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US should explain its harsh rights report on Thailand, govt says

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let he who casts the first stone be the one without sin, or whatever that mystical quote is. Either way, if someone can put me in touch, I will be a neutral party seeing both as corrupt regimes attempting to control the populace by what ever means possible, being neither Thai nor US citizen,

its laughable and

it shows a certain ignorrance, were Thaialnd to make their own list of human rights violations , put the US up there as an offender

and not attempt to deny it, the game plan would be far better.

come on give me a job,

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I don't understand why one should be offended by a judgement from the US regarding human rights.

The US are the most global human rights violators and we can't count the amount of assassinations, civil unrest, coups, illegal wars, torture and more and more committed by the US the past 50 years, and there's no sign of a slow down.

So being called human rights violator by the US is like being called a pervert by a serial child rapist... a drop of water on my duck's feather would have more impact.

"and there's no sign of a slow down." Since you know this, please share the evidence with the world.


As an American, I find the report by the US government to lack any real validity and simplistic in its analysis. The Thai government should ignore the report and continue to do what it believes is in the best interests of the Thai people. No need to ask for an explanation- the American report is not relevant. The United States needs to get its own house in order It is spending billions listening to the World's phone calls; uses its intelligence service to put innocent people in detention without any right to counsel or courts; attempts to silence those who would protest against this abomination and then try to sell it as 'protection of American citizens.' In addition, America maintains the most costly military apparatus the World has ever seen. All the while, Americans have the highest health care costs in the World, with limited access; declining wages; increased poverty and a general decline in their overall happiness. Politicians continue to lie to the public and line their pockets with ridiculous benefits and salaries. Is there any wonder why no one in the World is listening to the so called 'greatest country in the World'. I am not anti-American, but it is high time to tell the truth. I remember when the United States was a respected and vital part of the World community because it always took the high road and treated both its citizens and the World with respect. Is there no American who can step forward and lead?

well it is not a report of america it is a report of thailand , it could have been made by other nation or the EEC .....and what they say in it...is true.

end of the story.

now your critic of the usa i do agree with all what your wrote....i mean even with a big and long crisis we do live much better in europe than in your country ,thats for sure.


US should explain its harsh rights report on Thailand, govt says

Which part on this list does the government not understand? smile.png

"The military overthrew a democratically elected government, repealed the constitution, and severely limited civil liberties," Kerry said. "Subsequent efforts by the military government to rewrite the country's constitution and recast its political intuitions raised concerns about lack of inclusivity in the process."

The report also stated that Thais no longer had the ability to change the government in a free and fair election, while noting that the junta had stifled academic freedom, ordered scholars not to speak to the press and cancelled academic seminars.

The junta had also restricted press content deemed critical, leading to widespread self-censorship.

The US also mentioned what it described as abuses by government security forces and local defence volunteers in the deep South.

Other rights problems included arbitrary arrests and detentions, overcrowded and unsanitary prisons and detention facilities, and insufficient protection for vulnerable populations, including refugees.

1. The US democratically elected government is a farce; it is manipulated both at the polls and the electors. Civil liberties in America are increasingly a farce both with the citizens and police/federal and journalists and federal government. Civil liberties in the US remain, but it is an empty container, aping its former glory.

2. Americans no longer have the ability to change government- 6 of one, 1/2 dozen of the other, always the lesser of two evils while America moves inexorably toward oligarchy and corporatocracy.

3. The Obama administration is oppressive to a free press and this results in America's freedom of speech rating to be increasingly lowered. Contrary to what one might imagine freedom of the press in the US is way down the list compared to many other countries.

4. The abuses of the US federal and local governments into outright assaults on the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 10th, and 14th Amendments. The US government is the most intrusive stasi like State in the history of planet earth. Under the stalking horse of "for the children" "stop the bad guys" and other Emmanuel Goldstein cliches, the US has become as oppressive as East Germany was. The only difference is the mechanics of going through the motions of same ole same ole. In other words, business as usual is only a shadow of its former self.

5. The US has passed indefinite detention laws suspending habeus corpus.

There is not really much more to say. If I were Thailand I would be equally aghast at the presumption of this stalking evil to pass judgement. So, why does it matter. Because while the US has lost even a fig leaf of credibility around the world it still wields a big stick and has repeatedly demonstrated it will attack allies and befriend enemies.

But this is coming from a country which also tramples on the rights of its own citizens, invades other countries on the flimsiest of excuses, detains citizens of other countries without trial and those persons only defenders are appointed by the the US military. Some of those people have been arrested in countries other than the USA and many of them have been awaiting trial for years.

