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Confederate flag sets off debate in 2016 Republican class

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If you want to leave it on government buildings, you can. But then you'll have to allow LGBT and African American groups to hoist their flags too. Simple reall

The states can decide on their own. However, they should not be pressured by any group to infringe upon someone's right to freedom of expression.

My God, do you even see the hypocrisy in your comments? You are suggesting that individuals and groups shouldn't be allowed to express their opinions about the hate flag? This is exactly what freedom of speech is about. You are talking from two sides of your mouth. But this debate isn't even about freedom of speech, but whether the government should display a symbol which represents hate and racism to so many people. This is how democracy works.

No one is suggesting that individuals can't display the flag if they want to. So if you want to tattoo the Confederate flag to your forehead, no one is stopping you.

By the way, we've covered this. Keep up.


I do belong to the VFW, ah duh. Do you? You sir are an embarrassment to all Marines, if in fact you were one. BTW, VVAW leadership was in great part USMC NCO's. Yea some of us have more than one working brain cell, unlike racist, bigoted right wingers. I align myself with human beings, not racist, bigoted, right wing haters. I'm no liberal, I'm a left wing militant. Here we continue with the right wingnut attack on the individual because the right wing argument has no substance Here's a good read from an old SE Asia, China person. Oh, you won't like it. http://thiscantbehappening.net/print/2788 You need to stop watching faux (not the) news, reading all the bratbart, infowars etc. lies and get an education. Do try to stay on subject and try to come up with a logical reason governments should not take down the Confederate flag instead of personal attacks. Oh, I forgot, personal attacks are what the right wing does when it has no facts in it's argument.

The most logical reason the Confederate flag should continue to fly in South Carolina, besides being part of America's Civil War history and to many, represents nothing more than southern pride, is it should be South Carolina's decision to fly the flag or not fly the flag.

You are a "left wing militant"?? What's up with that? Somehow, I don't believe that is anything to be proud of or to brag about. Your radical rants tend to border on disturbing.


This is utter nonsense. Freedom of Speech as outlined in the Constitution must be protected at all costs. Sorry but one tragic event should not destroy this important freedom. A crazed young man did this not a flag.

I agree but the obama regime has absolutely no respect for our Constitution and Bill of Rights. They despise our history, culture and fully intend to transform our nation into a socialist country. This won't stop with the current liberal crusade du jour against the Confederate flag; it is only the beginning. George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and many more American heroes are all on their to-do list. Anyone who has had the pleasure of sitting in an American university knows what the left thinks about Western Civilization and European-Americans in general. Obama has also made it very clear which side he is on.

Reactionary extremist right wing ideological and political spam.

Marxist gibberish.


Publicus : "The 0.01 % of black Americans that are racist blacks."

0.01% ? Have you ever set foot in America? This is an absurd statement.

I can tell you I wasn't born in Kenya laugh.pngcheesy.gif

Or Alabama.

My Americanism and USA citizenship by birthright and life's experience get questioned by another Chump for Trump or some such. clap2.gif

Another self-deported right wing crackpot loser who has no issues? blink.png

Given some people here have serious right angle calculators, let me take this post to revise my estimate to 0.000001 percent of all blacks that are "racist blacks." wink.png


A protester shows a Confederate flag outside the home of a black family.



Ah, so, now I'm not an American and I am a Marxist clap2.gif

Are there any data on how many slaves, former slaves, black Americans have been lynched by southern racists? There is a relationship between that and right wing burnout Republican cops plugging unarmed black American males full of hot lead. And there is a direct relationship between those two things and the Confederate Battle Flag flying over government buildings in so many capitals of the Old Confederacy, not to mention the redneck yahoos with their Confederate flags and patches all over their possessions.

The right wing are losers because more than anything else they still don't know how to lose or that they have in fact lost.

The state governments that put up the Confederate Battle Flag and flags during the 1950s against the Black Civil Rights Movement are the ones who are deciding to take the awful things down.Anyone with a beef about that might consider contacting the state governments directly.


I have to go to Atlanta later in the year. Been there before. Looking forward to it. America ain't bad.

Georgia took the Battle Flag symbols off its state flag in 2001 when the last Democratic party governor (probably forever) crashed it through the legislature one midnight. Let us know how many fights you get in to biggrin.png (assuming here you'll win 'em all).

Lived and worked in Atlanta five years during the 90s then went on to South Korea and here, with several years in the PRChina. Bangkok hot in Atlanta.

