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Former Bangkok police chief 'arrested with gun' in Japanese airport

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Also, interesting comments from the PM in Post Today re this:

The prime minister said everybody should bear in mind that the law is the law. "Thai people should be taught to respect the law, not only of their own country but also of other countries. One may be able to do anything he wants to in Thailand, but not in other countries.

Asked about assistance for Pol Lt Gen Kamronwit, Gen Prayut said he would be provided with lawyers." "He is no longer an official, but an ordinary person. No matter what, he will be taken care of," he added.


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The only thing funnier or more stupid than this guys actions are the posts suggesting he is in the Thai secret service.

Some lazy, corrupt, pig snout in the trough in a secret service.

Do they actually have a secret service?


Poor man, this could happen to anyone.

I've forgotten how many times I've accidentally left a firearm in my carry on bag. biggrin.png

What a weak excuse, carry on bags are used by most for items they will need during the flight so he didn't pack his before heading to the airport ?

Maybe you don't forget your Fire Arm in your Carry-on as you don't own one. But he does!

If you have been through check out at any airport you will noticed a big bin full of knives, screw drivers, sharp objects, and all kinds of stuff which is illegal to take with you on carry-on. So even if you are an elephant and don't forget, many people do. I forgot my Swiss Army Knife once.

This is not as serious as everyone here seems to believe. Embarrassing...perhaps! But not serious!

When they discover it was an accident they will let him go. I have no doubt about that.

But I do like reading these Thai Police Bashers Nonsense here, and trying to make a Federal Case out of nothing. I bet the Boys on Air Force One are not carrying Water Pistols either.

Comparing Airforce One and POTUS with a dodgy cop on a regular TG flight is a very long stretch don't you think?

Yes, you might forget you had your little nail file in the purse or a pair of scissors - no harm done, they will just confiscate it. But you do not forget - ever - you have a firearm with you including ammunition. That is simply the most lame excuse I have heard. That shows you are either completely ignorant of any responsibility or a nuthead - and him being a policeofficer (even though we are talking RTP) that is a very scary thought.

In any case why would you need to bring your gun to Japan? That country is not that scary and dangerous.

Then please give us your explanation why a Trained Police Officer, a General no less, who has a Permit to carry a Hand Gun in Thailand, would purposely put his Gun in a Hand Bag he knew would be x-rayed and inspected by Customs, if it wasn't by accident.

Because he sincerely thought that Japan is a vassal state of the Kingdom of Siam ?


Here's the Channel News Asia report, which includes a reference to him facing up to 10 years in prison if charged and convicted -- though that would seem unlikely. And also details about the Japan-Thailand extradition agreement.


Under Japan and Thailand's current extradition agreement, a convicted criminal is required to serve one-third of the prison term in Japan before being sent back to Thailand.

The only thing funnier or more stupid than this guys actions are the posts suggesting he is in the Thai secret service.

Some lazy, corrupt, pig snout in the trough in a secret service.

Do they actually have a secret service?

Yes, but it's a secret.


Also, interesting comments from the PM in Post Today re this:

The prime minister said everybody should bear in mind that the law is the law. "Thai people should be taught to respect the law, not only of their own country but also of other countries. One may be able to do anything he wants to in Thailand, but not in other countries.

Asked about assistance for Pol Lt Gen Kamronwit, Gen Prayut said he would be provided with lawyers." "He is no longer an official, but an ordinary person. No matter what, he will be taken care of," he added.


Maybe, knowing who Kamronwit's paymaster is, he has already been taken care of by Prayut prior to his arrest.,


Just move him to an inactive post in Japan, I am sure there are many vacancies in Japan compared to the overcrowded inactive posts in Thailand.

Case closed.


The only thing funnier or more stupid than this guys actions are the posts suggesting he is in the Thai secret service.

Some lazy, corrupt, pig snout in the trough in a secret service.

Do they actually have a secret service?

Yes, but it's a secret.

yes it is me that posted about the secret service. yes Thailand has an active one but how effective I do not know.


....how can you forget you are carrying a gun and ammunition....

This happened to me once. I went on a quick trip for 1 day and instead of taking my normal carry on bag i took an old backpack which I forgot i had a gun in the backpack from my last hunting trip. However security did find it at the airport, after i explained things i was released and had to take my gun to leave in my car.

also, another time i had a knife in my carry on. I forgot i left in my bag when going on a road trip for work. The amazing thing was i made it through security in Tampa with no issues and when i was at the airport returning to Tampa security in Vegas found the knife. i let them keep the knife as i didnt have time to go and have it shipped to my house. the guy said they find knives all the time people forget they have in a bag.

I could not believe Tampa missed finding the knife when i left.


