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Probe on Thai Cabinet's ethics urged


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Probe on Cabinet's ethics urged
The Nation

BANGKOK: -- A people's network filed a complaint to the Ombudsman, urging it to probe the Cabinet's ethics following their approvals to petroleum/digital economy bills and mining concession extension.

They said that by proposing the draft amendment to the petroleum law, Deputy Prime Minister MR Pridiyathorn Devakula and Energy Minister Narongchai Akrasanee concealed some information from the public. They also said that the private sector would gain more than the state from the amendment.

They also claimed that ICT Minister Pornchai Rujiprapa also hid key information on the draft digital economy law. Conflict of interest is apparent as Pridiyathorn, as part of the Cabinet, would chair the to-be-established digital economy fund which is empowered to approve projects without parliamentary approval.

The complaint also targets Industry Minister Chakramon Phasukavanich for the approval of mining concessions without taking into consideration associated health and environmental risks.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/breakingnews/Probe-on-Cabinets-ethics-urged-30262668.html

-- The Nation 2015-06-19

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Good to see "the people" finally starting to stand up on their own two feet here now when there's something they don't like happening ... the next step will be them realizing/accepting that pretty much everyone above them is screwing them over one way or another ...

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"....which is empowered to approve projects without parliamentary approval"

Why are people surprised at what anti-democrats do...that is the nature of the beast.

The proliferation of so-called Independent Agencies is the most blatant example. These people see no problem with removing them from the control of Parliament, and by extension from the electorate......It is their way of removing as much governance as they can from the irksome control of the voting public.....Today I saw one of them expounding on Social Media, about the need to have voters qualified by assets, education or anything else they can think of, to diminish electoral inclusiveness. They want to insure governance remains in the hands of the Bangkok-centric elite, Democracy be damned.........His comment stated that the poor had no knowledge about their own interests....Arrogant or what!

Their biggest concern is how to hold minimalist elections as a show, without anyone noticing, especially Internationally. Trying to stage phony elections that appear to be otherwise. It will be interesting to see how they do that...Their disdain for those not of their station is such, that they honestly feel they can pull it off.

If all else fails, they fall back on this nonsense of Thailand being different, and requiring custom-made Democratic practices.

Edited by Bannum opinions
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They would be better off having the NACC have a look at who's on the board of these institutions and projects and see if there is a conflict of interest.

Not sure either why they choose the Ombudsman. Mind you, busy as the NACC is (insert appropriate smiley) they might be more likely to ask for additional information more than the "they said" and 'they claimed". Still if the Ombudsman digs into the issues raised and find sufficient evidence he can still inform the NACC and demand from the PM further action.

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If the main man will not be transparent about the assets of his own family it can't be expected that any of his cronies will be whiter than white. Anyway, they're very busy cleaning up corruption and trying to prosecute the only 2 prostitutes in Thailand.

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If the main man will not be transparent about the assets of his own family it can't be expected that any of his cronies will be whiter than white. Anyway, they're very busy cleaning up corruption and trying to prosecute the only 2 prostitutes in Thailand.

Which main man? Do you refer to the PM who did deposit an asset declaration just like his younger brother did. In the end the main complain was a arithmetic error in Gen. Preecha's asset declaration. That error was clear to see in the pages provided.


Of course, having found nothing annoys opponents.

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If the main man will not be transparent about the assets of his own family it can't be expected that any of his cronies will be whiter than white. Anyway, they're very busy cleaning up corruption and trying to prosecute the only 2 prostitutes in Thailand.

It is not as though he "forgot" so many billions of baht that were in the names of his maid, drivers, security guards as one former PM did and gotg away with it as an "honest mistake" is it?

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I am sure Ombudsman General Wittawat Ratchatanan, former Deputy Permanent Secretary for Defense, former Director-General of the Defense Information and Space Technology Department, and former Director of the Office of Policy and Planning for Defense will give the request careful consideration for any ethics violations by the coup-appointed cabinet led by the coup leader General Prayut. Wittawat's appointment was approved by the coup-appointed NLA.

Given the clear conflict of interest between the NCPO, PM, cabinet, NLA, NRC and CDC one would think the NAAC would be the first to conduct such an investigation. But though it has investigated and charge numerous PTP government officials for conflicts of interests, it seems silent regarding the Prayut government. Probably it's something about "You don't bite the hand that feeds you."

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If the main man will not be transparent about the assets of his own family it can't be expected that any of his cronies will be whiter than white. Anyway, they're very busy cleaning up corruption and trying to prosecute the only 2 prostitutes in Thailand.

Which main man? Do you refer to the PM who did deposit an asset declaration just like his younger brother did. In the end the main complain was a arithmetic error in Gen. Preecha's asset declaration. That error was clear to see in the pages provided.


Of course, having found nothing annoys opponents.

super transparent, only a super troll could think otherwise, right Rubl?


oh yeah, and here is even more transparency...


