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Protein powder for children


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"Also explain to me how those milk formulas for babies and such with added proteins are any different."

You really just stepped into the deep pit of ignorance. Do I really have to tell you that milk formulas aren't healthy? Are you really that ignorant. Yes, they are better than nothing but please do some basic research before making the most ridiculous comparisons.

Why should I go do a search for you. Just search yourself if you are so interested but it is clear that you are not. You only find things that reinforce your belief in projecting a certain body image. just type in pub med adolescence proteins supplements you will see thousands of articles . Also on the back of every single supplement it recommends to see a doctor before using and most of them have recommendations to be 18. Why is that?

Ok I spent 15 seconds and did it for you...




but you probably won't read them nor will you believe what doctors are telling you. Personally I don't give a rats ass what adults do to their bodies but children don't need to use supplements to alter their body type.

"Then not doing anything as a parent is cruel."

Who said do nothing. I said build the kids self esteem. Not instill this garbage in them in the first place. To be honest you seem like the same type of person as the parents in the OP. They are to blame for the child's insecurities. Not the child nor his peers. Who the hell is talking about psychologists. I am talking about being a decent parent and giving your kids a healthy sense of their own body image without corrupting them and encouraging them to change their body type at 10.

Also how do you know the child doesn't wear long sleeves to keep from getting dark skin like every other swimmer and trainer here that is in the pool all day.

"Your right I don't know how you look but you seem to have an obsession with bodybuilders bringing it up in a topic where it is not even mentioned."

Obsession!!! I mentioned it once because you gave bad advice and are a body builder. Yes, I do have some problems with body builders. My best friend in High school was a very competitive body builder and one many competitions for his weight. His obsession not mine, caused his cancer and almost killed him. He then went to college and eventually became a doctor and does a lot of research trying to help people avoid the dark side of competitive body building.

I wonder if you read your own stuff, i was asking about protein supplements for kids. None of your articles went into the dangers of protein supplements. You even posted stuff about anabolics while we were not even discussing this.

Give me a pub-med on whey protein and adolescences, not the crap you just send that is so general as it comes. I asked you to build your opinion (that is what it is without facts). I saw them mention protein powder a bit in the first article lumped up with all others nothing more. If you can't find some good research then don't mention it.

Sorry I had a skinny brother and he suffered under it a lot, wish my parents had helped him then.

Sorry for your friend but we were not discussing competitive bodybuilders, and as I don't know his case its hard to be sure he got cancer from it. However nothing is impossible. But everyone with half a brain knows that all the competitive sports are dangerous for your health.

I mentioned the babyformula with extra protein because its sold and market for kids, obviously it passed safety tests and is in fact not much different from giving someone a bit of protein powder with milk.

Get over your obsession with others, not everyone thinks the same way.

Excess protein gets buirned or turned into fat (what this young guy wants). Get of your high horse and think logically. If he ate 3 eggs extra a day it would do the same thing. Point was this kid is having problems himself not his parents. Same as what my brother had, parents told him it was ok. Kids at school teased him, like this kid my brother just could not eat more. Shakes might have helped him had my parents known.

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Wow, lots of comments and some ideas, thank you.

Let me quickly summarize a few points:

- The parents of the youngster involved are intelligent and are devoted to their kids and they spend a lot of time talking and discussing lots of items and issues.

- The kids in this family get a lot of love and caring, they are told that they are good kids and the child involved here is told regularly that kids bodies get bigger as they get older. The child plays a lot of sport and gets medals at school swim meets etc., and a lot of praise at home.

However the parents realize that the child is very self conscious about extreme thinness and yes the kid gets laughed at by his peers at school, the parents are unhappy about their child being unhappy and would like some ideas of how to help to build a bigger body, if that's possible.

- The kid wears the big baggy shorts and long sleeved T shirt to cover the thin body, not to prevent sun tan.

- The kid loves sport and participates in several sports and does a lot of supervised exercise at home and supervised exercise connected to the several sports played.

- Diet is quite good, the parents and the kids in this family all have knowledge about nutrition and they put good focus on protein intake and on intake of all the other food groups. At home they have lots of good food, lots of fruit etc., available and the kid concerned eats like a horse. They all consume above average amounts of plain full cream milk.

Thanks again for all the discussion.

Edited by scorecard
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-- banana + raw egg smoothies (go nuts on the egg whites) + vanilla essence + honey. Can add milk powder.

