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Crazy dog owners


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Can someone tell me why anyone with half a brain would drive ** kilometers, unload their dogs and walk them through a Muslim neighborhood, within 50 meters of a Mosque? Not just once, but on a daily basis.

Your thoughts.

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We all have our own little bizarre ways...

What I find funny is, people driving to a Park or a Gym for exercise ????

Some people are lost without there cars,

I love walking.... But that's me.....

And I am sure I have my bizarre ways too...

Let it go..

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Generally the muslim folks in Phuket are foremost Thais and only after that muslims. I have been told this several times, when I have been wondering of the habits. Pretty much the same as the people in other religions and other countries.

My neighbour had a muslim gardener, who loved his dogs and took very good care of them.

One time, at Khao Rang viewpoint I saw muslim girls from far south, feeding a dog. I went to ask their sentiments and they answered that it's perfectly ok to feed a dog, as long as one does not touch it.

Steveln gave a list of possibilities, why someone would do what the OP says. There is also a shorter way to describe a person of all the possibilities: ignorant.

While I really don't like religions, any of them, by the definition of belief, I think it's perfectly ok to respect the people and their habits, with whom we are living together.

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Do the dogs actually trespass on anyone's property? If not then they are on public property, accessable to all. The owner is not violating any laws. Oilinki, ignorant? Who is ignorant? The follower of a medieval religoius sect, the 'religion of peace', or a person who excercises , seemingly quite legally, valued members of his family.

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Do the dogs actually trespass on anyone's property? If not then they are on public property, accessable to all. The owner is not violating any laws. Oilinki, ignorant? Who is ignorant? The follower of a medieval religoius sect, the 'religion of peace', or a person who excercises , seemingly quite legally, valued members of his family.

Maybe legally, but not taking feelings of others into account.
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IMO it's a deliberately provocative act designed to antagonise. It’s arrogant in the extreme to publicly display an act of bigotry towards a religious group when freedom of religion is supported by the Thai Constitution.

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Do the dogs actually trespass on anyone's property? If not then they are on public property, accessable to all. The owner is not violating any laws. Oilinki, ignorant? Who is ignorant? The follower of a medieval religoius sect, the 'religion of peace', or a person who excercises , seemingly quite legally, valued members of his family.

Maybe legally, but not taking feelings of others into account.

Like they do when disturbing the peace every morning with their wailing .

It's not ever ones religion but but every one is expected to put up with it.

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Do the dogs actually trespass on anyone's property? If not then they are on public property, accessable to all. The owner is not violating any laws. Oilinki, ignorant? Who is ignorant? The follower of a medieval religoius sect, the 'religion of peace', or a person who excercises , seemingly quite legally, valued members of his family.

Maybe legally, but not taking feelings of others into account.

Like they do when disturbing the peace every morning with their wailing .

It's not ever ones religion but but every one is expected to put up with it.

So don't live next to where that mosque is and has been for a long time. Same as a church back home.
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Dog-owners become crazy when they acquire a dog. I understand the need for working dogs but why would any sane person pay money weekly to feed a noisy muck-making machine that frequently cause accidents on the road or bite people?

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Oh my, a thread of religion, politics and pets, three volatile subjects. What I find quite interesting is that nomadic Muslims in the north Africa region use dogs regularly for their shepherding their flocks, security etc,

As is quite often the case with religion, practicality takes over.

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Do the dogs actually trespass on anyone's property? If not then they are on public property, accessable to all. The owner is not violating any laws. Oilinki, ignorant? Who is ignorant? The follower of a medieval religoius sect, the 'religion of peace', or a person who excercises , seemingly quite legally, valued members of his family.

Maybe legally, but not taking feelings of others into account.

Like they do when disturbing the peace every morning with their wailing .

It's not ever ones religion but but every one is expected to put up with it.

So don't live next to where that mosque is and has been for a long time. Same as a church back home.

I am pretty sure the dogs have been there before any muslims or mosques or churches or whatever.

In some areas of Jerusalem (and other places) they might throw stones at your car if you drive on a saturday because that's against their believes. What would you do if a jewish mosque was errected next to your house and they'll get angry when you hop into your car on Shabbat?

Some people take religious freedom a tad bit too far.

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Like they do when disturbing the peace every morning with their wailing .

It's not ever ones religion but but every one is expected to put up with it.

So don't live next to where that mosque is and has been for a long time. Same as a church back home.

I am pretty sure the dogs have been there before any muslims or mosques or churches or whatever.

In some areas of Jerusalem (and other places) they might throw stones at your car if you drive on a saturday because that's against their believes. What would you do if a jewish mosque was errected next to your house and they'll get angry when you hop into your car on Shabbat?

Some people take religious freedom a tad bit too far.

And I'm pretty sure there were muslims living there before anybody else.

The case at hand is really easy, people not being considerate towards the feelings of others. I'll think about what to do in Jerusalem when living there.

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Do the dogs actually trespass on anyone's property? If not then they are on public property, accessable to all. The owner is not violating any laws. Oilinki, ignorant? Who is ignorant? The follower of a medieval religoius sect, the 'religion of peace', or a person who excercises , seemingly quite legally, valued members of his family.

Maybe legally, but not taking feelings of others into account.

Like they do when disturbing the peace every morning with their wailing .

It's not ever ones religion but but every one is expected to put up with it.

So don't live next to where that mosque is and has been for a long time. Same as a church back home.

I did not live next to a mosque(smart ++++)I live 5 klms away but the power that be decide to pipe the wailing through loud speakers on the power poles.

So I do call that not considering peoples feelings as there are no muzzies living by me.

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So again i'll ask, muslims have issues with dogs?


Traditionally, dogs have been seen as impure, and the Islamic legal tradition has developed several injunctions that warn Muslims against most contact with dogs.

Ok. So does the original poster speak for the majority of muslims? And this law it's adhered to?

And you think its reasonable to expect people to not walk their pets within 50 metres of the mosque?. Tbh that sounds.ecessive to me.in the grounds, fair enuf.

If so then someone with reasonable person skills should approach the dog walker and.explain the religious stance.


Edited by rijit
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Pretty amusing thread. I know a muslim guy in Rawai who has a pet potbelly pig, but he doesn't like my dog.

But we need to get to the crux of the problem, firstly, is it the potbelly pig or the muslim owner who doesn't like your dog?

This will be an important piece of info once this thread hits 1000 posts!!!

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