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Confederate flag sets off debate in 2016 Republican class

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You wrote, "The political left of center in the USA has never constituted a danger or threat to the Constitution." In 1935-36, the Court struck down eight of FDR's New Deal programs, including the National Recovery Act (NRA) and the Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA). Public antijudicial sentiment intensified; many critics questioned the constitutionality of the concept of judicial review itself. As a result of this reaction, several constitutional amendments were introduced into Congress in 1936, including one that would require a two-thirds vote of the Court whenever an act of Congress was declared unconstitutional; another that would permit Congress to revalidate federal laws previously declared unconstitutional by repassing them with a two-thirds vote of both houses, and even one that would abolish altogether the Court's power to declare federal laws unconstitutional.


Sorry buy you are very wrong. Stop the nonsense. I doubt if any President attacked the constitution as much as FDR and he was the big daddy of liberals. The same percent of blacks are racists as white people but though the percent is the same the numbers change because of the totals of the population ethnicity. That's why it makes sense for Trump to play the race card and why the Democrats want illegal aliens to vote. It is not complicated; the Republicans want to win elections and steal your money and the Democrats want to win elections and steal your money. The Confederate flag is just a means to an end.

Nothing extra-constitutional came out of the New Deal. FDR followed constitutional procedures always, entirely, completely.

FDR won some and he lost some, but he was a constitutionalist through and through. During FDR's first term as president, the Supreme Court was dominated by political conservatives, Republicans; justices of the right sector, which FDR changed by normal processes of retirement throughout his presidency.

Not constitutional were slavery, secession, the clear and present danger of armed insurrection, Jim Crow laws, prayer in public schools, racially segregated public schools, mandatory pledge to the flag, a religious test of public officeholding, states denying benefits to new residents, teaching creationism in public schools, DOMA and much else cherished by the far out fright wing.

I'd note that in 1939 KKK Grand Wizard James Colescott unsuccessfully tried to merge the KKK with the German-American Bund gang of fascists. When WW2 erupted for the USA, the KKK wisely disbanded. It ain't been the same since.

Wisconsin is Ground Zero for the Vast Rightwing Takeover



You're wrong about FDR. FDR tried to corrupt the Constitution many times including an attempt to destroy the Supreme Count. For those who didn't know the Supreme court interprets the Constitution in all matters including flags.

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I am not so sure this is a liberal/conservative issue. I am pretty liberal, but I have no problem with anyone flying the Confederate flag. It's a flag. The states that have voted to take it off official buildings are probably doing the right thing, but if they don't, then so be it.

The issue of racism needs to be dealt with, but the symbolism of the confederate flag is not necessarily the best place to start. For some it has to do with historical significance.


You wrote, "The political left of center in the USA has never constituted a danger or threat to the Constitution." In 1935-36, the Court struck down eight of FDR's New Deal programs, including the National Recovery Act (NRA) and the Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA). Public antijudicial sentiment intensified; many critics questioned the constitutionality of the concept of judicial review itself. As a result of this reaction, several constitutional amendments were introduced into Congress in 1936, including one that would require a two-thirds vote of the Court whenever an act of Congress was declared unconstitutional; another that would permit Congress to revalidate federal laws previously declared unconstitutional by repassing them with a two-thirds vote of both houses, and even one that would abolish altogether the Court's power to declare federal laws unconstitutional.


Sorry buy you are very wrong. Stop the nonsense. I doubt if any President attacked the constitution as much as FDR and he was the big daddy of liberals. The same percent of blacks are racists as white people but though the percent is the same the numbers change because of the totals of the population ethnicity. That's why it makes sense for Trump to play the race card and why the Democrats want illegal aliens to vote. It is not complicated; the Republicans want to win elections and steal your money and the Democrats want to win elections and steal your money. The Confederate flag is just a means to an end.

Nothing extra-constitutional came out of the New Deal. FDR followed constitutional procedures always, entirely, completely.

