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1 beheaded in attack, explosion at French gas factory


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What those Victims go through, 20 Mock Executions or so, that's why they are so Calm on Video, The Mental Suffering they go through , maybe a Relief to them, Finally, sorry for being so Serious, but the Savagery is too much for my senses, you wouldn't even do this to a Rodent, let alone American, Brit, Chinese, yes even Russisns

Yep, these whack jobs are simply opening the eyes of a lot of people who perhaps lived with their heads in the sand for far too long.

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A previous poster noted "It is supposed to be Ramadan. A period of peace and reflection on the religion."

It could be another cause. It could be another source. It may not be what we fear. Sadly, we know the cause.



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Latest from Tunisia, at least 27 people killed on the beach.....thought to be mainly tourists...sad.png

Kind of confusing. Appears that there are separate incidents. Maybe one in a hotel with much less dead and one on the beach with as many as 29 dead.

Just awful. People and their families trying to enjoy a nice day at a beach and some loser Islamic mf'er comes by with an assault rifle and starts killing them.

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Latest from Tunisia, at least 27 people killed on the beach.....thought to be mainly tourists...sad.png

Kind of confusing. Appears that there are separate incidents. Maybe one in a hotel with much less dead and one on the beach with as many as 29 dead.

Just awful. People and their families trying to enjoy a nice day at a beach and some loser Islamic mf'er comes by with an assault rifle and starts killing them.

Trying to destabilise a budding democracy by crippling it's economy. These lowlifes cannot accept freedom of people's choice.

Unfortunately, as a poster mentioned earlier, they have been left to proliferate for far too long, and now it is too late, you will never rid the world of this disease.

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It appears the severed head was not from a suicide bombing.

An official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorised to release details to the media, said the torso was found near the site of the explosion but that the victim was not decapitated by the blast.

A spokesman from the Quilliam Foundation expects more attacks as IS had announced it was increasing attacks to mark the 1st anniversary of the caliphate

Edited by Farma
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Latest from Tunisia, at least 27 people killed on the beach.....thought to be mainly tourists...sad.png

Why would anyone from the West visit a muslim country? I don't care how peaceful it is perceived, any muslim country is bound to increase the chances of some jihad induced killer to come after you. Time for the West to stay out of islamic countries and for Western countries to make islamic cultural practices so uncomfortable in the West that the muslims return to their origins.

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Latest from Tunisia, at least 27 people killed on the beach.....thought to be mainly tourists...sad.png

Why would anyone from the West visit a muslim country? I don't care how peaceful it is perceived, any muslim country is bound to increase the chances of some jihad induced killer to come after you. Time for the West to stay out of islamic countries and for Western countries to make islamic cultural practices so uncomfortable in the West that the muslims return to their origins.

I agree! Problem is many are from the west, this is their origin. In the age of social media and instant communications ideology has no boundaries. First we should do as you state, but what to do about those among us? It is more complicated.

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It is supposed to be Ramadan. A period of peace and reflection on the religion.

Nothing is known yet. Why don't we wait for a while and see what transpires.

Yup - could have been Oompa Loompas

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Latest from Tunisia, at least 27 people killed on the beach.....thought to be mainly tourists...sad.png

Why would anyone from the West visit a muslim country? I don't care how peaceful it is perceived, any muslim country is bound to increase the chances of some jihad induced killer to come after you. Time for the West to stay out of islamic countries and for Western countries to make islamic cultural practices so uncomfortable in the West that the muslims return to their origins.

History may yet repeat itself as happened with the reconquista in Spain. Islamic nations have indeed been indulging in ethnic and religious cleansing more or less none stop since Islam came into being. A reciprocal invitation to leave will imho gather pace. This will be a tragedy for Muslims accepting secular democracy, but regrettably I see this as the most likely outcome.
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Why would anyone from the West visit a muslim country?

All sorts of reasons, some of which are activities / interests which can be found elsewhere and some of which are activities / interests which may be unique to the regions. Until more recent years (and yes there are exceptions which can easily be found), journeys in the Muslim world were no more dangerous for foreigners than a quiet rural town back home. In many areas that remains the case, but the risk factor is certainly rising and rising fast because global jihad is going through a resurrection, enough for me to be more wary of visiting (certain areas which are soft spots) these days. However, the France attack and others of their kind show that staying at home doesn't necessarily guarantee anything either.

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THE LATEST: French: Decapitated man was a local employer
The Associated Press

PARIS (AP) — The latest on the attack in southeastern France (all times local):


2:45 p.m.

A French security official says the man whose severed head was found hanging at the gate of an American gas factory that was attacked in France has been identified as a local businessman.

A car rammed the factory gate Friday in southeastern France and plowed into gas canisters, touching off an explosion. A decapitated body and flags with Arabic writing were found at the entrance.

The security official, who was not authorized to speak to the media and requested anonymity, said the victim was the head of a local transportation company and was believed to have been killed before the explosion. His name was not released.

Authorities had said his body was found near the site of the attack.


