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Att: Americans on Social Security.

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Manila emailed me a 7162 form which I completed and emailed back to them and they emailed it to SS in USA and benefits started in 3 days.

To help educate forum members do you mind providing more details about your experience? Such as was your pay already suspended and that's when Manila helped you? If you don't mind I may have other process questions depending on your reply. Thanks.

My pay was already suspended, I let it go for a month because I don't go to the bank every month to pick up the money. It was a couple of years ago.

PS do you know if the bar codes on the back side of 7162 form change every year?

Was 3 days when you received the back pay in your bank account? 3 days seems bureaucratically fast for a US government agency to pay someone. Good to know SS helped out when needed.

I don't have an answer about the barcode but I will add it to my list of questions I plan to ask SSA next month. I'll PM you when I learn more. Thanks for your time.

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Manila emailed me a 7162 form which I completed and emailed back to them and they emailed it to SS in USA and benefits started in 3 days.

To help educate forum members do you mind providing more details about your experience? Such as was your pay already suspended and that's when Manila helped you? If you don't mind I may have other process questions depending on your reply. Thanks.

My pay was already suspended, I let it go for a month because I don't go to the bank every month to pick up the money. It was a couple of years ago.

PS do you know if the bar codes on the back side of 7162 form change every year?

Was 3 days when you received the back pay in your bank account? 3 days seems bureaucratically fast for a US government agency to pay someone. Good to know SS helped out when needed.

I don't have an answer about the barcode but I will add it to my list of questions I plan to ask SSA next month. I'll PM you when I learn more. Thanks for your time.

What strikes me as odd is that Manila can do a 7162 report online but I can't. Or that I can if I go through Manila but not the USA.

Yes after I emailed Manila the money showed up very quickly. I'm still wondering if a person can download and mail in that form if where they live is not serviced by dependable mail. The Thais think mail from SS has money in I think and a lot goes missing.


Was 3 days when you received the back pay in your bank account? 3 days seems bureaucratically fast for a US government agency to pay someone. Good to know SS helped out when needed.

I don't have an answer about the barcode but I will add it to my list of questions I plan to ask SSA next month. I'll PM you when I learn more. Thanks for your time.

What strikes me as odd is that Manila can do a 7162 report online but I can't. Or that I can if I go through Manila but not the USA.

Yes after I emailed Manila the money showed up very quickly. I'm still wondering if a person can download and mail in that form if where they live is not serviced by dependable mail. The Thais think mail from SS has money in I think and a lot goes missing.

Yes, you may download and mail a 7162 to Wilkes-Barre. UbonJoe attached a blank 7162 in reply #47. A Google search also gives an SSA link to the current 2011 version of the 7162, but the 7162 is not available directly on the SSA forms page, go figure.


With something this important, I decided not to trust regular mail and returned my form via EMS. For 600 baht I have the peace of mind knowing that even if SSA don't receive it, I have proof that I sent it out in time. A friend of mine forgot to return his one year and was without benefits for several months. Once he made contact again, he eventually received all back payments as a lump sum, but he really did have to jump though some hoops to get everything reorganized. I don't want to have to go through all that!

Just as a matter of interest, I applied for my SS when I was living in Japan, and have the money sent via direct deposit to a bank in the US. I filed a change of residence with Manilla SSA when we moved to Thailand. So far, I've never missed or even had a delayed payment. I receive my Verification of Residence letter in the first batch that goes out, and try to return it within a few days.


Was 3 days when you received the back pay in your bank account? 3 days seems bureaucratically fast for a US government agency to pay someone. Good to know SS helped out when needed.

I don't have an answer about the barcode but I will add it to my list of questions I plan to ask SSA next month. I'll PM you when I learn more. Thanks for your time.

What strikes me as odd is that Manila can do a 7162 report online but I can't. Or that I can if I go through Manila but not the USA.

Yes after I emailed Manila the money showed up very quickly. I'm still wondering if a person can download and mail in that form if where they live is not serviced by dependable mail. The Thais think mail from SS has money in I think and a lot goes missing.

Yes, you may download and mail a 7162 to Wilkes-Barre. UbonJoe attached a blank 7162 in reply #47. A Google search also gives an SSA link to the current 2011 version of the 7162, but the 7162 is not available directly on the SSA forms page, go figure.