FDR won some and he lost some, but he was a constitutionalist through and through. During FDR's first term as president, the Supreme Court was dominated by political conservatives, Republicans; justices of the right sector, which FDR changed by normal processes of retirement throughout his presidency.

Not constitutional were slavery, secession, the clear and present danger of armed insurrection, Jim Crow laws, prayer in public schools, racially segregated public schools, mandatory pledge to the flag, a religious test of public officeholding, states denying benefits to new residents, teaching creationism in public schools, DOMA and much else cherished by the far out fright wing.

I'd note that in 1939 KKK Grand Wizard James Colescott unsuccessfully tried to merge the KKK with the German-American Bund gang of fascists. When WW2 erupted for the USA, the KKK wisely disbanded. It ain't been the same since.

Wisconsin is Ground Zero for the Vast Rightwing Takeover



You're wrong about FDR. FDR tried to corrupt the Constitution many times including an attempt to destroy the Supreme Count. For those who didn't know the Supreme court interprets the Constitution in all matters including flags.

If the SCOTUS episode during FDR's long period as president is all the right has as leftovers to scrap for, then FDR is in a pretty good historical shape. Every pedestrian citizen who got past grade nine in school knows the court packing plan and the gaggle of right wing justices who were single handedly foiling the New Deal during the Great Depression between the two world wars.

FDR was in fact so long ago, and I'm so used to dismissing the wacko birds calling Prez Obama a sinister secret member of the Muslim Brotherhood, that I almost forget presenting specifics of the FDR record as president. So let's just think Social Security and maybe leave it at that for the time being. Oh yeah, and that all Republicans opposed that too during a number of round-robin votes in Congress.

So let's talk about the the Confederate battle rag, KKK, Sen Joe McCarthy, the John Birchers, Sen Barry Goldwater, Richard Nixon and Strom Thurmond too of South Carolina, Gov George Wallace, Sheriff Bull Conner and his vicious trained dogs, James Earl Ray, Jerry Falwell, Judge Andrew Hanen and another mad monk Justice Antonin Scalia, the American Nazi Party; the tea-bagged tea party wingnuts, Donald Trump and all the rest of the Birthers along with the people who would arbitrarily criminalize immigration and immigrants.

Let's go.


Fair is fair. No more BET. Can you imagine if we had a White Entertainment Channel? No more yo MTV raps. Need more integration on the basketball courts and football fields. Equal integration on the PGA would make golf more fun to watch so I am all in. All black radio stations must now play 50% white music. All people of all races must pay the same amount of taxes. Flat tax for everyone. All people of all races must pay the same amount for health insurance.

On Facebook recently, there is a rash of black people taking pictures of themselves sipping their butt on the American flag saying it is racist. We are on a slippery slope with some people who will never be happy and will always look to blame others for their own failures rather than looking inward or accepting any responsibility.

Yes fair is fair. Cut the army spending down to 0 and start $2000 per month food stamps and $10000 per month medicaid for everyone.

That's truly fair if you want to get rid of BET and Rap. For that everyone will agree this is a fair compromise for All Americans.

But seriously you jest, you're just trying to be a crybaby

I listen to hip hop sometimes 100 % of the time, I watch BET and voted for Obama.

I think banning the confederate flag is about as abserd as banning the BET.

Truth is, happy well adapted people are not bothered by stuff like a flag. I am not bothered by BET, just the double standard.


Fair is fair. No more BET. Can you imagine if we had a White Entertainment Channel? No more yo MTV raps. Need more integration on the basketball courts and football fields. Equal integration on the PGA would make golf more fun to watch so I am all in. All black radio stations must now play 50% white music. All people of all races must pay the same amount of taxes. Flat tax for everyone. All people of all races must pay the same amount for health insurance.

On Facebook recently, there is a rash of black people taking pictures of themselves sipping their butt on the American flag saying it is racist. We are on a slippery slope with some people who will never be happy and will always look to blame others for their own failures rather than looking inward or accepting any responsibility.