Atlanta Folk welcomed me generously till in normal conversation and discussion they heard my world view. smile.png Still, except for a few crochety old right winger retired military at the American Legion Hall, the folk there treated me very well. I'm confident you do very well there and and probably know already Georgians connect very well with the Brits from the the state's history.



(bikers not allowed)


Ah, so, now I'm not an American and I am a Marxist clap2.gif

Are there any data on how many slaves, former slaves, black Americans have been lynched by southern racists? There is a relationship between that and right wing burnout Republican cops plugging unarmed black American males full of hot lead. And there is a direct relationship between those two things and the Confederate Battle Flag flying over government buildings in so many capitals of the Old Confederacy, not to mention the redneck yahoos with their Confederate flags and patches all over their possessions.

The right wing are losers because more than anything else they still don't know how to lose or that they have in fact lost.

The state governments that put up the Confederate Battle Flag and flags during the 1950s against the Black Civil Rights Movement are the ones who are deciding to take the awful things down.Anyone with a beef about that might consider contacting the state governments directly.

This topic is about the "Confederate flag" not "Republican cops plugging unarmed black American males full of hot lead." What an immature statement to post.

What on earth are you referring to about "right wing are losers."???? Your posts are full of negative remarks about American police, and events that took place long before we were born.


Why the F would someone want to fly that flag? It's super un american. These guys who used this flag in the 1860's were willing to leave America and fight a war and exterminate people to slave and rape and lynch people. These people were traitors to America and they lost.

Why are people honoring traitors who killed Americans? If anyone doubts me, look at the number of graves in Gettysburg or other cemeteries.

Would you rather be friends and relatives of people who like to enslave, lynch and rape?

Enough debate already. Admit it.. you're all f'ing idiots to want to be related to racist war mongering rapist slavers.


Ah, so, now I'm not an American and I am a Marxist clap2.gif

Are there any data on how many slaves, former slaves, black Americans have been lynched by southern racists? There is a relationship between that and right wing burnout Republican cops plugging unarmed black American males full of hot lead. And there is a direct relationship between those two things and the Confederate Battle Flag flying over government buildings in so many capitals of the Old Confederacy, not to mention the redneck yahoos with their Confederate flags and patches all over their possessions.

The right wing are losers because more than anything else they still don't know how to lose or that they have in fact lost.

The state governments that put up the Confederate Battle Flag and flags during the 1950s against the Black Civil Rights Movement are the ones who are deciding to take the awful things down.Anyone with a beef about that might consider contacting the state governments directly.

Per your question; Wikipedia on lynching statistics:

"Nearly 3,500 African Americans and 1,300 whites were lynched in the United States between 1882 and 1968, mostly from 1882 to 1920.[8]"

From watching Hollywood movies and listening to libtards one would think that millions of blacks were lynched by whites. The numbers of blacks at the end of the Civil War were estimated at 400, 000 and have increased dramatically to about 35,000,000 today. Very few were lynched. Few blacks chose to leave even during the segregation period when they were without question discriminated against. They would have had no problems finding funds to do so had they so desired. I do not approve of any lyching but "street justice" unfortunately exists all over the planet; particularly in rural areas. Many of the lynching victims were innocent victims guilty of no real crime. Others were rapists, child molesters and such who were caught-in-the-act and punished immediately by angry citizens. In a perfect world this would never happen; but it does all over this planet and America is no exception. We don't deserve to have any exaggerated guilt complex for these murders that justify all the ridiculous libtard crusades against European-Americans.

You are living in the distant past at any rate. Interracial crime is heavily black-on-white vs the reverse case today. All government statistics show this and anyone living In the USA in areas with significant black populations understands this. This is a serious problem that is not being addressed by politicians nor is any concern to the left. Just whinning about the past and how terrible America has been to blacks.

The right try very hard in unison to have African-American history begin with Prez Johnson and the Great Society which was a program enacted by a Democratic party president and an overwhelmingly Democratic party dominated Congress.

One can see why the ideological far right have only disdain and contempt for LBJ and the Great Society. Prez Johnson got through the Congress the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965. The Democratic party president and Congress also enacted the Fair Housing Act of 1968 which SCOTUS (remarkably) upheld in a ruling announced just yesterday.

A Democratic party president and Congress respectively enacted the Equal Pay Act of 1963 and also the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967.

The War on Poverty of LBJ and the Democratic Congress of the time marked great strides in incorporating a large number of black Americans in to the mainstream of American society and the economy.

