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Thousands march in central London to protest austerity

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What the right-wingnuts (& Thatcher supporters) 'forget' is that Thatcher's Big Bang created the opportunity for retail banks to gobble up the investment banks and/or create their own investment department which invested in the disastrous Credit Default Swaps & Sub-prime Loan packages.

A body was created to oversee the banks in order to stop gambling but the Labour government disbanded it.

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Take the Nanny out of Nanny State and the bawling starts.


And what do we call all those crooked bankers worldwide who in 2008 got us into this mess from which we are still suffering. Oh yeah leaches.Guess where they got their bailout money from hmm the taxpayer maybe. Guess what said banks have not learned a thing except to keep up and increase their greedy ways and are setting us for yet another big fall and their government buddies are looking the other way. They seem able to live off of the taxpayers teet just fine. None went to jail. They only got richer.The Iron lady only helped the rich as did her dancing partner Romping Ronnie. I understand the Iron Lady towards the end looked in the mirror and saw only a shadow of her former self. Maybe this was Gods punishment for helping to destroy honest hard working men and women. You will never run out of other peoples money as the rich just keep on getting richer by stealing from the rest of us so lets do a Robin Hood. You have just about worn out the Nanny State phrase. You sound like a lonely rich man who cares diddly squat about his fellow man. Get a new speech writer. Put the other one out to pasture.

You are obviously a socialist and the Brits rejected socialism in the last election.

If it had not been for mrs Thatcher the UK would be a third world country

there are opinions about that the UK is rapidly heading towards being a "third world county"

and a lot of it is to do with lilly livered, spineless liberals with their free hand outs and no accountability


What do you mean, pensions are "welfare"? You mean

When you work you don't pay into your pension? If you

Pay for the benefit it is not welfare.

In The States every working person pays 7.5% of their

Salaey into Social Security . The Employer must match

This and pay 7.5% also. Not at all a Welfare Program

If UK pensions are not paid by the employee and employer,

Than it's welfare and cut it too by 30%... To start.

The UK retirement pension has been likened to a massive Ponzi Scheme. Tax payers don't pay for their own retirement pensions, they pay for the pensions of those already retired. Their own pensions will be paid for by those in work at that future date.

if the whole thing doesn't collapse that is


looks like he could do with an austerity program of his own, and cut down on the big mac's and kebabs

send him to greece, he could the feed the natives for a month at least

I see, its the fat blokes fault!!!


Very easy to control where a business is based, punitive import tax, work permits, employment restrictions.
It's just the western governments are all owned by the same people, so they don't do it.
Not about can't control, it's about no will to control.

NWO!!! I see that you know what is going on behind the curtain!


Sigh. All this pontificating by retirees who were successful in life primarily because they were born in the right country at the right time of the economic cycle and bought their houses for 22p. Hang your heads. It is your selfish generation who has screwed it up for the rest of us. I would hate to be a youngster starting out today...


Why do the British Public have to pay for Commercial Banks owned by Share holders. Nobody asked if they could use my taxes, I have never ever been in debit or owed money, i have done as the government wanted, worked my balls off, payed my taxes, I bought my own house put money in the bank , Then i get punished and told that every house hold in the Uk is in debit,

I am uncertain whether it actually cost the tax payers anything, hopefully shares were/will be sold off at a profit, what annoys me is while the government was the major shareholder they did not sway more control, cut the bonuses and sacked the Fat Cats.

As I understand it the government underwrote bad loans of the banks to stop them going under, and in return the banks had to print more shares diluting the value of their current shares, much of the bad debts has now been recovered and the banks are in a better state so those shares should be worth a lot more.

You understand wrong,

The shares were nationalized, the shareholders lost everything.

Several of my friends lost everything, they thought owning shares in banks was safe.


Take the Nanny out of Nanny State and the bawling starts.



Maggie's statement when the Falklands war began, "Oh good, a war is so much more entertaining than those boring environmental cabinet meetings".

Opposition member's statement when Maggie resigned.

He was asked ,"How did you feel when you heard she resigned? "

His answer was, "Like dancing around and singing .... Ding Dong, the Wicked Witch is dead!"


"We will not rest until austerity is history, our services are back in public hands and the needs of the majority are put first."

--Didn't these people just lose an election? Massively. So, how are they now the majority?