Yes fair is fair. Cut the army spending down to 0 and start $2000 per month food stamps and $10000 per month medicaid for everyone.

That's truly fair if you want to get rid of BET and Rap. For that everyone will agree this is a fair compromise for All Americans.

But seriously you jest, you're just trying to be a crybaby

I listen to hip hop sometimes 100 % of the time, I watch BET and voted for Obama.

I think banning the confederate flag is about as abserd as banning the BET.

Truth is, happy well adapted people are not bothered by stuff like a flag. I am not bothered by BET, just the double standard.

Might be off topic, but since you've brought it up many times - what made you vote for Obama twice?


The concept of white superiority only developed as a result of the European experience with institutionalized slavery and colonialism. Elites specifically conferred the privileges associated with whiteness in a system of control on indentured servants and lower class workers who economically were not much better of than slaves or “savage” indigenous peoples they displaced. ”Whiteness”** is in reality, just another absurd racist concept. It did not exist while European fought each other hundred of years ago Rus against Pole, Frank versus Norman, Holy Roman Empire versus, etc.. Crusades agains “Mohammedans” and the constant religious wars never contained the racialist elements of thought which unfortunately continue to this day.

To get back on topic for the umpteenth time freaking time, the flag is just being removed from government owned public spaces. Places where it is gross injustice, to the majority of people who rightly see it as a symbol of institutionalized racism, to be formally coerced by the state

into accepting it as some sort of legitimate symbol of THEIR OWN GOVERNMENT.

No Flag or symbol will be banned in America. In fact in the near future even though it is best to just ignore such morons, we will be treated to the wonderful spectacle of KKK members in full Regalia flying confederate flags whilst protesting in SC. They will do this under legal permit and with full protection by armed authorities in accordance with the 1st ammendment to the US constitution.

*Suggested readings on the subject include Toni Morrison, WEB DuBois, and Thedore Allen*

”Class Struggle and the Origin of Racial Slavery: The Invention of the White Race”.


I'm betting there are some of our members that wish they could be marching with their KKK soulmates. Maybe they'll stage a little white robe march of their own. Do that and let me know how that turns out. Yes FDR did try to change the makeup of the Supreme Court and I don't blame him. It was then run by bought and sold right wingers supported by those that wanted to overthrow our governmen. Same as our presently un-Supreme Court with it's "gang of 5" which belong sitting in GitMO not sitting on any court in the US. Fly the flag, helps us know what you are.


Fair is fair. No more BET. Can you imagine if we had a White Entertainment Channel? No more yo MTV raps. Need more integration on the basketball courts and football fields. Equal integration on the PGA would make golf more fun to watch so I am all in. All black radio stations must now play 50% white music. All people of all races must pay the same amount of taxes. Flat tax for everyone. All people of all races must pay the same amount for health insurance.

On Facebook recently, there is a rash of black people taking pictures of themselves sipping their butt on the American flag saying it is racist. We are on a slippery slope with some people who will never be happy and will always look to blame others for their own failures rather than looking inward or accepting any responsibility.

Yes fair is fair. Cut the army spending down to 0 and start $2000 per month food stamps and $10000 per month medicaid for everyone.

That's truly fair if you want to get rid of BET and Rap. For that everyone will agree this is a fair compromise for All Americans.

But seriously you jest, you're just trying to be a crybaby

I listen to hip hop sometimes 100 % of the time, I watch BET and voted for Obama.

I think banning the confederate flag is about as abserd as banning the BET.

Truth is, happy well adapted people are not bothered by stuff like a flag. I am not bothered by BET, just the double standard.

Might be off topic, but since you've brought it up many times - what made you vote for Obama twice?

I have voted democratic since Bill Clunton. I believed in Obama and that he stood for good things for all people. I was happy to see a black Presudent elected. My eyes were opened in 2013 and boy was I wrong.


