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A first for Thailand: Buying property with a 20-year visa

Jonathan Fairfield

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Better check this out... 1 million for 20 years ....

Might be a new deal with TE ?


dude...stay with the plot, that's very old info...the THB 1.0 million was the original price, Its 2.0 million for 20 years these days or 500k for 5 years


kovaltech posted the FAQ.pdf for the "Thailand Elite Individual Membership for Property Co-Project" which, as I mentioned in my previous post (http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/832254-a-first-for-thailand-buying-property-with-a-20-year-visa/?p=9506537), has a membership fee of 1 million baht.

"Membership Validity - 20 Years"

"Membership Fee - THB 1 Million"

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i dont beleive very much that a government allowes such a thing...the law is for everybody and every condo we can buy or it stays like it is....or those condos are so expensive that only rich people can afford it????


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i dont beleive very much that a government allowes such a thing...the law is for everybody and every condo we can buy or it stays like it is....or those condos are so expensive that only rich people can afford it????


Do you really think the government's of the world really want poor foreigners living in their countries ?....What they want is people with money....is this so hard a concept to grasp ?

most countries in the world have their own poor people who are citizens, they typically don't want some poor "Johnny bloody foreigner" as well

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Better check this out... 1 million for 20 years ....

Might be a new deal with TE ?


dude...stay with the plot, that's very old info...the THB 1.0 million was the original price, Its 2.0 million for 20 years these days or 500k for 5 years


kovaltech posted the FAQ.pdf for the "Thailand Elite Individual Membership for Property Co-Project" which, as I mentioned in my previous post (http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/832254-a-first-for-thailand-buying-property-with-a-20-year-visa/?p=9506537), has a membership fee of 1 million baht.

"Membership Validity - 20 Years"

"Membership Fee - THB 1 Million"

My apologies...your correct.

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i dont beleive very much that a government allowes such a thing...the law is for everybody and every condo we can buy or it stays like it is....or those condos are so expensive that only rich people can afford it????


Do you really think the government's of the world really want poor foreigners living in their countries ?....What they want is people with money....is this so hard a concept to grasp ?

most countries in the world have their own poor people who are citizens, they typically don't want some poor "Johnny bloody foreigner" as well

Try telling that to the citizens of northern European countries. I think they might have something to say on that one...

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This is the price list that I found from 2013.

However, it isn't from the condo developer itself, so I'm not entirely sure if there is extra mark-up on it or not.

Those are seriously over-priced units. You would have to be quite wealthy and not care about your money to pay those prices.

Furthermore, I often tell friends who ask - never buy property in Thailand. It is a mistake. Rent is cheap, freedom is expensive. I have seen a friend buy a condo here in Bangkok with a beautiful view, only to watch in horror as two years later a giant ugly building was erected directly in front of his balcony. Lost the view and the value of his condo dropped by 40%. Another friend bought into a building that was nice, but after three years the building became full of drug dealers and other shady sorts, and now he is afraid to stay there. Another bought into a 10th floor condo, only to have the elevator fail in the second year, and it has not been fixed for 7 months. 10 flights of stairs many times a day in the heat.

If they had rented, they could easily move. If they get bored of their location, they can easily move. If the government goes off the rails, they can move.

Rent is cheap, freedom is not.

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My apologies...your correct.

Keeping us on our toes biggrin.png

Oddly enough though, that FAQ is the only mention I can find about this "property co-project" option. Even when you got to download the application form, where it asks which package your are interested in, the property one isn't included. I don't see a press release nor anything in their TPC news (unless maybe it'll be in the June edition that hasn't come out yet).

Even the FAQ itself is easy to overlook. You have to scroll to the bottom of the page, then click on the Fact Sheet drop-down (Language Selection) box, then scroll to the bottom of that box to see the "Property Co-Project" FAQ.

Almost like they are trying to hide it. Which is kind of surprising because anything that says "visa and property" is sure to generate a lot of interest among expats !

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Unfortunately you're quite right, although Thailand may be different.

In the West, they make all kinds of laws to keep the "economically active" part of the population (ie the rich) amused. The "economically passive" part of the population (ie the majority) is economic trash. Every Farang government tries to get rich of this "trash", eg export them to Thailand.

This is what happens if you value money and make it your god.

Thailand (maybe whole Asia) should be different.

Here money (and the freedom to use it and sacrifice everything for it) is not the highest value, so they say. Thailand needs money, of course. Not necessarily Farang bodies in their country, but Farang money for a while. These condo property & visa packages are meant to acctract money and keep investors' stressed bodies amused.

If you're good in calculations, you might find out that the hassle to go to immigration every 90 days is actually cheaper than a TE visa. But there's obviously a strong demand from those old expats that can't sleep at night because they get paranoid about the visa situation. They might as well travel to neighbouring countries, but they are obviously afraid to get banned from their Thai property.

Money can be a bondage sometimes.

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Unfortunately you're quite right, although Thailand may be different.