Ubon Joe did not mail in the form he posted he mailed in the one they sent him.

What is your source for saying, "you may download and mail a 7162 to Wilkes Barre?" I see nothing anywhere that says anything except to mail back the 7162 they mail you and it's not the same as the one you can download because the one sent from SS has a bar code with your name and SS number.


Now I'm not drawing SS yet but have my online account. Up until a few months ago I could access the public SSA webite and logon to my account with my Thailand IP address....now I can only access the public site but not the login page when on my Thailand IP address. Ditto for the military MyAccess (www.dmdc.osd.mil) website where you an logon and access a variety of DOD websites/accounts with just one User ID/Password. I'm on a True plan in Bangkok.

What is an online account? Can you find out if SS has received your 7162 form or anything about the amount of money sent to your account? What is the purpose of the on line account?


Info about what you can do online is here. http://www.ssa.gov/onlineservices

I don't think you can check the status of the 7162 you sent.

When I have sent the 2nd notice I sent it by EMS so that I can get a signature proof of delivery. That way if my payments were cut I would have more ammo to it fight with.

I can get to the point of creating an account but you have to use a US address to do it. Not sure what effect that would have on my account since they only have my address here.


Now I'm not drawing SS yet but have my online account. Up until a few months ago I could access the public SSA webite and logon to my account with my Thailand IP address....now I can only access the public site but not the login page when on my Thailand IP address. Ditto for the military MyAccess (www.dmdc.osd.mil) website where you an logon and access a variety of DOD websites/accounts with just one User ID/Password. I'm on a True plan in Bangkok.

What is an online account? Can you find out if SS has received your 7162 form or anything about the amount of money sent to your account? What is the purpose of the on line account?

Just go to the main www.ssa.gov webpage and in the lower left hand corner their is a large icon that says "My Social Security, Login, Create An Account." When you click that icon it will take you to the webpage www.ssa.gov/myaccount/ where you can create an account, logon to the account, etc. If you already have an account when you click the Sign On button it takes you to this secure (https) SSA webpage of: https://secure.ssa.gov/RIL/SiView.do I can only reach that page or the other two icons/webages named create an account and enter activation code if on a VPN connection. I tried it just before writing up this post....that is, I can reach the public SSA webpage with my Thailand IP address but trying to reach the login page and other secure pages I must be on VPN.

Now on the page where it says "Enter Activation Code" to finalize setting up the account, that must be something new because I did not receive any activation code for SSA...I set my account up all online...took about 5 minutes....same for the wife only a few months ago...all of it done on line setting in front of my home computer screen.

Below is a partial snapshot and qoute of a SSA page talking about what you can do with a Social Security online account.

Get your free personal online my Social Security account today!

You probably plan to receive Social Security benefits someday. Maybe you already do. Either way, you’ll want a my Social Security account to:

Setting up an account is quick, secure, and easy. Join the millions and create an account now!

  • Keep track of your earnings and verify them every year;
  • Get an estimate of your future benefits if you are still working;
  • Get a letter with proof of your benefits if you currently receive them; and
  • Manage your benefits:
    • Change your address;
    • Start or change your direct deposit;
    • Get a replacement Medicare card; and
    • Get a replacement SSA-1099 or SSA-1042S for tax season.



After research some more I see whether the Activation Code would come into play...that only applies "if you received assistance from the SSA" to setup the account...like maybe you went to their office or called them...see below snapshot. I didn't need assistance; did it all online.


And just a note about "creating an online account" just in case you have problems in opening an account as the wife had an "address issue" that caused problems. The SSA verifies your identity by using a Q&A verification process by bucking it against the information in the Experian credit reporting/identity verification system. One of the key things compared during the process is does the address you enter while creating the account match the "last address" on your Experian report. If it don't and after three tries in trying to enter the application info (info the system verifies against Experian data) it will lock you out from further online application tries...it links the lockout to your social security number....you then need to call the SSA to work the issue..