None of it has taken us to Utopia but none of it was designed to do that. The programs were and remain simply seminal.

Yet to the far out right sector, all these seminal laws and programs are an evil force and presence in American society. The long and the short of it however, is that African-American history did not begin during the 1960s. It began more than 350 years ago and it continues to the present and going forward.


Why the F would someone want to fly that flag? It's super un american. These guys who used this flag in the 1860's were willing to leave America and fight a war and exterminate people to slave and rape and lynch people. These people were traitors to America and they lost.

Why are people honoring traitors who killed Americans? If anyone doubts me, look at the number of graves in Gettysburg or other cemeteries.

Would you rather be friends and relatives of people who like to enslave, lynch and rape?

Enough debate already. Admit it.. you're all f'ing idiots to want to be related to racist war mongering rapist slavers.

True. People loyal to the Confederate flag are more apt to burn the American flag, just like that Roof guy, so not sure what the heck Rush Limbaugh is talking about.

By the way, loved you in Avatar.


The Rebel flag stuff is a political dagger in the heart to the R party swarm of right wing eccentric reactionaries who want to get in to the White House to turn back the clock.

Nonsense. The Democrat Party owns the Confederate flag. The Confederacy were Democrats. The heirs of the Confederacy were Democrats. The segregationists were all Democrats. The Confederacy was Democrats. Bill Clinton, George Wallace and Gore all used it to campaign with. What a bunch of hypocrites.

You are partly correct as you should have used PAST tense. The Democrat party in the South used to own the Confederate flag. But things changed in 1948 when the Democrat party itself moved forward, as in progressive. Southern Democrats, the Dixiecrats were members of the States' Rights Democratic Party, which splintered from the Democratic Party in 1948. Why? They were being true to their white supremacist heritage - they protested the insertion of a civil rights clause in the party platform and President Truman's advocacy of that plank.

So where did all those former Democrat Dixiecrats end up politically? The Republican Party greeted then with open arms - Southern red states today.

I do agree it is hypocritical for Gore, Clinton, et al to use the Confederate flag in their campaigning. But after all, they are politicians and were pandering to white Southern voters.


Ah, so, now I'm not an American and I am a Marxist clap2.gif

Are there any data on how many slaves, former slaves, black Americans have been lynched by southern racists? There is a relationship between that and right wing burnout Republican cops plugging unarmed black American males full of hot lead. And there is a direct relationship between those two things and the Confederate Battle Flag flying over government buildings in so many capitals of the Old Confederacy, not to mention the redneck yahoos with their Confederate flags and patches all over their possessions.

The right wing are losers because more than anything else they still don't know how to lose or that they have in fact lost.

The state governments that put up the Confederate Battle Flag and flags during the 1950s against the Black Civil Rights Movement are the ones who are deciding to take the awful things down.Anyone with a beef about that might consider contacting the state governments directly.

Per your question; Wikipedia on lynching statistics:

"Nearly 3,500 African Americans and 1,300 whites were lynched in the United States between 1882 and 1968, mostly from 1882 to 1920.[8]"

From watching Hollywood movies and listening to libtards one would think that millions of blacks were lynched by whites. The numbers of blacks at the end of the Civil War were estimated at 400, 000 and have increased dramatically to about 35,000,000 today. Very few were lynched. Few blacks chose to leave even during the segregation period when they were without question discriminated against. They would have had no problems finding funds to do so had they so desired. I do not approve of any lyching but "street justice" unfortunately exists all over the planet; particularly in rural areas. Many of the lynching victims were innocent victims guilty of no real crime. Others were rapists, child molesters and such who were caught-in-the-act and punished immediately by angry citizens. In a perfect world this would never happen; but it does all over this planet and America is no exception. We don't deserve to have any exaggerated guilt complex for these murders that justify all the ridiculous libtard crusades against European-Americans.

You are living in the distant past at any rate. Interracial crime is heavily black-on-white vs the reverse case today. All government statistics show this and anyone living In the USA in areas with significant black populations understands this. This is a serious problem that is not being addressed by politicians nor is any concern to the left. Just whinning about the past and how terrible America has been to blacks.

The right try very hard in unison to have African-American history begin with Prez Johnson and the Great Society which was a program enacted by a Democratic party president and an overwhelmingly Democratic party dominated Congress.

One can see why the ideological far right have only disdain and contempt for LBJ and the Great Society. Prez Johnson got through the Congress the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965. The Democratic party president and Congress also enacted the Fair Housing Act of 1968 which SCOTUS (remarkably) upheld in a ruling announced just yesterday.

