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Resorts in Harare and Bulawayo secretly record guests having sex and then sell the footage

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Resorts in Harare and Bulawayo secretly record guests having sex and then sell the footage

SYDNEY: -- RESORTS, where several World Heritage sites are sited, are secretly filming guests having sex and then selling the tapes, according to an ex-worker.

Several lodges in and around Bulawayo — Zimbabwe’s second city — are believed to have installed hidden cameras to catch unknowing guests having sex.

The former employee told myzimbabwe.co.zw that the lodges involved had originated in the capital Harare but the scam had spread to lodges and low-cost hotels throughout Bulawayo.

“The idea is being engineered by Nigerian business people who install the equipment in the rooms and capture unsuspecting clients in the act,” said the man.

Full story: http://www.news.com.au/travel/travel-updates/resorts-in-harare-and-bulawayo-secretly-record-guests-having-sex-and-then-sell-the-footage/story-e6frfq80-1227433745032

-- News.com.au 2015-07-08


Zimbabwe???? aha ok, is that the place where you buy bread with a 100 trillion dollars banknote ?

I wonder how much those sex tapes cost? like 1000 zillion trillions billion dollars for 1 CD?

by the time I have finished counting the money I have no energy to watch any sex tape....


Well ... and all this will happen in Thailand then anybody is surprised ?

I don't see anything funny about it like it seems everybody else in here does ...


I'm surprised that "resorts" around Harare or Bulawayo still have guests.

I haven't been in either place in over 20 years and even back then visitors' facilities were on a steep downhill slide.


Some Taiwanese friends told me a few years ago that it was common in Taipei and other cities for hidden CCTV cameras to be installed in hotel rooms ostensibly for "security" purposes but the sex scenes often appeared on porn CDs sold in the markets. I am not sure if this practice has died out or if it still goes on but either way it is a deeply unpleasant thought.


Some Taiwanese friends told me a few years ago that it was common in Taipei and other cities for hidden CCTV cameras to be installed in hotel rooms ostensibly for "security" purposes but the sex scenes often appeared on porn CDs sold in the markets. I am not sure if this practice has died out or if it still goes on but either way it is a deeply unpleasant thought.

Now you've buggered it!

All those Thai 'resorts' (short time motels) owners will be reading this, and installing cameras in the rooms.


I still remember the song "Peace will come to Zimbabwe"...

Only natural that Love is following Peacebiggrin.png


Well ... and all this will happen in Thailand then anybody is surprised ?

I don't see anything funny about it like it seems everybody else in here does ...

Agreed. And it wouldn't surprise me based on the miniature size of cameras these days ( that can easily be hidden ) that this kind of thing is also going on in other places - a lot more than people think.


Some Thai massage parlors and hotels have been doing this for over 50 years...

The real question here is...why would anyone buy this stuff? The internet is saturated with people wanting to show they know how to engage in sex...



Ah yes the mighty nation of Zimbabwe with one of the last psycho dictators in Africa - last time I read about Mugabe was at his 91st birthday party where the moron was eating a baby elephant ... bah.gif Meanwhile his people is starving to death


they would catch me masturbating

... probably nice if it goes public for everybody to see

Some people realy think that "privacy" has no value where in fact it is a basic human RIGHT !!!

[... even if people are stupid enough to give their privacy away on faceshit [... sorry, facebook]]


Some Thai massage parlors and hotels have been doing this for over 50 years...

The real question here is...why would anyone buy this stuff? The internet is saturated with people wanting to show they know how to engage in sex...


True for sure as I have been told by a reliable Thai guy that in many short time rooms above the bars there are indeed secret cameras taking in all of the action . You may be famous now for all you know clap2.gif . Be careful out there


So, stage a gruesome fake murder in one of the rooms and when the video is shown as evidence the cat is out of the bag, assuming authorities there have laws against privacy invasion. At least first world travel publications would run with the story and blacklist resorts and destinations that are complicit.


So, before you do the dirty deed in a room in Thailand, check if the thief under the bed has a camera.


I wonder what there is to see in two black people having sex with the lights out?

Racist and tasteless. The "likes" seem to subscribe to the same perverted views.

The light of tolerance and love is lacking in those that keep their eyes closed.

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