I bring this up because we had a problem creating the wife's account, was locked out after three tries in trying to create an online account (the wife is not drawing social security yet either), and then had to call the SSA for assistance in getting it unlocked so she could try again...and also ask the reason the verification process is failing. First call to a SSA customer rep was a failure as she was not very helpful....she said it could very well be due to an address mismatch as the address that social security has on file comes from your last federal tax return/the IRS; however, the online account opening process uses address data from public records (I later figured out she mean credit reporting agency data like Experian, Equifax, TransUnion). We told the rep the wife and I had lived at the same address for the last six years and had filed jointed returns for decades and also how my online social security online account setup had no problem using my address we had lived at for the last six years. When the dust settled the rep unlocked the activation hold, we tired again over the coming days, and it locked her out again.

Waited a few months and called SSA again...got a different rep that was super, super helpful. She unlocked the activation hold, we talked about the address thing the other rep had mentioned, tried the current address again (remember been living at it for 6 years and had filed 6 federal joint returns with that address) and once again it failed. The rep unlocked the system again while we are on the phone with her and said try one of your previous addresses...so we tried the address we last lived at in 2008...success...it worked...we got through the activation process. This helpful rep just seemed to feel it was an address mismatch issue causing the problem. I expect quite a few people have this problem especially if they move frequently. Note: The address you use for this verification/setup is "not" used for your account address/actual mailings; it's only used for the verification process which is being bucked against Experian data.

The next day we did a free annual pull of my credit report from Experian and the last known address shown was my current address and the address I had used to create my SS online account. We then did a Experian report pull on the wife but for her last known address it showed the address from 6 years ago...way out of date...and she had renewed her drivers license, got a couple of credit cards, file joint federal tax returns with our new current address ever since she left the old address. Just old address info in the Experian credit report...and Experian is what the SSA uses during the online account setup verification process. See below cut and paste from the SSA webpage regarding the account setup and how it talks use of data on you in the Experian database. Once again, just FYI in case you have problems setting up your online account and get locked out...the problem could be an address mismatch. And you don't need to wait until you are of social security age to open your account.

1. We verify your identity

We carefully verify that you are who you say you are. This is why we ask you to provide several different types of information and to answer questions that only you should be able to answer. If you are uncomfortable with the online process, you can always visit a local Social Security office to verify your identity in person.

We may use an identity verification service provided by Experian to help verify your identity and protect your privacy when you register to do business with us online. When we make a verification request to establish your account, Experian may use information from your credit report to help verify your identity. As a result, you may see an entry called a "soft inquiry" on your Experian credit report. This will show an inquiry by the Social Security Administration with our address and the date of the request. Soft inquiries do not affect your credit score, and you do not incur any charges related to them. Soft inquiries are displayed in the version of the credit profile viewable only to consumers and are not reported to lenders. The soft inquiry will not appear on your credit report from Equifax or TransUnion, and will generally be removed from your Experian credit report after 25 months. Once you have registered for an online account, you will not generate additional soft inquiries by logging in to access our services.


I asked SS online question if one could mail in a downloaded 7162 and they said they didn't know. sad.png

I also asked another question on line which I have not heard back yet, "my dog ate your envelope (7162) can I use my own?"



I've never once received one in over a decade.

Do you receive ss direct deposit in Thailand?


USA deposit plus I do pay annual federal taxes. Maybe that gives the social security administration the proof needed that I'm still alive.



I've never once received one in over a decade.

Do you receive ss direct deposit in Thailand?


USA deposit plus I do pay annual federal taxes. Maybe that gives the social security administration the proof needed that I'm still alive.

In Thailand every year. I've never met anyone in the USA who ever got one.


Was 3 days when you received the back pay in your bank account? 3 days seems bureaucratically fast for a US government agency to pay someone. Good to know SS helped out when needed.

I don't have an answer about the barcode but I will add it to my list of questions I plan to ask SSA next month. I'll PM you when I learn more. Thanks for your time.

What strikes me as odd is that Manila can do a 7162 report online but I can't. Or that I can if I go through Manila but not the USA.

Yes after I emailed Manila the money showed up very quickly. I'm still wondering if a person can download and mail in that form if where they live is not serviced by dependable mail. The Thais think mail from SS has money in I think and a lot goes missing.

Yes, you may download and mail a 7162 to Wilkes-Barre. UbonJoe attached a blank 7162 in reply #47. A Google search also gives an SSA link to the current 2011 version of the 7162, but the 7162 is not available directly on the SSA forms page, go figure.