It regularly sends drones to kill people in other countries and worries little if anything about "collateral damage" to that countries citizens.

Civilians in the USA are regularly killed by the police forces within the USA.

It supports freedom of speech but when it comes to Wikileaks it wants to prosecute to the nth degree those people that expose the truth.

It supports dictatorial regimes in some parts of the world.

When you live in a glass house it is not always a good idea to throw stones.


what a bunch of BS - go crawl back in your hole. If it weren't for America, your country would probably speak German/Italian/Japanese right now. bah.gif


The reality is that HRW is at the beck and call of the US government. If it wasn't true why do we need a John Kerry to make a public statement? What hypocrisy when he says that the US is not blameless when its human rights records are abysmal. When the US wants to do something illegal they just invent another name, like "enhanced interrogation", or simply torture the people in countries using mercenaries like Blackwater because it would be illegal on American soil. And what about the drones killing civilians, they call it "collateral damage". None of that stuff happens under this new Thai government. What blood do they have on their hands? How many people have been executed recently in Thailand under this new government? How many people were executed summarily, and people killed by "third hand" during the previous regimes, and what did HRW do about it?

The HRW nipicks on small items and does not mention the big picture. Is there anything in the report that was not there before this government?

The simple reality is that with this new government, barely a year in place, a lot is being done to improve human rights, and the USA is the last country on earth who should give us lessons.

"The reality is that HRW is at the beck and call of the US government. " If this is "the reality", pray share how you came to know this, what evidence convinced you. Be specific, please. One wearies on Thai Visa reading huge claims from fascists without evidence.


As an American, I find the report by the US government to lack any real validity and simplistic in its analysis. The Thai government should ignore the report and continue to do what it believes is in the best interests of the Thai people. No need to ask for an explanation- the American report is not relevant. The United States needs to get its own house in order It is spending billions listening to the World's phone calls; uses its intelligence service to put innocent people in detention without any right to counsel or courts; attempts to silence those who would protest against this abomination and then try to sell it as 'protection of American citizens.' In addition, America maintains the most costly military apparatus the World has ever seen. All the while, Americans have the highest health care costs in the World, with limited access; declining wages; increased poverty and a general decline in their overall happiness. Politicians continue to lie to the public and line their pockets with ridiculous benefits and salaries. Is there any wonder why no one in the World is listening to the so called 'greatest country in the World'. I am not anti-American, but it is high time to tell the truth. I remember when the United States was a respected and vital part of the World community because it always took the high road and treated both its citizens and the World with respect. Is there no American who can step forward and lead?

" Is there no American who can step forward and lead?"

It may not be possible for an American to step forward and lead because when a real candidate comes along who has integrity and truly wants to do what's best for the American people the whole power structure both left and right backed by the global banking and multi-national corporate elite will use their literal ownership of the media, use the NSA, CIA, IRS or whatever it takes to prevent that candidate from winning. This coming election looks like it will be a choice between two crime families, the Bushes and the Clintons. If you think that last sentence is a crazy statement dig a little deeper. Cheers.


As an American, I find the report by the US government to lack any real validity and simplistic in its analysis. The Thai government should ignore the report and continue to do what it believes is in the best interests of the Thai people. No need to ask for an explanation- the American report is not relevant. The United States needs to get its own house in order It is spending billions listening to the World's phone calls; uses its intelligence service to put innocent people in detention without any right to counsel or courts; attempts to silence those who would protest against this abomination and then try to sell it as 'protection of American citizens.' In addition, America maintains the most costly military apparatus the World has ever seen. All the while, Americans have the highest health care costs in the World, with limited access; declining wages; increased poverty and a general decline in their overall happiness. Politicians continue to lie to the public and line their pockets with ridiculous benefits and salaries. Is there any wonder why no one in the World is listening to the so called 'greatest country in the World'. I am not anti-American, but it is high time to tell the truth. I remember when the United States was a respected and vital part of the World community because it always took the high road and treated both its citizens and the World with respect. Is there no American who can step forward and lead?

Thanks for "the truth". cheesy.gif


I liked the bit in the report about 43 people being killed in the process of being arrested.

Which is about half the amount killed daily by police in the USA.


What is your evidence? Such killings would be public record, which, from your statement, you have compiled. Pray share it with us. Or are you just ranting?


I liked the bit in the report about 43 people being killed in the process of being arrested.

