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Quite odd baht bus incident (pickpockets?)


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OK, this is a weird one and I'm not really sure what happened, but here it is.

As some know, some years ago I was pickpocketed on baht bus by a gang of homely middle aged Thai ladies carrying ridiculously large empty looking bags.

So after that I am even more aware of potential pickpocket situations on baht buses.

So anyway, on a crowded bus and I'm sitting on the left side right next to the back of the driver's cab.

Thai lady gets on, carrying two big bags and sits to the right of me.

She seemed to have male mate.

I was already perked up.

Then seems to make a big drama out of pushing herself right next to me much more than really seemed warranted by the passenger load.

OK, full alert.

Hand locked over my right pocket.

It didn't seem possible that she could do anything unless there was something more fancy going, like getting sprayed with mustard or something.

So later on some people get off. Plenty of space now and she's still in full side body contact for no reason at all.

I couldn't have been more suspicious of her if she was wearing a big face tattoo saying: DANGER! THIEF!

So as discreetly as possible I move to an emptier space on the bus ... not confronting her, and figured that's that, nothing she can do now

OK now I'm on the left side at the back of the bus ... and she then moves to sit to the left of me.

Wow. Didn't see that coming!

So of course hand locked over pocket but still feel she must have a fancy trick she's gonna play if she thinks she can get someone so aware of her and obviously always locking pocket.

I'm almost curious what it will be but not so much as to want to be robbed.

So the male mate is now sitting on the other side, end of bus.
Here goes -- He asks the time!

Now my watch is on my left wrist so if I raise my wrist I will leave my left pocket exposed.

But of course there's always the chance this isn't a setup and I was raised better than not giving the time of day if asked.

So I have one of those push a button light it up watches ... so without unlocking my pocket hand I move my right hand over to push the light ... and tell him the time.

If he was wise to how wise I was ... I couldn't say ... poker face.

Then it was my stop.

So if this was really a team ... that was the last ditch trick ... to ask the time.

Or maybe they weren't thieves.

But wait. There is more.

When I got home there was something missing. Something basically worthless from one of my bottom knee pockets. I didn't even bother to guard that, and no I don't often just lose things from any pockets, even worthless things.

So if she got into that pocket she was a true artist ... because I totally didn't see that!

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In retrospect I wonder why I just didn't get off the bus much earlier.

I thought about doing that right away but didn't see how she could possibly get at my right pocket as I was clutching it so hard.

Later when I moved and she moved, that's when I realized, this could be hard core and maybe a stunt is coming.

I really should have gotten off right away then ...

Live and learn.

If this team is really how they seemed to me I reckon they succeed a lot ... most tourists would certainly not be so guarded not to mention they are often drunk.

Of course, if they really weren't thieves that guy asking me the time must have thought I'm bat sheit crazy with my light up my watch acrobatics. I can live with that!

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They were trying to rob you.

but surprised they carried it so far.

I think so too but that's why I find it so odd.

I was obviously on full guard.

Pros would know that.

Pros would generally go for easier marks.

Maybe it's like a sport to them ... more fun if they get someone harder.

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Not necessarily violent but the DISTRACTION game. If I'm right about the watch, then that would work on some people. People want to be polite. I would have been in a fix if I had had to move my hand to see the time ... probably would have had to play dumb like no speaka da English, maybe posed as rude Russkie ... buy your own watch, what am I, a clock?

No way was I was moving that hand!

BTW, I was robbed/mugged once in Rio in an incident that involved a watch.

In broad daylight I accidentally walked into a very dodgy area and I could tell right away, danger danger danger.

Anyway a local spotted me as a foreigner and to make sure, he asked the time!

So I was forced to give myself away as a foreign tourist if it wasn't already obvious and then ... it wasn't good.

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Since the yelling across the street "Hello Sexy Man" has gone out of fashion (it seems), it must be a new way for the ladies to demonstrate to the Farang that they consider him as "A Sexy Man".

I would start fumbling her right away. If the fumbling is done with true conviction, she might just throw overboard any previous pickpocketing-plans.


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There is a team who get on loaded baht busses at Tops on Second Rd/Pattaya Klang.

A friend got done by them a few weeks ago. They tried it the following night and tried to pick his pocket again. He confronted them and got his wallet back.

