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Confrontation looms as two fortresses rise in South China Sea


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Confrontation looms as two fortresses rise in South China Sea


MANILA: -- In just two years, China has poured billions of dollars into reclamation work and military structures on three reefs in the contested Spratlys, implying that it is there to stay.

Recently it warned the United States not to attempt to stop the construction, or "there will be war". China needs oil badly. Without it, a slowdown of its economic growth may trigger a mammoth recession. It knows there is oil in the Spratlys, otherwise it would not risk billions of dollars and war for the island chain. To extract oil, China needs military security. Without militarisation in a volatile place claimed by other nations, extraction can be disrupted.

A US Poseidon P8 surveillance plane (a "submarine hunter") recently braved eight warnings from China to report dredging that has reclaimed 800 hectares from the sea at the Fiery Cross Reef, as well as military barracks and piers rising 300 metres from the seabed, and search radars. A commercial plane was also warned by Chinese authorities to move away.

Taiwan Strait choke-point

The United States is so far wary of confronting China over its militarisation of the Spratlys' reefs, but if China closes the Taiwan Strait, vital shipping lanes will be disrupted and it will be America's turn to warn "there will be war". Japan may also be a willing combatant since most of its precious imported oil passes through the Taiwan Strait. Remember that when Egypt tried to close the Suez Canal, a vital shipping lane, the United States and Britain were quick to move in.

What would make China close the Taiwan Strait? For one, regaining Taiwan is a continuing obsession for Beijing. But even if that is too risky to go to war over, if there is a military confrontation within a 1,000-kilometre radius, which includes the Spratlys, closing the Taiwan Strait choke-point would shield the Chinese mainland from attackers. It would take 24 hours for China to close the strait, simply by laying thousands of mines.

US response

Right now, the United States and Japan are working feverishly to install a defence system for the Luzon Strait, between the Philippines and Taiwan, in case the Taiwan Strait is closed. But the proximity of this defence system to the Chinese mainland makes it a target for pre-emptive strikes from Chinese forces.

The potential for a confrontation in the Spratlys remains considerable. US spy planes have defied China's warnings to stay away. Chinese warplanes have threatened even commercial flights against making overflights. The Eagle and the Dragon have been playing footsy for the last decade, daring and defying each other, testing the waters, employing brinkmanship. One false move, one trigger-happy pilot could, in theory, trigger World War III in the blink of an eye. China knows its navy is vastly inferior to that of the US, but its arms programme has delivered key "asymmetric weapons" including high-tech, easy-to-build missiles that can take out carrier fleets - a slingshot against the Goliath, a critical equaliser against a superior foe.

The looming US-China confrontation in the Asia-Pacific is an energy war for China. But for America, it is an economic war, a struggle to maintain trading partners like South Korea, Japan, Vietnam and the Philippines. America wants a piece of the Asian-economy pie, which currently boasts the fastest growth rate in a world struggling with a Europe in decline. Thus, America's grand plan is the Asia "pivot" - to shift 70 per cent of its naval forces to the Asia-Pacific and "encircle" and isolate its economic rival, China.

The answer to if and when a war will break out is governed by these considerations. Right now, the protagonists remain unwilling to rock the boat. The stakes are too high. But if the level of despair and desperation were to rise due to an energy crisis in China, or an American economic meltdown, war could easily follow.

Philippine President Benigno Aquino has been rattling his sabre, knowing the Americans are behind him. That may be a good or a bad geopolitical move. We may be putting ourselves in the crossfire of a deadly confrontation between giants, the outcome of which is unpredictable. Will the United States step in if China massacres Filipinos in the Spratlys? Not necessarily. The answer would depend on US interests, which are the real basis of Washington's decisions. If China destroys the Seventh Fleet, would Subic and Clark bear the brunt of a retaliation? The United States has reportedly been using Clark Field lately in its surveillance of the Spratlys.