Okay! Let me try this then.

Any General in the Police Force who knowingly tries to smugger a loaded gun through Airport Security, doesn't need to be arrested and given a jail sentence. He needs a Psychiatrist! That is inline with a Famous Movie Star or Millionaire caught for Shop Lifting.

In order for the Prosecution to build a strong case against him, in most cases they need to show "Intent". In other words they need to show he intended on breaking the law. Shop Lifting is a crime. But if you can prove to a Judge that the the Shop Lifter simply forgot to pay, as he has a Medical History with Alzheimer's Disease, has no criminal record for this in the past, and it would be out of character for this person to Shop Lift, as in character like Ronald Reagan when he was still alive, there is a very good chance the Judge would throw this case out of court. Solely based on the lack of Criminal Intent which should show this person intended to commit a crime, rather than unknowingly committing a crime or by accident.

But Criminal Intent is not based solely on your lack of understanding or knowledge of the Local Laws. it can also be be based on "You should know better". For example if this was your first trip to Thailand and you decided to polish off a bottle of Whiskey with Old Friends, then get behind the wheel of a car and drive, and you get stopped and charged, you could legally and honestly say you did not know it was against the Law in Thailand. But this is where the"You should know better" comes into play.

So first of all did this General intend on breaking the law or was it by accident? I tend to think by accident because as I already said, if he did this on purpose he does not need a Judge. He needs a Psychiatrist! Did he break the Law? Sure he did! Knowingly or Unknowingly he broke the Law in Japan. But not in Thailand, and where he started, as he was legally allowed to carry a Fire Arm and was licensed for that.

Is it an odd case? Yes, I think it is and why there is world coverage. I don't know how it will all pan out but I think he will get a slap on the wrist then let go.

My point to Air Force One and an Air Marshal was simply that there is instances where gun can legally be carried on an airplane, even in Japan. I was not comparing the Body Guard to the President of the United States to a General in the Thai Police Force on vacation. So will you please stop saying that and get off this topic already?

As to the Contraband Bin at Airports, no, I can't honestly say I ever saw a Hand Gun in there. I never saw a Porno Magazine in there either, or a Vibrator, which are both illegal to bring into Thailand and in your Carry-on as well. But what I did see was things people are not allowed to bring in there Carry-on, and the ones that did broke the Law. But I highly doubt they got 10 years in prison for that.

Am I comparing bringing in a Porno Magazine to bringing in a Hand Gun? No! I am just suggesting that when you break the law you don't always get thrown into the Slammer. Especially if you are a High Ranking Government Official, like this General is.


Here's the Fuji News Network video of him being taken into custody, as posted on YouTube. Japanese language narration.


Look at his shifty eyes. So obvious he knew he was doing something very wrong and didn't expect anyone to have the authority to catch him. His expression is the classic caught crim. The real question is why Kamronwit tried to smuggle a pen gun or mini firearm onto a plane? My guess, he is emotionally unstable after his career ended suddenly and his tin pot god is so very far away - classic mental breakdown - wanted to make a statement by bringing down a wide body jet a la Lubitz.


The only thing funnier or more stupid than this guys actions are the posts suggesting he is in the Thai secret service.

Some lazy, corrupt, pig snout in the trough in a secret service.

Do they actually have a secret service?

Yes, but it's a secret.

yes it is me that posted about the secret service. yes Thailand has an active one but how effective I do not know.

I'll bet they are mining TVF for useful data! But the bet has to be placed outside Thailand....I wouldn't want to break the law.


And the Thai Authorities back in Thailand have put the spin on this guys arrest as " a deliberate plot to discredit the Thai Aviation Industry ".

The only discredit to Thailand has been caused by this idiot thinking he would have some kind of immunity because of his position.

In Thailand maybe, but else where no way.


'Pol.Lt.Gen. Kamronwit told Japanese police he owned the gun, but didn't realize he had left it in his carry-on bag.' Nor, apparently, did the security checks.

In most countries the first thing that you are asked when pulled aside by customs or security is " Did you pack your own bag, and do you know what is in it" If asked that, i wonder what his reply was. Being a Thai official, he probably has already tried to make some "financial" arrangement, but now finding, much to his confusion that it does not work everywhere outside of Thailand. Had he been in Malaysia it would have certainly have worked, as the 3 Top Indonesian police officers found last year when they were caught entering with a suitcase full of drugs. The "Thai handshake" worked almost immediately there.


The only thing funnier or more stupid than this guys actions are the posts suggesting he is in the Thai secret service.

Some lazy, corrupt, pig snout in the trough in a secret service.

Do they actually have a secret service?

Yes, but it's a secret.

yes it is me that posted about the secret service. yes Thailand has an active one but how effective I do not know.