A Democratic party president and Congress respectively enacted the Equal Pay Act of 1963 and also the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967.

The War on Poverty of LBJ and the Democratic Congress of the time marked great strides in incorporating a large number of black Americans in to the mainstream of American society and the economy.

None of it has taken us to Utopia but none of it was designed to do that. The programs were and remain simply seminal.

Yet to the far out right sector, all these seminal laws and programs are an evil force and presence in American society. The long and the short of it however, is that African-American history did not begin during the 1960s. It began more than 350 years ago and it continues to the present and going forward.

Thanks for reminding us that the Great Welfare Plantation was primarily the fault of the Democratic party . 22 trillion spent (supposedly on eliminating poverty) with very little positive to show for it. They indeed deserve most of the credit for driving black fathers out of the homes and creating a society where legal discrimination was not ended but has now flipped and is directed agajnst white males. Yes,we have a larger middle class of blacks now; much of which is the result of affirmative action and lowering of standards for them. This is how Collin Powell became a 4 star general and Obama got into Harvard and even become president. On the other hand black professionals ( even those who are competent) are stigmatized because of this and the black ghettos are in worse shape than they were before the LBJ era. Relations between blacks and whites are worse than they have ever been due to the racial politics of the Democratic party that has become the party of Cultural Marxism and minority racism. This same assault against the majority culture was done by the Bolchevick scum in the Soviet Union in which the Slavic majority was demonized and attacked relentlessly ( until they needed them in WW2).

I would give liberal Republicans some credit for needlessly expanding the size of the federal government ( especially Bush) as well; but you are correct about the primary role played by Democrats. Government expansion and endless programs have not eliminated poverty or created any real increase in aggregate wealth or prosperity; they have only transfered wealth from those who produce to those who don't. Socialist economies all end in failure and bankruptcy when ideology contronts reality.


Ah, so, now I'm not an American and I am a Marxist clap2.gif

Are there any data on how many slaves, former slaves, black Americans have been lynched by southern racists? There is a relationship between that and right wing burnout Republican cops plugging unarmed black American males full of hot lead. And there is a direct relationship between those two things and the Confederate Battle Flag flying over government buildings in so many capitals of the Old Confederacy, not to mention the redneck yahoos with their Confederate flags and patches all over their possessions.

The right wing are losers because more than anything else they still don't know how to lose or that they have in fact lost.

The state governments that put up the Confederate Battle Flag and flags during the 1950s against the Black Civil Rights Movement are the ones who are deciding to take the awful things down.Anyone with a beef about that might consider contacting the state governments directly.

Per your question; Wikipedia on lynching statistics:

"Nearly 3,500 African Americans and 1,300 whites were lynched in the United States between 1882 and 1968, mostly from 1882 to 1920.[8]"

From watching Hollywood movies and listening to libtards one would think that millions of blacks were lynched by whites. The numbers of blacks at the end of the Civil War were estimated at 400, 000 and have increased dramatically to about 35,000,000 today. Very few were lynched. Few blacks chose to leave even during the segregation period when they were without question discriminated against. They would have had no problems finding funds to do so had they so desired. I do not approve of any lyching but "street justice" unfortunately exists all over the planet; particularly in rural areas. Many of the lynching victims were innocent victims guilty of no real crime. Others were rapists, child molesters and such who were caught-in-the-act and punished immediately by angry citizens. In a perfect world this would never happen; but it does all over this planet and America is no exception. We don't deserve to have any exaggerated guilt complex for these murders that justify all the ridiculous libtard crusades against European-Americans.

You are living in the distant past at any rate. Interracial crime is heavily black-on-white vs the reverse case today. All government statistics show this and anyone living In the USA in areas with significant black populations understands this. This is a serious problem that is not being addressed by politicians nor is any concern to the left. Just whinning about the past and how terrible America has been to blacks.

The right try very hard in unison to have African-American history begin with Prez Johnson and the Great Society which was a program enacted by a Democratic party president and an overwhelmingly Democratic party dominated Congress.

One can see why the ideological far right have only disdain and contempt for LBJ and the Great Society. Prez Johnson got through the Congress the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965. The Democratic party president and Congress also enacted the Fair Housing Act of 1968 which SCOTUS (remarkably) upheld in a ruling announced just yesterday.

A Democratic party president and Congress respectively enacted the Equal Pay Act of 1963 and also the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967.

