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so i read all that for nowt,,

i suppose we all get pissed of by some of the things some people post, but hey its a free forum,

i think some just get of on having a go at others,


What i couldnt understand in all this was your ref to loose women,? come on have you had a change,?

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Don't go because of MaejoMTB giving you grief, he loves to have a pop at everyone....me included. Just look at the flaming as weak mindedness, who probably are bored, so they need to take someone down with them...lol


I only just found this thread ............ and contributed.

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" Follow up. Both grandmother and Goi tried to translate. Just as Oh had strict instructions not to do that, I told them not to. They were surprised, then knew why."

You do realize that translation is very helpful in learning second languages. It has its uses as much as communicative approach.

No wonder you get flamed, you are a very self righteous person who actually tells parent's what or how to teach their own children. Perhaps getting more than just a TEFL would actually help you learn that there are many effective ways to learn languages other than communicative approach.

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so i read all that for nowt,,

i suppose we all get pissed of by some of the things some people post, but hey its a free forum,

i think some just get of on having a go at others,


What i couldnt understand in all this was your ref to loose women,? come on have you had a change,?

A change is as good as a rest.

One man's meat is another man's poison



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so i read all that for nowt,,

i suppose we all get pissed of by some of the things some people post, but hey its a free forum,

i think some just get of on having a go at others,


What i couldnt understand in all this was your ref to loose women,? come on have you had a change,?

A change of what?

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so i read all that for nowt,,

i suppose we all get pissed of by some of the smile.png some people post, but hey its a free forum,

i think some just get of on having a go at others,


What i couldnt understand in all this was your ref to loose women,? come on have you had a change,?

A change of what?

JT is big in the gay forum bud.....

I know, but I never go there. I know JT is not a ladyboy, so pidgeonjake can't mean a change of sex.

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Worst flounce i have ever seen. And only after 600 posts.

What is the forum coming to? You lot frighten them off, and he didn't even post a kitty pic.

The day i flounce, you will not know what to do with yerselves.

I shall send a general PM and then read all about it. And cry.

With laughter. And come back with some silly av called cattypats or something similar.

Edited by Patsycat
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so i read all that for nowt,,

i suppose we all get pissed of by some of the smile.png some people post, but hey its a free forum,

i think some just get of on having a go at others,


What i couldnt understand in all this was your ref to loose women,? come on have you had a change,?

A change of what?

JT is big in the gay forum bud.....

I know, but I never go there. I know JT is not a ladyboy, so pidgeonjake can't mean a change of sex.
you should go there once, to see if you like it...
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I'm not going to go there pidgeonjake, I went there once before and got out quick, I didn't want anyone to get the wrong idea.

It's no worse than The Laughing Duck. You just need to remember that any money you drop is gone, and not bend over to pick it up...

Some years back I was out with The Miner, and we came over a bit Tom Jones... "Nae bother mate, thur's a karaoke just roon' a corner" so we piled into a taxi

"I don't want to go to one of those places with the fancy tarts - and I'm not going to that place all the way out where you stay!"

"Calm doon, man! Dinnae wurry! Driver - Karaoke! No expensive women!" I told the driver, in my best Chinese. And he did us bang to rights. I strode up to the bar - it was a big place - "beer!" There was a special deal on five, so that seemed like a good start. "Karaokeman! Tom Jones!"

"I don't feel too comfortable here, Cowboy - this is a gay pub..."

"Aye! But we've got five beers and he'll be playing Delilah in a moment"

The Miner beat a retreat, but I stayed to finish the beer and sing my guts out when the time came, and it was received with polite appreciation

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