Fair is fair. No more BET. Can you imagine if we had a White Entertainment Channel? No more yo MTV raps. Need more integration on the basketball courts and football fields. Equal integration on the PGA would make golf more fun to watch so I am all in. All black radio stations must now play 50% white music. All people of all races must pay the same amount of taxes. Flat tax for everyone. All people of all races must pay the same amount for health insurance.

On Facebook recently, there is a rash of black people taking pictures of themselves sipping their butt on the American flag saying it is racist. We are on a slippery slope with some people who will never be happy and will always look to blame others for their own failures rather than looking inward or accepting any responsibility.

Yes fair is fair. Cut the army spending down to 0 and start $2000 per month food stamps and $10000 per month medicaid for everyone.

That's truly fair if you want to get rid of BET and Rap. For that everyone will agree this is a fair compromise for All Americans.

But seriously you jest, you're just trying to be a crybaby

I listen to hip hop sometimes 100 % of the time, I watch BET and voted for Obama.

I think banning the confederate flag is about as abserd as banning the BET.

Truth is, happy well adapted people are not bothered by stuff like a flag. I am not bothered by BET, just the double standard.

Created by the racial right.

Reverse discrimination, reverse racism, a so-called "double standard," a race war in the United States started by racist blacks against all whites, are all ideological fictions concocted by the racial and radical right.

It is the radical myth of an apocalyptic racial division and conflagration that the racial right wants, it is not what is naturally occurring in the society.

Mainstream Americans don't see a race war either presently or in the future, don't think in these terms; don't want a race war. The only race war in US history had already occurred, from 1861-1865 and the most severe racist Americans of the time lost. The racial radicals are still losing on all of their fronts.

Give up the ghost.


Created by the racial right.

Reverse discrimination, reverse racism, a so-called "double standard," a race war in the United States started by racist blacks against all whites, are all ideological fictions concocted by the racial and radical right.

It is the radical myth of an apocalyptic racial division and conflagration that the racial right wants, it is not what is naturally occurring in the society.

Mainstream Americans don't see a race war either presently or in the future, don't think in these terms; don't want a race war. The only race war in US history had already occurred, from 1861-1865 and the most severe racist Americans of the time lost. The racial radicals are still losing on all of their fronts.

Give up the ghost.

I assume you mean racist and not racial in your first line. If the right was racist why would they be having a debate that is the topic of this thread?


Fair is fair. No more BET. Can you imagine if we had a White Entertainment Channel? No more yo MTV raps. Need more integration on the basketball courts and football fields. Equal integration on the PGA would make golf more fun to watch so I am all in. All black radio stations must now play 50% white music. All people of all races must pay the same amount of taxes. Flat tax for everyone. All people of all races must pay the same amount for health insurance.

On Facebook recently, there is a rash of black people taking pictures of themselves sipping their butt on the American flag saying it is racist. We are on a slippery slope with some people who will never be happy and will always look to blame others for their own failures rather than looking inward or accepting any responsibility.

Yes fair is fair. Cut the army spending down to 0 and start $2000 per month food stamps and $10000 per month medicaid for everyone.

That's truly fair if you want to get rid of BET and Rap. For that everyone will agree this is a fair compromise for All Americans.

But seriously you jest, you're just trying to be a crybaby

I listen to hip hop sometimes 100 % of the time, I watch BET and voted for Obama.

I think banning the confederate flag is about as abserd as banning the BET.

Truth is, happy well adapted people are not bothered by stuff like a flag. I am not bothered by BET, just the double standard.

Created by the racial right.

Reverse discrimination, reverse racism, a so-called "double standard," a race war in the United States started by racist blacks against all whites, are all ideological fictions concocted by the racial and radical right.

It is the radical myth of an apocalyptic racial division and conflagration that the racial right wants, it is not what is naturally occurring in the society.