-- wheat germ laced mini pancakes with maple syrup/honey

- protein

avoid soy like the plague unless you want his balls to shrink

avoid stevia for same reason

Been 105 to 110kg since 17 years old... back then it was mostly muscle though :-/

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Foolish. No extra protein is needed. To much could stress the kidneys and liver.

He has all the muscle cells he will ever have. and muscular hypertrophy in a ten year old is foolish goal as his bones are still developing.Sounds like a healthy kid to me....Thriving is the term.

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...get him brewers yeast.....much cheaper...full of amino acids....

...big plastic containers of it for only around 300 baht..9-12 tablets a day....should last a month...

...that should help build muscle....

...maybe add yogurt to the diet..

..anything wrong in the intestines....???

...having enough raw vegetables......fiber....

...but eating as much as described...and being so thin...does raise concerns....


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...get him brewers yeast.....much cheaper...full of amino acids....

...big plastic containers of it for only around 300 baht..9-12 tablets a day....should last a month...

...that should help build muscle....

...maybe add yogurt to the diet..

..anything wrong in the intestines....???

...having enough raw vegetables......fiber....

...but eating as much as described...and being so thin...does raise concerns....


I can't believe that are so many people discussing a 10 year old being skinny, i could understand it if he was obese !!!

Anyway while i'm no expert i don't think it matters how much protein he consumes as his body is just not at the development stage yet !

Regarding being thin : A.He is 10 years of age.

B.He exercises a lot (how many large Marathon runners do you see and they are adults).

Edited by alfieconn
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"I wonder if you read your own stuff, i was asking about protein supplements for kids. None of your articles went into the dangers of protein supplements. You even posted stuff about anabolics while we were not even discussing this."

I am sorry that you suffer from selected comprehension. One article mentions anabolic steroids in one paragraph but also had data for protein. It was a comprehensive study. Perhaps reading the entire thing rather than just skimming selectively.

Do I literally have to highlight each section that supports the fact that these protein supplements are not recommended for adolescence and can actually damage bone development. You really didn't read them as I suspected. Even an average reader would have taken an hour to read the article that the abstract were derived from. I wonder why I waste my breath other than the fact that you give medical advice while not being a doctor and should really not. Suggesting proteins for a child at age 10 is negligent. You will never admit you know nothing about the topic of child development and will only continue to accept things that don't conflict with your preconceived notions. I wonder if you have children. If so why do you know so little or care to learn about their development. If you don't have children, then why are you given advice for children?

2 of the links were actually abstracts which if you don't know means a quick summary of what the research is about. You could have actually read them more than for 5 seconds and found the actual research and studies that they formulated their conclusions on.

"Get of your high horse and think logically. If he ate 3 eggs extra a day it would do the same thing. Point was this kid is having problems himself not his parents. Same as what my brother had, parents told him it was ok. Kids at school teased him, like this kid my brother just could not eat more. Shakes might have helped him had my parents known."

You do know that supplements are not regulated because they are neither food or a drug. So a lot of crap is sold without any proof of its effectiveness. There is little evidence to prove the effectiveness of supplemental proteins for muscle building. So no it isn't the same as eating 3 eggs. any one that can think logically and has even a highschool level of understanding on the human body knows that supplements are no substitute for proper health and diet. They are not a regulated industry and have no long term studies that prove their efficacy. Having the child continue to eat a healthy diet, exercise and accept his body type and be patient for it to develop naturally is the only recommended strategy for normal kids. since the child in question is actually normal as the doctor claimed, eats well according to the OP and has a loving supportive family, then why encourage the kid to alter his body type?

Talk to any pediatric doctor and ask them about their recommendation for using supplemental proteins on pre adolescence. There isn't a single one that supports the use of supplements unless the child is malnourished or severely obese. To be honest in the US if a parent was reported to giving their 10 year old child protein supplements to bulk up, they would have a social worker at their house within a fortnight. Where I taught in NY some parents actually lost custody of their children because they encouraged them to take diet supplements for their 12 year old daughters who were already of normal weight for their height and far below the standard fatty in the US.

"The parents of the youngster involved are intelligent and are devoted to their kids and they spend a lot of time talking and discussing lots of items and issues."

Then why didn't the listen to their doctor who told them that the kid is normal and not to worry?

"- The kid wears the big baggy shorts and long sleeved T shirt to cover the thin body, not to prevent sun tan."

Or perhaps he wears those because all of his friends do. Did you really go up to the 10 year old and ask him why he dresses the way he dresses? If you did, that probably would do him damage too making him focus more on his body image. This is not your child yet you seem to know more about his psyche than most parents.