Which is about half the amount killed daily by police in the USA.


Do you have a source for your hyperbolic statistic?

No but I am sure an anal retentive will be along any minute with them.

What you call "them" are known as facts. Introduce yourself to them sometime.


Here we go again.

I was kind of shocked to see that list and Thailand included in it.

Really? Nah you're having a wind-up aren't you!!!


As an American, I find the report by the US government to lack any real validity and simplistic in its analysis. The Thai government should ignore the report and continue to do what it believes is in the best interests of the Thai people. No need to ask for an explanation- the American report is not relevant. The United States needs to get its own house in order It is spending billions listening to the World's phone calls; uses its intelligence service to put innocent people in detention without any right to counsel or courts; attempts to silence those who would protest against this abomination and then try to sell it as 'protection of American citizens.' In addition, America maintains the most costly military apparatus the World has ever seen. All the while, Americans have the highest health care costs in the World, with limited access; declining wages; increased poverty and a general decline in their overall happiness. Politicians continue to lie to the public and line their pockets with ridiculous benefits and salaries. Is there any wonder why no one in the World is listening to the so called 'greatest country in the World'. I am not anti-American, but it is high time to tell the truth. I remember when the United States was a respected and vital part of the World community because it always took the high road and treated both its citizens and the World with respect. Is there no American who can step forward and lead?

The Thai government should ignore the report and continue to do what it believes is in the best interests of the Thai people.

As an American, you should be able to see that the Thai "government" is illegitimate and only has an interest in doing what it believes is best for a small number of Thai people.


Miami Bob just posted the truth- and along with myself- realise that it is almost hopeless for anyone other than the chosen elite to be elected in the United States. In the unlikely event that a person with integrity and not beholden to the wealthy did receive a forum and was able to get their message across- they would be eliminated. America is the land of greed. As much as Thailand operates on the same system- America is the master of it all. Everything is about money. Obama trumpets his health care reform as though it really is reform- absolute nonsense. He caved into every wealthy business person associated with healthcare and created a monstrosity in which the tax man now monitors whether you paid your health care premium and added 10,000 more revenue agents to do it. Guess who pays their salaries. The American people, of course. Ever wonder why a person's' illness should be a way for someone to make money. Healthcare is an inalienable right. Most of Europe has basic healthcare for its citizens. The American government ignored those systems that actually work and are fair and chose a system that rewards insurance companies. This is only one example of the chicanery that the US government hoists on its populace. Again, I am not anti American but to fix a problem , one has to admit it exists. And there are plenty more.


" Is there no American who can step forward and lead?"

It may not be possible for an American to step forward and lead because when a real candidate comes along who has integrity and truly wants to do what's best for the American people the whole power structure both left and right backed by the global banking and multi-national corporate elite will use their literal ownership of the media, use the NSA, CIA, IRS or whatever it takes to prevent that candidate from winning. This coming election looks like it will be a choice between two crime families, the Bushes and the Clintons. If you think that last sentence is a crazy statement dig a little deeper. Cheers.

Thank you, Miami Bob, for a really excellent post.


Fact: America imprisons more of it's citizens than any other country on the planet. i.e. 2.2 million people in America are in prison compared to 1.5 million in China. (you may wish to consider that China has more than 4 times the population).

America also holds the world record for death by police.

Just a couple of little factoids for those sitll living with the idea that America is a force for good

Have you considered the fact that China executes more of their prisoners and has an equally abusmal human rights record, and Thailand is cosying up to them?

You fly with the crows, you get shot with the crows.

1. The US democratically elected government is a farce; it is manipulated both at the polls and the electors. Civil liberties in America are increasingly a farce both with the citizens and police/federal and journalists and federal government. Civil liberties in the US remain, but it is an empty container, aping its former glory.

2. Americans no longer have the ability to change government- 6 of one, 1/2 dozen of the other, always the lesser of two evils while America moves inexorably toward oligarchy and corporatocracy.

3. The Obama administration is oppressive to a free press and this results in America's freedom of speech rating to be increasingly lowered. Contrary to what one might imagine freedom of the press in the US is way down the list compared to many other countries.

4. The abuses of the US federal and local governments into outright assaults on the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 10th, and 14th Amendments. The US government is the most intrusive stasi like State in the history of planet earth. Under the stalking horse of "for the children" "stop the bad guys" and other Emmanuel Goldstein cliches, the US has become as oppressive as East Germany was. The only difference is the mechanics of going through the motions of same ole same ole. In other words, business as usual is only a shadow of its former self.