Mainstream Americans don't see a race war either presently or in the future, don't think in these terms; don't want a race war. The only race war in US history had already occurred, from 1861-1865 and the most severe racist Americans of the time lost. The racial radicals are still losing on all of their fronts.

Give up the ghost.

Only a sad, old guy in a far, far away land with his head up his butt would not be able to see or accept that double standards do exist.


That's truly fair if you want to get rid of BET and Rap. For that everyone will agree this is a fair compromise for All Americans.

But seriously you jest, you're just trying to be a crybaby

I listen to hip hop sometimes 100 % of the time, I watch BET and voted for Obama.

I think banning the confederate flag is about as abserd as banning the BET.

Truth is, happy well adapted people are not bothered by stuff like a flag. I am not bothered by BET, just the double standard.

Created by the racial right.

Reverse discrimination, reverse racism, a so-called "double standard," a race war in the United States started by racist blacks against all whites, are all ideological fictions concocted by the racial and radical right.

It is the radical myth of an apocalyptic racial division and conflagration that the racial right wants, it is not what is naturally occurring in the society.

Mainstream Americans don't see a race war either presently or in the future, don't think in these terms; don't want a race war. The only race war in US history had already occurred, from 1861-1865 and the most severe racist Americans of the time lost. The racial radicals are still losing on all of their fronts.

Give up the ghost.

Only a sad, old guy in a far, far away land with his head up his butt would not be able to see or accept that double standards do exist.

The racial right pursues any tact without ethics or morality.

When they're boxed in on the issues, which is often and regularly, they go ad hominem. Ageist besides but any port in a storm for the desperate deflections of the racial right.

This is true of one in particular rear deflector radical as his mud flap motif demonstrates thread after thread, month in and month out, year after year.

The racial right has nothing to argue, nothing to say which is why they get summarily dismissed for frivolous filings wherever those filings may occur. wink.png

The same posters who objectify black Americans as "animals in human form." Those right wing racist true believers who also defend the Confederate flag in official use by state and local governments.


Created by the racial right.

Reverse discrimination, reverse racism, a so-called "double standard," a race war in the United States started by racist blacks against all whites, are all ideological fictions concocted by the racial and radical right.

It is the radical myth of an apocalyptic racial division and conflagration that the racial right wants, it is not what is naturally occurring in the society.

Mainstream Americans don't see a race war either presently or in the future, don't think in these terms; don't want a race war. The only race war in US history had already occurred, from 1861-1865 and the most severe racist Americans of the time lost. The racial radicals are still losing on all of their fronts.

Give up the ghost.

I assume you mean racist and not racial in your first line. If the right was racist why would they be having a debate that is the topic of this thread?

Don't assume.


Why would one need a White Entertainment channel when every day is white entertainment/culture day?

What an idiot, next?

Hollywood is completely dominated and owned by Jews. This isn't anti-semitism; it is a fact they admit to themselves. See Joel Stein's article in the LA Times if you doubt this:


European-American males are usually portrayed as baffoons, racists, idiots and villains in most movies; unless they are gay characters. Tradition American values and the majority population are denigrated and trashed ad naseumn. Straight, white heroes are becoming quite rare in MSM.


Ahhhhhh.......love this thread.

The Americans that are commenting here are an exact copy of what politics has become in the USA, though writ small.

Totally polarized, no compromises and an inability to get along and work together. And of course.......each go out of their way to demonize the other.

I'm sure each wing would be proud of their own followers.


The concept of white superiority only developed as a result of the European experience with institutionalized slavery and colonialism. Elites specifically conferred the privileges associated with whiteness in a system of control on indentured servants and lower class workers who economically were not much better of than slaves or savage indigenous peoples they displaced. Whiteness** is in reality, just another absurd racist concept. It did not exist while European fought each other hundred of years ago Rus against Pole, Frank versus Norman, Holy Roman Empire versus, etc.. Crusades agains Mohammedans and the constant religious wars never contained the racialist elements of thought which unfortunately continue to this day.