We are in the middle of it all. Now, how does that line in the cloak-and-dagger movies go? If you are caught, I will disavow any relationship with you.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/opinion/Confrontation-looms-as-two-fortresses-rise-in-Sout-30262096.html

-- The Nation 2015-06-11

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I have no clue as to why Western powers buy one ggdddmmm thing from China, further propping up it's otherwise defunct economy. The countries it is threatening are all major buyers of its exports.

Put an additional 25% import tariff on everything it exports to drastically reduce its competitiveness. Leave that in place while announcing further increases over time to allow international companies to pull out of there and locate elsewhere including in the West. We give them jobs and manufacturing money just so they can turn around and threaten?

Next fly a couple of stealth bombers over and drop bunker busters on their projects and then follow with a couple more and then more. Then deny, deny, deny. Stealth means stealth.

Who in his right mind would threaten his only big export customers? Answer: The communists in Beijing aren't in their right minds.

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I have no clue as to why Western powers buy one ggdddmmm thing from China, further propping up it's otherwise defunct economy. The countries it is threatening are all major buyers of its exports.

Put an additional 25% import tariff on everything it exports to drastically reduce its competitiveness. Leave that in place while announcing further increases over time to allow international companies to pull out of there and locate elsewhere including in the West. We give them jobs and manufacturing money just so they can turn around and threaten?

Next fly a couple of stealth bombers over and drop bunker busters on their projects and then follow with a couple more and then more. Then deny, deny, deny. Stealth means stealth.

Who in his right mind would threaten his only big export customers? Answer: The communists in Beijing aren't in their right minds.

The communists in Beijing are wily old strategists. They also have several millions of "citizens" placed around the globe, "innocently" baking bread, tending market gardens, and cooking egg foo yung for Western customers.

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I have no clue as to why Western powers buy one ggdddmmm thing from China, further propping up it's otherwise defunct economy. The countries it is threatening are all major buyers of its exports.

Put an additional 25% import tariff on everything it exports to drastically reduce its competitiveness. Leave that in place while announcing further increases over time to allow international companies to pull out of there and locate elsewhere including in the West. We give them jobs and manufacturing money just so they can turn around and threaten?

Next fly a couple of stealth bombers over and drop bunker busters on their projects and then follow with a couple more and then more. Then deny, deny, deny. Stealth means stealth.

Who in his right mind would threaten his only big export customers? Answer: The communists in Beijing aren't in their right minds.

A good few years ago I can remember reading a book (fiction) on something similar starting WW3.

Can't remember who wrote it.

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I have no clue as to why Western powers buy one ggdddmmm thing from China, further propping up it's otherwise defunct economy. The countries it is threatening are all major buyers of its exports.

Put an additional 25% import tariff on everything it exports to drastically reduce its competitiveness. Leave that in place while announcing further increases over time to allow international companies to pull out of there and locate elsewhere including in the West. We give them jobs and manufacturing money just so they can turn around and threaten?

Next fly a couple of stealth bombers over and drop bunker busters on their projects and then follow with a couple more and then more. Then deny, deny, deny. Stealth means stealth.

Who in his right mind would threaten his only big export customers? Answer: The communists in Beijing aren't in their right minds.

The communists in Beijing are wily old strategists. They also have several millions of "citizens" placed around the globe, "innocently" baking bread, tending market gardens, and cooking egg foo yung for Western customers.

And... ??

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I have no clue as to why Western powers buy one ggdddmmm thing from China, further propping up it's otherwise defunct economy. The countries it is threatening are all major buyers of its exports.

Put an additional 25% import tariff on everything it exports to drastically reduce its competitiveness. Leave that in place while announcing further increases over time to allow international companies to pull out of there and locate elsewhere including in the West. We give them jobs and manufacturing money just so they can turn around and threaten?

Next fly a couple of stealth bombers over and drop bunker busters on their projects and then follow with a couple more and then more. Then deny, deny, deny. Stealth means stealth.

Who in his right mind would threaten his only big export customers? Answer: The communists in Beijing aren't in their right minds.

The communists in Beijing are wily old strategists. They also have several millions of "citizens" placed around the globe, "innocently" baking bread, tending market gardens, and cooking egg foo yung for Western customers.

And... ??