Ubon Joe did not mail in the form he posted he mailed in the one they sent him.

What is your source for saying, "you may download and mail a 7162 to Wilkes Barre?" I see nothing anywhere that says anything except to mail back the 7162 they mail you and it's not the same as the one you can download because the one sent from SS has a bar code with your name and SS number.

I didn't write that ubonjoe mailed in the PDF version Manila sent him, but he could have and likely was preparing to do so before he received the second notice barcoded 7162 in the mail. I don't speak for Joe so you can ask him directly.

Based on personal experience Wilkes-Barre accepts a 7162 that was downloaded and correctly completed. Knowingly allowing one's monthly SS annuity to be suspended just because they didn't receive a barcoded 7162 doesn't seem prudent, especially when that individual knows a blank 7162 is available - the same PDF version Manila sent to ubonjoe.

In Reply #54 you wrote that Manila emailed you a 7162 after your benefits were suspended. I doubt Manila gave you a barcoded form.


Re Pib's post after three unsuccessful tries to create an online account it locks you out for 24 hours.

That may be true if you already have an account or the "first time" you try to activate an account.

It was about a year ago when trying to activate the wife's account that it got locked. Well, I really shouldn't say it like she had the account as she didn't...she was just trying to establish/open/activate an account. It got locked due to unsuccessful verification as described earlier (i.e., the address thing)....and here's what I can't remember for sure is if it unlocked itself after one day and then we tried again. If it did, she (we) tried to activate the account again and once again it got lock....and this time it stay locked...one day after...weeks after....months after...said she would need to contact SSA....then we started calling SSA to resolve the issue as described earlier.

I can understand why the SSA would lockout a person trying to activate an account after X-amount of failed attempts because otherwise anyone who knew your social security number and your basic info could then try to open the account to see your earnings data and other data for whatever purposes they had in mind (probably bad purposes). Without it being locked after so many verification attempts heck a bad guy would just have to wait one day to try again....if it always unlocked itself after 24 hours then the bad guy trying to activate an account could just continue to try daily until he stumbled upon the right verification data.

Once again I'm talking about trying to activate the account. I can speak to if you already have an account and how strict in may be in locking you out if enter the wrong User ID/Password X-times...fortunately my fingers have not been that fat so far.


What strikes me as odd is that Manila can do a 7162 report online but I can't. Or that I can if I go through Manila but not the USA.

Yes after I emailed Manila the money showed up very quickly. I'm still wondering if a person can download and mail in that form if where they live is not serviced by dependable mail. The Thais think mail from SS has money in I think and a lot goes missing.

Yes, you may download and mail a 7162 to Wilkes-Barre. UbonJoe attached a blank 7162 in reply #47. A Google search also gives an SSA link to the current 2011 version of the 7162, but the 7162 is not available directly on the SSA forms page, go figure.

Ubon Joe did not mail in the form he posted he mailed in the one they sent him.

What is your source for saying, "you may download and mail a 7162 to Wilkes Barre?" I see nothing anywhere that says anything except to mail back the 7162 they mail you and it's not the same as the one you can download because the one sent from SS has a bar code with your name and SS number.

I didn't write that ubonjoe mailed in the PDF version Manila sent him, but he could have and likely was preparing to do so before he received the second notice barcoded 7162 in the mail. I don't speak for Joe so you can ask him directly.

Based on personal experience Wilkes-Barre accepts a 7162 that was downloaded and correctly completed. Knowingly allowing one's monthly SS annuity to be suspended just because they didn't receive a barcoded 7162 doesn't seem prudent, especially when that individual knows a blank 7162 is available - the same PDF version Manila sent to ubonjoe.

In Reply #54 you wrote that Manila emailed you a 7162 after your benefits were suspended. I doubt Manila gave you a barcoded form.

Manila emailed me a non bar coded 7162 (tiff format) and I emailed that back to them. I don't think they they mailed anything to the USA because it was too quick. I assume they updated my information on a computer database because it only took 3 days.

You wrote, "Based on personal experience Wilkes-Barre accepts a 7162 that was downloaded and correctly completed." Is that your or another persons experience from Thailand and when did it happen?


Re Pib's post after three unsuccessful tries to create an online account it locks you out for 24 hours.