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There is a team who get on loaded baht busses at Tops on Second Rd/Pattaya Klang.

A friend got done by them a few weeks ago. They tried it the following night and tried to pick his pocket again. He confronted them and got his wallet back.

good thing they happened to still have it.

walter mitty to the rescue

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Often there is a third guy on motorbikes trailing behind, even if you managed to caught them in the act and stop the car and strip-searched them, your wallet'd be gone.

Too bad the lady is not attractive, otherwise I'd be off to get 3-4 cheap wallets from the market right away

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I would have told her to move away as soon as there was no reason for her to sit so close and if she played dumb, moved to the opposite side. If she changed sides after that, I would get my smartphone out, take their pictures. Then ring the stop bell and loudly state that you need to get to Soi 9 very quickly. Take a picture of them in the songtaew as it pulls away.

This crime is not just opportunistic or else they would be riding around for ages for the one-hit wonder. Some drivers are very likely in collusion with the pick-pockets to make it quite lucrative. Since the OP is a habitual baht bus rider, maybe start keeping a note of the number of the songtaews where you find these low-lifes. I think you may be surprised.

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A guy I worked with in England sewed fish hooks to the inside pocket of his jacket but kept his wallet in his trousers, but the only pick pocket he caught was his wife when she checked his pockets for hidden cash, she never did it again

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Yes during the actual time I was hit I strongly suspected the driver was in on it.

Not into confronting local crims. My mantra is avoidance. I think asking her to move would be too aggressive.

Thanks for the warning. I think anything remotely like this from now on and I will just press the buzzer and abort the journey. Better to write off 10 baht than lose your valuables.

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About 4 months ago had exactly the same happen to me, but I didn't realise until it was to late. 1000 baht straight out of a sip pocket. 2 people same tactics.

Have to say it was all done very skilfully and I had never been pick pocketed before so i put it down to an experience and lesson learnt

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I was 'done' in Indonesia a few years ago.

Sat in a fairly empty movie theatre, and didn't really take any notice that a couple of guys sat in the row in front of me.

When I left, I hauled my wallet out of my backpack to pay a bus fare, and it was totally empty!

They'd used a hook and dragged the backpack under the seats and returned it minus the wallet contents.

On their version of a song taew, a common trick was for the bar...ds was to start a fight or vomit loudly, while their friends helped themselves to bags or pockets.

They helped themselves to friend's passports, as they were heading to the airport. They missed their flights and had to wait for replacements for 3 days!

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A few years ago, when my daughter was still in her pram, we were all out for a walk on beach road. We jumped on a baht bus - pram included. An American guy got on as well and he was talking to us. Shortly afterwards a heavily pregnant Thai woman got on and also a ladyboy with a big empty bag. The lady boy sat beside the American guy and I noticed what he was up to. I warned the guy and he then put his hands in his pockets to prevent the LB stealing anything. The LB and woman jumped out with the woman giving us all a mouthful of abuse!

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a similar thing as OP mentioned happened to me a few months ago travelling down Suk towards Bkk Pattaya Hospital. i always put my wallet in the same pocket as my phone before i get on a Baht Bus so i can keep a hand on them. A young woman and man got on around Sth Pattaya, the woman kept following me around whether i moved a little or to the other side and remained 'connected' with me, while the male stayed opposite. i was thinking of getting off and eventually when we were the only ones left, i just stood at the back of the bus. While i was concerned about getting pick pocketed, i was more concerned about being accused of sexual harassment; had a friend a few years back that was accused of this and had to pay 50k so the police wouldn't throw him in gaol.

Almost makes you want to have a hidden video camera for evidence!! ph34r.png

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I got nicked by a homely gang of witches last summer on 2nd Road. 4 of 'em got on and sat all around me engaging in conversation. I thought there was no way they could get my money which was folded up in my pants pocket. I saw the young one take some bills and hand them to her friend across the aisle, not realizing that they were the bills from my pocket!! Yep, in less than a minute after they got on, I was had. I saw the older hag creeping her fingers toward my lower pants pocket on my cargo shorts. I tapped my money pocket and felt some bills so I though I was good. I got off and immediately checked the wad. She had pinched the big bills from the middle of the wad and left me a few 20s. Of course, the bus was gone by then. LBs and homely hags in groups of two or more are all suspect.

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