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Who is the most unique individual you have known or associated with in Thailand?

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my wifes grandpa close or far removed, who kmows.

he lived to 90 +, in fang making a living trading from burma, thailand, lao cambodia and china via foot transport. travel time might be 1 or more years and every return was like christmas. his home was a bamboo hut 10 by 12 meter with access via egress given wide enough for motocycle. he was known to have suggestions for medical conditions/ sharman/ and was quite adapt at what he did. he did not charge for this as he adnitted it might not work.

never saw him enter a temple nor acknowledge most of the monks.

he passed away about 10 year ago. i tried to get wife to question him about his life experiences, but typical thai woman wanted to talk not listen.

the one thing that was repeated many times when japanese were mentioned ''he would spit''

i had a great uncle who would have fit into this mans morning tea time for conversatation as they both were expats before the name was known.

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A South American fella I met for drinks occassionally. He was a fountain of knowledge on almost any subject. He was a photographer but he had an in depth knowledge of process and control ( i used to be an instrument tech.) that went far far beyond what could be considered the basics.

He would talk a great deal about ANYTHING and it wasnt just bullsh.t. He knew his stuff. He went on a bit about his travel adventures and even talked about were Im from in the UK like he was a local including bus numbers. It was almost spooky and im sorry we lost touch. Quite the character. Liked his jazz as well.


Grandpa sounds like an amazing chap, as does Nikmar's South Am chap.

The most amazing person I know in Thailand is my wife. Yes...I hear the sighs and groans, never mind. She has such a wonderful combination of Thai/Western attitudes...the best of both, that she is indeed a joy to know and to have at my side here.


Grandpa sounds like an amazing chap, as does Nikmar's South Am chap.

The most amazing person I know in Thailand is my wife. Yes...I hear the sighs and groans, never mind. She has such a wonderful combination of Thai/Western attitudes...the best of both, that she is indeed a joy to know and to have at my side here.

well soppy but how i feel about my missis as well. the best company i could wish for, especially on a saturday night with a few leos. a good mix of humour with just a touch of thai craziness.thumbsup.gif


I have been lucky enough to have known some interesting people over the span of my many years in Thailand but one stands out in my memories. She was considerably older than me and the aunt of a kid I was tutoring in their family compound. We developed a bond which not everyone understood or approved of, but there was never anything lewd or improper about our relationship.

She grew up in Government House when it was still a family residence, before it became the property of the government in 1941, I believe. Her father and uncle worked closely with a past king and she had many interesting stories to tell of her childhood, most of which I promised never to repeat. She introduced me to many of her lifelong friends and they in turn had interesting stories of their own to tell.
Without the kind mentoring of that one woman I would never have met any of her friends and my life in Thailand would have been very different. She was definitely unique and had a defining impact on my life here.

Knew a couple that lived in Pai.....frustrated actor and actress just just knew that was their calling in life....he must have been fairly good at it as he convinced the system in his home country he was mentally unfit and got benefits from it enough to live in many places toking around the world......they were out there.....and would be lively one minute and mentally completely absent the next.......how he drove I don't know.......they consulted a crystal on every decision ...... you never knew where the conversation came from - or was going......

A few years back I rented a bungalo in CM for a few days while the world series was on so I could watch the games......there they were - so of course they want to visit for the games.....I did my best to smile but tune him out and watch the game.....all of a sudden he gets loud and starts saying ALIENS ALIENS real loud - I said what????? Again ALIENS real loud → looked around and didn't see any so I asked again......he said ALIENS -----> 9/11 never happened - the twin towers were attacked by flying saucers - well that somehow tied into the World Series for him.....last I heard they were rounded up in a purge of undesireables told to get things finalized in 48 hours and driven to the airport and given a one way ticket to CM.....they left Thailand shortly afterwards......

In talking to someone else that knew them & there was a lot of bizarre antics that led to their being told to leave - their car never got a scratch....

Don't know where they are now - and they probably don't either.....


I should mention my sons guitar teacher. Probably my best thai friend here.

Hes a muslim but loves nothing more than a night on the whisky and a plate of laab muu. He s welcome in my home anytime.


I have been lucky enough to have known some interesting people over the span of my many years in Thailand but one stands out in my memories. She was considerably older than me and the aunt of a kid I was tutoring in their family compound. We developed a bond which not everyone understood or approved of, but there was never anything lewd or improper about our relationship.

She grew up in Government House when it was still a family residence, before it became the property of the government in 1941, I believe. Her father and uncle worked closely with a past king and she had many interesting stories to tell of her childhood, most of which I promised never to repeat. She introduced me to many of her lifelong friends and they in turn had interesting stories of their own to tell.
Without the kind mentoring of that one woman I would never have met any of her friends and my life in Thailand would have been very different. She was definitely unique and had a defining impact on my life here.

From the above: she had many interesting stories to tell of her childhood, most of which I promised never to repeat. Oh come on -- we're just dying to hear one of them non-repeatables.


I have been lucky enough to have known some interesting people over the span of my many years in Thailand but one stands out in my memories. She was considerably older than me and the aunt of a kid I was tutoring in their family compound. We developed a bond which not everyone understood or approved of, but there was never anything lewd or improper about our relationship.

She grew up in Government House when it was still a family residence, before it became the property of the government in 1941, I believe. Her father and uncle worked closely with a past king and she had many interesting stories to tell of her childhood, most of which I promised never to repeat. She introduced me to many of her lifelong friends and they in turn had interesting stories of their own to tell.
Without the kind mentoring of that one woman I would never have met any of her friends and my life in Thailand would have been very different. She was definitely unique and had a defining impact on my life here.