That may be true if you already have an account or the "first time" you try to activate an account.

I tried to open an account last night and they could not match my address three times and stated I was closed out for 24 hours. I'm not going to try again as I'm afraid if I list the address I think they have it's a sold house and it might change my address from Thailand to the USA. So I'm going to let sleeping dogs lay.

I changed my address once in Thailand through Manila.


Nothing wrong in letting sleeping dogs lie. But I'm pretty sure the address you enter for establishment/activation of an online account is only used for "verification purposes against the Experian database" and does not change your address on file with the SSA. That's what the social security rep told me to the best of my memory. Once a person gets past the initial entries then to finalize the activation a couple of public data information questions from the Experian database is used to verify who you really are...like asking you what the loan amount was on the mortgage you took out, the company you got your last credit card from in Nov 14, etc. I think it was three questions (maybe 4) you had to answer correctly and then the activation was complete. And when I look at the data in my online account, like my past earning data, etc., nowhere does it list my address or allow me to update an address. Maybe that's because I'm not drawing social security yet and more selection on the online account will activate once I start drawing the pension. Cheers.


I did not use a VPN or any IP spoofing software to sign up for the My Social Security account. However I did talk to a SS Rep using Skype on the US Information line, and they told me to make sure to log on during United States Eastern time zone during the specified times the site is open and to make sure I try to log on first thing at the start of the business day. One hour into the business day, the servers are so busy you may never get logged in. I followed their instructions and got in on the second try. Nothing special, just timing luck. And I was using Microsoft Internet Explorer 11 and Windows 8.1 -- not that it should make a difference. The software on Social Security's site only wanted the correct spelling of my name, my address shown on my tax returns (I've been filing from my Thailand Address since 2003), and my mother's correct maiden name the get through. Done, and done.

Once again for those who refuse to listen and waste their time with VPN's and other excuses for why they can't use the site from Thailand:

attachicon.gifSocial security.png

And assuming you can reach the site via Thailand IP address or via VPN don't be surprised that when their online service to your account is suppose to be available that's it's still off line for whatever reason. Example, it's 7:45pm/Sat Thailand time which is 8:45am/Sat U.S. Eastern time...the SSA online services are suppose to be open from 5am to 11pm ET, but they are not available.

I've tried to Sign In into my established account for the last hour or so via VPN...to include just a few minutes ago, but when trying to sign on your get below response saying the service is not available right now. And if you click the Create Account icon you end up at the same webpage saying the service is down. Guess they are having problems during their normal operating times also.



PIb if it makes you feel any better it is 10:21 AM here in the US (EDT) and I get the same error message you posted above and since I am in the US and have a Social Security online account it certainly is not a VPn issue but is a web site issue right now

Service Not Available
We're sorry, but the service you requested isn't available right now. We apologize for the inconvenience.

While we're on the subject of US Social Security Administration, has anyone had problems connecting to the SSA website? I have tried both ssa.gov and www.ssa.gov on both Chrome and IE 11 and always get "This webpage is not available." Am I doing something wrong? I;ve had this problem for several years now. But a few years back, I used to connect any time i wanted to.

Just used ssa.gov and got connectec with firefox, IE and chrome


I asked SS online question if one could mail in a downloaded 7162 and they said they didn't know. sad.png

I also asked another question on line which I have not heard back yet, "my dog ate your envelope (7162) can I use my own?"

I live in Thailand but have a US mail forwarding service in Florida and that is the address I use for government agencies, banking, credit cards, etc. I get my mail forwarded about once a month unless I know there is something important.

I have been receiving SS retirement for 3+ years (my SS is direct deposited into my US bank), and never heard of this form until yesterday when someone mentioned it over lunch.

It may well be that this form only goes to those with foreign addresses; I have written to my mail forwarder and asked that they check my inbox for anything from the SSA and if something is there, I will order up a mailing.

In the meantime, I did some online research and came up with this helpful info from a blog in the Philippines:

2015 USA Social Secerity Living in the Philippines

Below are tips on living in the Philippines and collecting US Social Security payments. It is not really that different from doing it in the States, with one exception, the Dead or Alive Form.