And I think you're misguided to say that they are not in their right minds. I think the Chinese have had an agenda for decades and it's beginning to come to fruition.

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I have no clue as to why Western powers buy one ggdddmmm thing from China, further propping up it's otherwise defunct economy.

Then you have no idea how the world works. The reason western govts do nothing is because manufacturing in China earns obscenely huge profits for multinational corporations and those are the constituents that govts listen to, not individuals or the best interests of 'the people'.
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I have no clue as to why Western powers buy one ggdddmmm thing from China, further propping up it's otherwise defunct economy. The countries it is threatening are all major buyers of its exports.

Put an additional 25% import tariff on everything it exports to drastically reduce its competitiveness. Leave that in place while announcing further increases over time to allow international companies to pull out of there and locate elsewhere including in the West. We give them jobs and manufacturing money just so they can turn around and threaten?

Next fly a couple of stealth bombers over and drop bunker busters on their projects and then follow with a couple more and then more. Then deny, deny, deny. Stealth means stealth.

Who in his right mind would threaten his only big export customers? Answer: The communists in Beijing aren't in their right minds.

The communists in Beijing are wily old strategists. They also have several millions of "citizens" placed around the globe, "innocently" baking bread, tending market gardens, and cooking egg foo yung for Western customers.

And... ??

And I think you're misguided to say that they are not in their right minds. I think the Chinese have had an agenda for decades and it's beginning to come to fruition.

Yes, not in their right minds, that would be correct.

The Boyz and their schemes have never been in their right minds, since Day One.

It is more than obvious these guyz are transparent klutzes.

They know they are klutzes and they don't care. They think they can do what they want to do and that's all there is to it. That is why this is potentially so dangerous. They're not going to take kindly to getting a bloody nose when it happens.

No, that is inconceivable to them, so they're going to be shocked, indignant, scolding and punishing. This confrontation will be dangerous indeed.

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The communists in Beijing are wily old strategists. They also have several millions of "citizens" placed around the globe, "innocently" baking bread, tending market gardens, and cooking egg foo yung for Western customers.

And... ??

And I think you're misguided to say that they are not in their right minds. I think the Chinese have had an agenda for decades and it's beginning to come to fruition.

Yes, not in their right minds, that would be correct.

The Boyz and their schemes have never been in their right minds, since Day One.

It is more than obvious these guyz are transparent klutzes.

They know they are klutzes and they don't care. They think they can do what they want to do and that's all there is to it. That is why this is potentially so dangerous. They're not going to take kindly to getting a bloody nose when it happens.

No, that is inconceivable to them, so they're going to be shocked, indignant, scolding and punishing. This confrontation will be dangerous indeed.

I think you're confusing China with Thailand.

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I have no clue as to why Western powers buy one ggdddmmm thing from China, further propping up it's otherwise defunct economy. The countries it is threatening are all major buyers of its exports.

Put an additional 25% import tariff on everything it exports to drastically reduce its competitiveness. Leave that in place while announcing further increases over time to allow international companies to pull out of there and locate elsewhere including in the West. We give them jobs and manufacturing money just so they can turn around and threaten?

Next fly a couple of stealth bombers over and drop bunker busters on their projects and then follow with a couple more and then more. Then deny, deny, deny. Stealth means stealth.

Who in his right mind would threaten his only big export customers? Answer: The communists in Beijing aren't in their right minds.

The communists in Beijing are wily old strategists. They also have several millions of "citizens" placed around the globe, "innocently" baking bread, tending market gardens, and cooking egg foo yung for Western customers.

So what you are saying is that all those Chinese restaurants in the Western world are really bases for crack troops just waiting to launch an assault on the unsuspecting West?

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"But for America, it is an economic war, a struggle to maintain trading partners like South Korea, Japan, Vietnam and the Philippines"

only thing I can add is its not so much a struggle. these countries very much want US around.

China doesn't respect weakness. One of its weaknesses is its basis in one ethnicity the "superior Han race". Also the hierarchical structure, where idiot bullies rule the place, I know many total jacktards from western countries who kiss up to these ones and just run around acting like they are God's gift to Chinese women.