The War on Poverty of LBJ and the Democratic Congress of the time marked great strides in incorporating a large number of black Americans in to the mainstream of American society and the economy.

None of it has taken us to Utopia but none of it was designed to do that. The programs were and remain simply seminal.

Yet to the far out right sector, all these seminal laws and programs are an evil force and presence in American society. The long and the short of it however, is that African-American history did not begin during the 1960s. It began more than 350 years ago and it continues to the present and going forward.

Thanks for reminding us that the Great Welfare Plantation was primarily the fault of the Democratic party . 22 trillion spent (supposedly on eliminating poverty) with very little positive to show for it. They indeed deserve most of the credit for driving black fathers out of the homes and creating a society where legal discrimination was not ended but has now flipped and is directed agajnst white males. Yes,we have a larger middle class of blacks now; much of which is the result of affirmative action and lowering of standards for them. This is how Collin Powell became a 4 star general and Obama got into Harvard and even become president. On the other hand black professionals ( even those who are competent) are stigmatized because of this and the black ghettos are in worse shape than they were before the LBJ era. Relations between blacks and whites are worse than they have ever been due to the racial politics of the Democratic party that has become the party of Cultural Marxism and minority racism. This same assault against the majority culture was done by the Bolchevick scum in the Soviet Union in which the Slavic majority was demonized and attacked relentlessly ( until they needed them in WW2).

I would give liberal Republicans some credit for needlessly expanding the size of the federal government ( especially Bush) as well; but you are correct about the primary role played by Democrats. Government expansion and endless programs have not eliminated poverty or created any real increase in aggregate wealth or prosperity; they have only transfered wealth from those who produce to those who don't. Socialist economies all end in failure and bankruptcy when ideology contronts reality.

The United States is not nor will it ever be a socialist economy, society, culture, civilisation.

What is fact and reality is that the Confederate Battle Flag is coming down in certain state capitals of the Old Confederacy.

The right can't handle the truth.


Yes, understandable you would struggle with logic, facts and reality. Whoa there, obscure Indian tribe, try nations. Your racial prejudice is showing big time Wasichu. BTW, I just finished watching GWtW again a few minutes ago. A damn good film and any human being can see the inhumanity in it and the falsehood of slaves that supported the south. Sorry southerners, you can't have those days again. Great acting and great film work for it's day. I first saw it as a young child when my dad took me to see while the baptist women's circle met in our house. The only ones trying to ban Huck Finn have been right wing wacko's. Good my comment struck you as pertinent, pay attention more often. I'm still waiting for logic, oh I forgot again, not in the right wing dictionary.

Typical answer from you. Lots of insults and no content.

You just finished watching Gone with the Wind a few minutes ago? Would that be coincidence...or a lie?

I should have realized you were incapable of giving a coherent response. My mistake.


The Democrat party in the South used to own the Confederate flag. But things changed in 1948 when the Democrat party itself moved forward, as in progressive.

More nonsense. The parties never "switched" on racism. The Democrats just switched from overt racism to a strategy of getting blacks as dependent as possible on government to secure their votes. At the same time, they began a smear campaign to label anyone who opposes their strategy as racists.

In the 1950s, President Eisenhower, a Republican, integrated the US military and promoted civil rights for minorities. Eisenhower pushed through the Civil Rights Act of 1957. The historic Civil Rights Act of 1964 was supported by a higher percentage of Republicans than Democrats in both houses of Congress. In the House, 80 percent of the Republicans and 63 percent of the Democrats voted in favor. In the Senate, 82 percent of the Republicans and 69 percent of the Democrats voted for it.


The Rebel flag stuff is a political dagger in the heart to the R party swarm of right wing eccentric reactionaries who want to get in to the White House to turn back the clock.

Nonsense. The Democrat Party owns the Confederate flag. The Confederacy were Democrats. The heirs of the Confederacy were Democrats. The segregationists were all Democrats. The Confederacy was Democrats. Bill Clinton, George Wallace and Gore all used it to campaign with. What a bunch of hypocrites.

You are partly correct as you should have used PAST tense. The Democrat party in the South used to own the Confederate flag. But things changed in 1948 when the Democrat party itself moved forward, as in progressive. Southern Democrats, the Dixiecrats were members of the States' Rights Democratic Party, which splintered from the Democratic Party in 1948. Why? They were being true to their white supremacist heritage - they protested the insertion of a civil rights clause in the party platform and President Truman's advocacy of that plank.

