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Is it hard to find work as a foreigner? Thinking about start a family here

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And have a daughter that has slept with over 100 guys by the age of 20 years old that's self centred and only cares about herself...

Most westernised children have no respect in their parents and throw them in a nursing home when they get old. Family is last on their list! It's become a nation of narcissistic people.

Feminism has poisoned westernised society, it's gone to total shit in the last 20 years... No one bothers with westernised women if they want to get married... I thought everyone here has moved to Thailand (or try to live here as much as possible) for this reason and married a Thai woman.

I just want a normal family that's traditional. My other option is Eastern Europe but I hear it's been poison by Feminism as well...

I think perhaps Saudi Arabia or Pakistan (though stick to the rural backwaters, not the urban areas) may be more what you're looking for.

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I think your heading for a rude awakening. You say you have been in Thailand 2 years do you mean you have been visiting Thailand for 2 years or living here? If living here why are you asking about a job or what have you done to support yourself here or just been on one long paid for vacation? If your getting serious about your GF just marry her and take her back to AUS where you can work (and her as well) and make good money then you can come back to retire here.

If you have been here you must have never read current events in Thailand as the education system is one of the worst in ASEAN countries so saying you wouldn't waste money on sending your kid to a private school is really going to make it hard for them to succeed in Thailand let alone an international level if their going to local schools.

You say kids are badly behaved in AUS well how parents raise their children in any country will determine how they grow up. You seem to be looking at Thailand with rose colored glasses. You can teach in some schools with a TEFL course but won't make high tier pay.

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You seem to be starting down a hard road. After 10 years in thailand I don't recall seeing anyone in your situation succeeding. If you are a real person I would like to talk to you about some of the problems you are going to face. Better take your girl back to your country if you are going to have a family. That in its self will also be a challenge but at least you will have some chance of success.

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And you really believe Thailand would be a better place to raise children? Serious? Really?

And have a daughter that has slept with over 100 guys by the age of 20 years old that's self centred and only cares about herself...

Most westernised children have no respect in their parents and throw them in a nursing home when they get old. Family is last on their list! It's become a nation of narcissistic people.

Feminism has poisoned westernised society, it's gone to total shit in the last 20 years... No one bothers with westernised women if they want to get married... I thought everyone here has moved to Thailand (or try to live here as much as possible) for this reason and married a Thai woman.

I just want a normal family that's traditional. My other option is Eastern Europe but I hear it's been poison by Feminism as well...

A good article to read...


Yes, there is better education in Australia but it's the destruction lifestyle that it's become! Partying, drinking, drugs, over eating, narcissistic behaviour, at teenagers, TV addiction, video game addiction, where most will go with 'herd behaviour' when they become teenagers. I have found it to be better in Thailand (2 years here now) but I do admit, the kids are starting to embrace westernised values.


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If your GF earns a decent salary here in Thailand 20k baht or more a month, then yes, come here and find low paying jobs to top her off. If you are looking to support a wife and child without an education or a marketable skill in Thailand than forget it.

Yes, technically you could find work as a trainer. There are quite a few foreigners here that do similar things, but they own the business and train the staff their techniques.

If you don't speak Thai though, how can you train Thais?

The real problem is that you don't see a problem. You just want to come live some fantasy life thinking about children you don't even have yet with a woman you aren't married to. Though some of your sentiments about cultural influences on family are true. Kids many western countries are exposed to things that negatively effect them. "Feminism" isn't one of them. You really want your daughter that you don't have to become a submissive woman who's only goal is to get married to a good provider? Feminism simply means that you believe that women including your moms, sisters, wives and daughters deserve an equal chance to make their place in the world.

The bottom line is that children grow up with what you as a parent instil in them. School and social influences are one thing but don't overlook the importance of a good family life.

As for education

"Think about it, half the stuff we learnt at school we don't even need."

Please don't have children. Really at 35 and you are this ignorant still? I don't know a single truly educated person that thinks they wasted a few years of their life learning things. Most of us wish that we could go back and be even more diligent. There are tons of stuff that I wished studied harder or subjects I studied instead. Now I am lucky to have 3-4 hours a week to read something for pleasure.

Your child isn't learning to live in the world that you live in. your child needs to prepare for a future that doesn't exist that you would have no ability to survive in yourself. Go talk to your Great Grandparents and see if they could get a job today with the skills set they had 80-100 years ago.