As you may have guessed, it is not really called the “dead or alive form”, but that is what it is. If they receive the form (“Alive!”), then SSA continues your benefits! If they do not receive it (“Dead”) and you will be upset some February 3rd (like I am now!). These tips will help keep your money flowing to you and will help you speed up thing if your benefits do get suspended.

The SSA Game Plan

If all goes well, SSA sends you this form in May each year. If they do not receive an answer (they say in 60 days) then they send you another one in October. Likewise, if they do not receive the first or second form, they say they send you another in December. If you do not get any of these back to them post haste, you will notice your check or direct deposit missing February 3rd. Sadly, this happens a lot! You do get the money eventually, usually about 5-10 days for direct deposit and 3-6 weeks for a check – AFTER they receive your completed form.

If your SSA Benefits Stop…

Stopped Benefits in the Philippines are usually cause by SSA not receiving your dead or alive form! Notice that everything depends on SSA RECEIVING your completed form.

Many people fire off an email to find out why their checks have stopped. Do it if you want. Email SSA Manila at [email protected] They will likely email you back in a few days, and say your benefits were stopped because you did not complete and return Form SSA-7162.

Download the SSA-7162 Form

If you didn’t receive any of the three forms (which is most often the case), you can download a blank form. Use a Newer Version if possible.

Fill Up the Form

It is pretty straight forward except for one crucial thing…

Look at the top right of the form and fine the box that says…

2. Telephone number at which you may be contacted during the day.

Right below that box is an empty box, Be SURE to put your Social Security Number in that empty box. If you do not put your SSN in that box, or if you do not write it clearly so anyone can read it, your form will end up in the trash and WILL NOT BE RECEIVED.

There is NO instruction anywhere that tells you the last sentence above!

Mail the Form SSA-7162

U. S. Postal Service

Social Security Administration

P.O. Box 7162

Wilkes-Barre, PA 18767-7162


Courier the Form SSA-7162

Private Delivery Service (FedEx (Air-21), UPS, LBC, etc.)

Social Security Administration

Data Operations Center

Attn: SSA-7162 Process

1150 E. Mountain Drive

Wilkes-Barre, PA 18767-7162


FAX Form SSA-7162

You can FAX the form to the international desk using the following fax numbers:

If the last 2 digits of your social security number is 00 to 16: 410-965-5882

If the last 2 digits of your social security number is 17 to 32: 410-966-6782

If the last 2 digits of your social security number is 33 to 49: 410-965-8054

If the last 2 digits of your social security number is 50 to 66: 410-965-9409

If the last 2 digits of your social security number is 57 to 82: 410-966-5552

If the last 2 digits of your social security number is 83 to 99: 410-966-1042

Preventing Loss of Your SSA Benefits

Maybe you celebrate the American Thanks Giving, or All Saints Day, or Halloween, or your birthday is in November, that is the day to take action!

Download the form, fill it up, take it to the post office, and mail it. I have had pretty good luck by mailing it AT THE POST OFFICE!

Do not use mail centers, or drop boxes, or the box at the corner sari-sari store.

If your post office has a slot for “USA Only” all the better! Your letter will likely drop into a mail bag and put on a plane for the USA without being sorted!

One Last Advice

Always fill up and return any form you receive from Social Security as soon as possible.


Maybe this information can be of assistance to those living here who use a Thai mailing address and have yet to receive the form.


@Waywardwind, Yes, it sounds like the SSA thinks your FL mail service is your address so why you never got the form. They think you live in FL. I used such a service to create my online account when I was in Thailand. That address matched credit cards so no problem.

Regardless, you are supose to tell the SSA if you are living overseas.


@Waywardwind, Yes, it sounds like the SSA thinks your FL mail service is your address so why you never got the form. They think you live in FL. I used such a service to create my online account when I was in Thailand. That address matched credit cards so no problem.

Regardless, you are supose to tell the SSA if you are living overseas.

They know I live overseas.

I have had a chain of phone calls/correspondence with them that started when I hit 65 and they started deducting Medicare Part B premiums from my monthly benefit. I called them got the opt-out form online, and sent it to the address that they gave me in Baltimore. They continued to take the deduction for two more months, so I contacted them again and learned that the Baltimore address was incorrect, so I had to re-file to an office in Jamaica, NY, which worked and the deductions stopped.