To get back on topic for the umpteenth time freaking time, the flag is just being removed from government owned public spaces. Places where it is gross injustice, to the majority of people who rightly see it as a symbol of institutionalized racism, to be formally coerced by the state

into accepting it as some sort of legitimate symbol of THEIR OWN GOVERNMENT.

No Flag or symbol will be banned in America. In fact in the near future even though it is best to just ignore such morons, we will be treated to the wonderful spectacle of KKK members in full Regalia flying confederate flags whilst protesting in SC. They will do this under legal permit and with full protection by armed authorities in accordance with the 1st ammendment to the US constitution.

*Suggested readings on the subject include Toni Morrison, WEB DuBois, and Thedore Allen*

Class Struggle and the Origin of Racial Slavery: The Invention of the White Race.

More than one million Europeans as far North as Iceland were captured and enslaved by North African Muslim pirates. Greece was colonized by Muslim Turks for 400 years, Spain even longer by Muslim invaders. A Turkish invasion army estimated at over 150,000 got as far as Vienna Austria. This was but one of many Muslim invasions. The South of France was routinely attacked by North African pirates and navies; cities like Toulon were sacked and burnt to the ground. Yet in your mind slavery and colonialism is no doubt a European institution. Nothing is more further from the truth than this myth. The muslim conquest of the Indian sub-continent resulted in more than 80 million Buddhists and Hindus being slaughtered and millions more enslaved.


My goodness, this thread is going all over the place.

Please try to stay on topic, but if you can't, please be civil to other posters.


Created by the racial right.

Reverse discrimination, reverse racism, a so-called "double standard," a race war in the United States started by racist blacks against all whites, are all ideological fictions concocted by the racial and radical right.

It is the radical myth of an apocalyptic racial division and conflagration that the racial right wants, it is not what is naturally occurring in the society.

Mainstream Americans don't see a race war either presently or in the future, don't think in these terms; don't want a race war. The only race war in US history had already occurred, from 1861-1865 and the most severe racist Americans of the time lost. The racial radicals are still losing on all of their fronts.

Give up the ghost.

I assume you mean racist and not racial in your first line. If the right was racist why would they be having a debate that is the topic of this thread?

Don't assume.

OK, in that case racial is not the word you want to use in that context. It makes no sense.


The concept of white superiority only developed as a result of the European experience with institutionalized slavery and colonialism. Elites specifically conferred the privileges associated with whiteness in a system of control on indentured servants and lower class workers who economically were not much better of than slaves or savage indigenous peoples they displaced. Whiteness** is in reality, just another absurd racist concept. It did not exist while European fought each other hundred of years ago Rus against Pole, Frank versus Norman, Holy Roman Empire versus, etc.. Crusades agains Mohammedans and the constant religious wars never contained the racialist elements of thought which unfortunately continue to this day.

To get back on topic for the umpteenth time freaking time, the flag is just being removed from government owned public spaces. Places where it is gross injustice, to the majority of people who rightly see it as a symbol of institutionalized racism, to be formally coerced by the state

into accepting it as some sort of legitimate symbol of THEIR OWN GOVERNMENT.

No Flag or symbol will be banned in America. In fact in the near future even though it is best to just ignore such morons, we will be treated to the wonderful spectacle of KKK members in full Regalia flying confederate flags whilst protesting in SC. They will do this under legal permit and with full protection by armed authorities in accordance with the 1st ammendment to the US constitution.

*Suggested readings on the subject include Toni Morrison, WEB DuBois, and Thedore Allen*

Class Struggle and the Origin of Racial Slavery: The Invention of the White Race.