There is another Asian saying that comes to mind..."if you sit by a river long enough, you will see your enemy's body floating down it"

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I have no clue as to why Western powers buy one ggdddmmm thing from China, further propping up it's otherwise defunct economy. The countries it is threatening are all major buyers of its exports.

Put an additional 25% import tariff on everything it exports to drastically reduce its competitiveness. Leave that in place while announcing further increases over time to allow international companies to pull out of there and locate elsewhere including in the West. We give them jobs and manufacturing money just so they can turn around and threaten?

Next fly a couple of stealth bombers over and drop bunker busters on their projects and then follow with a couple more and then more. Then deny, deny, deny. Stealth means stealth.

Who in his right mind would threaten his only big export customers? Answer: The communists in Beijing aren't in their right minds.

The communists in Beijing are wily old strategists. They also have several millions of "citizens" placed around the globe, "innocently" baking bread, tending market gardens, and cooking egg foo yung for Western customers.

So what you are saying is that all those Chinese restaurants in the Western world are really bases for crack troops just waiting to launch an assault on the unsuspecting West?

No, I'm not saying crack troops.

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The USA doesn't respect weakness. One of its weaknesses is its basis in one ethnicity the "superior White race". Also the hierarchical structure, where idiot bullies rule the place,

Hey, it works BOTH ways...

Well maybe the idiot bullies part, but the underlying principles (ie: Constitution, Rule of Law) aren't "idiot bullies." In fact they keep the would-be-thugs from taking too much control. And the latter was part of the reason (IM judgement) of why Japan failed to rise and dominate as people thought it would in the 80's-90's - countries that attract and retain the world's best and brightest outshine those that are built around a single "superior" ethnicity.

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China would not be playing high stakes poker if she didn't calculate her adversaries would fold. Whether or not this proves to be the case I can certainly see how they might have arrived at such a conclusion.

Seems right, a bit like the USSR and Eastern Europe, and now Russia and eastern Ukraine.

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And I think you're misguided to say that they are not in their right minds. I think the Chinese have had an agenda for decades and it's beginning to come to fruition.

Yes, not in their right minds, that would be correct.

The Boyz and their schemes have never been in their right minds, since Day One.

It is more than obvious these guyz are transparent klutzes.

They know they are klutzes and they don't care. They think they can do what they want to do and that's all there is to it. That is why this is potentially so dangerous. They're not going to take kindly to getting a bloody nose when it happens.

No, that is inconceivable to them, so they're going to be shocked, indignant, scolding and punishing. This confrontation will be dangerous indeed.

I think you're confusing China with Thailand.

Tell me about it.

Fact is the CCP Klutzes in Beijing have caused more than enough "reputational damage" over the past several years in both the SCS and the East Sea for the US to act with its allies and partners. Moreover, it is unmistakably evident the CCP Boyz have failed in their major strategy to separate the US from its western Pacific allies and partners.

Here's the former ambassador of Australia to Beijing, Geoff Raby, writing yesterday in the Financial Review....:

"The difficulty for China, however, is the more it seeks to assert its claims in the South China Sea, the more harm it does to its much more important long-term strategic objective of balancing US influence and – ultimately one day – power in the region. Close regional neighbours naturally look to the US to balance China in the region the more China behaves assertively.

"The latest round of Chinese activity in the South China Sea has re-ignited debate in Washington, with the China "hawks" demanding tough action. US Defence Secretary Ashton Carter was responding to this with his statements at Shangri-la, and the G7 has just released a statement that pointedly condemns 'land reclamation' in the South China Sea.".


There is a humongous arms race going on in the Asean countries to counter the CCP Boyz, especially in submarines and fast littoral ships. Vietnam now has six Kilo-class submarines three of which are armed with the Klud missile capable of hitting coastal cities in the PRChina to include the CCP sub base at Hainan Island. The Boyz just recently anchored a CCP :"research" ship within the Malaysia EEZ 87 miles off the Malay coast which caused Malaysia to quit it's well known Play It Safe policy to loudly object to Beijing. Thailand is keeping its head down while Myanmar watches PLA maneuvers at its northern border. The Philippines are now getting their third wave of additional (previously owned) coast guard vessels from Japan. These military buildups are the tip of the Asean arms race iceberg which is occurring with the coast guard forces of Asean maritime countries and much much more.