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Yes, there is better education in Australia but it's the destruction lifestyle that it's become! Partying, drinking, drugs, over eating, narcissistic behaviour, at teenagers, TV addiction, video game addiction, where most will go with 'herd behaviour' when they become teenagers.

"Partying, drinking, drugs, over eating, narcissistic behaviour, at teenagers, TV addiction, video game addiction.."

That would describe Thai women if you had included addiction to soaps, texting and taking selfies with a smartphone. whistling.gif

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Hi I not care much what you do , but when you get on here and have ago at Australia I not like it at all , we are one of the best country's in the world and if you want to go to thailand and make your life up to you , but don't try and make excuses to do it and have ago at my great country.

You will lean the hard way about life in thailand and thai woman , 99% of man that go to thailand and that is me as well go for thai puss and if not for that why would you go and live in a 3 rd world country like thailand.

You need to make your money back home and then go to thailand, it is a great place and great people I love it a lot but I am one of the lucky one's who did not tire all my money in to thailand and I would never ever do it , so work hard back home make your money and then Live a good life in thailand yes a good life not a great life a good life .

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And you really believe Thailand would be a better place to raise children? Serious? Really?

And have a daughter that has slept with over 100 guys by the age of 20 years old that's self centred and only cares about herself...

Most westernised children have no respect in their parents and throw them in a nursing home when they get old. Family is last on their list! It's become a nation of narcissistic people.

Feminism has poisoned westernised society, it's gone to total shit in the last 20 years... No one bothers with westernised women if they want to get married... I thought everyone here has moved to Thailand (or try to live here as much as possible) for this reason and married a Thai woman.

I just want a normal family that's traditional. My other option is Eastern Europe but I hear it's been poison by Feminism as well...

A good article to read...


Yes, there is better education in Australia but it's the destruction lifestyle that it's become! Partying, drinking, drugs, over eating, narcissistic behaviour, at teenagers, TV addiction, video game addiction, where most will go with 'herd behaviour' when they become teenagers. I have found it to be better in Thailand (2 years here now) but I do admit, the kids are starting to embrace westernised values.

Is Thailand your only choice? On many levels it shares the same "destruction lifestyle" you describe for Australia, albeit a lifestyle is by choice.

You might consider Malaysia or Indonesia if you're determined to live in southeast asia and looking for a more conservative society.

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My opinion may be different than most....but....at 35, if you are an enterprenour, willing to learn the Thai and Chinese language perfectly, you may be on the right place. Import - exports is a great area in Thailand, and in any Asean country at this moment. Was even better years ago when America and Europe had strong buyer power, but now are replaced by China, India, Japan, etc.... Most western countries are not producing anything..are just buyers now...and most from "3rd world" countries like Thailand. The food export business is very strong in Thailand, and most Thai people, even the business people, doesn't have the knowledge or interest to keep growing....and some.....because its are making a lot of money....sabai.. ..sabai.

At 35....If you are smart and hard worker, with good computer and marketing skills...I believe.... really.... that you may have the chance of your life....Welcome to Thailand.

Actually, 35 is just about the last chance to educationally reinvent oneself, back in Australia that is, and get a first job based on that, before the dreaded 4-0 kicks in. As the saying goes, 'when all else fails, there's always teaching'. In order to make and save any money at all, the career would need to be established somewhere where the wages are decent and that ain't Thailand. Unfortunately, for those under the age of retirement and lacking in qualifications Thailand is for 99% of geezers the absolutely wrong place to be. Waking up in the sun and being in love just not enough. Dreaming of being an entrepreneur? Well the OP has a 10 year past business experience to look fondly back on and what happened to that? Waste the next 5 years and the doors will shut and he will be in no-man's land: too young to retire and too old for a career, plus a family in tow. Brave New World? I think not.

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Needing a bachelors degree would be the main impediment for the OP and will severely limit his earning capacity. Even teacher's need a degree here for a work permit. Thailand is not the place to be raising kids on 20-25K a month total family income. The OP's earning potential will be higher back in Australia.

And I'm not even considering any factors relating to "how a child is raised / grows up" in a western vs Thailand scenario. There are plenty of educated westerns here who happily raise their kids in Thailand and become fluently bilingual and get decent jobs (and not just actors!)