In the West, they make all kinds of laws to keep the "economically active" part of the population (ie the rich) amused. The "economically passive" part of the population (ie the majority) is economic trash. Every Farang government tries to get rich of this "trash", eg export them to Thailand.

This is what happens if you value money and make it your god.

Thailand (maybe whole Asia) should be different.

Here money (and the freedom to use it and sacrifice everything for it) is not the highest value, so they say. Thailand needs money, of course. Not necessarily Farang bodies in their country, but Farang money for a while. These condo property & visa packages are meant to acctract money and keep investors' stressed bodies amused.

If you're good in calculations, you might find out that the hassle to go to immigration every 90 days is actually cheaper than a TE visa. But there's obviously a strong demand from those old expats that can't sleep at night because they get paranoid about the visa situation. They might as well travel to neighbouring countries, but they are obviously afraid to get banned from their Thai property.

Money can be a bondage sometimes.

Every Farang government tries to get rich of this "trash", eg export them to Thailand.

This is what happens if you value money and make it your god.

Thailand (maybe whole Asia) should be different.

Here money (and the freedom to use it and sacrifice everything for it) is not the highest value

not trying to be funny do you actually live in Thailand ? or have spend any time in Asia ? as you seem to have got your premise the wrong way around

There is more of an emphasis on money and materialism in Thailand and Asia then anywhere else in the world I have ever lived.

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property means the house or other "movables"..

Now to find a moveable house on the list and ad a million for the next 20 years, plus taxes and the annual fee....facepalm.gif

better sign up now, before the tax raises... coffee1.gif

Edited by kovaltech
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The target demographic is those with enough millions to buy this and who also want to live in a high rise condo in Pattaya which the vendor is having trouble selling.

Yes indeed but come on now how about ordinary normal folk without such riches though of course still enough to live nicely and legally here in Thailand? Most of us retirees here for example fit that category of course. So I would like to see our current PM, who is clearly a far more open minded and intelligent PM than most before him, do something to allow falang retirees on long stay retirement visas, and others like on spouse visas who are also legally able to live here, to buy small amounts of land in their own name (even say 100 square wah is enough for most normal folk) for building on, or with a house built on it already, for their retirement / family home. Hardly selling off all of Thailand to foreigners as this would surely only be a tiny minute spec of the total land here in Thailand of course.

Those rich fat cats do not need such helpful schemes as they can get most of what they need and want easily enough anyway. It is the ordinary folk who meet the requirements to live here on long stay non immigrant visas that need such help surely. High time IMHO that the ordinary folk both falangs and Thai were given more needed help to make theri lives happier than the wealthy fat cats who are able to help themselves.

It should be ordinary people and their happiness that matters not money and wealth. Idealistic maybe but surely can we not see that we truly need such ideals very much in this unfair and sick way over capitalistic world.

Edited by rayw
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The only thing that is certain is that this is some sort of a rip off. I built a three bedroom, 2 story house, with 2 rai of land and a river view for 1.5 million Baht, the Thai price. How much are these depressing Pattaya condo's being sold for once all the shady middle men have taken their cut? And do the high rise balconies come equipped with a safety net?

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@ soutpeel....

this is the plot... read it, then come again...

its 1 million, together with the property...

why you think i posted it ?

He apologized 5 posts ago.

Yep, he did and i was to fast, post edited...


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Unfortunately you're quite right, although Thailand may be different.

In the West, they make all kinds of laws to keep the "economically active" part of the population (ie the rich) amused. The "economically passive" part of the population (ie the majority) is economic trash. Every Farang government tries to get rich of this "trash", eg export them to Thailand.

This is what happens if you value money and make it your god.

Thailand (maybe whole Asia) should be different.

Here money (and the freedom to use it and sacrifice everything for it) is not the highest value, so they say. Thailand needs money, of course. Not necessarily Farang bodies in their country, but Farang money for a while. These condo property & visa packages are meant to acctract money and keep investors' stressed bodies amused.

If you're good in calculations, you might find out that the hassle to go to immigration every 90 days is actually cheaper than a TE visa. But there's obviously a strong demand from those old expats that can't sleep at night because they get paranoid about the visa situation. They might as well travel to neighbouring countries, but they are obviously afraid to get banned from their Thai property.

Money can be a bondage sometimes.

Every Farang government tries to get rich of this "trash", eg export them to Thailand.

This is what happens if you value money and make it your god.

Thailand (maybe whole Asia) should be different.

Here money (and the freedom to use it and sacrifice everything for it) is not the highest value

not trying to be funny do you actually live in Thailand ? or have spend any time in Asia ? as you seem to have got your premise the wrong way around

There is more of an emphasis on money and materialism in Thailand and Asia then anywhere else in the world I have ever lived.

Yes, I live in Thailand, and I've been in Asia for several years. I was in Asia and Europe, both when I was rich and when I was completely broke. In Europe (Germany) I almost died when I had no money, whereas in Asia people supported me. Only temporary shortages in both continents, but long enough to compare.