From the above: she had many interesting stories to tell of her childhood, most of which I promised never to repeat. Oh come on -- we're just dying to hear one of them non-repeatables.

Yes we are...but come on, a promise is a promise. Don't press him.thumbsup.gif


I have been lucky enough to have known some interesting people over the span of my many years in Thailand but one stands out in my memories. She was considerably older than me and the aunt of a kid I was tutoring in their family compound. We developed a bond which not everyone understood or approved of, but there was never anything lewd or improper about our relationship.

She grew up in Government House when it was still a family residence, before it became the property of the government in 1941, I believe. Her father and uncle worked closely with a past king and she had many interesting stories to tell of her childhood, most of which I promised never to repeat. She introduced me to many of her lifelong friends and they in turn had interesting stories of their own to tell.
Without the kind mentoring of that one woman I would never have met any of her friends and my life in Thailand would have been very different. She was definitely unique and had a defining impact on my life here.

From the above: she had many interesting stories to tell of her childhood, most of which I promised never to repeat. Oh come on -- we're just dying to hear one of them non-repeatables.

Yes we are...but come on, a promise is a promise. Don't press him.thumbsup.gif

So I guess he never promised that he wouldn't tell anyone that he made a promise that he wouldn't tell.


My g/f of over 3 years. Guess its time to duck and avoid the rotten tomatoes. I tried and tried on this one and she is the only one I can come up with. A close first is Lee at Lees coffee shop great young man who will succeed in life.


If you happened to have one honest, trustworthy, unselfish Thai friend, than you have

done very well for your self.....


If you happened to have one honest, trustworthy, unselfish Thai friend, than you have

done very well for your self.....

I can only speak from personal experience but I find that comment very unkind and not representative of the Thais I have known. (It should be then not than.)


I have been lucky enough to have known some interesting people over the span of my many years in Thailand but one stands out in my memories. She was considerably older than me and the aunt of a kid I was tutoring in their family compound. We developed a bond which not everyone understood or approved of, but there was never anything lewd or improper about our relationship.

She grew up in Government House when it was still a family residence, before it became the property of the government in 1941, I believe. Her father and uncle worked closely with a past king and she had many interesting stories to tell of her childhood, most of which I promised never to repeat. She introduced me to many of her lifelong friends and they in turn had interesting stories of their own to tell.
Without the kind mentoring of that one woman I would never have met any of her friends and my life in Thailand would have been very different. She was definitely unique and had a defining impact on my life here.

From the above: she had many interesting stories to tell of her childhood, most of which I promised never to repeat. Oh come on -- we're just dying to hear one of them non-repeatables.

Yes we are...but come on, a promise is a promise. Don't press him.thumbsup.gif

I have come to view crab’s comments as rhetorical and crafted to display his wit and charm.wink.png


If you happened to have one honest, trustworthy, unselfish Thai friend, than you have

done very well for your self.....

I can only speak from personal experience but I find that comment very unkind and not representative of the Thais I have known. (It should be then not than.)

Ezzra's statement seems to say more about himself than Thais.


i have this older guy, must be a friend of my wife or so,

He always steps in to me when i go in the bathroom, when i shave, when i brush my teeth...

He just looks weird and old...

If i ask my wife who this old man was, she just smile's and she looks happy...

So i don't care... he must be the best person in Thailand, coz he makes my wife smile...


A district nurse here in the Chonburi area. We were close friends for about 2 years, she was a strange person in many ways; always telling me of "numbers" dates, and that kind of stuff,what it all meant in the future; she was a bit like a fortune teller. The last time I saw her was at songkran 1995;12 April, she deeply "waied" me and strongly thanked me for everything I had been to her. She was killed next morning April13 supposedly in a road accident;I didn't find out till 2 days after. One month after I met a friend of hers from Bangkok in the most unusual and coincidental circumstances;it still makes my hair stand on end.That's another story.


Sr,Joan from Galway Ireland. Has spent over 50 years in Asia taking care of orphans and deprived children. From being helped out of Vietnam by the American soldiers to still working today at the same thing in Pattaya,....at over 80 years of age. God Bless her.


I have been lucky enough to have known some interesting people over the span of my many years in Thailand but one stands out in my memories. She was considerably older than me and the aunt of a kid I was tutoring in their family compound. We developed a bond which not everyone understood or approved of, but there was never anything lewd or improper about our relationship.

She grew up in Government House when it was still a family residence, before it became the property of the government in 1941, I believe. Her father and uncle worked closely with a past king and she had many interesting stories to tell of her childhood, most of which I promised never to repeat. She introduced me to many of her lifelong friends and they in turn had interesting stories of their own to tell.
Without the kind mentoring of that one woman I would never have met any of her friends and my life in Thailand would have been very different. She was definitely unique and had a defining impact on my life here.

From the above: she had many interesting stories to tell of her childhood, most of which I promised never to repeat. Oh come on -- we're just dying to hear one of them non-repeatables.

Yes we are...but come on, a promise is a promise. Don't press him.thumbsup.gif

I have come to view crab’s comments as rhetorical and crafted to display his wit and charm.wink.png

It takes lots of practice but that's something you can do when you don't have a view.


I kinda find it funny that you use the term "unique".....are we not ALL unique in our own special way.coffee1.gif

Still ...I did like the story of Granpaclap2.gif

I found ising'most unique' unusual, unique being unique in itself. It is absolute in that there can be no more or most.

Not giving an English lesson, just an observation.

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