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The US$9 billion man? Donald Trump set to announce 2016 plans


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The $9 billion man? Donald Trump set to announce 2016 plans

WASHINGTON (AP) — With a presidential field approaching 20 high-profile Republicans, the GOP's 2016 class offers voters a little bit of everything.

There is the top-tier, a group that includes former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, who formally launched his candidacy on Monday. There are the single-issue candidates such as South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham, who talks about national security and little else. There are even the quixotic underdogs, such as Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, ambitious against all odds.

And then there is Donald Trump.

The Donald, as he is known as a celebrity, will announce his 2016 intentions on Tuesday at a Manhattan skyscraper that bears his name.

He is a businessman, a reality television star and a master of self-promotion. And should he decide to run, Trump is positioned to have a greater impact on the early months of the Republican presidential primary contest than many GOP leaders would like.

Should he get in, Trump would be required to release a personal financial disclosure that would reveal intimate details about his personal finances. The disclosure would include his net worth, sources of income, liabilities and assets. He would have to reveal the same information for his wife and dependent children.

Trump is ready to do so. On Tuesday, he will share details about his personal finances that reveal a net worth of $9 billion, according to a person close to his potential campaign who spoke on the condition of anonymity so as not to pre-empt the announcement.

The financial disclosure, required of all candidates for president, was thought to be the final obstacle blocking Trump from launching a 2016 campaign.

Based on guidelines recently announced by the television networks, Trump could play a prominent role in the upcoming nationally televised Republican debate in August.

Those who rank in the top 10 in national polls — and Trump currently does, although he's close to the bottom — will earn a place on the debate stage. That could place Trump in a debate alongside leading candidates such as Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, Florida Sen. Marco Rubio and Bush.

"Selfishly, the networks would put me on because I get great ratings," Trump said in a recent interview with The Associated Press.

Trump has teased presidential runs before, and always backed out. But there are signs that he's more serious this time around.

After forming a presidential exploratory committee in March, Trump says he has hired political operatives on the ground in Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina. He has also been a frequent visitor to the early voting states in recent months.

Perhaps most significantly, he said he would not renew his contract with NBC for his reality show, "The Apprentice." He cannot appear on the network and run for president at the same time.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-06-16

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This is truly very good, really super excellent.

The American people see the whole of the contemporary Republican Party.

It is the Republican Party Regressive Era (2000-?). It is on display again for all to see from now till 12 months from now, from which the Republican party will never recover. Not ever.

GOP = Gone Old Party.

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More than ten years ago I watched an interview with Trump on TV and he was hot under the collar about international trade. He was really upset that the US had a free trade agreement with China that was enriching them while exporting US jobs.

Right now there is trade legislation that is stalled in congress with the Democrats wanting to protect US jobs and the Republicans being for the free trade. If nothing else this is one thing I agree with Trump on, and where I highly disagree with Republicans.

Say what we will, Trump is the one who has proved he can run a business and motivate people. Most of the rest of the candidates are usually lawyers who can't tie their own shoes.

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Trump; good? Bad? Its hard to imagine a businessman who built an empire and has repeatedly demonstrated to the city of New York he can take any local project and unscrew it (for cheaper) doing a worse job than Obama. I have no use for Trump's megalomania but I have no doubt that he would be economically productive for the US. I prefer megalomania to sedition any day.

In fact, a majority of the US problems stem directly from economic quality of life souring that has escalated under Obama's social engineering and "transformation of America"- into a third world cesspool.

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According to news.com au he already has announced it.

Like him or hate him but he is worth a few billion.

May be US does need a businessman to run the country instead of a politician.

Yes, American news is saying he has declared.

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He is a crime Lord. He absolutely refuses to do a real estate deal unless it crushes the guy across the table in the closing room. I was in real estate in NY many years ago and heard this directly from guys who did deals with him. He is ruthless and heartless. Dishonest to the very core. And the hair? What a superfreak. What a goon. What a lightweight. Other than his cash, does anyone take this circus clown seriously?

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I hope he can find his birth certificate.

Why can't the Republicans come up with any credible candidates? Someone untainted by stupid gaffes, shady histories or Tea Party extremism.

What you really mean is why can't Republicans come up with someone like Obama who is anti-Israel, weak on ME policy and in fact all worldwide affairs, and can't even get along with his own Dems in Congress. See the current fast track trade snafu. You could help Obama and the Republicans wipe the egg off their faces about American jobs.

What you really mean is why can't Republicans come up with someone like Obama or Hillary who has absolutely no executive experience such as running a large corporation or even a state as governor.

What you really mean is why can't Republicans come up with someone like Obama or Hillary who were poor when they entered politics and will wind up incredibly wealthy after exit. $1 million dollar speeches for dubious entities "who aren't looking for any insider privilege"?

FWIW, in the past the bale of hay Hillary has been strongly pro-Israel and a war hawk. If she changes her positions don't trust it. It will be new to suit certain voters.

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Well, if he could run the country the way he runs his business empire, that could be a good thing. Then again.....

I thought the majority of The Donald's businesses have gone bankrupt.

Not true. His business, not Trump have gone through legal chapter 11 bankruptcies which don't close or lose the businesses. Some of his casinos, but not Trump filed for bankruptcy. It's a legal way to restructure debt.

It actually shows some of his business acumen by protecting himself personally. Also, all of life's experiences are valuable. One gets wiser.