The simple fact is that pediatric doctors don't recommend using supplements so either listen to the 110k obese muscle guys and body builders obsessed with their own body image, who preach high protein diets for children or listen to the doctor that the parents already spoke with.

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"I wonder if you read your own stuff, i was asking about protein supplements for kids. None of your articles went into the dangers of protein supplements. You even posted stuff about anabolics while we were not even discussing this."

I am sorry that you suffer from selected comprehension. One article mentions anabolic steroids in one paragraph but also had data for protein. It was a comprehensive study. Perhaps reading the entire thing rather than just skimming selectively.

Do I literally have to highlight each section that supports the fact that these protein supplements are not recommended for adolescence and can actually damage bone development. You really didn't read them as I suspected. Even an average reader would have taken an hour to read the article that the abstract were derived from. I wonder why I waste my breath other than the fact that you give medical advice while not being a doctor and should really not. Suggesting proteins for a child at age 10 is negligent. You will never admit you know nothing about the topic of child development and will only continue to accept things that don't conflict with your preconceived notions. I wonder if you have children. If so why do you know so little or care to learn about their development. If you don't have children, then why are you given advice for children?

2 of the links were actually abstracts which if you don't know means a quick summary of what the research is about. You could have actually read them more than for 5 seconds and found the actual research and studies that they formulated their conclusions on.

"Get of your high horse and think logically. If he ate 3 eggs extra a day it would do the same thing. Point was this kid is having problems himself not his parents. Same as what my brother had, parents told him it was ok. Kids at school teased him, like this kid my brother just could not eat more. Shakes might have helped him had my parents known."

You do know that supplements are not regulated because they are neither food or a drug. So a lot of crap is sold without any proof of its effectiveness. There is little evidence to prove the effectiveness of supplemental proteins for muscle building. So no it isn't the same as eating 3 eggs. any one that can think logically and has even a highschool level of understanding on the human body knows that supplements are no substitute for proper health and diet. They are not a regulated industry and have no long term studies that prove their efficacy. Having the child continue to eat a healthy diet, exercise and accept his body type and be patient for it to develop naturally is the only recommended strategy for normal kids. since the child in question is actually normal as the doctor claimed, eats well according to the OP and has a loving supportive family, then why encourage the kid to alter his body type?

Talk to any pediatric doctor and ask them about their recommendation for using supplemental proteins on pre adolescence. There isn't a single one that supports the use of supplements unless the child is malnourished or severely obese. To be honest in the US if a parent was reported to giving their 10 year old child protein supplements to bulk up, they would have a social worker at their house within a fortnight. Where I taught in NY some parents actually lost custody of their children because they encouraged them to take diet supplements for their 12 year old daughters who were already of normal weight for their height and far below the standard fatty in the US.

"The parents of the youngster involved are intelligent and are devoted to their kids and they spend a lot of time talking and discussing lots of items and issues."

Then why didn't the listen to their doctor who told them that the kid is normal and not to worry?

"- The kid wears the big baggy shorts and long sleeved T shirt to cover the thin body, not to prevent sun tan."

Or perhaps he wears those because all of his friends do. Did you really go up to the 10 year old and ask him why he dresses the way he dresses? If you did, that probably would do him damage too making him focus more on his body image. This is not your child yet you seem to know more about his psyche than most parents.

The simple fact is that pediatric doctors don't recommend using supplements so either listen to the 110k obese muscle guys and body builders obsessed with their own body image, who preach high protein diets for children or listen to the doctor that the parents already spoke with.

Simple fact is you ignore what is posted about the kids problems. You think you know better as the OP who posted it. He states the kid has a problem you state its not true.

Fact, whey protein is safe you can read up on it on any website and you did not find any publications to disprove this fact.

I agree with you that one should first get everything from whole foods. No argument from me there as that is the way I see it. For instance I have a cold juicer and juice vegetables (not fruits) for myself for health. I try to eat as much whole foods and almost no processed foods. However after all that is done you can take supplements, just like in this case where the basic food is good and there is no appetite.

Fact, baby milk is enriched with proteins too and sure its not as good as real milk from the breasts (everyone knows that) but that does not make the other stuff unsafe. Obviously because its targeted youngsters it has been checked so adding protein to foods is not always bad else all those baby formulas all over the world would be dangerous.

This is the last I am going to argue with you because you don't come up with real facts. Im done here.

