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Question that Ive not seen posted here yet.


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I have a good friend that is in a relationship with a younger thai girl. This girls elder sister went home for a vacation/visit a month or so back and while she was there she decided it was a good idea to buy her father a motorcycle, because he wanted one. They say that dear old dad isn't all there in the head but thats beside the point. Anyway, elder sister went back to Pattaya, dad goes out for a ride and wipes out his new bike, in the process he takes out 2 kids and the person that was taking them to school. Now the family wants the younger sister and of course that means my friend, to pay the injured persons wages as she is in the hospital and not able to work. Ive heard all kinds of crazy shit before from my time in Thailand but Ive never heard of someone having to pay someone elses wages when there is an accident. I understand that insurance is compulsory and I also understand that the basic insurance doesn't pay very much but where Im from, if you get in an accident and you hurt someone, they will probably sue you, never heard of someone chipping in to pay their lost wages unless the court ordered it. Is this something that normally goes on here or does it seem that there might be more to this story that isn't being told here?

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And that is just what it is ......."a story"....to get money out of you!

If true, still has NOTHING to do with you, let "the father" work it out ....he did it! and if the girlfriend keeps pushing ...MOVE ON!

How do the other 60 million Thai's deal with the problem....NOT everyone of them has a farang to pay when they mess up.

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A while ago my ex gf opened a taxi door and a motorcycle hit it. After getting the point across that the Thai girl in the back of the taxi opened her door and not the farang in the front seat did it. We went to the police station the next day to sort it all out. Of course all the blame was put on andthe girl with the farang, until the farang showed the drivers book to the police to show that it is illegal for a motorcye to overtake on the curb side of the car. But for good measure the girl handed an envelope to the girl that was on the back of the bike with a 1,000 baht to help with lost wages, the two days she was out of work.

Don't let the farang go to police station, have an envelope on the ready with a few K in it to help. Everyone leaves happy, everyone saves face deal closed.

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Your "friend" wasn't involved in the accident so tell "him" not to get involved in its outcome. Leave it to the Thais to sort out. Get them to tell the other parties that farang has gone home.

The family are not asking, or telling the 'boyfriend' to pay......not directly, they are telling the younger daughter to provide some money to help the family settle this issue. The fact she has, (maybe) a 'rich' farang boyfriend may be a factor.

As for the boyfriend not having to pay anything...for sure he doesn't have to, but the younger daughter will be under pressure to help out and finance this family problem out, because whether you like it or not this is a family issue for Thais.

As for us farang getting involved... Back in our own country, I don't think so, why would we? We had nothing to do with what happened, that is our culture OK, in Thailand, legally we have no involvement, but if your dating or married to a Thai your gonna be sucked in to the family problems.

What's interesting is the OP makes no mention of 'his friend' being squished for money by the family or his girlfriend, just that the younger daughter is having pressure put on to pay some money. Well, gotta say this is common in Thailand. The main reason for this is to keep it out of the courts and the hands of solicitors, they don't want to go down that route for the same reasons any of us want don't want to go down that road, so....They will try and settle all out of the whole legal system.

Lastly the OP makes no mention of how far along in the relationship his 'friend is with the younger daughter? What is his relationship with her family, are they good people? Not all Thai family's, rich or poor are trying to steel your pension book, most are just trying to get by like the rest of us, another factor, (whether you like it or not) if you are dating a Thai and having meet the family......For most descent Thai family this is seen as a form of commitment to there daughter and the local community...(I'm not talking renting a bit of fluff) I'm talking about dating! If you have meet the family, as her boyfriend you have mad an unspoken commitment in Thai culture.

Personally, I would not just 'bolt', if my girlfriend was the one and her family were good people and if I did a bit of digging and found this was all genuine, would I really ditch, possibly the woman I love for a few thousand baht and a fear of being ripped off?

Bottom line...... Not enough info regarding the relationship with the younger daughter and her family to say what I would do....

Good luck......to your friend!

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Why has this been moved to bikes forum? It very little to do with bikes and more to do with liability or girl/wife problems.