So where did all those former Democrat Dixiecrats end up politically? The Republican Party greeted then with open arms - Southern red states today.

I do agree it is hypocritical for Gore, Clinton, et al to use the Confederate flag in their campaigning. But after all, they are politicians and were pandering to white Southern voters.

If we keep moving "forward" and more "progressive "; we will come to resemble more and more the Soviet Union, Zimbabwe... and every other "progressive" regime. It always end very poorly for all but a few.



"The United States is not nor will it ever be a socialist economy, society, culture, civilisation.

What is fact and reality is that the Confederate Battle Flag is coming down in certain state capitals of the Old Confederacy.

The right can't handle the truth. "

Much like your ridiculous comment about 0.01 % of blacks being racist; you are completely wrong and living in a complete fantasy world . The march of Fabian socialism in America has been relentless and did not begin with obama. Our freedoms have been progressively curtailed and our prosperity progressively destroyed with each <deleted> progressive regime . I am all too aware of the many successes of the radical left ; and they will probably prevail in this assault on our culture as well. Conservatives live in the real world and do recognize your victories in your endless irrational and divisive crusades. Sometimes things have to get very bad until people have had enough and there is a mobilization which results in putting us back on a more proper course. It is long overdue.


Why the F would someone want to fly that flag? It's super un american. These guys who used this flag in the 1860's were willing to leave America and fight a war and exterminate people to slave and rape and lynch people. These people were traitors to America and they lost.

Why are people honoring traitors who killed Americans? If anyone doubts me, look at the number of graves in Gettysburg or other cemeteries.

Would you rather be friends and relatives of people who like to enslave, lynch and rape?

Enough debate already. Admit it.. you're all f'ing idiots to want to be related to racist war mongering rapist slavers.

I can only presume your ignorance of the following might have caused your post.

You are blissfully unaware of Section 16 at Arlington National Cemetary which contains the remains of hundreds of Confederate soldiers killed in battle.

Arlington National Cemetary was opened in 1866 to honor the Civil War dead and was later amended to include Confederate war dead as well.

Would you have them reburied someplace more to your liking?



The Democrat party in the South used to own the Confederate flag. But things changed in 1948 when the Democrat party itself moved forward, as in progressive.

More nonsense. The parties never "switched" on racism. The Democrats just switched from overt racism to a strategy of getting blacks as dependent as possible on government to secure their votes. At the same time, they began a smear campaign to label anyone who opposes their strategy as racists.

In the 1950s, President Eisenhower, a Republican, integrated the US military and promoted civil rights for minorities. Eisenhower pushed through the Civil Rights Act of 1957. The historic Civil Rights Act of 1964 was supported by a higher percentage of Republicans than Democrats in both houses of Congress. In the House, 80 percent of the Republicans and 63 percent of the Democrats voted in favor. In the Senate, 82 percent of the Republicans and 69 percent of the Democrats voted for it.

"The parties never "switched" on racism. The Democrats just switched from overt racism to a strategy of getting blacks as dependent as possible on government to secure their votes. At the same time, they began a smear campaign to label anyone who opposes their strategy as racists." That's your opinion but it's factually incorrect. The try to explain away segregationists such as Alabama's Democrat Gov. George Wallace or Georgia's Lester Maddox. They were proud racists and Democrats, but luckily a dying breed.

"The historic Civil Rights Act of 1964 was supported by a higher percentage of Republicans than Democrats in both houses of Congress."

Southerners made up a larger percentage of the Democratic than Republican caucus, which created the false impression than Republicans were more in favor of the `64 Civil Rights Act. Breaking it down, nearly 100% of Union state Democrats supported the act compared to 85% of Republicans. Not one southern Republican voted for the bill, while a small percentage of southern Democrats did. That's why Strom Thurmond left the Democratic Party right after the Civil Right Act passed. He quickly recognized that the Republican party was more in line with his white supremacy message.


The Rebel flag stuff is a political dagger in the heart to the R party swarm of right wing eccentric reactionaries who want to get in to the White House to turn back the clock.

Nonsense. The Democrat Party owns the Confederate flag. The Confederacy were Democrats. The heirs of the Confederacy were Democrats. The segregationists were all Democrats. The Confederacy was Democrats. Bill Clinton, George Wallace and Gore all used it to campaign with. What a bunch of hypocrites.