2:15 p.m.

Air Products says all its employees are accounted for after an attack on a factory in southeastern France. It has not confirmed whether its staff were among the two people reported injured and one dead. The company says in a statement that all employees have been evacuated from the site, which is secure.

It says "our crisis and emergency response teams have been activated and are working closely with all relevant authorities."

Air Products, which is based in the U.S., makes gases used by a wide range of industries, including food production, medicine and the oil and gas. It has more than 20,000 employees in 50 countries, mostly in the Americas, Europe and Asia.


This item has been corrected to show that the attack was in southeastern France, not southwestern France.


1:45 p.m.

French Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve says multiple people are in custody after an attack on a gas factory that left one person dead.

A severed head was posted at the factory's entrance and Cazeneuve said authorities are still trying to identify the victim.

"People who could have participated in this abject crime are in custody after having been arrested," he told journalists.

The attack began when a car crashed the gate and plowed into gas canisters, touching off an explosion at the factory near Lyon on Friday morning.

Cazeneuve said the suspect was believed to be from the area and had been flagged in 2006 for ties to Islamic extremists, but surveillance was dropped in 2008.


1:30 p.m.

France's top security official says a man arrested in the attack at a gas factory in southeastern France was known to intelligence services for possible ties to Islamic extremists but had no arrest record.

Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve says the investigation has just begun and cautioned against jumping to conclusions.

The suspect had been flagged as an extremist in 2006 and then police monitoring dropped off two years later, according to Cazeneuve.

A car crashed the gate and plowed into gas canisters, touching off an explosion, at the factory near Lyon on Friday morning. The decapitated body of a person was found at the scene.


1 p.m.

France's president says a suspect in what he called a "terrorist" attack at a gas factory in southeastern France has been arrested and identified.

Francois Hollande, speaking in Brussels, said one person was killed and two wounded in the attack, which began shortly before 10 a.m. Friday when a car crashed the gate and plowed into gas canisters, touching off an explosion.

Hollande said one suspect has been arrested and indicated that a second attacker might have been involved.

He was returning to France and called a high level defense council meeting for Friday afternoon.


12:30 p.m.

A security official says a decapitated head was found posted on the gate at the entry to the gas factory that came under attack Friday in southeastern France.

The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to release details to the media, said the torso was found near the site of the explosion but that the victim was not decapitated by the blast.

Two flags, one white and one black and both with Arabic inscriptions, were found at the scene.

The official said police were searching for anyone else possibly involved in the attack. France's interior minister, Bernard Cazeneuve, has arrived at the scene.

— By Lori Hinnant


11:55 a.m.

French authorities have opened a terrorism investigation after an attack and explosion at a gas factory that left one person decapitated and several wounded.

Banners with Arabic inscriptions were found near the body, an official said.

France's anti-terrorism prosecutor swiftly opened an investigation.

Details of the attack were sketchy but two French officials said it began midmorning in the Isere region when two men crashed a car into the entrance of the factory and into gas canisters, touching off the explosion. One attacker was arrested, they said.


11:30 a.m.

A French security official says an attack and explosion at a gas factory in southeastern France has left one person dead.

The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because she wasn't authorized to talk to the news media, said the dead person was found decapitated outside the entrance to the factory.

France's top security official was rushing to the scene. The official said two attackers arrived in a car, bearing banners written in Arabic, and set off an explosion. One of the attackers was arrested.

— By Lori Hinnant

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-06-26

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So the suspect was flagged in 2006 and monitoring stopped in 2008. This is not the first time a known radical has struck, indeed it would appear the authorities have prior knowledge in many if not most cases. Time for indefinite use of orange jumpsuits or a one way ticket to a hell hole of their choice.

I think last year's Ramadan bombathon record will surely fall.


Edited by Steely Dan
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Time for the security services to round up all these whackos and exile them to some cold bleak windswept island far from civilisation.

What Europe needs is a strong man like Putin.

Yep, Putin does not play around with people like this.

Putin does not play around with gays or anyone who does not agree with him.

Sound like justice?

Not in my book.

I'm sorry but after the utterly pathetic reaction to the 7/7 London bombings and the beheading of Lee Rigsby on the streets on London I would rather have someone like Putin in charge to actually do something to protect the people they are elected to protect.

Another attack in France and now some raghead hitting the beach in Tunisia with his kalashnikof and shooting a load of tourists.

And the silence from the supposedly moderate Muslims is deafening !

How long before they get the next Crusade they seem to be after ?

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And the silence from the supposedly moderate Muslims is deafening !

Disobedient pretenders, you mean. Officially, doctrine wants them out there 'jihading' until Islam rules globally (after which, this 'peace' we keep hearing g about is expected to flourish) because Muhammad would view them as not having submitted to Allah but to the rule of the Kuffar and various ways of the Kuffar.