Edited by tbthailand
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I am sure Ombudsman General Wittawat Ratchatanan, former Deputy Permanent Secretary for Defense, former Director-General of the Defense Information and Space Technology Department, and former Director of the Office of Policy and Planning for Defense will give the request careful consideration for any ethics violations by the coup-appointed cabinet led by the coup leader General Prayut. Wittawat's appointment was approved by the coup-appointed NLA.

Given the clear conflict of interest between the NCPO, PM, cabinet, NLA, NRC and CDC one would think the NAAC would be the first to conduct such an investigation. But though it has investigated and charge numerous PTP government officials for conflicts of interests, it seems silent regarding the Prayut government. Probably it's something about "You don't bite the hand that feeds you."

Which PTP government officials have been charged with conflict of interest? Fraud, theft, abuse of office, negligence - sure.

But AFAIK Nattiwut, for prime example, is yet to be charged for his trucking company carting the G2G rice. If they actually go for conflict of interest, the whole party will end up in the slammer. Not that that would be a bad idea.

BTW you do realise appointed cabinets are normal here, even with an elected government?

Edited by halloween
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If the main man will not be transparent about the assets of his own family it can't be expected that any of his cronies will be whiter than white. Anyway, they're very busy cleaning up corruption and trying to prosecute the only 2 prostitutes in Thailand.

Which main man? Do you refer to the PM who did deposit an asset declaration just like his younger brother did. In the end the main complain was a arithmetic error in Gen. Preecha's asset declaration. That error was clear to see in the pages provided.


Of course, having found nothing annoys opponents.

super transparent, only a super troll could think otherwise, right Rubl?


oh yeah, and here is even more transparency...


My dear tbthailand, when you don't like a post, there is no need to accuse (even indirectly) of being a troll, or as you like to say a fascist, junta lover. It doesn't help your argument why you disagree, nor is it a replacement for arguments.

As for the millions Prayut already had, well in Thailand army generals and police generals seem to come from a good background.

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If the main man will not be transparent about the assets of his own family it can't be expected that any of his cronies will be whiter than white. Anyway, they're very busy cleaning up corruption and trying to prosecute the only 2 prostitutes in Thailand.

Which main man? Do you refer to the PM who did deposit an asset declaration just like his younger brother did. In the end the main complain was a arithmetic error in Gen. Preecha's asset declaration. That error was clear to see in the pages provided.


Of course, having found nothing annoys opponents.

super transparent, only a super troll could think otherwise, right Rubl?


oh yeah, and here is even more transparency...


My dear tbthailand, when you don't like a post, there is no need to accuse (even indirectly) of being a troll, or as you like to say a fascist, junta lover. It doesn't help your argument why you disagree, nor is it a replacement for arguments.

As for the millions Prayut already had, well in Thailand army generals and police generals seem to come from a good background.

Wow, we can overlook transparency in leadership because they "seem to come from a good background...."

That sounds like something a Thai so-called public figure would say.

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Which main man? Do you refer to the PM who did deposit an asset declaration just like his younger brother did. In the end the main complain was a arithmetic error in Gen. Preecha's asset declaration. That error was clear to see in the pages provided.


Of course, having found nothing annoys opponents.

super transparent, only a super troll could think otherwise, right Rubl?


oh yeah, and here is even more transparency...


My dear tbthailand, when you don't like a post, there is no need to accuse (even indirectly) of being a troll, or as you like to say a fascist, junta lover. It doesn't help your argument why you disagree, nor is it a replacement for arguments.

As for the millions Prayut already had, well in Thailand army generals and police generals seem to come from a good background.

Wow, we can overlook transparency in leadership because they "seem to come from a good background...."

That sounds like something a Thai so-called public figure would say.

Well, anyone from a good family can make an honest mistake and tearfully admitting so be absolved.

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You still did not answer the point: "Of course, having found nothing annoys opponents."

It was all over the media that he refused to answer to transparency, since he said it in front of the press. That does not equal "having found nothing," nor are opponents annoyed, they are making a valid point using the cold, hard light of decency and honesty... transparency.

He has none, same as your lack of a decent answer.

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To those who like to start their post with "Hey rubl":

If you want me to see your post and even have my reply to it you might consider replying to a post of mine so I get notified. As it I get no notification, and if I do not revisit the topic I will never know you even asked a question.

Of course, you guys might just ask rhetorical questions wink.png

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Hey rubi did you read tbthailands links? does the second one not make you question at least some of the apologist drivel you keep coming out with?

I do hope you aren't expecting a coherent answer to that question.

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To those who like to start their post with "Hey rubl":

If you want me to see your post and even have my reply to it you might consider replying to a post of mine so I get notified. As it I get no notification, and if I do not revisit the topic I will never know you even asked a question.

Of course, you guys might just ask rhetorical questions wink.png

why should anyone reply to a ....




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Which main man? Do you refer to the PM who did deposit an asset declaration just like his younger brother did. In the end the main complain was a arithmetic error in Gen. Preecha's asset declaration. That error was clear to see in the pages provided.