You are partly correct as you should have used PAST tense. The Democrat party in the South used to own the Confederate flag. But things changed in 1948 when the Democrat party itself moved forward, as in progressive. Southern Democrats, the Dixiecrats were members of the States' Rights Democratic Party, which splintered from the Democratic Party in 1948. Why? They were being true to their white supremacist heritage - they protested the insertion of a civil rights clause in the party platform and President Truman's advocacy of that plank.

So where did all those former Democrat Dixiecrats end up politically? The Republican Party greeted then with open arms - Southern red states today.

I do agree it is hypocritical for Gore, Clinton, et al to use the Confederate flag in their campaigning. But after all, they are politicians and were pandering to white Southern voters.

If we keep moving "forward" and more "progressive "; we will come to resemble more and more the Soviet Union, Zimbabwe... and every other "progressive" regime. It always end very poorly for all but a few.

Out of my entire post that's all you came away with?


The Democrat party in the South used to own the Confederate flag. But things changed in 1948 when the Democrat party itself moved forward, as in progressive.

More nonsense. The parties never "switched" on racism. The Democrats just switched from overt racism to a strategy of getting blacks as dependent as possible on government to secure their votes. At the same time, they began a smear campaign to label anyone who opposes their strategy as racists.

In the 1950s, President Eisenhower, a Republican, integrated the US military and promoted civil rights for minorities. Eisenhower pushed through the Civil Rights Act of 1957. The historic Civil Rights Act of 1964 was supported by a higher percentage of Republicans than Democrats in both houses of Congress. In the House, 80 percent of the Republicans and 63 percent of the Democrats voted in favor. In the Senate, 82 percent of the Republicans and 69 percent of the Democrats voted for it.

"The parties never "switched" on racism. The Democrats just switched from overt racism to a strategy of getting blacks as dependent as possible on government to secure their votes. At the same time, they began a smear campaign to label anyone who opposes their strategy as racists." That's your opinion but it's factually incorrect. The try to explain away segregationists such as Alabama's Democrat Gov. George Wallace or Georgia's Lester Maddox. They were proud racists and Democrats, but luckily a dying breed.

"The historic Civil Rights Act of 1964 was supported by a higher percentage of Republicans than Democrats in both houses of Congress."

Southerners made up a larger percentage of the Democratic than Republican caucus, which created the false impression than Republicans were more in favor of the `64 Civil Rights Act. Breaking it down, nearly 100% of Union state Democrats supported the act compared to 85% of Republicans. Not one southern Republican voted for the bill, while a small percentage of southern Democrats did. That's why Strom Thurmond left the Democratic Party right after the Civil Right Act passed. He quickly recognized that the Republican party was more in line with his white supremacy message.

The Civil Rights bill of 1964 was not supported by many who were not "white supremacists." It was opposed by many conservatives for going far beyond its expressed intentions and violating our freedom of association. They were proven correct. Ellison Lodge explains:

"Freedom of association is one of the most fundamental liberties derived from Anglo-Saxon common law. Dismissing these concerns as mere theoretical debate shows a complete disrespect for our Constitution and founding principles.

Moreover, there are not just theoretical reasons of principle, but very many reasons in practice why the Civil Rights Act is a complete disaster for this country.

Most vitally: The Civil Rights Act was almost immediately applied to enforce anti-white quotas. In 1971, the Supreme Court in Griggs v. Duke Power Co. decision interpreted the bill to bar anything that had a disparate impact on minorities, including requiring a high school diploma.

Amendments to Title IX of the Act in 1972 also led to absurd feminist positions such as banning Father Son Baseball games.

In the 1980s, the courts reversed some of the most egregious interpretations of the Act in Wards Cove Packing Co. v. Atonio and Price Waterhouse v. Hopkins. But these changes were effectively nullified by the Democratic-controlled Congress in the 1991 Civil Rights Act. (So much for issues being settled by the courts). Bush I`s signing this Democratic legislation was the final straw that led to Pat Buchanan`s fatally damaging primary challenge to him in 1992.

Moreover, beyond issues of race, the Civil Rights Act and the subsequent court decisions to justify it set precedent to allow to give the federal government virtually unlimited power to interfere in the private sector. Thus the feds justified their right to interfere with private businesses through a fantastic interpretation of the Interstate Commerce Clause of the Constitution. For example, in Katzenbach v. McClung, the courts forcibly integrated Ollie`s Barbecue. This family-owned restaurant was right in the center of Alabamabut because some of its ingredients were produced out of state, they ruled that it was engaging in interstate commerce, with, for example, Kelloggs of Battle Creek, Michigan.