Lucky for us, many are now internally 'jihading' instead and scraping by in life like the rest of us. Personally I wouldn't the expect the 'Muslims' of the world to grovel in apology each time something like this happens because it is an unrealistic demand for a multitude of reasons. Even when they do, blatantly, people continue to insist there was a deafening silence. I'd much rather they'd quit faffing about and would just renounce Islam en masse so that the target can then be clearly highlighted for annihilation without all this handwringing nonsense from David Cameron who had to divert his received comment to suggesr Islam was really a Religion of Peace hijacked by violent 'perverters'. Muhammad and his warriors would fundamentally disagree about who the 'real' Muslims are.

It is unfortunate for those that 'could' renounce Islam to make our task much easier, because to renounce Islam is to invite death from another member of the cult. At least Scientology will only use hired goons to follow ex members around if they leave and consider public post departure criticisms. Islam wants ex-members dead. People don't leave Islam because they are terrified of the attempt.

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And the silence from the supposedly moderate Muslims is deafening !

Disobedient pretenders, you mean. Officially, doctrine wants them out there 'jihading' until Islam rules globally (after which, this 'peace' we keep hearing g about is expected to flourish) because Muhammad would view them as not having submitted to Allah but to the rule of the Kuffar and various ways of the Kuffar.

Lucky for us, many are now internally 'jihading' instead and scraping by in life like the rest of us. Personally I wouldn't the expect the 'Muslims' of the world to grovel in apology each time something like this happens because it is an unrealistic demand for a multitude of reasons. Even when they do, blatantly, people continue to insist there was a deafening silence. I'd much rather they'd quit faffing about and would just renounce Islam en masse so that the target can then be clearly highlighted for annihilation without all this handwringing nonsense from David Cameron who had to divert his received comment to suggesr Islam was really a Religion of Peace hijacked by violent 'perverters'. Muhammad and his warriors would fundamentally disagree about who the 'real' Muslims are.

It is unfortunate for those that 'could' renounce Islam to make our task much easier, because to renounce Islam is to invite death from another member of the cult. At least Scientology will only use hired goons to follow ex members around if they leave and consider public post departure criticisms. Islam wants ex-members dead. People don't leave Islam because they are terrified of the attempt.

It is a death cult pure and simple. All those with the misfortune to be afflicted by birth into the cult should be given every encouragement to leave. Alas the Western governments in effect enable the fanatics by giving no protection to the brave apostates of Islam. Of course the best way to protect those renouncing Islam would be to deport all those who don't and shut down the hornets nests of sedition they swarm out of, often after Friday prayers.

But that is a alas a fanciful dream so instead we have Cameron and his Ilk debasing themselves acting like jackasses calling the death cult a religion of peace.

Edited by Steely Dan
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and the uk still supports the free for all open borders policy ???

wrong...very wrong...what ıs Cameron thınkıng, how they can background check them....how many of them wıll be extremeısts (If any..we just dont know)...we are already seeıng brıtısh cıtızens joınıng Isıs...what next

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It is supposed to be Ramadan. A period of peace and reflection on the religion.

Meant to be the religion of peace as well, but very little evidence of that around the world, just the opposite. Can I just get in the usual excuses and deflections- not real Muslims, just lone nutters, what about the bible/crusades/ history of Christian acts hundreds of years ago. Then we will have the fantasy that most Muslims are speaking out about this and that the actions of the west probably provoked it anyway and then what about those nasty cartoons....rolleyes.gif

The peace only comes later when all the infidels have converted to Islam. There is no peace until this time and the Koran has hundreds of verses inciting violence and hatred of non-believers. The prophet Muhammad personally led wars and what were little more than pirate rates in which infidels were robbed, enslaved and slaughtered. There is obviously nothing comparable in the New Testament or the life experience of Jesus ( even if one believes it was myth) The abuses in Christianity came centuries after the death of Jesus. A moderate Muslim has an extremely difficult time debating hardliners because the Muslim holy books and life experience of Big Mo all support the hardline. The elite class in Europe and France which has allowed the Muzz population in France to grow to approximately 10 million have created an enormous problem and France is unfortunately rapidly moving ever closer to a new Civil War and Revolution. The French Muzz voted 93% for socialist scumbag Francois Hollonde in 2012 who has the support of only about 18% of the French public now. This is to say the immigrants and a small number of delusional leftists are about all he has left in his support base.


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It is supposed to be Ramadan. A period of peace and reflection on the religion.

Islam is not a peaceful religion; violence and terrorism increase during Ramadon. This incudes the conflicts and wars between Muzz factions as well; as the bombing in Kuwait on the same day demonstrate. This is a season of religious terrorism.

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Time for the security services to round up all these whackos and exile them to some cold bleak windswept island far from civilisation.

What Europe needs is a strong man like Putin.

I voted for a strong woman in 2012 and will do so again in 2017. With each passing year Marine Le Pen gets more popular. Even MSM admits her support has grown dramatically and is possibly the largest political party in France now.


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Time for the security services to round up all these whackos and exile them to some cold bleak windswept island far from civilisation.


Translation: " Have a nice trip back to the desert"

2017 ( next presidential election)


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