Personally I don't want to give 45% of my salary to the Australian government, then another 30-40% paying a mortgage /utilities. No thanks.

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looking for a job in thailand so you can start a family,i think you have overlooked,

bringing up a thai wife [NOT CHEAP]

then there is your wife's family [NOT CHEAP]

apart from the cost of a kid [NOT CHEAP]

then there is education definately [NOT CHEAP]

medical bills [NOT CHEAP]

is there anything thats[NOT CHEAP] yes LIFE.

you need to think long and hard.facepalm.gif

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And you really believe Thailand would be a better place to raise children? Serious? Really?

And have a daughter that has slept with over 100 guys by the age of 20 years old that's self centred and only cares about herself...

Most westernised children have no respect in their parents and throw them in a nursing home when they get old. Family is last on their list! It's become a nation of narcissistic people.

Feminism has poisoned westernised society, it's gone to total shit in the last 20 years... No one bothers with westernised women if they want to get married... I thought everyone here has moved to Thailand (or try to live here as much as possible) for this reason and married a Thai woman.

I just want a normal family that's traditional. My other option is Eastern Europe but I hear it's been poison by Feminism as well...

A good article to read...


Yes, there is better education in Australia but it's the destruction lifestyle that it's become! Partying, drinking, drugs, over eating, narcissistic behaviour, at teenagers, TV addiction, video game addiction, where most will go with 'herd behaviour' when they become teenagers. I have found it to be better in Thailand (2 years here now) but I do admit, the kids are starting to embrace westernised values.

What misogynistic drivel.

women wanting to be treated equally and fairly has ruined western society? really?

No, we haven't all moved to Thailand for subservient women who can be paid for.

Traditional family? You really mean a wife who obeys your every command, cleans the house, and drops the panties whenever you say, don't you?

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One suspects you up for getting a good education for your kids, to give them the best shot in life, so let me ask you this, you up for THB 250k a term in school fees

Most uni students back home in Australia have spent 5 years of their lives going to university and are working at 7/11s or some other shitty job. THB 250k i'm guessing is a private school, I wouldn't waste my money! A basic education is enough for starting off. Think about it, half the stuff we learnt at school we don't even need. It's best to work out what you want to do and work your way to that goal. You have to be able to sell yourself at a job interview. I've gotten jobs in accounting in the past where I was against people that spent 3-5 years at university studying accounting (short course), same with Information Technology (1 year of uni). They had basically no social skills where I just sold myself and told the employer what he wanted to hear.

I refer you to this article (Why Men Should Not Go To College)


Thats what it can cost you in Thailand, and based on what you have written, seems the best shot you have is an "English" teacher, so fancy that on THB 30k-50k month ?

Thanks, I hear you need to do an English course back in Australia (1-2 years) to become an English teacher internationally?

oh dear....how old are you, as your coming across like a sulking teenager ?....you have all the answers already, you know it all...so why bother asking on here ?

like it or not dear boy, contrary to what you believe a good education is your gateway to success for most people, the ones who are working in 7/11's are most likely took liberal arts degree's which are not worth a shit to anyone for the most part.

Where I sit today very much related to my parents scrimping/saving to give me the very best education they could afford, I had no contacts/family connections to give a hand up or open a door, but the fact i had a good education opened many doors for me and for that I am very thankful to my parents

like it or not, Private schools and in the Thai context international schools open a lot more doors for a student beyond just the decent education aspect (which opens doors locally and internationally) but one also has to consider the "school friend" aspect, as lots of these children are put in these schools by the well to do families in Thailand and building relationships and friendships in school, can go a long way later in life, if the child decides their future is in Thailand,

so in the scheme of things THB 250k a term is not a waste of money, only fool who cant see the direct benefits believes its a waste of money.

Just listen to Soutpeel, as he has owned this thread. I have argued with Soutpeel in the past on TV, but in regard to his replies here, I could not respond any better! wai2.gif

My 1st world education has been invaluable to me.