I'm not aware that the People's Assembly participated in the election. So they could hardly have lost it.


Sigh. All this pontificating by retirees who were successful in life primarily because they were born in the right country at the right time of the economic cycle and bought their houses for 22p. Hang your heads. It is your selfish generation who has screwed it up for the rest of us. I would hate to be a youngster starting out today...

Sheesh! I wish I'd been around when houses were going for 22p.


What do you mean, pensions are "welfare"? You mean

When you work you don't pay into your pension? If you

Pay for the benefit it is not welfare.

In The States every working person pays 7.5% of their

Salaey into Social Security . The Employer must match

This and pay 7.5% also. Not at all a Welfare Program

If UK pensions are not paid by the employee and employer,

Than it's welfare and cut it too by 30%... To start.

The UK retirement pension has been likened to a massive Ponzi Scheme. Tax payers don't pay for their own retirement pensions, they pay for the pensions of those already retired. Their own pensions will be paid for by those in work at that future date.

Indeed they do. And it will continue like that, unless some bright civil servant - and those are few and far between - comes up with a system that works better.


What do you mean, pensions are "welfare"? You mean

When you work you don't pay into your pension? If you

Pay for the benefit it is not welfare.

In The States every working person pays 7.5% of their

Salaey into Social Security . The Employer must match

This and pay 7.5% also. Not at all a Welfare Program

If UK pensions are not paid by the employee and employer,

Than it's welfare and cut it too by 30%... To start.

The UK retirement pension has been likened to a massive Ponzi Scheme. Tax payers don't pay for their own retirement pensions, they pay for the pensions of those already retired. Their own pensions will be paid for by those in work at that future date.

Indeed they do. And it will continue like that, unless some bright civil servant - and those are few and far between - comes up with a system that works better.

Australian superannuation. Look it up.


What do you mean, pensions are "welfare"? You mean

When you work you don't pay into your pension? If you

Pay for the benefit it is not welfare.

In The States every working person pays 7.5% of their

Salaey into Social Security . The Employer must match

This and pay 7.5% also. Not at all a Welfare Program

If UK pensions are not paid by the employee and employer,

Than it's welfare and cut it too by 30%... To start.

The UK retirement pension has been likened to a massive Ponzi Scheme. Tax payers don't pay for their own retirement pensions, they pay for the pensions of those already retired. Their own pensions will be paid for by those in work at that future date.

if the whole thing doesn't collapse that is

See the PIGS for details.

Capitalism works, yeah righ, check out Uncle Sam, up to his eyeballs in debt, never mind The Fed will turn on the printing presses, reminds me of post war Germany.

Hows those Grexit talks coming on?


Sigh. All this pontificating by retirees who were successful in life primarily because they were born in the right country at the right time of the economic cycle and bought their houses for 22p. Hang your heads. It is your selfish generation who has screwed it up for the rest of us. I would hate to be a youngster starting out today...

Sheesh! I wish I'd been around when houses were going for 22p.

and one suspects there would have been current TV' members whinging they had paid 1p more than they should have...laugh.png


Comedian Russell Brand was also among the thousands taking part.

I wished I were there, if for no other reason than to watch Russell Brand get his ass handed to him by protesters...


Turncoat! The moment anti-austerity protesters turned on millionaire comedian Russell Brand and told him to 'f*** off back to Miliband' (before he was spotted running off to a waiting car)


Comedian Russell Brand was also among the thousands taking part.

I wished I were there, if for no other reason than to watch Russell Brand get his ass handed to him by protesters...


Turncoat! The moment anti-austerity protesters turned on millionaire comedian Russell Brand and told him to 'f*** off back to Miliband' (before he was spotted running off to a waiting car)

The real joker is the person who described Russel Brand as a comedian. Since when ? whistling.gif

  • 2 weeks later...

Cut all welfare by 30% to start...

When all austerity measures are taken into account, including cuts to public services and changes to taxes and welfare, the poorest tenth of the population are by far the hardest hit, seeing a 38 per cent decrease in their net income over the period 2010 - 15.


Pensions are welfare benefits, so are you recommending pensioners have their payments cut by 30%? Three per cent of expenditure is accounted for by Jobseekers Allowance, while over 50 per cent is spent on pensioners.