Of course, having found nothing annoys opponents.

super transparent, only a super troll could think otherwise, right Rubl?


oh yeah, and here is even more transparency...


My dear tbthailand, when you don't like a post, there is no need to accuse (even indirectly) of being a troll, or as you like to say a fascist, junta lover. It doesn't help your argument why you disagree, nor is it a replacement for arguments.

As for the millions Prayut already had, well in Thailand army generals and police generals seem to come from a good background.

Wow, we can overlook transparency in leadership because they "seem to come from a good background...."

That sounds like something a Thai so-called public figure would say.

given the almost complete penetration of corruption in the military and police organizations, it's a rather glib claim to say they 'come from a good background"

unless you consider types like the mafia who deal in human trafficking, prostitution, gun and drug-running to be a "good background"... coffee1.gif

which is why he is a super troll....

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My dear tbthailand, when you don't like a post, there is no need to accuse (even indirectly) of being a troll, or as you like to say a fascist, junta lover. It doesn't help your argument why you disagree, nor is it a replacement for arguments.

As for the millions Prayut already had, well in Thailand army generals and police generals seem to come from a good background.

Wow, we can overlook transparency in leadership because they "seem to come from a good background...."

That sounds like something a Thai so-called public figure would say.

given the almost complete penetration of corruption in the military and police organizations, it's a rather glib claim to say they 'come from a good background"

unless you consider types like the mafia who deal in human trafficking, prostitution, gun and drug-running to be a "good background"... coffee1.gif

which is why he is a super troll....

My dear chap, could you stop with the "super troll" stuff? It starts to get annoying, up to baiting. One of these days I might say something I shouldn't and it will be your fault for baiting me.

BTW as for 'background', if I remember correctly we have a Gen. Shinawatra and Ms. Yingluck was forced to step down for favouring a Pol. Gen. who happened to be a relative.

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I am sure Ombudsman General Wittawat Ratchatanan, former Deputy Permanent Secretary for Defense, former Director-General of the Defense Information and Space Technology Department, and former Director of the Office of Policy and Planning for Defense will give the request careful consideration for any ethics violations by the coup-appointed cabinet led by the coup leader General Prayut. Wittawat's appointment was approved by the coup-appointed NLA.

Given the clear conflict of interest between the NCPO, PM, cabinet, NLA, NRC and CDC one would think the NAAC would be the first to conduct such an investigation. But though it has investigated and charge numerous PTP government officials for conflicts of interests, it seems silent regarding the Prayut government. Probably it's something about "You don't bite the hand that feeds you."

I'm sure the PTT policy of ignoring the Ombudsman for years, and refusing to speak to him, was much better and far more democratic.

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My dear tbthailand, when you don't like a post, there is no need to accuse (even indirectly) of being a troll, or as you like to say a fascist, junta lover. It doesn't help your argument why you disagree, nor is it a replacement for arguments.

As for the millions Prayut already had, well in Thailand army generals and police generals seem to come from a good background.

Wow, we can overlook transparency in leadership because they "seem to come from a good background...."

That sounds like something a Thai so-called public figure would say.

given the almost complete penetration of corruption in the military and police organizations, it's a rather glib claim to say they 'come from a good background"

unless you consider types like the mafia who deal in human trafficking, prostitution, gun and drug-running to be a "good background"... coffee1.gif

which is why he is a super troll....

My dear chap, could you stop with the "super troll" stuff? It starts to get annoying, up to baiting. One of these days I might say something I shouldn't and it will be your fault for baiting me.

BTW as for 'background', if I remember correctly we have a Gen. Shinawatra and Ms. Yingluck was forced to step down for favouring a Pol. Gen. who happened to be a relative.

My dear chap, could you stop with the "super troll" stuff? It starts to get annoying

if you are annoyed, then make an effort to stop trolling ... or remain annoyed.

your choice.

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I suppose its fair enough that they should look into the ethics of the present cabinet.

After all when they looked at for ethics in members of the previous cabinet they found none.

Edited by Robby nz
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They would be better off having the NACC have a look at who's on the board of these institutions and projects and see if there is a conflict of interest.

It really wouldn't make any difference.....and never has....the whole circus is managed....the NACC is the show pony at the front.....!

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given the almost complete penetration of corruption in the military and police organizations, it's a rather glib claim to say they 'come from a good background"

unless you consider types like the mafia who deal in human trafficking, prostitution, gun and drug-running to be a "good background"... coffee1.gif

which is why he is a super troll....

My dear chap, could you stop with the "super troll" stuff? It starts to get annoying, up to baiting. One of these days I might say something I shouldn't and it will be your fault for baiting me.

BTW as for 'background', if I remember correctly we have a Gen. Shinawatra and Ms. Yingluck was forced to step down for favouring a Pol. Gen. who happened to be a relative.

My dear chap, could you stop with the "super troll" stuff? It starts to get annoying

if you are annoyed, then make an effort to stop trolling ... or remain annoyed.

your choice.



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