You know your hypocrite ? first attacking me on saying I dont know a thing about you and now stating I am a 110 kg obese muscle guy.

Edited by robblok
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If the boy is prepubescent, as he most likely is, feeding him protein powder isn't going to do anything. You need elevated levels of testosterone for that. Maybe he's not getting enough fat in his diet. You do need fat to process protein. But if he's eating a typical thai diet (at least typical for a thai family with enough money) with lots of pork and chicken wings, he's probably getting enough fat, too. Most likely it's genetic. Unless, of course, he has an overactive thyroid or some other glandular condition.

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"now stating I am a 110 kg obese muscle guy."

I know that you really like to read selectively and skip so much. but s to that comment. Can you please read all posts in the thread and then perhaps apologize to me for calling me a hypocrite. I was referring to the person that stated to be 110 kilos giving recipes for weight gain. The comma between the body builder, and the 110 kg indicates that there is more than one subject. There are only 2 of you on this entire thread condoning the use of protein supplements for pre adolescents.

The fact is that one of those articles did discuss issues with whey protein. you didn't actually read it.

I love you FaCT FACT FACT mantra. As none of the things you posted are actual facts. Or read any of the three links fully as they state that. FYI they are written by doctors not body builders.

Fact weigh protein supplements have no proof that it actually builds muscles. Check the AMA with that.

Fact baby milk isn;t regulated. Fact baby formula isn't healthy at all. Not that it is less healthy than real milk. It isn't healthy.

"Simple fact is you ignore what is posted about the kids problems. You think you know better as the OP who posted it. He states the kid has a problem you state its not true."

No simple fact is that the OP is writing about a neighbors child and not his own and the child doesn't have a weight problem. Read the first post. The kids pediatrician stated that he is healthy and normal. The father is concerned and the child is dealing with some body image issues. Just because someone at age 10 wants to be big and muscular doesn't mean that they actually should force their body to change. I wanted to be taller, should my parents have supported me getting pituitary gland injections to increase my height? 10 year olds that aren't doing well in school should they take adderol? Supplements are not necessary and should be used with caution and with doctors knowledge for developing children. The only time that a doctor recommends supplements is when the child is severely obese, seriously malnourished, etc.

"However after all that is done you can take supplements, just like in this case where the basic food is good and there is no appetite."

Yes,I can and you can as we are fully matured adults. However there is a big difference between that and a 10 year old changing his body type. I cannot believe that you cannot see that is a serious issue for a pre adolescent.

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Doesn't need protien powder just needs to adjustmument in diet. He's growing so the body uses calories for the devlopment of the essentials first- bone strength, organ development (yes this is mostly finished now) and so on. If he's fit and health no problem. Tell him to eat six small meals a day, simple protiens- eggs, chicken, fish and lots of veg. Snack on nuts and dried fruit. I weighed 65 kgs up untill I was 17 years old then started training as a boxer and reached 78kgs by 19 years old- slow metabolism, sounds the same for this kid.

If the father is still concered see a dietian at the hospital not just a GP. Medical advise at Thai vis could be dangerous.

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Wonder if it's rice related? Thais love to stuff dirty tap-water cooked/soaked rice down kid's throats. Had to ban sticky rice and fried pork fat in this household. Can't beat a good old fashioned stewed meat n veg diet from 3 to 15 - a la Anglais bah.gif

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He's only 10 years old for christ sake, probably won't start putting muscle until about 15 years old, just make sure he has a good healthy diet.


Glad you have referenced Scooby site in your reply, one of the only places to go for impartial information around supplements and weight training in general, I have been a fan for years.

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Good of you to be concerned, but you probably don't need to be.

My son would be considerd an expert in this field. However, not being privy to all the facts, #1- if we are going to react to what children are self-conscious about, the world would end quickly. He has a good diet and people who love him. He's a kid, like adults, we come in all colors, shapes and sizes.

Do something else to encourage his self-esteem and cease giving him any attention about this for fear it does become pathology. Life is pretty much a faith based issue. Inject faith and trust, endurance and steer clear of worry. That's the enemy. The only enemy and worry can grow into the most God awful things.

Be well Sir.

My son was skinny as a stick. He now holds an olympic Bronze medal. I'm looking at it now.

Edited by nithisa78
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"If he wants to gain some weight just buy some protein from clubprotein (not too expensive)."