Edited by tookwan cottage
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One suspects you up for getting a good education for your kids, to give them the best shot in life, so let me ask you this, you up for THB 250k a term in school fees

Most uni students back home in Australia have spent 5 years of their lives going to university and are working at 7/11s or some other shitty job. THB 250k i'm guessing is a private school, I wouldn't waste my money! A basic education is enough for starting off. Think about it, half the stuff we learnt at school we don't even need. It's best to work out what you want to do and work your way to that goal. You have to be able to sell yourself at a job interview. I've gotten jobs in accounting in the past where I was against people that spent 3-5 years at university studying accounting (short course), same with Information Technology (1 year of uni). They had basically no social skills where I just sold myself and told the employer what he wanted to hear.

I refer you to this article (Why Men Should Not Go To College)


Thats what it can cost you in Thailand, and based on what you have written, seems the best shot you have is an "English" teacher, so fancy that on THB 30k-50k month ?

Thanks, I hear you need to do an English course back in Australia (1-2 years) to become an English teacher internationally?

oh dear....how old are you, as your coming across like a sulking teenager ?....you have all the answers already, you know it all...so why bother asking on here ?

like it or not dear boy, contrary to what you believe a good education is your gateway to success for most people, the ones who are working in 7/11's are most likely took liberal arts degree's which are not worth a shit to anyone for the most part.

Where I sit today very much related to my parents scrimping/saving to give me the very best education they could afford, I had no contacts/family connections to give a hand up or open a door, but the fact i had a good education opened many doors for me and for that I am very thankful to my parents

like it or not, Private schools and in the Thai context international schools open a lot more doors for a student beyond just the decent education aspect (which opens doors locally and internationally) but one also has to consider the "school friend" aspect, as lots of these children are put in these schools by the well to do families in Thailand and building relationships and friendships in school, can go a long way later in life, if the child decides their future is in Thailand,

so in the scheme of things THB 250k a term is not a waste of money, only fool who cant see the direct benefits believes its a waste of money.

Just listen to Soutpeel, as he has owned this thread. I have argued with Soutpeel in the past on TV, but in regard to his replies here, I could not respond any better! wai2.gif

My 1st world education has been invaluable to me.

I argue with everyone so that's no surprise ....and I question everything....its a product of my education....tongue.png

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Rose tinted glasses come to mind.

If you come to work here you'll (almost certainly) be joining the majority of Thais, plus most young foreigners with girlfriends by living 'hand to mouth'.

Great for a year or three until the honeymoon period wears off.

Get real. Working in Thailand is not a true career path for 95% of the foreigners here.

Think about it again after a couple of marriages in your own country, when you may have enough money behind you to retire here.

Couldn't have said it any better , you come to Thailand with lots of money , you leave with no money.

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Guess OP is not about career so much, and after a couple of marriages in your own country you might really be frustrated.

It is really not easy for a foreigner to find a good job in Thailand even with a degree, and you would also need a working permit. I would try it online from Australia first.

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One suspects you up for getting a good education for your kids, to give them the best shot in life, so let me ask you this, you up for THB 250k a term in school fees

Most uni students back home in Australia have spent 5 years of their lives going to university and are working at 7/11s or some other shitty job. THB 250k i'm guessing is a private school, I wouldn't waste my money! A basic education is enough for starting off. Think about it, half the stuff we learnt at school we don't even need. It's best to work out what you want to do and work your way to that goal. You have to be able to sell yourself at a job interview. I've gotten jobs in accounting in the past where I was against people that spent 3-5 years at university studying accounting (short course), same with Information Technology (1 year of uni). They had basically no social skills where I just sold myself and told the employer what he wanted to hear.

I refer you to this article (Why Men Should Not Go To College)


Thats what it can cost you in Thailand, and based on what you have written, seems the best shot you have is an "English" teacher, so fancy that on THB 30k-50k month ?

Thanks, I hear you need to do an English course back in Australia (1-2 years) to become an English teacher internationally?

oh dear....how old are you, as your coming across like a sulking teenager ?....you have all the answers already, you know it all...so why bother asking on here ?

like it or not dear boy, contrary to what you believe a good education is your gateway to success for most people, the ones who are working in 7/11's are most likely took liberal arts degree's which are not worth a shit to anyone for the most part.

Where I sit today very much related to my parents scrimping/saving to give me the very best education they could afford, I had no contacts/family connections to give a hand up or open a door, but the fact i had a good education opened many doors for me and for that I am very thankful to my parents

like it or not, Private schools and in the Thai context international schools open a lot more doors for a student beyond just the decent education aspect (which opens doors locally and internationally) but one also has to consider the "school friend" aspect, as lots of these children are put in these schools by the well to do families in Thailand and building relationships and friendships in school, can go a long way later in life, if the child decides their future is in Thailand,

so in the scheme of things THB 250k a term is not a waste of money, only fool who cant see the direct benefits believes its a waste of money.