5. The US has passed indefinite detention laws suspending habeus corpus.

There is not really much more to say. If I were Thailand I would be equally aghast at the presumption of this stalking evil to pass judgement. So, why does it matter. Because while the US has lost even a fig leaf of credibility around the world it still wields a big stick and has repeatedly demonstrated it will attack allies and befriend enemies.

But this is coming from a country which also tramples on the rights of its own citizens, invades other countries on the flimsiest of excuses, detains citizens of other countries without trial and those persons only defenders are appointed by the the US military. Some of those people have been arrested in countries other than the USA and many of them have been awaiting trial for years.

It regularly sends drones to kill people in other countries and worries little if anything about "collateral damage" to that countries citizens.

Civilians in the USA are regularly killed by the police forces within the USA.

It supports freedom of speech but when it comes to Wikileaks it wants to prosecute to the nth degree those people that expose the truth.

It supports dictatorial regimes in some parts of the world.

When you live in a glass house it is not always a good idea to throw stones.


what a bunch of BS - go crawl back in your hole. If it weren't for America, your country would probably speak German/Italian/Japanese right now. bah.gif

Your credibility is, presumably, because you are an American? Well, I am an American too. One could hardly dispute the points raised. One could hardly dispute that if it were not for America the world would be in so much darkness and suffering. It is overwhelmingly apparent that America has been through its short life a real force for good in the world. In its absence much of the world would still be cesspools of abuse and deprivation. I have always said that when the lights go out in America the rest of the world will become very dark. (The presumption that one must not be an American to note the facts above reveals much about the very arrogance that America is indicted for with regard to Thailand on this OP).

However, both of these observations are true, what you write and what is stated previously. They are not exclusive. America is the things you imply but also the things stated. It is the things stated to which the report on Thailand speaks and it is relevant because even a cursory glance at world affairs and feelings toward the US reveal America has lost great legitimacy. So, as I go crawl back in [my] hole, bloodied and disabled from serving my country for decades, I shall remember your brilliantly articulated notes on the obvious- America has done many great things for the world. Very true!


Miami Bob just posted the truth- and along with myself- realise that it is almost hopeless for anyone other than the chosen elite to be elected in the United States. In the unlikely event that a person with integrity and not beholden to the wealthy did receive a forum and was able to get their message across- they would be eliminated. America is the land of greed. As much as Thailand operates on the same system- America is the master of it all. Everything is about money. Obama trumpets his health care reform as though it really is reform- absolute nonsense. He caved into every wealthy business person associated with healthcare and created a monstrosity in which the tax man now monitors whether you paid your health care premium and added 10,000 more revenue agents to do it. Guess who pays their salaries. The American people, of course. Ever wonder why a person's' illness should be a way for someone to make money. Healthcare is an inalienable right. Most of Europe has basic healthcare for its citizens. The American government ignored those systems that actually work and are fair and chose a system that rewards insurance companies. This is only one example of the chicanery that the US government hoists on its populace. Again, I am not anti American but to fix a problem , one has to admit it exists. And there are plenty more.

As an American, I thank both of you for using your voice to note the hypocrisy with regard to this report in the OP. As an adjunct it should be noted at least once on this OP that the very problems that Thailand is today indicted for were in no small measure agitated by the US State Department, Chatham House, and their hybrid partners that frequently bring us their Color Revolutions.


I liked the bit in the report about 43 people being killed in the process of being arrested.

Which is about half the amount killed daily by police in the USA.


Do you have a source for your hyperbolic statistic?

No but I am sure an anal retentive will be along any minute with them.

What you call "them" are known as facts. Introduce yourself to them sometime.

Let me set the record straight.

Pedro claims the police in the US are killing about 80 people per day.

This is a dystopian fantasy.

Several groups have looked at this recently, what with the dramatic events in a few places, and with the media increasingly focusing on the issue.

The real number is around 2 per day.

Nothing to be proud of, but not the kind of number that fits into "The World According to Pedro".


Not viewed favorably? Said who? the corporate presstitutes? Ask people around in Thailand what they think of this government. The majority loves it.

The people are tired of politicians and corruption.

This government has done more to clean up Thailand than any governments since Constitutional Monarchy was established.

How many people have been arrested? 900? How many are still in jail? How long is "temporary"?

The Thai people don't need you to worry for them.

It said the military government had sharply curbed freedom of speech and press freedom and the ability for people to assemble, while also causing more than 900 people to be temporarily detained without charge.