Absolutely the worst advice ever. This is a 10year old child. It is never healthy to give a child supplements like protein. A healthy balanced diet and exercise are the only things that developing children need. There is a natural course of development and you shouldn't mess with it. The child might always be lean and fit. Forcing one's body to be a different type to fit some mental image is clearly abuse especially for a child. Children shouldn't also be forced into strict diets unless carefully supervised by a physician and usually not done unless the child is severely obese. Because the father of the child is worried, the child is going to be more self conscious


Building the child's self esteem rather than playing into insecurities of body image will help him even more.

Do you know what happens to most body builders when they are older? I really would never take advice about health from a body builder. Go as an osteopath some day how many patients he/she has that were body builders in their 20-30's that are now suffering from knees, spinal and pelvic injuries.

I suspect that most of the damage to serious bodybuilders comes not from their diets but from the use of steroids. And also the fact that when you are straining your body to the limit with heavy weights, sooner or later something's got to give.

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In my days as a fantasy survivalist I read about something called "rabbit starvation." It was a winter phenomenon for some Native Americans. It doesn't refer to a lack of rabbit meat but rather the contrary. If all you have to eat is very lean protein like rabbit meat, it ends up overtaxing your kidneys and digestive system. You can die from it. Apparently, you need some fat and/or carbohydrate to break down the protein in order to excrete it.

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"And also the fact that when you are straining your body to the limit with heavy weights, sooner or later something's got to give."

sorry but that is powerlifters and not body builders.

Again, we are not talking about adults this is a pre adolescent boy.

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The protein supplement we used to receive was marketed under the generic name of MILK.

Just my two cents. I've lifted more and more for the past few years. And have made some good muscle gains finally. But during this time, I have experimented with different protein powder drinks. Here's what I wanted to tell you, many of the best protein supplements, like those from Optimum Nutrition, have aspartame, or other artificial sugars. And although I am not a nutritionist, I am a scientist, with degrees in immunology, genetics etc. and so I read many science articles, and I worry a bit about those artificial sugars. Whether they can screw around with normal gut bacteria. Whether they cause other problems. I don't want to get into a big discussion with people here about this, just my two cents. Contribute your own ideas.

I was that kid the OP described. For the first 30 years of my life. My suggestions:

1. Have a couple people he respects, and likes, take him aside, and, in a subtle way, tell him his body looks great. And he should not worry about it. Or better yet, encourage him to get in the pool without his shirt, and have fun, and hopefully he will forget to worry.

2. Maybe just everyone relax about him wearing a long sleeve shirt etc? The style in Thailand is to not get a lot of sun exposure? Many times I see Thais with longer clothes. Maybe just get him a "cool" swimming skin, one of those super thin wet suit tops, and let everyone relax.

3. If you guys insist on trying to help him bulk up, I suggest having the boy drink some more cows milk. Evolution says this is a good way to grow.

I understand his concerns, and your concerns, but I think it is going to be hard to bulk up a 10 year old. And not the right thing to do. Maybe tell him to jaiyen yen nit noy... and he will see gains when he is a bit older and natural (!) testosterone spikes a bit. Maybe it would relax him to know that yes, for now he is thin, but things will change in a couple rainy seasons?

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"And also the fact that when you are straining your body to the limit with heavy weights, sooner or later something's got to give."

sorry but that is powerlifters and not body builders.

Again, we are not talking about adults this is a pre adolescent boy.

Good point about the difference between bodybuilders and powerlifers. But lots of bodybuilders do use steroids. And they can be very deleterious to one's health.

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Unbelievable and stupid - giving protein powder to a child to gain weight. I was a personal trainer many years ago, and no, the child should not be consuming protein powders at this time. Many on here have supplied good info, but consuming heavy fruit like banana's, Pineapples and Mango's, as well as coconuts, whole milk, rice, dried fruit and eggs, should be what this child should be consuming if weight gain is desired.

I gather whey is what is being discussed, another poor choice, as it'll pass through the system too quickly, and is not meant for weight gain, unless we're talking about poor quality weight gainers. Like mentioned above, carbs and fat should be the majority of calories. Consuming a shake with heavy calories once a day should do the trick then adjust if required.


Whole milk



dried oats


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The Thais are obsessed with dietary supplements - collagen seems to be the latest fashion. Provided the person is eating a reasonable balanced diet the supplements are simply a good way of wasting money and boosting the manufacturers' profits.

All these advertisements for baby food promising to boost your child's IQ infuriate me. A proper advertising authority would have them prosecuted for fraud.

