainly aimed at giving naive people a feeling of extra security.

Sometimes seen at Khon Kaen central also. Some gates "checked" others not.

Driving with car: checking the underside of the car with a mirror (the trunk goes unnoticed, don't want to make a joke about the 100 kg explosives that I carry, maybe NSA is listening here whistling.gif ).

2) The scanners are metal detectors as they are used at every security check on airports etc.

Their electromagnetic field is not stronger than what most household devices or smartphones emit.

Its not dangerous radiation like X-ray.

Being afraid of that goes in the paranoia category for me.

3) Terrorist danger? Fortunately the southern muslim terrorists have refrained from a big attack outside their area.

Much goes unnoticed to the unsuspecting expat?

I would surely not fancy to live in their stronghold areas.

Theoretically/ideologically Pattaya would be a target as a sin city/Gomorrah.

These extra checks may have been introduced after the car bomb exploded in Central World Samui (NOT a hotspot of southern terrorism).

Edited by KhunBENQ
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I remember 2 or 3 years ago as you drove your car up to the kiosk at Royal Garden underground car park, 2nd road entrance, security used a "mirror on the end of a pole" to search for bombs planted under your car. But ...... they only looked under the right-side of the car, omitting to look under the left-side. How farcical is that !!

When things are done by 1/2 measure, that 1/2 measure is rendered totally useless, as my example and the OP's example.

Another example of 1/2 measures ..... Pattaya Beach Rd reconstruction. This reconstruction will be done again and again and again.

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I recall a few weeks ago while in Bangkok they set the up and manned by G4S to screen all passengers at the underground train stations, recall seeing one that was not even manned, anyone could have walked off with it.gigglem.gif

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Well, Central is a soft target and there have been people in the city with terrorist links before now. Who'd have thought the shopping centre in Nairobi would have been a target, but it was. Anywhere that has large amounts of people in one place is a target -- anywhere in the world. Que sera sera.

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I recall a few weeks ago while in Bangkok they set the up and manned by G4S to screen all passengers at the underground train stations, recall seeing one that was not even manned, anyone could have walked off with it.gigglem.gif

Should have kidnapped it, took it to a hotel room and held it there for ransom gigglem.gif

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As someone else noted, everything's for show. The "security screening" for Bangkok's MRT underground system has been downgraded (not by much) over the last year or so and become complete nonsense. You can walk right by the attendant after setting off the alarm and not stop and show. But any examination is so cursory it appears to a bystander to be a farce. And frankly, the attendants look like they're from a cleaning company.

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Well, Central is a soft target and there have been people in the city with terrorist links before now. Who'd have thought the shopping centre in Nairobi would have been a target, but it was. Anywhere that has large amounts of people in one place is a target -- anywhere in the world. Que sera sera.

Yes, I agree it's impossible to protect all soft targets all the time.

I guess Pattaya has been lucky so far.

Hope it stays that way!

I have a theory this is kind of Star Wars Party zone where even though there are many nationalities hostile to each other living or visiting here, acting that out is sort of off limits.

Of course if the South Thailand conflicts spreads north, that's something else.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Watching the news lately about the global call by ISIS for their global radicalized followers to do terror things everywhere and anywhere during the entire Ramadan month.

These terrorists have already hit Paris, Tunisia, and Kuwait this Ramadan month.

Coincidentally or not, I did notice the security guys at the mall actually opening up bags yesterday.

Maybe a coincidence. I just never saw them doing that before.

FYI -- Ramadan 2015 is approximately between June 16 and and July 18

No I have no idea whether there are any local ISIS followers planning anything in Thailand.

But I think it's reasonable to talk about this, if there are Isis followers and of course there are in a country this size, they have indeed received ORDERS from Isis central to do terror things WHEREVER they are in the world.

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It's scary what happened yesterday in Tunisia and it adds a new dimension: people sunbathing on a beach and by the pool are specifically targeted. You couldn't really say anywhere is completely safe. You have to live in hope, not live in fear.

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I'm not suggesting there's really much we can do about it as private people. But I don't think it's a bad thing to be aware of the Isis Ramadan terror order timing, That is indeed global and Pattaya and Thailand are certainly on the globe. Also, yes, there are potential soft targets everywhere here.

Have a nice day! coffee1.gif

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Probably just like security on the MRT. It's there when they need it, and goes on "cruise control" when the threat level is low.

I recall some pretty stringent checks getting in the MRT when the protesters were using the BTS and MRT to get between rally points. Today, it's completely unobtrusive.

Seems like a good program.

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i dont know what they do to you. long term

Staff at airports are around this type of equepment all day long.

so maybe ok, but not sure !!! rolleyes.gif

I hear what you are saying but I think it may have an effect on them.. They are all rude, ignorant <deleted> - in every country so maybe the machines are the cause and its it's not low intelligence.

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Wasn't Central at Koh Samui bombed a couple months ago? I think Central decided they better put on a "show" to say they have a security system in use; however, it isn't a serious one. If it helps to employ more people, then I am for it. I just hope the gent doesn't have to pay for his black suit.

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