Just listen to Soutpeel, as he has owned this thread. I have argued with Soutpeel in the past on TV, but in regard to his replies here, I could not respond any better! wai2.gif

My 1st world education has been invaluable to me.

I argue with everyone so that's no surprise ....and I question everything....its a product of my education....tongue.png

Me too! ;-)

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Its very easy to find a job here as a farang. But its near impossible finding a high paying job.

If you can be content on a 30-40k baht income then I dont see any problems.

Bath 30-40 K could be ok if you live on you own, with limited needs.

It'll be another story if you're the only earner in a family of 3...

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Its very easy to find a job here as a farang. But its near impossible finding a high paying job.

If you can be content on a 30-40k baht income then I dont see any problems.

Bath 30-40 K could be ok if you live on you own, with limited needs.

It'll be another story if you're the only earner in a family of 3...

It totally depends on your lifestyle and expectations. I wouldn't consider moving to Thailand with a family of 4 unless I was earning 200k baht/pm AFTER taxes.

But thats me, some people might do ok with 40-50k baht. It depends on your lifestlye and social circle at the end of the day. I wouldn't want to send my kids to some low quality school, I'd want them to go an international school.

Edited by Lukecan
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And you really believe Thailand would be a better place to raise children? Serious? Really?

And have a daughter that has slept with over 100 guys by the age of 20 years old that's self centred and only cares about herself...

Most westernised children have no respect in their parents and throw them in a nursing home when they get old. Family is last on their list! It's become a nation of narcissistic people.

Feminism has poisoned westernised society, it's gone to total shit in the last 20 years... No one bothers with westernised women if they want to get married... I thought everyone here has moved to Thailand (or try to live here as much as possible) for this reason and married a Thai woman.

I just want a normal family that's traditional. My other option is Eastern Europe but I hear it's been poison by Feminism as well...

A good article to read...


Yes, there is better education in Australia but it's the destruction lifestyle that it's become! Partying, drinking, drugs, over eating, narcissistic behaviour, at teenagers, TV addiction, video game addiction, where most will go with 'herd behaviour' when they become teenagers. I have found it to be better in Thailand (2 years here now) but I do admit, the kids are starting to embrace westernised values.

Get your children educated in your country of origin and then come back to Thailand. They and their mother will thank you for it because you will give them the best head start in life possible.

And stop reading macho websites contributed by insecure men with massive chips on shoulders who don't know who they really are.

Edited by Linzz
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You might be better off finding work in Singapore and do short trips to Thailand. Even though Singapore is an expensive place to live, I think it is a lot easier to find work if you go through a head hunting company.

Raising a kid in Thailand, especially in Bangkok is really no different than any Western countries nowadays, kids are exposed to the same negative things, heck in Thailand kids drink and do drugs at a younger age compare to the West! Simply because it is so easy to obtain and there are basically no ID checks.

If you and your gf wants to experience what its like living in Thailand, by all means come and enjoy yourself, once you have a kid its better to head back home. Yes its hard to find a good paying job. Bangkok is not as cheap as many people think nowadays if you want to eat out and go to nice places.

May I ask where your gf is from? I'm guessing she is not western.

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Needing a bachelors degree would be the main impediment for the OP and will severely limit his earning capacity. Even teacher's need a degree here for a work permit. Thailand is not the place to be raising kids on 20-25K a month total family income. The OP's earning potential will be higher back in Australia.

And I'm not even considering any factors relating to "how a child is raised / grows up" in a western vs Thailand scenario. There are plenty of educated westerns here who happily raise their kids in Thailand and become fluently bilingual and get decent jobs (and not just actors!)

Personally I don't want to give 45% of my salary to the Australian government, then another 30-40% paying a mortgage /utilities. No thanks.

If there's one thing that constantly irks me on this forum it's the incorrect and blanket references towards teachers - i.e. those qualified and professional teachers and those teaching in Thai schools as 'English' teachers.. Please, have a little respect and differentiate between those qualified to teach children in schools in their home countries and those not qualified to do so.