Now I am arguing with them for a refund of the moneys deducted because the Baltimore office didn't forward the form to the proper office when I first filed it.


This connection problem to the SSA website and some other U.S. govt webpages, especially the SSA account logon webpage, is nothing new. Searching ThiaVisa you come across quite a few threads/posts discussing the problem over the years like this 2011 one which I was involved in and found resolution to my problem before I had a VPN service. And disregarding when the SSA account logon servers are just closed or down regardless of date/time, the problem seems to lie on the Thai Internet Service Provider (ISP) end....that is, True, 3BB, TOT, CAT, etc. Just something that the U.S. govt servers, like the SSA servers, don't agree with regarding the Thai ISP servers....maybe an old authentication certificate/some server settings/etc.

But what always works, at least for me and as far as I can see in other people's posts, using a VPN to get a U.S. IP address always works. You can experiment with different DNS servers like Google Public DNS, OpenDNS, etc. (I have) but it probably will not help--it never has for me and I usually always use the Google DNS severs of and anyway. Just yesterday I switched back to the True default DNS servers and tried OpenDSN servers--didn't help.

However, but, I did find something that did help without using VPN and that was using a True proxy server. I know in an earlier post in this thread I mentioned I had already tried that with negative results, but I'm thinking now "I thought" I had switched on the proxy server settings in my computer but probably didn't...thought I had but hadn't. I say this because yesterday and just a few minutes ago I turned on the proxy settings and successfully connected to the SSA account logon; however, it did not help me to connect to the DOD MyAccess website where you can connect with a variety of DOD sites with one common User ID/password. And as always, the using VPN with a U.S. IP address allowed me to connect to both sites without any problems.

Now I'm on a True DOCSIS (cable) 15Mb plan here in Bangkok. You may want to give one of the True proxies a try and as far as I know you must be a True ISP customer (DOCSIS or DSL) to use their proxies...the proxies can sense whether you are a True customer or not...unless you are a True customer will won't get any internet connection. So, if you are a True internet customer, here are the True proxies info:

proxy.trueinternet.co.th Port 8080

proxy.asianet.co.th Port 8080

The LAN/proxy setting you enter into the Windows network setup for your computer. And browsers like Chrome and Firefox have add-in/extensions you can install to streamline the process of selecting a certain proxy, turning it off and on, etc. It's easy to do. Like for IE11, click the gear icon in the upper right hand corner of your browser screen, then select Internet Options, Connections, LAN Settings, then check the "Use a proxy server...." box, enter one of above addresses and the port setting. Below is snapshot for IE11 of that entry page (and notice I have reached the SSA account logon page in the background with the proxy server turned on).


If using Chrome, click the menu pull down in the upper right hand corner of your browser screen, then select Settings, Show Advanced Options, Network Change Proxy Settings, LAN Settings, then check the "Use a proxy server...." box, enter one of above above addresses and port setting. I won't post an image because the image looks the same as above for IE11 because all you really have done is to navigate to Windows Network setting by using your browser. You could reached the same Windows setting by going to the Windows Control Panal and Network and Internet settings.

Once you enter one of the proxy settings you can activate or deactivate it by just checking or unchecking the "Use a proxy server...." box. The proxy name and port number info will remain remain and then you can just switch it off and on as needed/desire. Years back I use to use the True proxy servers 24/7 because I got faster internet surfing and smoother video streaming, but that advantage seemed to go away and now I just leave it switched off and use the default servers True automatically connects you to.

So, if you are a True customer and having problem connecting to the SSA page, give above True proxy setup a try...it just may solve your problem...it did for me. But I'm so in the habit of just turning on my StrongVPN service to get a U.S. IP address that is what I use when I can't connect to a U.S. govt website...has always worked for every website so far. TunnerlBear is a another VPN service which has one "free" plan where you get 500MB free usage per month...but it uses OpenVPN which means it must download/install a small OpenVPN client program to your computer to operate....TunnelBear serves as my backup VPN service in case my paid unlimited usage StongVPN service goes down which it never has. VPN just eliminates a lot of website connection issues.


When I first applied for SSA benefits 2 years ago, I did the initial set-up on a Blackberry after having many of the problems mentioned above. After that, it was easily accessible by PC. All done through Baltimore -- I have never been in contact telephone or e-mail with Manila.