I feel certain the Military Coop Government understands fully why they are not viewed more favorably...

My fear for the Thai people...is that the future elected government...will be filled with the PMs yes men and will just continue the militaries dictatorial policies...


Fact: America imprisons more of it's citizens than any other country on the planet. i.e. 2.2 million people in America are in prison compared to 1.5 million in China. (you may wish to consider that China has more than 4 times the population).

America also holds the world record for death by police.

Just a couple of little factoids for those sitll living with the idea that America is a force for good

Oh, friend, I think you misunderstand. The high prison population is the Republican's innovative social welfare program . Inmates are no longer homeless and receive free food, shelter and medical care and it's increasingly privatized for corporate benefit so more can trickle down to needy families...

I checked Guinness for the "world record for death by police" but zip. I could only find statistics relating to the rates of death by violence. Hmmm...U.S. rates as 92nd out of 192 countries. Damn, America as average....how disappointing...

Anyway, keep those factoids coming....


Miami Bob just posted the truth- and along with myself- realise that it is almost hopeless for anyone other than the chosen elite to be elected in the United States. In the unlikely event that a person with integrity and not beholden to the wealthy did receive a forum and was able to get their message across- they would be eliminated. America is the land of greed. As much as Thailand operates on the same system- America is the master of it all. Everything is about money. Obama trumpets his health care reform as though it really is reform- absolute nonsense. He caved into every wealthy business person associated with healthcare and created a monstrosity in which the tax man now monitors whether you paid your health care premium and added 10,000 more revenue agents to do it. Guess who pays their salaries. The American people, of course. Ever wonder why a person's' illness should be a way for someone to make money. Healthcare is an inalienable right. Most of Europe has basic healthcare for its citizens. The American government ignored those systems that actually work and are fair and chose a system that rewards insurance companies. This is only one example of the chicanery that the US government hoists on its populace. Again, I am not anti American but to fix a problem , one has to admit it exists. And there are plenty more.

Pure fantasy gleaned from the dregs of the blogoshpere.

I'll just pick one item out of your mutterings - the myth about "10,000 more revenue agents".

First, you got the number wrong. The widely touted number was 16,000.

Second, the number was made up, and never corresponded to any plan of the IRS to change their staffing.

I noted the rhetoric in the past hour has gotten unreasonable. Then I noticed what time it is. Drink up. w00t.gif


Whilst I personally do not agree with military intervention and the removal of legally elected governments by the military, it was bloodless and the curbs on freedoms have been quite minor in comparison to what has happened elsewhere in the world in similar circumstances.

I do think though that before the Americans start to lecture anyone about civil rights and behaviour they should have a good long look in the mirror and make sure they are free of any such actions.

But of course they live in a 'free' society don't they. If you're the right colour and class you do anyway.

And foreign policy?

I wonder where in the Middle East is the next 'minority' group they are going to arm and then go back 10 years later and blow the crap out of? They know exactly what weapons Al Quaeda, ISIS etc have. They just look at the receipts.

I hardly think they are in a position to lecture anybody


I was a veteran in the U.S. Marine Corps and proud of it. But to now what is going on in Thailand has to be done. Corruption, drugs, bad police just to name a few and the new PM has all the bad people looking over there shoulders and wondering if they will be next. In Thailand you do not see riot and whole cities destroyed while the police get a order to stand down. I believe progress has been made in Thailand and will get even better if they fire the bad police instead of transferring them to another district. Thansin still has a police rank so the police brotherhood must be stronger than the military!

did you kill any innocent woman or children or old people

Are you off your meds permanently or just until your handler finds out?


However the US should say what the basis is and the sources of the facts that led to the assumption

so that the junta can send the "sources" to attitude adjustment. whistling.gif

They'd just get a visit from Seal Team 6. Well, but then again, is there a Seal Team 6 anymore? cool.png


The report is about Thailand and not the US. The only question is whether you agree with the content, not the messenger. As is usually the case here though, if "US" is in the text of the thread title, then content & context is forgotten and subsequent posts becomes about the US.

