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What was your scariest moment in Thailand?

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2 events will remain etched in my memory. A 1.robbery and a 2.very frightening moment:

#2The frightening moment happened quite recently, we were seated at a bar and that steroid freak with tattoos all over his body and face entered the bar and almost stayed for a drink and unintelligible conversation.

Praise be to all divine, he strutted down the soi to another lucky establishment.

#1 The robbery was my virtue and innocence stolen by a short dark haired girl with an affinity for "papaya pok pok"- sometimes I wish I could get it back.. but alas, I must carry on without it.

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It was during the first Gulf War and my wife and son needed to make a phone call back to Oz . In those days you needed a telephone exchange or pay an exorbitant amount at a hotel to make an international call.

Anyway we ventured to one down near the river in a part of Bangkok for dinner neither of us had ever been, and then decided to make the phone call. Anyway it must have been the Muslim neighbourhood and we walked into the Telephone exchange and it was full of gentlemen in those long gowns and i thought then perhaps i should have chosen a different telephone exchange. and it was like we had dropped a pork flavoured fart. The whole place went silent and everybody stared at us. Then they then moved across the exit to block us in so we just proceeded to book and make our call as if there was nothing unusual. What else could we do? Then we tried to leave and we started getting gently jousted and spat at. We just kept on moving towards the door trying to be as non-confronting as possible. Some of them moved and some just stayed in our way and so we just moved around them . My wife was in tears by this time and i was shitting myself as there would be no way to fight our way out. We made it to the door and left without any real incident apart from being spat on and jousted. That was the scariest situation i have been in Thailand .

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When I was riding my PCX on a hard shoulder at about 40 KPH, hard shoulder perfect, road perfect, a 1ins ridge between the hard shoulder and first lane

which lasted for about 30 Ks, the bike suddenly went out of control, took me over three lanes, and I ended up on top of the central crash barrier, no injuries

to me and no damage to the bike.

I decided to upgrade to a Forza because of the wider tyres. I still don't know what caused it, as I never hit the ridge, I first thought a parked vehicle had caused me to cross the ridge

on to the first lane, but I know now that was not the case. To this day I wish I knew what happened so I could make sure it would not happen again.

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Venturing onto TVF's news forums for the first time.

Two years ago, mates and I drove past BKK on the way to Rayong at around 5.30am. There was an incredible storm, thunder, lightning, torrential rain. So we parked and had a coffee.

Then we got back onto the highway, and it was incredible; there were cars piled up, 2 buses had been rear-ended and one flipped over, seven cars in a concertina crash, and the ditches to the side had more than a few cars stuck in them.

It's not as if heavy rain is new to the area, but the great majority of drivers had not changed over to 'heavy weather driving' and just kept steaming on.

Thank heavens we don't have icy roads!!

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Narrowly avoiding being bitten by a little Cobra snake about 8 years ago on Phuket.

It reared,flared,exposed it's fangs and was going to bite.

Luckily i saw it only inches from my flip flop shod foot and jumped backwards instead of taking another step forward. Would've been curtains.

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Asking the person I was in bed in with in Pattaya why they kept a picture of their brother on the bedside table.

She said "Don't be silly, that's me before the operation"

What did I do?

Moved 'up-country' and have been there ever since....................sad.png


I don't believe you, that's just too funny to be true.

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Running after a Baht bus to jump on it after it had pulled away....I jumped on the back metal step and my foot slid through the open gap just under the floor of the vehicle (some sandals become very slippy after a bit of wear on the soles), makes me shiver now just thinking about it. Luckily someone pressed the bell and it stopped immediately. I think though because it stopped so quickly the driver was a very observant man and seen or guessed what had happened. My God, what would have happened had he continued to speed away.

The second awful moment was whilst parked in the hard shoulder lane on my motorbike waiting for traffic lights to change (sometimes I parked in the line of traffic behind the car in front. A lorry ploughed into the line of traffic, guess he just wasn't concentrating, happens quite a bit over here. I would have been squashed like a fly had I been behind that last car. I do all the time ask my HP to take care of me...He,It,She...hasn't let me down yet.

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It was during the first Gulf War and my wife and son needed to make a phone call back to Oz . In those days you needed a telephone exchange or pay an exorbitant amount at a hotel to make an international call.

Anyway we ventured to one down near the river in a part of Bangkok for dinner neither of us had ever been, and then decided to make the phone call. Anyway it must have been the Muslim neighbourhood and we walked into the Telephone exchange and it was full of gentlemen in those long gowns and i thought then perhaps i should have chosen a different telephone exchange. and it was like we had dropped a pork flavoured fart. The whole place went silent and everybody stared at us. Then they then moved across the exit to block us in so we just proceeded to book and make our call as if there was nothing unusual. What else could we do? Then we tried to leave and we started getting gently jousted and spat at. We just kept on moving towards the door trying to be as non-confronting as possible. Some of them moved and some just stayed in our way and so we just moved around them . My wife was in tears by this time and i was shitting myself as there would be no way to fight our way out. We made it to the door and left without any real incident apart from being spat on and jousted. That was the scariest situation i have been in Thailand .

People who carry on like that are nothing more than scum.