Thank you China for nothing good in the region where everyone is against you.

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I have no clue as to why Western powers buy one ggdddmmm thing from China, further propping up it's otherwise defunct economy. The countries it is threatening are all major buyers of its exports.

Put an additional 25% import tariff on everything it exports to drastically reduce its competitiveness. Leave that in place while announcing further increases over time to allow international companies to pull out of there and locate elsewhere including in the West. We give them jobs and manufacturing money just so they can turn around and threaten?

Next fly a couple of stealth bombers over and drop bunker busters on their projects and then follow with a couple more and then more. Then deny, deny, deny. Stealth means stealth.

Who in his right mind would threaten his only big export customers? Answer: The communists in Beijing aren't in their right minds.

The real evil of this World has a voice.

Well done.


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...countries that attract and retain the world's best and brightest outshine those that are built around a single "superior" ethnicity.

"Built around a single 'superior' ethnicity", literally defines the history of the United States...Get rid of the pesky natives - check; enslave blacks - check; Chinese wage slavery - check; unfettered immigration of white Europeans - check.

Also, attracting and retaining the world's best and brightest may be the only option for the US since it has decided that affordably educating its own populace is a bad idea...

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China would not be playing high stakes poker if she didn't calculate her adversaries would fold. Whether or not this proves to be the case I can certainly see how they might have arrived at such a conclusion.

Whoa, sit down for a minute....ok, you're already sitting down which is wise considering that....

Once Beijing is set up in the Spratlys the Boyz can easily be able to close the Taiwan Strait, which it could accomplish in 24 hours by mining it quickly, then to defend the closure of the Taiwan Strait. Elements of the PLA Navy Southern Fleet and the Central Fleet respectively are presently conducting maneuvers and drills off Taiwan.

The US and Philippines are suddenly working feverishly to secure the Bashi Channel between Taiwan and the Phils in the event the Taiwan Strait should for any reason become unavailable as a global commons sea lane northward to Japan, South Korea, which rely on ME oil.

The next Taiwan general election coming in January will return the independence party to office in the Parliament and in the presidency, of that there is no doubt. In local Taiwan elections throughout the Island early this year, the DPP blew out the KMT everywhere, to include in the strongest of KMT strongholds, Taipei. Beijing is bracing for a severe setback in the post Sunflower Revolution Taiwan.

DPP leader Tsai ling-wen who is bidding to become first woman president just finished a tour of the US to include Washington.

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I have no clue as to why Western powers buy one ggdddmmm thing from China, further propping up it's otherwise defunct economy. The countries it is threatening are all major buyers of its exports.

Put an additional 25% import tariff on everything it exports to drastically reduce its competitiveness. Leave that in place while announcing further increases over time to allow international companies to pull out of there and locate elsewhere including in the West. We give them jobs and manufacturing money just so they can turn around and threaten?

Next fly a couple of stealth bombers over and drop bunker busters on their projects and then follow with a couple more and then more. Then deny, deny, deny. Stealth means stealth.

Who in his right mind would threaten his only big export customers? Answer: The communists in Beijing aren't in their right minds.

Well the US and China make strange bedfellows. First the US buys all their "junk" from China the stuff that used to made in the USA years ago. This supposedly freed up the USA to concentrate on producing high value products that in turn would be sold around the world. Hence all that money flows to China. Because of this China now holds a TRILLION or more dollars of American Tbills. In essence it holds the USA in its financial RED fist. If the USA quits buying China dumps all those Tbills on the market and causes a world wide panic and destabilizes the USA and its currency and the world economies collapse. In summary I am on your side. We should not be doing business with countries that are corrupt, have no pollution standards or regards for human labor. But there is a trump card in all of this called BIG BUSINESS GREED!! Greed has no honor, humility, knows no boundries. It is a juggernaut rolling over the planet much like climate change. Greed's foot soldiers politicians are always on the march marginalizing the lowly worker to make way for the future. I am glad I will have passed by then it will not be pretty.