For those that want the US to go away or at least drop out of sight internationally, cheer up because the last 6 years are as close to that as you will ever see.thumbsup.gif


There is no doubt that America has done great things for the World in its past history and has used its influence and wealth to assist others. This is in the past . I remember growing up in the United States where I was proud that my country had helped make the World a safer place and stemmed the advance of Nazism and totalitarianism during the Second World War. My father was proud to serve with the British, Australians, New Zealander's and many others in a righteous quest for peace and tranquillity. The administration of Franklin Roosevelt and Sir Winston Churchill knew that our very survival depended upon mobilizing our populations. Where did it all go wrong. We all became prosperous, however we forgot one thing- we forgot that we are all in this World together. People become greedy and the greed became infectious. We started to lose our ethical compass and forget the things our parents taught us like compassion, be a good neighbour and being humble. We also forgot the golden rule. Now it's every person for themselves and the US government once the envy of the World has become the scourge of the World. Yes, America lost almost 3,000 people during the 9-11 attack but we lost a lot more since- our moral compass and the good part of those ideals that make a great people. We can't fix this until we admit it.


Fact: America imprisons more of it's citizens than any other country on the planet. i.e. 2.2 million people in America are in prison compared to 1.5 million in China. (you may wish to consider that China has more than 4 times the population).

America also holds the world record for death by police.

Just a couple of little factoids for those sitll living with the idea that America is a force for good

Oh, friend, I think you misunderstand. The high prison population is the Republican's innovative social welfare program . Inmates are no longer homeless and receive free food, shelter and medical care and it's increasingly privatized for corporate benefit so more can trickle down to needy families...

I checked Guinness for the "world record for death by police" but zip. I could only find statistics relating to the rates of death by violence. Hmmm...U.S. rates as 92nd out of 192 countries. Damn, America as average....how disappointing...

Anyway, keep those factoids coming....

You should have instead checked the "factoid" regarding "the high prison population" being a result of the "republicans" (for which I equally have little use for). It is simply not correct to suggest it is this narrow an issue; thats all. The first few pages of this link alone suggest the numbers for justices and their appointments. This reveals a very mixed picture.


The following link changes the complexity a bit and suggests a decidedly liberal tilt has taken place in the US (at the federal level). http://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2014/10/27/obama-brief

The US prison population is hardly a result of 2nd Amendment or any other inherent qualia regarding the US. It is a direct result and corresponds with the social engineering began with the Great Society and secondary dependency programs. Add forced multiculturalism and social relativity on the population and the underlying American fabric is rent. The below graph says it all. All one has to then do is look at the history of liberal progressive social engineering in the US as an overlay and the causal connection is unavoidable. Countries like Thailand are delicately but resoundingly rejecting the obvious poison pill of western social engineering.




Fact: America imprisons more of it's citizens than any other country on the planet. i.e. 2.2 million people in America are in prison compared to 1.5 million in China. (you may wish to consider that China has more than 4 times the population).

America also holds the world record for death by police.

Just a couple of little factoids for those sitll living with the idea that America is a force for good

I agree with you.....to a degree...that is if you only dwell on the bad aspects of America and their government administrations, past and present.

Meantime, America is still the big boy on the block and the champion of human rights ( regardless of all too many shady incidents occurring all over the place perpetrated by the good ole U.S.A.) while they get to do the criticizing and they ask the questions, while ignoring the criticism and seldom do they feel the need to answer the questions.

All part of being the worlds super power and the reigning champions of democracy with a large sense of entitlement thrown in for good measure.



Haha ha ha ha...so glad you approve .....lol...lol...lol


As an American, I find the report by the US government to lack any real validity and simplistic in its analysis. The Thai government should ignore the report and continue to do what it believes is in the best interests of the Thai people. No need to ask for an explanation- the American report is not relevant. The United States needs to get its own house in order It is spending billions listening to the World's phone calls; uses its intelligence service to put innocent people in detention without any right to counsel or courts; attempts to silence those who would protest against this abomination and then try to sell it as 'protection of American citizens.' In addition, America maintains the most costly military apparatus the World has ever seen. All the while, Americans have the highest health care costs in the World, with limited access; declining wages; increased poverty and a general decline in their overall happiness. Politicians continue to lie to the public and line their pockets with ridiculous benefits and salaries. Is there any wonder why no one in the World is listening to the so called 'greatest country in the World'. I am not anti-American, but it is high time to tell the truth. I remember when the United States was a respected and vital part of the World community because it always took the high road and treated both its citizens and the World with respect. Is there no American who can step forward and lead?

The Thai government should ignore the report and continue to do what it believes is in the best interests of the Thai people.

As an American, you should be able to see that the Thai "government" is illegitimate and only has an interest in doing what it believes is best for a small number of Thai people.

How many governments in this world are actually 'legitimate'? That's a question for the minority capable of engaging their brains, which is a tiny minority of humans.

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