Remember some of you are paying large sums of money to have your children taught by such professionals in International schools, and not backpackers (and other assortments) flicking chalk and sick days in the Thai schools.

Personally I shudder at the thought!

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"What are my options if I start a family here and wish to earn an income?"

fitnesspm, sorry to tell you that you have it around the wrong way, You don't earn an income by starting a family in thailand, but you do earn an income by starting a family in Australia, with it's mega generous welfare entitlements, your family will end up with more from the government welfare than you would ever earn in Thailand working.

I guess that's why most Aussies take the easy option and are not cut out for the real world.

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Needing a bachelors degree would be the main impediment for the OP and will severely limit his earning capacity. Even teacher's need a degree here for a work permit. Thailand is not the place to be raising kids on 20-25K a month total family income. The OP's earning potential will be higher back in Australia.

And I'm not even considering any factors relating to "how a child is raised / grows up" in a western vs Thailand scenario. There are plenty of educated westerns here who happily raise their kids in Thailand and become fluently bilingual and get decent jobs (and not just actors!)

Personally I don't want to give 45% of my salary to the Australian government, then another 30-40% paying a mortgage /utilities. No thanks.

If there's one thing that constantly irks me on this forum it's the incorrect and blanket references towards teachers - i.e. those qualified and professional teachers and those teaching in Thai schools as 'English' teachers.. Please, have a little respect and differentiate between those qualified to teach children in schools in their home countries and those not qualified to do so.

Remember some of you are paying large sums of money to have your children taught by such professionals in International schools, and not backpackers (and other assortments) flicking chalk and sick days in the Thai schools.

Personally I shudder at the thought!

If there's one thing that irks me on this forum, it's the number of people who suggest a degree and a TEFL make me unqualified to teach in The Thai system.

I agree the people teaching at the international school level are highly trained professionals. They are compensated as such and the price is dear for the parents.

But to label us in the Thai school system as "unqualified" is grossly unfair. A TEFL qualifies me to teach ESL in a language school, community college, or private institute in Canada so why isn't it good enough for me to teach ESL in a Thai high school?

The only teacher with an Education degree in my school was let go for incompetence and immoral behavior.

I'm not flicking chalk and pulling sick days at all.

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Needing a bachelors degree would be the main impediment for the OP and will severely limit his earning capacity. Even teacher's need a degree here for a work permit. Thailand is not the place to be raising kids on 20-25K a month total family income. The OP's earning potential will be higher back in Australia.

And I'm not even considering any factors relating to "how a child is raised / grows up" in a western vs Thailand scenario. There are plenty of educated westerns here who happily raise their kids in Thailand and become fluently bilingual and get decent jobs (and not just actors!)

Personally I don't want to give 45% of my salary to the Australian government, then another 30-40% paying a mortgage /utilities. No thanks.

If there's one thing that constantly irks me on this forum it's the incorrect and blanket references towards teachers - i.e. those qualified and professional teachers and those teaching in Thai schools as 'English' teachers.. Please, have a little respect and differentiate between those qualified to teach children in schools in their home countries and those not qualified to do so.

Remember some of you are paying large sums of money to have your children taught by such professionals in International schools, and not backpackers (and other assortments) flicking chalk and sick days in the Thai schools.

Personally I shudder at the thought!

If there's one thing that irks me on this forum, it's the number of people who suggest a degree and a TEFL make me unqualified to teach in The Thai system.

I agree the people teaching at the international school level are highly trained professionals. They are compensated as such and the price is dear for the parents.

But to label us in the Thai school system as "unqualified" is grossly unfair. A TEFL qualifies me to teach ESL in a language school, community college, or private institute in Canada so why isn't it good enough for me to teach ESL in a Thai high school?

The only teacher with an Education degree in my school was let go for incompetence and immoral behavior.

I'm not flicking chalk and pulling sick days at all.

oh goodie I will get the popcorn, this could be fun...gigglem.gif

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If I didn't have my step daughter is have moved back to the UK before my own daughter was 6 months old

I actually think it's very selfish of guys that have a wife that only has kids to him and decides to stay in Thailand when they have the option to go to a western country

I'd cut my arm

Off to be able to do that. But, I believe a family should be together so I stayed here and have a good life. But do have bouts of "what if" when it comes to my kids up bringing.

The west is a far far far better place for a kid to grow up

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