More than one million Europeans as far North as Iceland were captured and enslaved by North African Muslim pirates. Greece was colonized by Muslim Turks for 400 years, Spain even longer by Muslim invaders. A Turkish invasion army estimated at over 150,000 got as far as Vienna Austria. This was but one of many Muslim invasions. The South of France was routinely attacked by North African pirates and navies; cities like Toulon were sacked and burnt to the ground. Yet in your mind slavery and colonialism is no doubt a European institution. Nothing is more further from the truth than this myth. The muslim conquest of the Indian sub-continent resulted in more than 80 million Buddhists and Hindus being slaughtered and millions more enslaved.
Thanks for the history lesson. But you totally misrepresented what I wrote

Created by the racial right.

Reverse discrimination, reverse racism, a so-called "double standard," a race war in the United States started by racist blacks against all whites, are all ideological fictions concocted by the racial and radical right.

It is the radical myth of an apocalyptic racial division and conflagration that the racial right wants, it is not what is naturally occurring in the society.

Mainstream Americans don't see a race war either presently or in the future, don't think in these terms; don't want a race war. The only race war in US history had already occurred, from 1861-1865 and the most severe racist Americans of the time lost. The racial radicals are still losing on all of their fronts.

Give up the ghost.

I assume you mean racist and not racial in your first line. If the right was racist why would they be having a debate that is the topic of this thread?

Don't assume.

OK, in that case racial is not the word you want to use in that context. It makes no sense.

Neither should anyone presume.

And much less lecture.

I am posting under my username and I post what I mean to say, thx.

adjective ra·cial \ˈrā-shəl\
Definition of RACIAL for Kids
: of, relating to, or based on race <a racial group>
ra·cial·ly adverb



happening between people of different races

racial discrimination/prejudice:

racial equality:

racial conflict/tension/violence:


Assume nothing and presume even less plse thx. And be sure to re-read the post as a whole statement too, thx again.


Fair is fair. No more BET. Can you imagine if we had a White Entertainment Channel? No more yo MTV raps. Need more integration on the basketball courts and football fields. Equal integration on the PGA would make golf more fun to watch so I am all in. All black radio stations must now play 50% white music. All people of all races must pay the same amount of taxes. Flat tax for everyone. All people of all races must pay the same amount for health insurance.

On Facebook recently, there is a rash of black people taking pictures of themselves sipping their butt on the American flag saying it is racist. We are on a slippery slope with some people who will never be happy and will always look to blame others for their own failures rather than looking inward or accepting any responsibility.

Yes fair is fair. Cut the army spending down to 0 and start $2000 per month food stamps and $10000 per month medicaid for everyone.

That's truly fair if you want to get rid of BET and Rap. For that everyone will agree this is a fair compromise for All Americans.

But seriously you jest, you're just trying to be a crybaby

I listen to hip hop sometimes 100 % of the time, I watch BET and voted for Obama.

I think banning the confederate flag is about as abserd as banning the BET.

Truth is, happy well adapted people are not bothered by stuff like a flag. I am not bothered by BET, just the double standard.

I take it that you are white. have you asked any black people about their feelings about the flag?


I don't think any good people would have any problem identifying the racists on this forum, in spite of how they vehemently deny it, attack those that point it out and try to change the subject. All those are old right ring tactics. Learned straight from Herr Goebbels and Herr Atwater and Herr Rove. The Battle flag represents racism, pure and simple, defend it, fly it and we all know you for what you are. Put it in a museum, along with the troglodytes that defend it, where they all belong. Yes Karen you are right, the right wing made this divide and thankfully many will not back down unlike the cowardly Democrats (demoRats) in Congress. Then again, with very, very few exceptions the Republicans (repugthuglicans) and the Democrats are bought and sold by corporations, plutocrats, Wall Street criminals, banksters, and the industrial/military/spy complex. Flag and troglodytes to the museum post haste.


It has been decided now that the confederate battle flag will be removed from public spaces. It is time that the allies of racism move on to other issues, as the majority will move on also. Apparently trans persons will soon serve openly in the U.S. Military. Perhaps right wing outrage can serve some purpose there. Good night.

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