"But to those uninitiated in bankruptcy laws, four instances of corporate bankruptcy in a row can seem staggering. “To the ordinary person in the street, it may seem surprising, but certainly not to me,” said Reed Smith partner Michael Venditto, who has represented clients in high profile Chapter 11 cases, including bankrupt airline TWA. “Chapter 11 is how you reshape and restructure a company that has problems. It doesn’t indicate anything nefarious or even bad management." Forbes
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I don't see Mr. Trump being worse than any other of the Republican clowns. Start a war, trash the economy, blow 5T on said war and massive tax cuts for the rich followed by losing the election and blaming the Decorates for paying off the 5T debt. American politics is only entertaining because of people like Trump doing a cabaret act.

I've a bit about Jeb but will post it on that topic.

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I don't see Mr. Trump being worse than any other of the Republican clowns. Start a war, trash the economy, blow 5T on said war and massive tax cuts for the rich followed by losing the election and blaming the Decorates for paying off the 5T debt. American politics is only entertaining because of people like Trump doing a cabaret act.

I've a bit about Jeb but will post it on that topic.

"...and blaming the Decorates for paying off the 5T debt."

The US national debt has about doubled under Obama. In just about seven short years Obama has added almost as much debt as all of the other presidents before him since 1789.

Be careful what you wish for and that includes thinking people can get something for nothing especially from the government.

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"...and blaming the Decorates for paying off the 5T debt."

The US national debt has about doubled under Obama. In just about seven short years Obama has added almost as much debt as all of the other presidents before him since 1789.

I don't recall former President Bush paying his bar bill before he left office.

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I hope he can find his birth certificate.

Why can't the Republicans come up with any credible candidates? Someone untainted by stupid gaffes, shady histories or Tea Party extremism.

What you really mean is why can't Republicans come up with someone like Obama who is anti-Israel, weak on ME policy and in fact all worldwide affairs, and can't even get along with his own Dems in Congress. See the current fast track trade snafu. You could help Obama and the Republicans wipe the egg off their faces about American jobs.

What you really mean is why can't Republicans come up with someone like Obama or Hillary who has absolutely no executive experience such as running a large corporation or even a state as governor.

What you really mean is why can't Republicans come up with someone like Obama or Hillary who were poor when they entered politics and will wind up incredibly wealthy after exit. $1 million dollar speeches for dubious entities "who aren't looking for any insider privilege"?

FWIW, in the past the bale of hay Hillary has been strongly pro-Israel and a war hawk. If she changes her positions don't trust it. It will be new to suit certain voters.

The Republicans with all their "business experience" were responsible for one totally futile and expensive war which has generated IS and other problems today and the sub prime mortgage fiasco which led to the Great Financial Crisis of 2008, bringing USA and the world to the brink of another depression.
As I recall at the time the Republican plan for the GFC was let banks and businesses, along with all your savings and pension funds, to go bust to absorb all the toxic debt. No wonder they lost the elections.
Seems to me Obama has done a pretty fine job with the economy. That extreme trough through 2008 is the Republicans last year in office...fiddling while Rome burnt. The stock market started to rise the day Obama became President in January 2009. The chart tells all.
Edited by dexterm
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I hope he can find his birth certificate.

Why can't the Republicans come up with any credible candidates? Someone untainted by stupid gaffes, shady histories or Tea Party extremism.

What you really mean is why can't Republicans come up with someone like Obama who is anti-Israel, weak on ME policy and in fact all worldwide affairs, and can't even get along with his own Dems in Congress. See the current fast track trade snafu. You could help Obama and the Republicans wipe the egg off their faces about American jobs.

What you really mean is why can't Republicans come up with someone like Obama or Hillary who has absolutely no executive experience such as running a large corporation or even a state as governor.

What you really mean is why can't Republicans come up with someone like Obama or Hillary who were poor when they entered politics and will wind up incredibly wealthy after exit. $1 million dollar speeches for dubious entities "who aren't looking for any insider privilege"?

FWIW, in the past the bale of hay Hillary has been strongly pro-Israel and a war hawk. If she changes her positions don't trust it. It will be new to suit certain voters.

The Republicans with all their "business experience" were responsible for one totally futile and expensive war which has generated IS and other problems today and the sub prime mortgage fiasco which led to the Great Financial Crisis of 2008, bringing USA and the world to the brink of another depression.
As I recall at the time the Republican plan for the GFC was let banks and businesses, along with all your savings and pension funds, to go bust to absorb all the toxic debt. No wonder they lost the elections.
Seems to me Obama has done a pretty fine job with the economy. That extreme trough through 2008 is the Republicans last year in office...fiddling while Rome burnt. The stock market started to rise the day Obama became President in January 2009. The chart tells all.

"Seems to me Obama has done a pretty fine job with the economy."

If you had nearly doubled the national debt during just the last 7+ years and had that money to spend you'd be looking pretty good too. The problem is that some day someone else will have to reckon with it. Drunken sailor comes to mind.

"On January 20, 2009, when he (Obama) was sworn in, the debt was $10.626 trillion. Today it's slightly more than $18 trillion. Link

Don't forget we still have another 1.5 years of that loser. Who knows what the mess will be?

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If you had nearly doubled the national debt during just the last 7+ years and had that money to spend you'd be looking pretty good too. The problem is that some day someone else will have to reckon with it. Drunken sailor comes to mind.

It is called paying the bills that were run up by the previous administration.

What is the deficit now compared to 7 years ago because it is that which matters. The deficit, not the debt.

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