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I have no clue as to why Western powers buy one ggdddmmm thing from China, further propping up it's otherwise defunct economy. The countries it is threatening are all major buyers of its exports.

Put an additional 25% import tariff on everything it exports to drastically reduce its competitiveness. Leave that in place while announcing further increases over time to allow international companies to pull out of there and locate elsewhere including in the West. We give them jobs and manufacturing money just so they can turn around and threaten?

Next fly a couple of stealth bombers over and drop bunker busters on their projects and then follow with a couple more and then more. Then deny, deny, deny. Stealth means stealth.

Who in his right mind would threaten his only big export customers? Answer: The communists in Beijing aren't in their right minds.

The communists in Beijing are wily old strategists. They also have several millions of "citizens" placed around the globe, "innocently" baking bread, tending market gardens, and cooking egg foo yung for Western customers.

So what you are saying is that all those Chinese restaurants in the Western world are really bases for crack troops just waiting to launch an assault on the unsuspecting West?

Intelligence networks with fortune cookie drops as primary communications. They are working feverishly on an electronic fortune cookie. Got this info straight from Woody Allen, Tiger Lily.

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China would not be playing high stakes poker if she didn't calculate her adversaries would fold. Whether or not this proves to be the case I can certainly see how they might have arrived at such a conclusion.

Whoa, sit down for a minute....ok, you're already sitting down which is wise considering that....

Once Beijing is set up in the Spratlys the Boyz can easily be able to close the Taiwan Strait, which it could accomplish in 24 hours by mining it quickly, then to defend the closure of the Taiwan Strait. Elements of the PLA Navy Southern Fleet and the Central Fleet respectively are presently conducting maneuvers and drills off Taiwan.

The US and Philippines are suddenly working feverishly to secure the Bashi Channel between Taiwan and the Phils in the event the Taiwan Strait should for any reason become unavailable as a global commons sea lane northward to Japan, South Korea, which rely on ME oil.

The next Taiwan general election coming in January will return the independence party to office in the Parliament and in the presidency, of that there is no doubt. In local Taiwan elections throughout the Island early this year, the DPP blew out the KMT everywhere, to include in the strongest of KMT strongholds, Taipei. Beijing is bracing for a severe setback in the post Sunflower Revolution Taiwan.

DPP leader Tsai ling-wen who is bidding to become first woman president just finished a tour of the US to include Washington.

Dear DPP leader if elected do not depend on the USA to come to your aid. They are physically and financially tired of war courtesy of George "Bulldog" Bush. I think in the future America will become like China after the adventures of Admiral Zheng He and his global adventures. Its time to circle the wagons and look after things at home (infrastructure etc. all in sad shape, computer attacks plus the national debt ouch!) Its like an octopus with its main body hurting and its tentacles flailing all over the place.

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I have no clue as to why Western powers buy one ggdddmmm thing from China, further propping up it's otherwise defunct economy. The countries it is threatening are all major buyers of its exports.

Put an additional 25% import tariff on everything it exports to drastically reduce its competitiveness. Leave that in place while announcing further increases over time to allow international companies to pull out of there and locate elsewhere including in the West. We give them jobs and manufacturing money just so they can turn around and threaten?

Next fly a couple of stealth bombers over and drop bunker busters on their projects and then follow with a couple more and then more. Then deny, deny, deny. Stealth means stealth.

Who in his right mind would threaten his only big export customers? Answer: The communists in Beijing aren't in their right minds.

The communists in Beijing are wily old strategists. They also have several millions of "citizens" placed around the globe, "innocently" baking bread, tending market gardens, and cooking egg foo yung for Western customers.

And... ??

Death by Foo yung - it is slow and painful whistling.gif

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I have no clue as to why Western powers buy one ggdddmmm thing from China, further propping up it's otherwise defunct economy. The countries it is threatening are all major buyers of its exports.