My thoughts also.

We have a moderator on here that is just like my previous wife, she was also moving furniture around the house,

With the wife I was told it was some kind of anxiety problem.

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Interesting answers, and yes it truly is my friends problem and not mine. He met this girl back in February and they hit it off pretty well. He has met the older sister that bought the motorcycle as well as the older brother but he has not met the father and the mother died several years ago. From what I was told the bike is messed up but possibly not totaled and yes money was also asked for to get it repaired. I simply wanted to know if its a common thing for Thais that are involved in accidents, to pay for the other parties lost wages, over and above what may be covered by insurance?

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Yes it is, Åland but I hope your friend keeps "in the shadows" when money is spoken about.

My mates girl reversed back in her CRV and knocked over a CB150. No damage done except 2 x 3cm scratches that could have been polished out. That small "dink" cost her 2000b because farangs where in the car as passengers!

Best of luck to him.

Edited by DILLIGAD
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Interesting answers, and yes it truly is my friends problem and not mine. He met this girl back in February and they hit it off pretty well. He has met the older sister that bought the motorcycle as well as the older brother but he has not met the father and the mother died several years ago. From what I was told the bike is messed up but possibly not totaled and yes money was also asked for to get it repaired. I simply wanted to know if its a common thing for Thais that are involved in accidents, to pay for the other parties lost wages, over and above what may be covered by insurance?

And the simple answer is ..."YES"

I think Tonto posted a very comprehensive explanation of how Thai's deal with this.

In addition to lost wages many times the offending party pays hospital bills TOO!

Yes, there is insurance ...but like all insurance companies they are loathe to pay so to expedite things the party at fault may just pay a few thousand baht for "lost wages and hospital costs"

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Interesting answers, and yes it truly is my friends problem and not mine. He met this girl back in February and they hit it off pretty well. He has met the older sister that bought the motorcycle as well as the older brother but he has not met the father and the mother died several years ago. From what I was told the bike is messed up but possibly not totaled and yes money was also asked for to get it repaired. I simply wanted to know if its a common thing for Thais that are involved in accidents, to pay for the other parties lost wages, over and above what may be covered by insurance?

Yes, it's very common... Not just accidents but all issues that involve the family and money. The legal system in Thailand is antiquate and very hard to get things sorted, unless you have money to start with. People do it themselves where they can and families are expected to help.

Insurance… Government insurance will only cover basic medical care, 1st class insurance, (Full Comp) some have some not.

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I have a good friend that is in a relationship with a younger thai girl. This girls elder sister went home for a vacation/visit a month or so back and while she was there she decided it was a good idea to buy her father a motorcycle, because he wanted one. They say that dear old dad isn't all there in the head but thats beside the point. Anyway, elder sister went back to Pattaya, dad goes out for a ride and wipes out his new bike, in the process he takes out 2 kids and the person that was taking them to school. Now the family wants the younger sister and of course that means my friend, to pay the injured persons wages as she is in the hospital and not able to work. Ive heard all kinds of crazy shit before from my time in Thailand but Ive never heard of someone having to pay someone elses wages when there is an accident. I understand that insurance is compulsory and I also understand that the basic insurance doesn't pay very much but where Im from, if you get in an accident and you hurt someone, they will probably sue you, never heard of someone chipping in to pay their lost wages unless the court ordered it. Is this something that normally goes on here or does it seem that there might be more to this story that isn't being told here?

"Now the family wants the younger sister and of course that means my friend"

It's not your friend's problem. Tell him to wake up.

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"Now the family wants the younger sister and of course that means my friend, to pay the injured persons wages as she is in the hospital and not able to work."

I'm confused as to why if the younger sister is expected to pay, that means your friend. Why does he feel responsible? My own girlfriend deals with her own problems, she wouldn't dream of asking me. I really, really can't understand guys allowing girls and their families to see them as an ATM.

So my advice to your friend would be to tell him to tell her that it isn't her problem. I mean seriously, what kind of a mug is he if he pays out?!

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