... And all correspondence now including the recent 60-day or else report is sent to my PO box here in Thailand.


@Waywardwind, Yes, it sounds like the SSA thinks your FL mail service is your address so why you never got the form. They think you live in FL. I used such a service to create my online account when I was in Thailand. That address matched credit cards so no problem.

Regardless, you are supose to tell the SSA if you are living overseas.

They know I live overseas.

I have had a chain of phone calls/correspondence with them that started when I hit 65 and they started deducting Medicare Part B premiums from my monthly benefit. I called them got the opt-out form online, and sent it to the address that they gave me in Baltimore. They continued to take the deduction for two more months, so I contacted them again and learned that the Baltimore address was incorrect, so I had to re-file to an office in Jamaica, NY, which worked and the deductions stopped.

Now I am arguing with them for a refund of the moneys deducted because the Baltimore office didn't forward the form to the proper office when I first filed it.

Thanks. I am not sure why you wouldn't get the form then. Who knows.

Anyway, good luck with the refund.


@Waywardwind, Yes, it sounds like the SSA thinks your FL mail service is your address so why you never got the form. They think you live in FL. I used such a service to create my online account when I was in Thailand. That address matched credit cards so no problem.

Regardless, you are supose to tell the SSA if you are living overseas.

They know I live overseas.

I have had a chain of phone calls/correspondence with them that started when I hit 65 and they started deducting Medicare Part B premiums from my monthly benefit. I called them got the opt-out form online, and sent it to the address that they gave me in Baltimore. They continued to take the deduction for two more months, so I contacted them again and learned that the Baltimore address was incorrect, so I had to re-file to an office in Jamaica, NY, which worked and the deductions stopped.

Now I am arguing with them for a refund of the moneys deducted because the Baltimore office didn't forward the form to the proper office when I first filed it.

They must not of known you were living overseas or they would of not started taking money for medicare when you turned 65.

Last year they sent me info about medicare with a form to send in if I wanted part B. Which of course I did not send. Not a dime taken from me since I turned 65 in February.

To change your address to here you fill out a Form SSA-21 and submit it to the embassy. Info here: http://bangkok.usembassy.gov/service/federal-benefits-and-taxes.html


@Waywardwind, Yes, it sounds like the SSA thinks your FL mail service is your address so why you never got the form. They think you live in FL. I used such a service to create my online account when I was in Thailand. That address matched credit cards so no problem.

Regardless, you are supose to tell the SSA if you are living overseas.

They know I live overseas.

I have had a chain of phone calls/correspondence with them that started when I hit 65 and they started deducting Medicare Part B premiums from my monthly benefit. I called them got the opt-out form online, and sent it to the address that they gave me in Baltimore. They continued to take the deduction for two more months, so I contacted them again and learned that the Baltimore address was incorrect, so I had to re-file to an office in Jamaica, NY, which worked and the deductions stopped.

Now I am arguing with them for a refund of the moneys deducted because the Baltimore office didn't forward the form to the proper office when I first filed it.

They must not of known you were living overseas or they would of not started taking money for medicare when you turned 65.

Last year they sent me info about medicare with a form to send in if I wanted part B. Which of course I did not send. Not a dime taken from me since I turned 65 in February.

To change your address to here you fill out a Form SSA-21 and submit it to the embassy. Info here: http://bangkok.usembassy.gov/service/federal-benefits-and-taxes.html

Now that is interesting. I was living in Europe when I originally applied online, just days before we moved to Thailand. I received an email from the Social Security office in Rome a few days after we arrived in Thailand advising me to contact them by phone. I did so, and gave them all the relevant info that they asked for, including address and phone number in Thailand. He had asked where I wanted correspondence sent, and I have them the address in Florida, as we are often out and about traveling and it is the one sure way to be certain that my mail gets through wherever I am.

Social Security is a megalith in the US, and it may well be that notifying one section does not mean that the other parts, i.e., the office handling Medicare, gets the memo. It seems that having the US mailing address for correspondence is at the root of the confusion, but I am not about to change that as the potential for missing important mail while I am traveling would be too great. I'll live with having to contact them every so often and tell them I am still breathing.

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