Even if someone believes that the Federal Government has the right to ban racial segregation, the fact that this particular Act led to legalized anti-white discrimination and dramatically increased the power of the federal government should be more than reason enough for any conservative or libertarian to oppose it.

But Republicans are so afraid of being seen as critical of the Civil Rights Act that they can be scared into supporting the inevitable anti-white consequences."


Why the F would someone want to fly that flag? It's super un american. These guys who used this flag in the 1860's were willing to leave America and fight a war and exterminate people to slave and rape and lynch people. These people were traitors to America and they lost.

Why are people honoring traitors who killed Americans? If anyone doubts me, look at the number of graves in Gettysburg or other cemeteries.

Would you rather be friends and relatives of people who like to enslave, lynch and rape?

Enough debate already. Admit it.. you're all f'ing idiots to want to be related to racist war mongering rapist slavers.

I can only presume your ignorance of the following might have caused your post.

You are blissfully unaware of Section 16 at Arlington National Cemetary which contains the remains of hundreds of Confederate soldiers killed in battle.

Arlington National Cemetary was opened in 1866 to honor the Civil War dead and was later amended to include Confederate war dead as well.

Would you have them reburied someplace more to your liking?


On the left's to-do list. They will eventually get around to it. Closing the Jefferson Memorial and anything making reference to George Washington will be targeted before the graveyard.

" He who controls the past controls the future. "

Denis Blair (aka George Orwell ) Ex-Fabian socialiist who became a libertarian freedom fighter.


Old tactics, same intent. Why do you think Southern states raised it only after the civil rights achievements of the 1960s? Right Wing zealot Ronald Reagans' 1980 campaign blew the dog whistle in Philadelphia, MS just 16 years after young civil rights activists were murdered there, their blood barely dry, pathetically calling for "states rights". America is quite different than it was 35 years ago fortunately.

That hateful rag of a battle banner means "go away, fear for your life, we don’t want you in town after dark", and nothing else. Any idea of standing for Southern pride is rubbish. Racists from teenage skinheads to Ukranian fascists have adopted it all over the world. Even the GOP must capitulate now.

Good Riddance!


Old tactics, same intent. Why do you think Southern states raised it only after the civil rights achievements of the 1960s? Right Wing zealot Ronald Reagans' 1980 campaign blew the dog whistle in Philadelphia, MS just 16 years after young civil rights activists were murdered there, their blood barely dry, pathetically calling for "states rights". America is quite different than it was 35 years ago fortunately.

That hateful rag of a battle banner means "go away, fear for your life, we don’t want you in town after dark", and nothing else. Any idea of standing for Southern pride is rubbish. Racists from teenage skinheads to Ukranian fascists have adopted it all over the world. Even the GOP must capitulate now.

Good Riddance!

Ya I'm sure that's right.



That picture says so much.

A failed, worn out platform of hypocritical religiosity, GUNS above all else, racism/xenophobia , voodoo economics, homophobia, misogyny, and conspiracy theory pushed by the deeply crazed, in that order.

Sayonara GOP.


That picture says so much.

A failed, worn out platform of hypocritical religiosity, GUNS above all else, racism/xenophobia , voodoo economics, homophobia, misogyny, and conspiracy theory pushed by the deeply crazed, in that order.

Sayonara GOP.

Look a little closer. The photo is of black people.biggrin.png


And the typical right wing personal attacks continue because the right doesn't have a leg to stand on. That is the typical right wing tactic. Pardner, if you want to call me a liar, you better try it to my face, I'm no keyboard warrior. I live in Udon and I'm not hard to find. I hope I'm very, very disturbing to the right wing wacko's, there are a lot of us out there, many, many more than the racist, teabagging, troglodyte wacko's could possibly imagine. We are not the "peace, love, dope, and good vibes" people you think of when you think of "liberals. You are presented with facts that you cannot accept because they are true. That nutcase with the flags is a disgrace to the Marine Corp, if he ever was one. Oh, that photo of "black people", exactly how many do you count? The US has been on a downhill slide since the Reagun regime, economical slide aided by Bill Clinton. I grew up in the south, it is the most racist, bigoted, faux christian part of the US, not that you won't find that it other parts. Oh my, the government forced a restaurant in where, oh yea that's right, racist Alabama, to allow black customers in. And that is bad exactly how? Does someone actually believe that black people should be kept out of anyplace because they are black? The woodwork is crawling and the racist colors are showing.

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