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If you're an adult who's working out to build muscle and trying to fit in five or six meals per day, protein powder is practically essential as it's easily digested (especially hydrolyzed protein, which is what I use before and after a workout as it's metabolized in under 40 minutes), allowing you to take in and digest large amounts of protein in the 16 or so hours you're awake everyday (it's almost impossible to digest five or six full meals- I count a protein shake as a 'meal').

This isn't recommended for children, though, except in cases of kids who suffer from ADHD, where research has shown a high-protein diet helps their concentration levels.

As others have said, trying to introduce more calorie-dense whole foods into this child's diet is a better option.

I was rail-thin until my mid-twenties, but eventually added muscle to my frame through exercise and diet (that included protein supplements)- unless this child has been diagnosed with a specific medical condition, don't try anything unusual without a doctor's recommendation.

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"now stating I am a 110 kg obese muscle guy."

I know that you really like to read selectively and skip so much. but s to that comment. Can you please read all posts in the thread and then perhaps apologize to me for calling me a hypocrite. I was referring to the person that stated to be 110 kilos giving recipes for weight gain. The comma between the body builder, and the 110 kg indicates that there is more than one subject. There are only 2 of you on this entire thread condoning the use of protein supplements for pre adolescents.

The fact is that one of those articles did discuss issues with whey protein. you didn't actually read it.

I love you FaCT FACT FACT mantra. As none of the things you posted are actual facts. Or read any of the three links fully as they state that. FYI they are written by doctors not body builders.

Fact weigh protein supplements have no proof that it actually builds muscles. Check the AMA with that.

Fact baby milk isn;t regulated. Fact baby formula isn't healthy at all. Not that it is less healthy than real milk. It isn't healthy.

"Simple fact is you ignore what is posted about the kids problems. You think you know better as the OP who posted it. He states the kid has a problem you state its not true."

No simple fact is that the OP is writing about a neighbors child and not his own and the child doesn't have a weight problem. Read the first post. The kids pediatrician stated that he is healthy and normal. The father is concerned and the child is dealing with some body image issues. Just because someone at age 10 wants to be big and muscular doesn't mean that they actually should force their body to change. I wanted to be taller, should my parents have supported me getting pituitary gland injections to increase my height? 10 year olds that aren't doing well in school should they take adderol? Supplements are not necessary and should be used with caution and with doctors knowledge for developing children. The only time that a doctor recommends supplements is when the child is severely obese, seriously malnourished, etc.

"However after all that is done you can take supplements, just like in this case where the basic food is good and there is no appetite."

Yes,I can and you can as we are fully matured adults. However there is a big difference between that and a 10 year old changing his body type. I cannot believe that you cannot see that is a serious issue for a pre adolescent.

Your totally crazy, we are talking here about adding some weight to a kid (probably in fat) and your talking about whey protein and muscles. Are you so obsessed by muscles or something. If you read one of my first post I already stated this was not about building muscle. The kid is 10 yo what are you thinking. Your hatred of bodybuilders is getting the best of you. Nobody in this thread but you suggested building muscles on a 10 you kid. Its almost like a pavlov reaction you and muscles.

Changing a body talk about being a drama queen and comparing it with giving adderol and injections. We are talking extra food to get a bit of fat on the kids body. I read the OP and he knows the kid well, obviously you want to disregard the OP because its not supporting your crazy views.

The fact is that protein from whey is the same as other proteins the body does not metabolize it any different then other proteins. And protein does no harm in the body. (unless your going to extremes but nobody was advocating this).

You said baby-milk is not checked, maybe not in your country but it was in mine. Its not dangerous to kids else it would not be sold. You really should stop wearing your tinfoil hat and get with the program. The pub-med I read about it says MAY be dangerous (im sure if there was enough proof they would say IS dangerous and ban sales). (of course I would prefer normal breastfeeding but that does not make the other option automatically unsafe).

You got some pretty funny ideas.. talking about making a 10 yo kid muscular from adding whey protein cheesy.gif. Everyone who know biology knows you don't get muscles from protein but from a combination of exercise and protein. Calling adding a few kilos of fat to a skinny boy changing his body type. We are not talking of turning a skinny kid into a fat one. Just a bit more meat on the bones.

Seems like your projecting all kinds of funny stuff on this kid, are you sure you don't have problems with your own body image.

Just to show the world how much you lie, you said baby formula is unsafe and not checked by the fda


"The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) oversees manufacturers of infant formulas and helps ensure that these products are safe and support healthy growth in infants who consume them."

(see how easy it is to get a website and then quote a bit from it to support your views.. not just post a link. You should try it.)

Edited by robblok
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