Put an additional 25% import tariff on everything it exports to drastically reduce its competitiveness. Leave that in place while announcing further increases over time to allow international companies to pull out of there and locate elsewhere including in the West. We give them jobs and manufacturing money just so they can turn around and threaten?

Next fly a couple of stealth bombers over and drop bunker busters on their projects and then follow with a couple more and then more. Then deny, deny, deny. Stealth means stealth.

Who in his right mind would threaten his only big export customers? Answer: The communists in Beijing aren't in their right minds.

NeverSure, with all due respect, I'm not so sure either BUT:

First and foremost - never ever was I a supporter of Commies. But commies in Beijing are by no means out of their minds.

Let us agree on one obvious thing - nobody wants a full scale war. Neither China nor USA.

The difference between them in this particular aspect is twofold.

First - it is easier for China to start a war by virtue of being a political dictatorship.

Second - if we are talking about fuel - China needs it badly. It is a matter of survival for Beijing.

Whether China gets it or not is not a matter of survival for USA. Therefore they are not ready to go to war over this.

It is from this position that here on this very forum I said before and repeat again:

American nuclear umbrella over Japan, S.Korea and Taiwan is full of holes. If you know what I mean.

BTW, my country (Australia) is in the same predicament.

Edited by ABCer
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I have no clue as to why Western powers buy one ggdddmmm thing from China, further propping up it's otherwise defunct economy. The countries it is threatening are all major buyers of its exports.

Put an additional 25% import tariff on everything it exports to drastically reduce its competitiveness. Leave that in place while announcing further increases over time to allow international companies to pull out of there and locate elsewhere including in the West. We give them jobs and manufacturing money just so they can turn around and threaten?

Next fly a couple of stealth bombers over and drop bunker busters on their projects and then follow with a couple more and then more. Then deny, deny, deny. Stealth means stealth.

Who in his right mind would threaten his only big export customers? Answer: The communists in Beijing aren't in their right minds.

NeverSure, with all due respect, I'm not so sure either BUT:

First and foremost - never ever was I a supporter of Commies. But commies in Beijing are by no means out of their minds.

Let us agree on one obvious thing - nobody wants a full scale war. Neither China nor USA.

The difference between them in this particular aspect is twofold.

First - it is easier for China to start a war by virtue of being a political dictatorship.

Second - if we are talking about fuel - China needs it badly. It is a matter of survival for Beijing.

Whether China gets it or not is not a matter of survival for USA. Therefore they are not ready to go to war over this.

It is from this position that here on this very forum I said before and repeat again:

American nuclear umbrella over Japan, S.Korea and Taiwan is full of holes. If you know what I mean.

BTW, my country (Australia) is in the same predicament.

Of course no one wants an all out war...the problem is the large bunch of PLA generals and PLA Navy admirals who believe a short and sharp military action will get what Beijing wants or needs, in either the East Sea or the SCS. A short, sharp military action.

Remember GW Bush and Mission Accomplished in that short and sharp invasion of Iraq as the US sits twelve years later still in Iraq and still increasing its military presence there. Nobody should kid himself, the PRChina has a lot of CCP Dick Cheneys and PLA Rumsfeld-equivalents on the loose in Beijing and in its military regions/districts.

It's also important that Australia is in fact clear that while the PRChina is its huge largest trading partner, its national security and well being are squarely aligned with the US and its Indo-Pacific allies of which Oz is one. Former PM Kevin Rudd, the Mandarin-speaking hawk who's now at the private Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington is talking about two Asias, one economically intertwined with the PRC, and the same Asia armed up and acting in alliances to resist and rebuff the PRC.

Economics, trade, finance is a lever to use against the CCP Boyz in Beijing as they will no doubt find out the hard way sooner or later. I'd said before, Russia today, China tomorrow but now that has to be altered to Russia yesterday, China today. It hurts the CCP Boyz far more than it would hurt any single country or any alliance of countries. Remember, there's strength in numbers and while the PRChina is big, it is only one country and it is regionally self-isolated already.

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