OK how does the name Maxwell Smart translate into a Thai name.



Another corrupt useless piece of garbage who thinks his someone special.... Great news good luck you goose


....how can you forget you are carrying a gun and ammunition....

This happened to me once. I went on a quick trip for 1 day and instead of taking my normal carry on bag i took an old backpack which I forgot i had a gun in the backpack from my last hunting trip. However security did find it at the airport, after i explained things i was released and had to take my gun to leave in my car.

also, another time i had a knife in my carry on. I forgot i left in my bag when going on a road trip for work. The amazing thing was i made it through security in Tampa with no issues and when i was at the airport returning to Tampa security in Vegas found the knife. i let them keep the knife as i didnt have time to go and have it shipped to my house. the guy said they find knives all the time people forget they have in a bag.

I could not believe Tampa missed finding the knife when i left.

Yeh ! but this is America, where guns and knives are carried by every man and his dog, not the real world !


BKK CRIMINAL being held in JAPAN..... HAHA gee have a look at the head on the this shadow. Who would let this thing run police LOL

He looks like he should be in jail. I think his a bad seed son and a man like that needs a gun due to all the people his robbed

Bye Bye


Japan has the worlds toughest gun and drug laws in the world and I hope he has the opportunity to research it from the inside

Mate the thai govt has already send consular and lawyers to help him. I think he still workss for the secret service in Thailand and the gun should have been in checked in luggage not hand luggage. then he would have been safe. Japan checks incoming luggage and outgoing luggage but I think he had special clearance....the security at hand luggage reported it but not the checked luggage- see fishy

If he had special clearance he wouldnt be with the Japanese police now


The only thing funnier or more stupid than this guys actions are the posts suggesting he is in the Thai secret service.

Some lazy, corrupt, pig snout in the trough in a secret service.

Do they actually have a secret service?

Yes, but it's a secret.

yes it is me that posted about the secret service. yes Thailand has an active one but how effective I do not know.

OK how does the name Maxwell Smart translate into a Thai name.

Somchai, and can be found in most karaoke bars throughout the country. Same as all the ex-SAS and Seals on bamboo bar-stools.


re, secret service i cant comment on that, but i do know an undercover cop, he would never be seen in photos doing the "pointing" act,never seen in any photos , never posting stupid pics on facebook, in fact he is one of the more intelligent ones.and even laughs at his own police forces antics.

Especially if you are a High Ranking Government Official, like this General is.

This guy is NOT a "high ranking government official".

He is a EX or FORMER high ranking government official. On his trip to Japan, his status there was merely as a private citizen, same as you or me.

As an aside, I've always thought it odd that Thais have the custom of continuing to use the former titles for people once they no longer hold their former positions. Generals seem to continue to be called generals, even after they've retired or no longer hold their position. They don't seem to say "ret. Gen" or General Somchai (ret.) like you'd see elsewhere.

in similar vein, pretty much NONE of the Thai news reports on this guy's escapade ever actually said he was no longer with the RTP. They just said, he was the former BKK police chief, with no mention of any current position. And then there were the prior articles a year ago that said he was being transferred to Chiang Mai. But nothing ever saying he had left the RTP, retired, or whatever happened.

It finally took the AFP news report to indicate that he'd left the RTP last year, finally bringing some clarity to his actual status during this whole thing, as was later confirmed by the PM, who publicly said the guy's status was that as a private citizen, not a government official.


For those who want to have a go at Thai airport security consider this.

If he did take the weapon out of Thailand undetected it means that Japanese airport security also failed to detect it when he entered Japan.

So he's probably lying through his teeth and bought it in Japan. There's been no mention of it being registered to him yet.

I am not aware that airport security checks arriving passenger and bags

It is common to use dogs on incoming bags, though they are usually drug dogs not explosives dogs

re, secret service i cant comment on that, but i do know an undercover cop, he would never be seen in photos doing the "pointing" act,never seen in any photos , never posting stupid pics on facebook, in fact he is one of the more intelligent ones.and even laughs at his own police forces antics.

A good intelligent cop in thailand?

What does he actually achieve.


Those trying to defend him places emphasis on the size of the the gun.

In my book a gun is a gun but if it really is very small it suggests he chose it as an easily concealed weapon.

He had it in his hand luggage but more important it was loaded with five bullets.

Anyone who carries a loaded gun does so in preparation to using it.

If the Japanese let him go it will make headlines and suggest that his former position influenced the decision.


C'm Guys, he is just bloody stupid.

More bloody stupid as he is an ex cop & knows better.

Notice I did not say should know better

Let him spend a coupla months in a Jap jail, maybe then more of these

ex or current guys may realize that the law applies to them as well.

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