They are materialists in both continents, of course. But only in Europe you're treated as trash when you're out of economy. Thais (and other Asians) would still treat you as a human being and keep you alive, because you're a guest. Egoistic Europeans forgot what hospitality means.

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Unfortunately you're quite right, although Thailand may be different.

In the West, they make all kinds of laws to keep the "economically active" part of the population (ie the rich) amused. The "economically passive" part of the population (ie the majority) is economic trash. Every Farang government tries to get rich of this "trash", eg export them to Thailand.

This is what happens if you value money and make it your god.

Thailand (maybe whole Asia) should be different.

Here money (and the freedom to use it and sacrifice everything for it) is not the highest value, so they say. Thailand needs money, of course. Not necessarily Farang bodies in their country, but Farang money for a while. These condo property & visa packages are meant to acctract money and keep investors' stressed bodies amused.

If you're good in calculations, you might find out that the hassle to go to immigration every 90 days is actually cheaper than a TE visa. But there's obviously a strong demand from those old expats that can't sleep at night because they get paranoid about the visa situation. They might as well travel to neighbouring countries, but they are obviously afraid to get banned from their Thai property.

Money can be a bondage sometimes.

Every Farang government tries to get rich of this "trash", eg export them to Thailand.

This is what happens if you value money and make it your god.

Thailand (maybe whole Asia) should be different.

Here money (and the freedom to use it and sacrifice everything for it) is not the highest value

not trying to be funny do you actually live in Thailand ? or have spend any time in Asia ? as you seem to have got your premise the wrong way around

There is more of an emphasis on money and materialism in Thailand and Asia then anywhere else in the world I have ever lived.

Yes, I live in Thailand, and I've been in Asia for several years. I was in Asia and Europe, both when I was rich and when I was completely broke. In Europe (Germany) I almost died when I had no money, whereas in Asia people supported me. Only temporary shortages in both continents, but long enough to compare.

They are materialists in both continents, of course. But only in Europe you're treated as trash when you're out of economy. Thais (and other Asians) would still treat you as a human being and keep you alive, because you're a guest. Egoistic Europeans forgot what hospitality means.

I know it`s not polite to laugh, but........

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When I renewed my marriage visa in Australia last year I asked them about long term visas and they told me not to believe any of it as there is no such thing, only the 1year marriage visa in my case...so what's the truth? If the Thai consulate tell you that there's no such thing as a 5 year visa

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Key words..."...developer has joined forces with Thailand Elite to offer a 20-year visa..." Come on folks, this circumvents rule of law by the elite. Pass this puppy up.

The same guy was claiming on his billboard out front of Kingdom Properties that when buying a unit, you get membership at the private Royal Varuna Yacht Club

until the Club forced him to remove it. This is one of the foremost dinghy clubs in the region and criteria of membership is 1. You must own a boat 2. You must actively race it in club events but the club manager is turning people away daily who have been told these lies !

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Ah Nigel !....... As with all developers ,before you buy anything...check first and do your due diligence. Just curious, why did Raimon Land ended their relationship with him as the CEO.

Conflict of interest.

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Promotion, Promotion!! Only a short time.

Villa for sale (market-value 4 Million) only 5.9 Million baht, comes with a 20 year visa under the umbrella of Thailand Elite (long may they survive??)

First 100 customers will receive a free Mickey Mouse shirt............clap2.gif

Do not hesitate to contact Honest JOC's Property Service

One born every minute..................

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"All animals are equal, but some are a bit more equal"

Maybe someone learned from Germany where they made special laws for gentrification of certain urban areas - all in public interest, of course, and with the consequence of permanent riots in some German cities.

Anyway, the condos in Pattaya seem to be there, so the situation is different here.

I would consider it as a legitimate offer to investors, although I would never like to live in one of these machines.

Edited by micmichd
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So, this is just for the well connected Very Rich Bastards ,,,,,, That leaves us normal people High & Dry,Thank you for the News,,,,,,

if I recall looking at the price list on these places, not sure if this include the mark up for the TE or not, the average prices run around 3 -5 million, so hardly very rich bastards buying the places...rolleyes.gif - as springing 3-5 million on place is hardly very rich bastard territory, not even rich bastard, or even bastard territory, so struggling to understand what you mean by "normal people" ?

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So, this is just for the well connected Very Rich Bastards ,,,,,, That leaves us normal people High & Dry,Thank you for the News,,,,,,

if I recall looking at the price list on these places, not sure if this include the mark up for the TE or not, the average prices run around 3 -5 million, so hardly very rich bastards buying the places...rolleyes.gif - as springing 3-5 million on place is hardly very rich bastard territory, not even rich bastard, or even bastard territory, so struggling to understand what you mean by "normal people" ?

But the 2013 price may be a bit different from the 2015 price smile.png

There was a member who was gonna email them, anything heard yet?

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