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Thailand to teach journalists how to ask inoffensive questions

Jonathan Fairfield

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I very much would have liked to attend that meeting where the junta explains to foreign journalists how not to upset Uncle P - absolutely priceless!!!

BTW, I am waiting in breathless anticipation for ginjag, djjamie et al to explain how this is a positive thing.....

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Thank You TV for my daily hysterical laugh. It is good for the soul. Teaching journalists not to ask offensive questions. Isn't that what they are meant to do. Obviously not here just yes sir, well done sir, we are all happy sir. Kiss a$s.

Why not just hold meetings and conferences with no questions allowed that they don't want to answer. Or even have dummies sat there.

I now know why everyone is so much happier, they are not allowed to say otherwise in case it offends.cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

Edited by Laughing Gravy
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Inoffensive Questions; Lesson 1.

To start today's lesson we will be giving you some examples of how you can ask questions in an inoffensive manner.


1. Sir, how will the country benefit from the XYZ Deal with the Chinese?

2. Sir, is it true that your Chief of ABC was implicated in the current QRS Scandal?

3. Sir, when will ALL police face full legal consequences for corruption instead of simply "transfer to inactive post"?

4. Sir, do you know who is the Prime Minister of the UK?

Inoffensive and diplomatic way to ask the same questions:

1. Sir, I'd like to wish you a happy birthday.

2. Sir, will you have balloons at your party?

3. Sir, I read about the PM of the UK. His name is David Cameron.

4. Sir, who is the PM of the UK?

Edited by Seastallion
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What the hell is that now that a government teach the journalists how to ask "not offending " questions??????

As long there is no free press in this country and no investigative journalism accepted from the government to put all the failed subjects on the table and talk about it, ANY question is an offending question to the responsible people: such as Gen. Prayut!!!!!!!!!

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Perhaps the Prime minister should take questions on notice written 1 month ahead of time , one way to fix the problem is for the press to stop philandering to this Prime Minister, don't go to any press conferences or release press announcements , stop writing about what he has to say or what the Junta has to say, send them all to Coventry, you not only save on prestige you don't print the Bull S!!t and lies , you save on paper and your paper will be more credible to the public. Question is have the Media got the Nuts to do it.coffee1.gif

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A journalists job is to get to the truth. Does not matter if the question is offensive or not The truth is what matters

I worked for a National TV and Radio Network in the United States for over 20 years and god only knows

how many I offended with my questions of that time period

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What the hell is that now that a government teach the journalists how to ask "not offending " questions??????

As long there is no free press in this country and no investigative journalism accepted from the government to put all the failed subjects on the table and talk about it, ANY question is an offending question to the responsible people: such as Gen. Prayut!!!!!!!!!

One of the offending questions that Retired General , Prime Minister Prayut-O-Cha hates, is how long will he be the PM and when will the Junta hand back control to the peasants , to answer these questions under the Prayut doctrine , the people polls love you so much PM, they want you to stay as long as you like , what is your answer to this and the polls indicate the people want the junta to stay as going back to Democracy is boring , have you thought about this PM.

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hilarious, I would like to publish in national papers with Thailand to teach journalists how to ask inoffensive questions - or else

PM has passed a law indicating all journalist will be schooled in how to ask questions, under threat of being put through attitude improvement school, all journalists must pass the new attitude testing to pass and leave the school or to continue the cycle of attitude improvement and testing until a pass is achieved,

when questioned about the new scheme the pm demonstrated by example in having his aides escort the offending journalists.....

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A self-appointed military head of state with a weak sense of civil governance-- should we be surprised? As a fan of democracy, my feelings are definitely mixed. If he were to achieve overwhelming economic and political success... we could kiss democracy goodby for a long while. But that would seem impossible given the complex nature of modern societies and the need for a balance of input from labor, civic groups, and business. Not that that ever happens-- the big money rules these days, the world over.

If you are a "fan of democracy"...your feelings shouldn't be "mixed" on having a self-appointed military leader ruling a country.

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I'm pretty sure most journalists have been doing their jobs a lot longer then him, and know what's offensive and what's not...

Whats offensive is thew Junta's attempts at suppressing the media, the man's ego is going to be his downfall, if he can't stand such offensive and difficult questions, perhaps he should have let someone with a bit more "people" skills become PM!!

but surely one of a journalists jobs is to ask questions that some people may be offended by and if the person is offended by the questions the next question should be what has the person got to hide

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Ahh there it is, the old "but Thaksin!" post.

We all know he is an egomaniac and a moron. Try actually turning the spot light on this buffoon in charge for once.

We all know he is an egomaniac and a moron. Try actually turning the spot light on this buffoon in charge for once.

I'm not sure: you're talking about the soldier at present?

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Here is the complete list of inoffensive questions henceforth journalists are allowed to ask the government:

1. How is the weather today?

--- End of List ---

I'd be carefull asking about the weather if I were you. They might suspect that you were leading up to a question on how they are handling the drought!:)
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I don't understand you can have interviewers that lob in easy softball questions (Larry King) The

interviewees love these guys and go on to give their mea culpa, or you can have the Rottweiler

types that do there job properly putting things into a clear perspective asking the tough questions.

These are the guys worth watching but they often find it hard to get certain guests on there show. thumbsup.gif

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My guess is he's been watching the US presidential primaries carnival. One of the buffoons, Rand Paul, occasionally will lecture an interviewer on how to properly conduct an interview, what questions they should be asking, etc. I'm waiting for him to pull that on the wrong person.

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Blocked web sights, blurred pictures of movies showing the slightest curve of a breast, yet any movie killing is shown in vivid color, overtly and certainly covertly displaying an attitude of "disagree and there will be consequences and a attitude adjustment".... what is there to complain about ? (sarcasm).

Sometimes one can learn from those who disagree with you unless you are an Emperor, and then, it is simple to just decree "off with their head" or to the blocks with them because you are the anointed one!.... Gotta set the tone for any possible future dissention and IMO an old road map that has been used almost forever . In the end that type of policy always fails, unfortunately after much suffering by the ruled population.

I wish him luck for he is in a tough position both nationally and internationally.....and so, for all of us who love Thailand and the Thai people, who have decided to make this place our home, let us hope he gets future/present policies correct and does not sow the seeds of future mayhem.

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