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1976. Trekking with a friend and getting lost near the Myanmar border in the top of the ‘Golden Triangle’. 5 guys come out of the bush armed with military rifles. They tell us they have to ‘escort’ us as we are in a very dangerous place (!) Off we go with one guy following, chopping at the undergrowth with a large machete- very scary. He looked angry.

After walking with us for an hour or so they asked for money. I gave them $20 and they disappeared. My friend and I - still lost but alive.

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Thought I was eating popcorn chicken and found out it was joints of the feet..

But seriously, went into a cave in Kanchanburi with poor lighting and tripped. I was sliding off that I thought was an edge of a cliff to my death, as I could not see the other side. My feet stopped about two feet over the edge onto a ledge. It was actually pretty funny, but the tour pretty much ended there.

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Getting lost on the back roads of the dark side of Pattaya at dusk and realizing that I was likely where no solo farang woman had gone before. It was apparently drunk:30 and some of the looks I got as I rode by were less than savory.

How did I respond? I didn't stop and ask for directions, that's for sure. I hit the throttle and high tailed it out of there.

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The stark realization that I could be easily snuffed-out and no one would really care...it would be a suicide...of course...open and shut case...notify the embassy...and go hit up a few farangs for beer money...

I left Thailand while I still had my health and wits...miss many things...but not the constant in-your-face corruption...

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All were when I was riding a scooter, almost all involved, busses, cement trucks, mini vans.

What did I do, well what can you do, continue to be on the look out for drunk/high idiot

drivers, who will continue to drive like raving lunatics. coffee1.gif

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What was your scariest moment in Thailand?

Having a Mexican stand off with a fully grown... and not happy cobra on a single dirt track while mountain biking here in Mae Taeng.

I was riding though a tight, slightly down hill and over grown section of track. I knew the track well and at the bottom the track opened up a bit and bent left.... As I turned onto the open part of the track I saw the snake was crossing, I had to stop, this snake spanned the entire track, right to left and I couldn't go around him.

I locked the back up and the bike came to a stop side on to him and I was now only about a meter from him...... He hand turned to face me and was 'stood up' with his hood deployed, (as big a my two hands) he was well within sticking distance of me.

So, we both just stared at each other for what seemed forever, why he didn't strike, I don't know. The scary thing.... I was using cleats, (shoe clip-ins) and my right one was still clipped in, this leg was closest to him, at one point I tried to un-clip my foot, (it involves moving my heal side ways to un-clip the shoe)........ He didn't like that and stopped making small circular movements and lent back, I took this as he was going to strike and stopped moving, he then went back to making small circular movements........ Anyway it all ended when I slowly turned my head to see behind me, so when I had a bail for it, I wasn't going to run into a tree..... When I looked back he was down and moving away at a rate of knots...... It would seem just breaking eye contact was enough.... A tactic I've yet to master with the bar girls.

Not the first encounter or the last, but the scariest so far...... So far!

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Private question, so all I'm gonna say is:

It involved a mix of 3 lines of cocaine, half a gram of meth, 4 police officers, 2 black guys, a violent bar brawl, a knife stabbing me in the ribcage, 2 prostitutes, a midget, a lawyer, and a 10 wheeler truck. All in one night.200_s.gif

Cool, you were near nana. Satire..

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Seeing too many dead and injured on the roads. Not so much scary as shocking. Scariest moment was on a trip to China from here. I walked across a two lane highway carrying my 18 month old boy. But as they drive on the right I looked the wrong way. Only realised when I got to the centre reservation and the traffic zoomed past me. Felt completely sick to my boots. . Its something we should remind visitors here who come from a country that drives on the right. I'm especially careful when driving and see foreigners walking on the roads.. Had quite a few walk out without looking. Easily done!

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as others say its on the road, the daily drive gets to me. I used to scorn those 4 wd humvvee thigns as inefficient unpractical etc, you know, I don't need a 3 or 5 litre engine to get anywhere I want, and its not as if they out perform, also manouvering a big vehicle like that.

but it has the advantage of armour, ok it won't help with a big truck or heavy vehicle, but in those cases when I am close to the big vehicles I like to sacrifice a motorbike, you know, make sure there is a gap for a motorbike and do my best to keep them between me and the big vehicle. otherwise I overtake em very fast

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Incidentally, after six months, I returned my rented bike yesterday. Too many close calls and the constant thought that if I get taken out, my son will be here all alone until my husband can get to him.

I love to ride and I love the convenience, but it's just safer to stick to public transport and walking. Even those are not great options, but I think the decision will greatly improve my chances of survival.

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Asking the person I was in bed in with in Pattaya why they kept a picture of their brother on the bedside table.

She said "Don't be silly, that's me before the operation"

What did I do?

Moved 'up-country' and have been there ever since....................sad.png


I don't believe you, that's just too funny to be true.


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Narrowly avoiding being bitten by a little Cobra snake about 8 years ago on Phuket.

It reared,flared,exposed it's fangs and was going to bite.

Luckily i saw it only inches from my flip flop shod foot and jumped backwards instead of taking another step forward. Would've been curtains.

Therefore you're observing the good ol' Aussie reply to: "what steps do you take when there's a large snake on the track in front of you?"

Answer: Bloody big ones - backwards! wai.gif

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