No! 100% wrong! Pensions are most definitely NOT welfare benefits! Pure ignorance. They are EARNED benefits. Get a clue. Now pensions MAY be excessive (esp if union-negotiated or a political officeholder's perk), and in need of a trimming - no doubt - in which case YES, I'm all for subjecting them to austerity cuts. But they are not in the same category with welfare.

Basic State Pension payments are treated as a component of HMG Social Services expenditure

Basic State Pension (contributory) claimants 12,672,860

Basic State Pension (non-contributory) claimants 34,780


I didn't say it wasn't a "benefit". Pensions are an EARNED benefit. Welfare is NOT EARNED. Huge and fundamental difference there. I don't care what government agency handles the benefit, or even where it appears in their budget schedule, pensions are not "welfare".


They are the people that caused the problem by voting for Labour, which wasted all the money the Tories left them.

I bet it's mainly, if not only, the idle chav bludgers that are protesting as they see themselves not being able to watch tv and drink down at the pub all day any more.


Sigh. All this pontificating by retirees who were successful in life primarily because they were born in the right country at the right time of the economic cycle and bought their houses for 22p. Hang your heads. It is your selfish generation who has screwed it up for the rest of us. I would hate to be a youngster starting out today...

Its always somebody else's fault. You can listen to this constant whingeing in 99% of expat bars in Thailand. They should bottle it and sell it as a cologne.


Sigh. All this pontificating by retirees who were successful in life primarily because they were born in the right country at the right time of the economic cycle and bought their houses for 22p. Hang your heads. It is your selfish generation who has screwed it up for the rest of us. I would hate to be a youngster starting out today...

Its always somebody else's fault. You can listen to this constant whingeing in 99% of expat bars in Thailand. They should bottle it and sell it as a cologne.

Most people have very little control over their lives, a married man in the west has almost none, he lives by the grace and favour of his wife.

So unless you are king (or some sort of supreme leader), it probably is somebody else's fault.


Sigh. All this pontificating by retirees who were successful in life primarily because they were born in the right country at the right time of the economic cycle and bought their houses for 22p. Hang your heads. It is your selfish generation who has screwed it up for the rest of us. I would hate to be a youngster starting out today...

Its always somebody else's fault. You can listen to this constant whingeing in 99% of expat bars in Thailand. They should bottle it and sell it as a cologne.

Most people have very little control over their lives, a married man in the west has almost none, he lives by the grace and favour of his wife.

So unless you are king (or some sort of supreme leader), it probably is somebody else's fault.

Ah, the sad, mournful cry of the ruby-throated, long-tailed loser, a species known for its loud & persistent birdsong. Some say this species, while surprisingly prolific, has relatively little hunting, foraging, or even nesting ability, and is completely dependent upon humans for its survival.


A friend of mine worked for Sky tv in the UK some years ago selling satelite tv packages.

His favourite hunting grounds were run down council estates where the front garden was pilled high with weeds and rubbish and all the occupants were unemployed.

They always find the money for the plasma tv,cigarettes and booze plus of course the package tour to a chav foreign resort.

Nice if it is all free without any need to work apart from dropping several sprogs.

Take a tour of a UK supermarket on a Saturday and watch them pile the trolly high with plenty of fodder to feed their obese lifestyle

If Russel Brand and Charlotte Church are so concerned why don't they donate some of their easily aquired millions to those in need and spend their weekend on the streets with the rough sleepers?


A friend of mine worked for Sky tv in the UK some years ago selling satelite tv packages.

His favourite hunting grounds were run down council estates where the front garden was pilled high with weeds and rubbish and all the occupants were unemployed.

They always find the money for the plasma tv,cigarettes and booze plus of course the package tour to a chav foreign resort.

Nice if it is all free without any need to work apart from dropping several sprogs.

Take a tour of a UK supermarket on a Saturday and watch them pile the trolly high with plenty of fodder to feed their obese lifestyle

If Russel Brand and Charlotte Church are so concerned why don't they donate some of their easily aquired millions to those in need and spend their weekend on the streets with the rough sleepers?

Every time they have one of those bleeding heart tv docos about how hard done by poor unemployed people are and open the kitchen cupboard, I see expensive commercial food. Also, judging by the amount of blubber on the entire family they are in no danger of starving- they could last a month just living off their fat.

I used to visit a "poor" family in the UK. Both kids had their own computer in their bedrooms.

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